Silverbeach Manor (18 page)

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Authors: Margaret S. Haycraft

Tags: #romance, #romance historical, #orphan girl, #romance 1800s, #romance 1890s, #christian fiction christian romance heartwarming

BOOK: Silverbeach Manor
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For students of my generation the name Stafford Wright
was associated with the spiritual giants of his generation.
Scholarship and integrity were the hallmarks of his biblical
teaching. He taught us the faith and inspired our discipleship of
Christ. To God be the Glory.”
The Rt.
Rev. James Jones, Bishop of Liverpool

This is a
lively, well-informed study of some great Bible characters.
Professor Gordon Wenham MA PhD. Tutor in Old Testament at Trinity
College Bristol and Emeritus Professor of Old Testament at the
University of Gloucestershire.


ISBN: 978-0-9525956-5-6

314 pages 6x9

eBook ISBN:

Note: This
book is not available in all eBook formats



Christians and the

J Stafford


There is an
increasing interest and fascination in the paranormal today. To
counteract this, it is important for Christians to have a good
understanding of how God sometimes acts in mysterious ways, and be
able to recognize how he can use our untapped gifts and abilities
in his service. We also need to understand how the enemy can tempt
us to misuse these gifts and abilities, just as Jesus was tempted
in the wilderness.

In this single
volume of his two previously published books on the occult and the
supernatural (
Understanding the Supernatural
Mysterious God
) J Stafford Wright examines some of the
mysterious events we find in the Bible and in our own lives. Far
from dismissing the recorded biblical miracles as folk tales, he is
convinced that they happened in the way described, and explains why
we can accept them as credible.

The writer
When God the Holy Spirit dwells within the human spirit,
he uses the mental and physical abilities which make up a total
human being . . . The whole purpose of this book is to show that
the Bible does make sense

And this
The Bible, claiming to speak as the revelation of God,
and knowing man’s weakness for substitute religious experiences,
bans those avenues into the occult that at the very least are blind
alleys that obscure the way to God, and at worst are roads to


Paperback ISBN
13: 9-780-9525-9564-9

222 pages 5.25
x 8 inches

Available from
bookstores and major internet sellers

eBook ISBN 13:




His Own

Foreword by J.
Stafford Wright


eBook only



Howell Harris
was brought up to regard the Nonconformists as "a perverted and
dangerously erroneous set of people." Hardly a promising start for
a man who was to play a major role in the Welsh Revival. Yet in
these extracts from his writings and diaries we can read the
thoughts of Howell Harris before, during and after his own

We can see God
breaking through the barriers separating "church and chapel", and
discover Christians of different denominations preparing the
country for revival. Wesley, Whitefield, Harris. These great 18th
century preachers worked both independently and together to preach
the Living Gospel. This book is a vivid first-hand account of the
joys, hardships and struggles of one of these men -- Howell Harris



From the
Streets of London

to the Streets
of Gold


The Life Story

Clifford Edwards

A True Story
of Love


Clifford Edwards


eBook only


(A printed
copy is available directly from Brother Clifford)


This is the
personal story of Clifford Edwards, affectionately known as Brother
Clifford by his many friends. Going from fame to poverty, he was
sleeping on the streets of London with the homeless for twenty
years, until Jesus rescued him and gave him an amazing mission in
life. Brother Clifford tells his true story here in the third
person, giving the glory to Jesus.




The Gospel of



Published to
coincide with the 400th anniversary of the Authorized King James
Version of the Bible, this book contains the full text of Bagster’s
assembled work for the Gospel of John. On each page in parallel
columns are the words of the six most important translations of the
New Testament into English, made between 1380 and 1611. Below the
English is the original Greek text after Scholz.

To enhance the
reading experience, there is an introduction telling how we got our
English Bibles, with significant pages from early Bibles shown at
the end of the book.

Here is an
opportunity to read English that once split the Church by giving
ordinary people the power to discover God’s word for themselves.
Now you can step back in time and discover those words and
spellings for yourself, as they first appeared hundreds of years


Wyclif 1380,
Tyndale 1534, Cranmer 1539, Geneva 1557,

Douay Rheims
1582, Authorized (KJV) 1611.


Hexapla -- The Gospel of John

Published by
White Tree Publishing

ISBN: 978-0-9525956-1-8

Size 7.5 x 9.7
inches paperback

Not available
as an eBook



Roddy Goes to

Church Life
and Church People



No, not a
children’s book!
An affectionate, optimistic look at church
life involving, as it happens, Roddy and his friends who live in a
small town. Problems and opportunities related to change and
outreach are not, of course, unique to their church!

Maybe you know
Miss Prickly-Cat who pointedly sits in the same pew occupied by
generations of her forebears, and perhaps know many of the
characters in this look at church life today. A wordy Archdeacon
comes on the scene, and Roddy is taken aback by the events
following his first visit to church. Roddy’s best friend
Bushy-Beard says wise things, and he hears an enlightened Bishop .
. .

Bishop David
Pytches writes:
A unique spoof on church life. Will you
recognise yourself and your church here? ... Derek Osborne’s mind
here is insightful, his characters graphic and typical and the
style acutely comical, but there is a serious message in his
madness. Buy this, read it and enjoy!

David Pytches,


ISBN: 978-09927642-0-3

46 pages 5.5 x
8.5 inches paperback UK £3.95

Available from
bookstores and major internet sellers

eBook coming
late 2015



Heaven Our


White Tree
Publishing Abridged Edition





go to prepare a place for you."
This well-known promise from Jesus must cause us to think about the
reality of heaven. Heaven is to be our home for ever. Where is
heaven? What is it like? Will I recognize people there? All who are
Christians must surely want to hear about the place where they are
to spend eternity.
In this abridged edition of William
Branks classic work of 1861, we discover what the Bible has to say
about heaven. There may be a few surprises, and there are certainly
some challenges as we explore a subject on which there seems to be
little teaching and awareness today.

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