Side Chic (19 page)

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Authors: La'Tonya West

BOOK: Side Chic
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“Yeah but I can’t stay long because I am leaving early in the morning to go back home.”

“Alright, I’ll see you then. I’ll call you when I am almost there.”

“Okay.” We hung up and I laid down to get a nap in before I had to go and meet Tre. Not too long after
dozing off
woke up
to my phone ringing and having
sharp pains in the bottom of my stomach. They weren’t unbearable but they were painful enough.
I grabbed my phone and answered it.

“Hey, I’m almost at Service Master.” Tre said as soon as I answered.

“Okay, I’ll be there.”

“Alright…” We hung up and
I got up, went into the kitchen and got a glass of water. Then I went into the bathroom and got the Tylenol out of the medicine cabinet and took two. I went back
to my room and got dressed, then left to go meet Tre.

















On the drive back to Service Master I was happy as fuck to know that Lala had calmed down. I knew without a doubt that I could change her mind about the paternity and child support shit that she’d been yapping about earlier. I’d known that she’d said all of it out of anger but
I’d also known that there was no way in hell that I could let her go through with it because there was no way in hell that I could possibly hide all of that shit without Kisha finding out. I knew that when I talked to her I had to choose my words carefully so that I wouldn’t set her off again. As long as I kept her happy I had a chance at keeping this shit quiet.

I pulled into the parking lot at Service Master and parked next to my car. Lala hadn’t arrived yet, so I turned on the radio and sat in the van and waited. A few minutes later Lala pulled up and parked next to me. I got out of the van and walked over to her car. She unlocked the door and I got in on the passenger side. She looked really tired. For the first time, I took a minute to really look at her. Her hair had grown a lot in the past few months and even though she’d put on a lot of weight due to the pregnancy she was still beautiful as ever. I had to admit she looked really cute pregnant.

“Hey.” She spoke first.

“Hey. I know it’s late and you’re tired so I won’t hold you long.” I told her. “Look I want to apologize again for putting my hands on you.” She didn’t say anything she just nodded her head. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were pregnant before you left?”

“Honestly, I didn’t know how to tell you. I was afraid. I knew that you wouldn’t be too happy about it because of your situation and I assumed that you would more than likely ask me to get an abortion. I wasn’t sure if that was what I wanted. I didn’t really decide to keep what I thought was one baby until after I had left. I just couldn’t bring myself to have an abortion. I figured that I would just keep the baby and raise it by myself. Of course when I found out later that I
was pregnant with twins, I thought that maybe I should’ve went ahead and got an abortion because two babies were going to be a lot more responsibility than what I had planned for. Then I realized that regardless of whether it was one or two they were still mine and it would have been fucked up for me to kill them because of the fucked up choices that I made.”

I nodded my head. “So what made you decide to come back and tell me now?”

“Well my parents and my friend Nisey convinced me to tell you. They felt like you had the right to know and then decide whether or not you wanted to be a part of the babies lives or not. If it were left up to me, I probably wouldn’t have ever told you but the more I thought about what they were saying. I figured they had a point. I would want to know if I had a child or children somewhere out here in the world if I were a man. I would want the mother to give me the opportunity to make my own decision as to whether or not I wanted to be a part of my child’s life or not.”

I sat up
and placed my head in my hands. “Fuck! This right here is crazy!” I knew that I couldn’t blame this all on her. I couldn’t even be mad at the fact that she hadn’t gotten an abortion. She had the right to choose to keep the babies but this just wasn’t a good situation for me. Regardless of how long I hid this shit from Kisha it was bo
nd to come out sooner or later. I coul
dn’t hide two damn kids and another babymama forever!
I sat back up and looked over at Lala. “I have to ask you this and I hope that you don’t take this the wrong way. But are you sure those are my babies?”

She let out a sarcastic chuckle and shook her head. “Nigga are you serious? Are you really sitting here asking me this shit?” She screamed banging her hand on the steering wheel! “Before I left you and I both know it was all about you! I didn’t even have time to fuck with another nigga because every minute that you got away from Kisha we were together. No matter what time you called day or night I was always available! So when did I have time for another nigga Tre?”

I saw her getting upset so I tried to defuse the situation before it got out of hand. “Calm down Lala…”

“No fuck that! I am sick of you treating me like I’m some hoe! I haven’t been with anyone but you! You and only you! I can’t even imagine fucking with another man! Do you know why? Huh?”

I knew she wanted me to ask so I did. “Why?”

“Because I love you…” Her voice cracked and the tears began to roll. “I know that you don’t love me or even have feelings for me but that doesn’t change the way that I feel about you. I missed you so much when I was away that it hurt. I missed laughing with you and us talking for hours about any and everything. I missed you making love to me, the way that your body felt against mine, how your lips felt on my skin, the way that you smell, and the way that you taste…I missed everything. I just missed you…us. You have no idea what I have been going through since that day that I left. I not only lost my lover but I lost my friend. People from the outside looking in can judge me and say that I ain’t shit because I fell in love with and got pregnant by another woman’s man but all of those people can kiss my red ass. Those people don’t know how you made me feel when I was with you. It wasn’t just about sex with us. It was something much deeper than that. I wish that we could have met under different circumstance but fuck it…shit happens. I don’t regret being with you and if I had to do it all over again…I would.”

