Side Chic (3 page)

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Authors: La'Tonya West

BOOK: Side Chic
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I gave her what she wanted. I put my head back between her thighs where I’d just come from and gave her clit a fit with my hurricane tongue! Her legs started shaking and she was cumming and hollering out my name. She grabbe
d the pillow and placed it over her head
trying to muffle her screams.

I heard little footsteps running down the hall. Then they were trying to open the door. “What’s wrong with ma? I
s she okay? Daddy!” Shaun yelled

“Yeah is she okay?” Quan added.

“Yeah your mama
’s fine. S
he hit her toe that’s all!” I lied as I watched Kisha’s body spasm from the powerful orgasm that I had just given her. “Go back and watch TV or go play in your room.” I told them.

“Okay.” They replied in unison.

I moved the pillow out of the way and moved up so that I could kiss her. We kissed passionately as I allowed her to taste her own juices that were on my lips and tongue. She wrapped her legs tightly around my waist and her arms around my neck. “I love you so much Tre and after all that we have been through I am still very much in love with you.”

“I love you too baby and after all of these years I am still very much in love with you also.” I kissed her again and then got up and went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I was getting undressed to step in when Kisha came in. She grabbed a wash cloth,
wet it and put some soap on it
and started to clean herself up at the sink.

“What are you about to do?” She asked as I stepped inside the shower and slid the glass door closed.

“I’m going to take a bath and then run over to Casper’s crib for a lil while. Why?” I yelled over the sound of the water. I knew the bullshit was about to come.

“I just asked.” I could hear the attitude in her tone. “Why you always gotta go over there for? I mean

you act like every time you get a day off you gotta go somewhere instead of sitting here kickin it with me and your kids!”

That was the shit that got
on my fuckin nerves right there!
A nigga always had to hear some damn lip whenever he got ready to leave. I felt like if I work all week and take care of home I should be able to go out and k
ick it with the fellas for a little
while with
out having to hear a lot of lip

, don’t start that shit!
I said that I was going over there for a lil while not all damn night!”

“Whatever!” She left out of the bathroom slamming the door behind her. Shit like that made me want to put my foot in her ass! I hated when she was nagging as hell.

I showered and then got dressed in a pair of red Nike sweats, a white te
e and a pair of red/white Jordans
. When I was done getting dress
I brushed my hair and slipped on my red VA fitted. I walked down the hallway and into the living room. Kisha was on the phone and the boys were sitting on the floor playing their X-box. I walked over to Kisha and tried to kiss her on the cheek but she moved so that I couldn’t and smacked her lips.

“Stop acting stupid!” I snapped.

“Why don’t you just go ahead wherever you are going?” She snapped right back.

“Man whatever. I ain’t got time for this bullshit right here.” I walked over and told my lil men to be good and that I would be back in a lil while. Then I was out.

When I got to Casper’s crib I saw a few vehicles parked in the yard that belonged to some of my other homies. I already knew that them niggas was up in there drinking, gambling and getting blazed. I parked and then walked up on the porch and
the doorbell. A few seconds later Casper’s girl Tamika answered the door. She was a brown skinned chic with a long dark brown wavy weave that stopped midway her back. She was slim but curvy, probably about 5’7. She was cute but the bitch was a straight up ho

“Hey Tre

” She greeted her eyes roaming all over me and then finally landing back on my face. This bitch wasn’t shit! I don
’t even know why Casper was
fucking with her. She had fucked three of the niggas that we hung with and now he had her s
orry ass staying up in his crib!
I knew that she wanted to give me the pussy but truth be told. I wouldn’t fuck her nasty ass with som
ebody else’s dick!

“What’s good? Where Casper’em at?” I asked already walking in.

“They all down in the basement.” She said not bothering to move back out of the way so that I could get past her. I brushed right past her not paying her
ass any attention. I wasn’t no slow nigga I knew what time it was. Yeah I fucked around but I did have standards and her dirty ass didn’t meet them!









A week had gone by and I wa
sn’t feeling any better. Nita
was so excited to have me here. She lived alone except for her three year old daughter Maya, whom was one of the cutest little spoiled babies that I had ever laid eyes on. Her and Maya’s father, Jesse, split up over two years ago and didn’t have any dealings with one another. She told m
e the reason
was because she had
home from work and caught him in bed with not one but two women
she later found out were prostitutes. She said that after she’d caught him
he told her that he had a sex addiction but of course she wasn’t buying that bullshit.

At the time when she’d first told me I didn’t either but that was before I met Tre. Now I was beginning to think that the shit just might be possible because I sure as hell had an addic
tion to the bomb ass sex that I’
d been getting for the past two years. For the past week I had been going through withdrawals! I mean it was so bad that I was tempted to go online and see if there were any rehabilitation centers close by for bitches
were addicted to good dick. I would’ve been up in there with the quickness sitting in the circle and when my turn came to introduce myself I would’ve stood up proudly and announced.

