Silverbeach Manor (17 page)

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Authors: Margaret S. Haycraft

Tags: #romance, #romance historical, #orphan girl, #romance 1800s, #romance 1890s, #christian fiction christian romance heartwarming

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"Nay, it is no
use, my sweet, my own. I have not sought you half over England to
let you go in a moment. Oh, Pansy, how could you forsake me with
those brief, cold lines of farewell? But there will be no farewell
between us, my own little wife, for evermore."

Pansy is
silent, overwhelmed, faint with happiness. All she can do is to
rest against his shoulder, her hands clasped in his, wondering if,
indeed, it
Marlow's own familiar face
that the stars are showing her.

He tells her
how he became convinced, on reading her letter, that she had
changed her mind as to her feelings towards him. He went off then
and there to America in misery and indignation. But a letter from
England told him that Pansy had fled from Silverbeach, and had lost
her inheritance through returning to a poor relation. He returned
to England, and commenced searching for her, but his search did not
succeed till he chanced to find her as the hired musician at The
Grange, which he had only reached that day on a short visit. Then
Pansy tremblingly begins her explanation as to the old name she has
taken back, her aunt's history, Deb's devotion, and her own
thankless selfishness.

"Oh, Marlow,"
she says, "we cannot be more than friends. I am only a poor woman
now, and, besides, I have Aunt Temperance to keep. I will never
part again from her, who was my second mother. You must marry some
girl in society, Marlow."

"I shall
he tells her, "next week at
yonder little church among the pines. I have a nest not only big
enough for my darling, but for the poor old lady as well. She
being yours, Pansy, and I claim
my right to care for her. Deb shall keep the gates, and Rumsay
shall have that charming little lodge by the fernery, and work as
one of the gardeners. They deserve our best lodge, don't you think
so, sweetheart?"

"The lodge by
the fernery? What do you mean, Marlow?" asks Pansy,

"Simply this,
my dearest. I knew my father had English relations, but their name
had left no impression on my mind, and I really did not know I was
connected with Mrs. Adair. Her will left Silverbeach Manor to her
husband's cousin or his heirs if you broke her stipulation. I am
that cousin's only child, and I have now taken possession. So, you
see, Pansy, you gave your property to me, and therefore it still
belongs to you. Let me have your good old aunt, and you shall have
Silverbeach Manor. Do not cry, my own! How can we thank our God
enough for all His compassion and loving-kindness in giving us back
to each other again?"

He sees
she cannot speak for her rainbow tears and smiles. Presently he
dismisses the old flyman, with
beyond his dreams, and Pansy and he go slowly homeward
between the pines through which they see the blossoming of radiant
golden stars, while across their path there floats the echo of
happy bells. The ringers are practising this evening at the church
where so soon these two will be made one.






Here are two
questions you might like to answer by yourself or in a group
sharing this story.


1. It is 1891,
and you are either Pansy Piper or Marlow Holme. What would you do
with the inheritance?


2. It is the
present time in the 21st century, and you are either Pansy Piper or
Marlow Holme. What would you do with the inheritance?





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