Side Chic (7 page)

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Authors: La'Tonya West

BOOK: Side Chic
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“I don’t know.” I mumbled.

“Well you need to start finding out!”

“I know but if I tell him I don’t know what his reaction will be.”

She held up her hand. “Hold up! Are you saying that you think he will be upset with you or try to deny it?”

“No, I’m not saying that at all. Tre isn’t that kind of person. I’m just saying he
may want me to get rid of it because I know he doesn’t want his girl to find out and I am not sure if I want to get rid of it. Then again he may not ask me to get rid of it but of course I will have to keep my baby a secret. If I am going to have to keep it a secret anyways then I may as well raise it by myself and not tell him.”

“Lord have mercy, Lala. G
irl what were you thinking to be sleeping with this guy without using any protection or at least being on birth control?”

Why does
she always have to sound like a fuckin
after school special?
I thought to myself.
“I was on the pill Nita
I just forgot to take a few.” I admitted.

“Okay so did you also forget to ask him to wrap up his pickle?” She looked at me and waited for an answer.

“Nah, I didn’t forget we did use condoms a few times b
ut it didn’t feel as good.”
She shook her head. “Lala
, I don’t know what has gotten into you. You use to be such a smart young woman.”

“I still am a smart woman! I’ve just made a few dumb decisions. I’m not sitting over here saying that I am proud of all of the decisions that I’ve made but I also can’t sit here and tell you that I regret it all either because then I would be lying! I’m human! I’m not the first nor the last woman to ever sleep with somebody else’s man and get pregnant! So don’t sit over there and try to look down on me like I am! I am talking to you because I need somebody right now and I thought that of all the people in the world you are the one person that I could talk to! I appreciate
you keeping it real with me
but damn!” I snapped. I loved my cousin
to death but she was really starting to get on my nerves.

let out a frustrated breath. “Listen it’s not that I am trying to be a pain in your ass but honestly I just can’t help thinking about his girlfriend. She doesn’t deserve what the two of you have be
en doing to her behind her back!
She is home taking care of his children thinking that he is out working to provide for his family but in reality he is somewhere laid up with you! That shit is really fucked up! I remember how I felt when I walked in and caught Ron with those two bitches! I felt like someone had ripped my heart clean out of my body! I look at you day in and day out walking around here crying and moping over somebody else’s man! Are you fucking kidding me? For real for real you need your ass whooped!”
I gave her the look li
ke no this heifer didn’t. “Ummm…
first and foremost if his babymama think
bad enough to whoop my ass then she is more than welcome to come try it! Second of all what went down with Tre and I don’t have shit to do with Ron fucking prostitutes in your home
in your bed! Yeah I know that what we were doing
wrong but I will say it again it is done now and
I can’t change it! How you gone try to talk shit to me because your man fucked up?
That ain’t got shit to do with me! You knew before I got here what the deal was because I had told you
! If you felt like me being here was going to make you relive some old pain then you should’ve told me that I couldn’t come! Not walk around here saying lil fly shit because you feeling some type of way about what Ron did! I didn’t fuck Ron I fucked Tre! You talking about I used to be smart, well I am smart enough to know that you need to deal with the issues that you have with
your past
and stop taking that shit out on me! I can deal with you
giving me advice and even giving
me your opinion but not feeling like you can compare the two situations and say to me the shit that you really should be saying to Ron!” I stood to leave out of the kitchen.

“I am not taking shit out on you! I am just calling it the way that I see it! What makes you any better than them two bitches that was laid up in my bed with my man? Y’all are all the same breed! Bitches who go around sleeping with the next bitch’s man because you can’t find your own!” She was shouting now!

“Bitch fuck you! Let me share something with your stupid ass! In both situations no one was raped! I didn’t rape Tre and those women didn’t rape Ron!
Hell in
your situation that motherfucka
was paying for pussy so you know that no one raped his ass! I may be wrong for sleeping with Tre but the truth of the matter is. I didn’t have a commitment to anyone! He did! He knew that he had a woman at home but he still chose to deal with me! I didn’t put a gun to his head!
He was a willing participant! Bitches kill me all quick to blame the other woman like she raped the nigga or something! I don’t owe anybody shit at the end of the day! Hell. If the shoe was on the other foot she probably would’ve did the same thing to me and I couldn’t blame anybody but my man! The nigga that is supposed to be committed to me!

“Yeah but you did
down and spread your legs though! Now look at you! Pregnant and crying the blues because you got to hide your baby! His baby mama ain’t got to hide hers though, now do she?
Nah, but that’s what happens when you settle for being a side bitch!”

I took a few steps closer to her. “You are going to say about two more words and I am going to drop your ass right here in your kitchen!” I was dead serious. She was about to catch the beat down of her life! “I may be the side bitch and I may have to hide my baby but you best believe with or without Tre me and mines is going to always be okay! See the difference between me and most side bitches
is that I have never had main bitch expectations! I’ve always known my position! I don’t expect Tre to run off into the sunset with me! I knew from day one that would never happen! Emotionally right now, yes I am catching hell but I have no one else to blame but me! I will be okay though because I’m not a weak bitch!
This bitch right here can handle hers, you best believe that!