“Hello my name is LaQuela
Chambers and I am addicted to
good dick but not just any dick, t
he one that is attached to Tremaine Jefferson.” There would’ve been no shame in my game!

I moped down t
he stairs. Nita
was sitting on the sofa watching The Game. I didn’t see Maya so I assumed that her little behind was
still in bed. I spoke to Nita
and then went over and sat in the huge bay window and
looked out at the rain. I didn’
t feel like watching TV. I was too depressed.

looked over at me. “How are you this morning?” She asked and then said. “I really don’t even have to ask because it is written all over your face.”

good.” I mumbled unconvincingly, h
oping that she wouldn’t start with me. I wasn’t in the mood for no damn lecture. I rested my hea
d against the window seal and
looked back out at the rain.

“No you’re not!” She sucked her teeth. “You’re sitting over there st
ill thinking about that boy. Lala
, I know that you don’t want to hear what I am about to say but…”

“Well then don’t say it!” I snapped. Why couldn’t she just mind her fucking business? I knew
that I was in her crib
but that didn’t automatically give her the right to preach to me every minute of every day.

I am because I am your cousin and your best friend. If I don’t keep it real with you
then who will?” She asked. “Y
ou knew from day one when you decided to lay with that man that he had someone and that he wasn’t yours! You are just getting what you deserve! Haven’t you ever heard the saying that everything that looks good to you ain’t always good for you? Now when you called me and told me about you and this guy I warned you that you were playing with
fire but noooo you was like ‘Nita
, I know that it ain’t right but you just don’t understand how he makes me feel!’ You
were thinking with your
pussy and not your head! Now look at how he making you feel
! All lost and depressed
! Guess what though, I bet he’s at
making his babymama feel like you wish you were feeling right now!” She rolled her eyes after she was done flapping her fuckin lips!

Ain’t it a bitch how you can know that someone is telling you some shit that is right but you still don’t want to hear that shit! I knew that she was right but the deed was done now. I couldn’t take it back! Honestly I wouldn’t take it back! I didn’t regret any of it except for the fact that I had allowed my fuckin emotions to get involved!

“Whatever!” I got up from the window and stomped back upstairs to the guest room and closed the door. I laid across the bed on my b
ack and stared up at the ceiling
as the tears rolled from the corners of my eyes. I didn’t even bother to wipe them. What for? More were guaranteed to fall. I laid there listening to the rain fall, it was pouring down outside. We were getting the wind and ran from a hurricane. My mind drifted back to the day
when I first laid eyes on Tre

I worked for
a company called Service Master. W
e cleaned up office buildings after hours. We worked from five in the afternoon until we cleaned the last building. We worked all over the Tidewater area, for the past few months I had been working by myself. Sometimes I wouldn’t get home until after three in the morning. One Tuesday afternoon my
supervisor called me to inform
me that he had hired a new guy and that he would be working
with me. I was glad
because I could get done quicker now and have some company as I drove from place to place.

That evening when I pulled into th
e parking lot of Service Master,
I gathered my things from my car that I would need and locked it because I always drove the company van during work hours, they supplied the gas. I walked into the building and went straight to my supervisor’s office as he had instructed me to do once I got to work. I walked in and saw a young dark skinned slim brother sitting in one of the leather chairs across from Mr. Johnson. They were engaged in a conversation when I walked in.

“Good evening Mr. Johnson.” I greeted my supervisor. I turned to the young gentleman that was sitting in the chair and extended my
hand to him. “Hello, I’m Lala

He stood and shook my hand. “Nice to m
eet you Ms. Lala
. I’m Tremaine but everybody calls me Tre.”

He was tall probably about 6’1, he had dark brown eyes, a close cut with thin side burns that connected to his goat-tee. He was wearing a white tee, a pair of baggy black sweats and a pair of black Tims on his feet. He was really nice looking but I had a feeling that he was going to get on my nerves because he was so young and probably would want to play around and not really take the job seriously. I’d worked with a few of them before and was not eager to work with another.

as I told you on the phone earlier. You and Tre will
be working together. Just kind of
show him the ropes and I’m sure he will get the hang of everything pretty quickly.” Mr. Johnson said to me.

“Okay.” I looked at Tre. “Are you ready to go?”

“Yes ma’am.” He said while looking down at his phone, I assume sending a text. When he stood I noticed his pants sagging off his ass. I shook my head because I was so damn sick and tired of seeing young guys walking around with their pants sagging, having to literally walk and try to hold them up.

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