Hearing her pour her heart out to me like that did something to me. Before I had a chance to think about what I was doing I leaned over and covered her lips with mine. We kissed like two long lost lovers. I can’t say how long the kiss lasted
but Lala was the first to pull back. She grabbed her stomach and grimaced like she was in pain.

“What’s wrong?” I asked unconsciously touching her belly.

“Nothing…just had a
pain that’s all. I’m fine.” She assured me but the look on her face was saying something different.

“Are you sure that you are okay?” I asked removing my hand from her stomach.

“Yeah, I’m good.” She took my hand and placed it back on her stomach. “Don’t move it.” She looked at me with those beautiful green eyes that had trapped my ass in the beginning. She leaned over and kissed me again. I kissed her back enjoying the taste of her lips and tongue. I knew that I was dead wrong for what I was doing. The point of me coming here had been to try to come to some type of resolution to the shit that my dick had already gotten me into but instead I was making it even worst. My hand found its way underneath Lala’s shirt. I caressed her swollen breasts through her bra. I heard her let out a soft moan. I let go of her lips a
nd kissed a trail down her neck.

“Mmmmm…Tre, I’ve missed you so much. Make love to me…please.” Lala begged.

My dick was rock hard and standing at attention. I believe I wanted her just as bad or more than she wanted me at this moment. It had been a long time since I’d sampled her sweet
punany. I stopped kissing and nibbling her neck long enough to respond. “There isn’t enough room in here. We are going to have to move to the van.”

“I don’t care where we have to move to. Hell right now we could move on the ground. I haven’t had any since the last time we were together. My body is long overdue.”

Without further discussion we got out of her car and moved to the van. Once we were inside I undressed her from waist down and myself. “Are you comfortable?” I asked her.

“Not really but I’ll be alright.”
She responded as she turned on her side.

“I remember the first time that you let me taste it was in the back of this van.” I reminded her as I kissed up her thigh.

“I wish that you’
d stop teasing me and taste it

“Turn around.”

She got up on all fours and I got behind her. I used my hands to spread her
cheeks giving me an open view of her beautiful pink pussy. I didn’t waste any time diving in. I licked and sucked on her clit for less than a minute before she started to scream and holler while her legs shook uncontrollably. “Oh shit Tre!” I sat up and smiled.
It was just like old times when I used to make her cum with little or no effort!

“Mmmm…you know that I ain’t finished yet.” I put my face back where it had just come from and brought her to another powerful orgasm before entering her from behind. I took my time and stroked her nice and slow. I didn’t want to hurt her.
The way that her muscles gripped my dick sucking me in deeper should have been against the law! She was so wet that her pussy was talking to me! “Damn baby this pussy is good.” I growled.

“Mmmm…you missed this pussy didn’t you, daddy?” She asked as she threw her hips back to meet my thrusts.

“Fuck yeah…I missed this shit girl.” I leaned over and planted kisses on her back as I continued to grind deep inside of her. I felt my orgasm building and I picked up the pace a little.

“Ooowww…Tre…slow down!” Lala squealed. I was in a zone as I continued to pump faster until I exploded inside of her. “Ooouuccch! Fuck! Tre…that shit hurt!”
She had one had behind her pushing in my stomach trying to push me away.

“I’m sorry…baby.” I apologized as I collapsed on top of her sweating and trying to catch my breath. I had forgotten just how good her pussy was. “Damn girl…”

“Move so that I can get up!”
snapped. “You going all crazy like you ain’t got no sense! I told you that mess hurt!”

I smacked her on the butt before moving so that she could get up. “I said that I was sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you but it wasn’t my fault.”

“Who’s was it then?” She asked getting dressed.

“Yours cuz your stuff shouldn’t be so good.” I laughed as I slipped on my boxers and shorts. After we were both done getting dressed I helped her out of the back of the van and then walked her back over to her car.

“So what are we going to do?” She asked leaning back against the car and looking up at me.

“I am going to keep in contact with you after you go back and then once the babies are born I am going to start sending you money every two weeks to help you out. I am going to send you something next week to help get whatever you might need for them before they get here.” I reached out and rubbed her belly.

“That’s all good but what about you seeing them or possibly being there when they are born?”

“I’m going to try and see them when I can even if you and I have to meet up half way or something. We’ll work something out when the time comes.” I assured her. “Now as far as me being there when they are born…I can’t promise you that. You know my situation now. I can try my best but you and I both know that I am not going to be there like you want me to be or even how I want to be.”

I could tell by the expression on her face that she wasn’t really happy with my response but instead of putting up a fuss she just simply said. “Okay.”

“Alright well I am going to let you go so that you can get some rest before you hit the road in the morning. Even though we haven’t quite seen eye to eye for the most of your visit, I am glad that we were able to come to an understanding before you left.” I pulled her into my arms. “Take care of yourself and my babies and I will be in touch. As a matter of fact
call me and let me know that you made it back safely.”

“I will.” She looked sad.

I kissed her on her forehead before releasing her and then opened her car door for her. She got inside and I closed the door. I stood there and watched her until she was out of the parking lot. I got in my car and headed home. One babymama taken care of at least for the time being…












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