“What are you trying to say?”

I looked her up and down and then in her eyes. “I am saying that regardless of the way shit is now I am going to pick up the pieces and move on. Not continue to live in the past and cry over spilled milk. Everything happens for a reason. This has happen to me for a reason. I plan to learn from it and make the best out of a bad situation. Like I said I am not the first to end up in this same situation and I won’t be the last! It ain’t about what I did…it’s about what I do from this point on! Right now I am about to go upstairs and pack my shit so that I can leave your house before we end up fucking each other up! This living arrangement isn’t working out!

“Fine with me.”
She spat.

I walk
out of the kitchen and left her standing there. I went upstairs and packed all of my things. I made several trips to my car, carrying my things out. Nita sat on the sofa watching. When I was done loading everything up in my car. I reached in my pocketbook and took out five hundred dollars. I handed the money to Nita. “Thank you for allowing me to stay here.”

“I don’t want your money.” She rolled her eyes.

I dropped the money
on the sofa next to her
and walked out.















As the weeks rolled by I was able to pretty much push Lala out of my head. Not completely but for the most part and concentrate more on my relationship with Kisha.
I was going to work and coming straight home, spending more time doing family stuff. I realized that all of the time that I’d been spending lying and making up excuses to
slide off and kick it with Lala.
I’d been missing out on a lot.

It was Thursday night and I’d cooked dinner so that Kisha could have a break. I’d cooked fried turkey chops, mashed potatoes, sweet peas and canned biscuits.

“This is good daddy.” Shaun said chewing a mouthful of peas.

“Thanks lil man. Your daddy got a few sk
ills in the kitchen.” I bragged reaching over and rubbing my little man on the head.

“You still don’t cook better than mama!” Quan added his two cents.

“That’s right baby.” Kisha laughed and then looked at me and poked out her tongue. “You do alright but my baby knows who the real chef is!”

“Quan, how are you going to sit over there and hate on your daddy like that? You are supposed to be on my side. We men have to stick together.”
I joked.
He shook his head no. “Boy what do you mean no?”

“He’s a mama’s boy!” Shaun teased.

“I think you’re right Shaun.” I played along.

“No, I’m not!” Quan pouted folding his arms.

“Is too!” Shaun kept taunting him.

“Maaaa…tell him to stop!” Quan whined.

Kisha reached over and popped Shaun hard on his arm! He let out a squeal and started to cry. “Stop teasing him!”

“Whoa…chill out!” I snapped. “He was only playing around! He didn’t mean any harm. We were all just having fun!”

“It’s not fun when you are making someone else feel bad!” She snapped back!

“Kisha…for real?” I gave her a look that told her she was pissing me off! “It wasn’t even that serious!”

Well it was to Quan

I got up from the table and dumped my food in the trash! She’d caused me to lose my appetite. “Y’all boys finish up your food so that you can take your baths and then y’all can read me a book.”

Quan replied smiling. They loved reading to me so that they could show me how well they were reading.

Shaun didn’t say anything. He was slowly eating his food and sniffling.
He wasn’t
by now his little tears had dried on his face. “Stop looking so sad Shaun.” I told him. “If you do a good job reading, I’ll give you a popsicle before you go to bed.”

That brought a smile to his face. I left out of the kitchen and went into the bedroom. I grabbed my laptop and sat down on the bed, propping some pillows behind my back and lying up against the headboard.
I grabbed my cigarettes off of the nightstand and the lighter. I let lit one up and then
powered up my laptop and logged in to Facebook. As I strolled down my newsfeeds I saw a status update from Lala. It said.
These past few weeks haven’t been easy but with each day that goes by it gets better. Still missing home but I know that I made the right decision.

I started to comment but then decided against it.
I figured that it was best if I just kept things the way that they were.
I stayed on Facebook a little while longer before logging out and browsing the web.

Kisha came in
the bedroom
. “So I guess you are mad now because I popped Shaun.”
Those were the first words out of her mouth.

“Don’t come in here with that! If you came in here to start an argument then you need to take your ass right back in there!” She knew that she’d been dead wrong for how she had over reacted.
She’d taken things to a whole other level for no reason at all.

“Who are you talking to like that?”
She asked placing her hand on her hip and tilting her head to the side causing a strand of her red hair to fall in her face. She
removed her hair from her face and continued to stare at me waiting for an answer.

“Kisha go ahead.” I warned.

“Why you acting like I abused him or something?”

at her
. “I
never said that you abused him but I do
feel like you blew shit out of proportion! We were all joking around having a good time. He wasn’t doing anything wrong! He was playing with Quan. You didn’t have to hit him!”

She just stood there looking at me for a second like she was trying to think of something to say. Finally she
let out a sigh and
said. “Maybe I shouldn’t have hit him but I didn’t really approve of him teasing Quan like that after he’d asked him to stop.”

“Kisha, all he said was that Quan was a mama’s boy because he took your side instead of mines. Where is the harm in that? If I had felt like he was
being mean to him I would’ve told him to stop.” I let out a frustrated breath. “My thing is that we were all having a nice time and then that happened and ruined everything. All you had to do was ask him to stop. That’s it.”

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