SinCityTryst (3 page)

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Authors: Kim Tiffany

BOOK: SinCityTryst
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Her. Not some nameless, faceless Botox Barbie, but

And damn did she want to get it on with him. Never in a
million years did she think that she would ever have the opportunity to sleep
with Ethan, and now her mind and other neglected parts of her body clamored for
her to say
yes, yes, yes

Even if that meant he would see her.
of her.

And there was a
of her to see.

Some of her rampant lust cooled at the errant thought, and
she tore her throbbing lips away and looked up at the man holding her. The
protest died on her lips as she gazed into his eyes, which were glittering,
needy orbs that translated heat and desire…and not an ounce of pity.

Sara’s senses swam with anticipation and growing eagerness.
All of a sudden she didn’t give a damn that it was a pink plastic dildo that
had landed her in this situation. All that was important was that Ethan wanted
her, and she wanted him.

Carpe diem, girl. When are you going to have a chance
like this again?
she thought hazily as his firm lips plucked against her
throat, causing her to arch into his caress like a cat. What she lacked in
experience, she would make up for in enthusiasm. She would do everything she
could think of to make sure that Ethan enjoyed himself tonight—she planned to
give him as much pleasure as she could, and he would not regret this torrid
little interlude if it was the last thing she did. She reached up and stroked
Ethan’s hair back and drew a deep breath.

“Let’s get naked,” she said, an eager but nervous grin
tugging the corners of her lips.

Chapter Three


, Ethan thought as he grabbed her hand and
pdragged her after him. He didn’t want to give her an opportunity to change her
mind. She had to run slightly to keep up with him as he steered them with
single-minded purpose toward the elevators, which were difficult to find in the
labyrinthine casino. He heard her giggle at his eagerness, and he grinned back
even as his cock strained against the confines of his pants.

After what felt like a fucking eternity, he ushered her into
the elevator car and the doors closed behind them. He dragged Sara’s yielding
form hard against his and kissed her with renewed hunger, groaning with
pleasure when her tongue tangled with his in a welcoming dance. Realizing then
that there was no way he was going to make it to the fiftieth floor without
more than a taste of her, he pressed her against the rear wall and looked into
her beautiful, eager face. “Trust me?” he asked, his voice rough with need.

Sara’s eyes widened questioningly, but she nodded. Ethan
crowded her against a corner of the elevator car, yanking her skirt over her
hips while at the same time covering her mouth with his. She gasped in protest
against his lips as she tried to cover herself with her hands, but Ethan
wouldn’t have any of that. Without pause, he slipped a steely thigh between
hers and flexed strongly against her sodden panties, grinding into her pussy
lips. Sara’s head fell backward with an audible thunk as she tore her lips away
from his, her throbbing moan filling the car. Her hips pumped against his leg
on their own accord as her hands plucked against his shoulders and clothes, her
body taut with desire, her hands clutching at his backside feverishly.

Ethan wanted to crow in victory as he relished her husky
cries of pleasure. He remained mindful of the elevator’s ascent, however. He
looked up and saw they had forty floors to go.
Time to get to business
He slipped to his knees before her and hooked one leg at the knee over his
shoulder for the best angle.

Sara gasped and looked down at him in shock. “Ethan, wait!
What are you doing? Stop, you don’t have to…”

“Oh, I want to, baby,” he assured her vehemently. “I fucking

“Ethan, don’t… Ooohhh!” Her sharp, broken cry as he placed a
hot open-mouthed kiss right atop her soaked crotch bounced around the small
enclosure, causing his dick to pulse in response. “
Oh my God! Oh God, Ethan!

Ethan smiled in triumph against the soaked satin of her
panties but didn’t let up his assault. Later, he promised himself. Later, he
would do it properly, lick up all the slick, fragrant juices that coated Sara’s
thighs and pussy behind the scrap of fabric, but for now he was going straight
for the gold. Judging from the dampness, she’d been aroused for a while. It
wouldn’t do to keep his woman waiting. Curling his tongue around the pouting
kernel of her clit through the thin material, he sucked hard and dug his
fingers into Sara’s undulating hips as her cries grew more desperate and
Twenty floors to go
, he thought as he slipped his thumbs
underneath her panties and massaged her moist pussy lips in counterpoint to his
merciless sucking.

! Oh my…oh god!” Sara panted as she
scrabbled against the smooth elevator walls. He had her trembling leg open high
and wide, and Ethan reveled in the sensation of her fingers tunneling into his
scalp as he voraciously ate at her through the sheer material, each strong,
steady suck on her clit causing her hips to thrash and pump against his face.

“Fuck, baby, you taste so good,” Ethan murmured against her
slick flesh. She cried out sharply against the vibration and was rewarded with
another biting suck on her over-sensitized clit. “I want you to come hard,
right now, against my mouth, baby. Do it.
Trust me
.” He punctuated the
entreaty by hooking her panties out of the way with his finger and clamping his
mouth over her wildly pulsing clit and flicking it mercilessly with his tongue.
The car reverberated with the sounds of Sara’s harsh sobs and entreaties for
more, and Ethan tried to tamp down the animalistic urge to flip her onto all
fours and take her right there. This was for her, he reminded himself, willing
his dick not to explode. He would see to her pleasure first. He scraped his
teeth not-so-gently over the tender bud before sucking it deep into his mouth,
at the same time sliding in two long, thick, blunt-tipped fingers past the
scrap of her panties and deep into her clenching cunt and pressing resolutely

That was all it took. Sara howled and reached out blindly as
her hips snapped and pumped against his face. Ethan groaned as her liquid
desire gushed all over his lips and fingers, coating the tender flesh between
her thighs. Her orgasm went on and on, causing her to shake like a leaf in the
throes of a windstorm, and Ethan quickly swept her up in his arms so that she
wouldn’t hit the ground in a heap. He watched, entranced, as Sara mewled with
each aftershock, knowing that as long as he lived he would never see anything
more riveting than the sight of her beautiful face crumpled in pleasure.

Noting that they were about to reach their destination,
Ethan yanked Sara’s skirt down so that her ass was decently covered once more
before coming to his feet and pulling her close into his embrace. She buried
her damp face against his shoulder for a moment before lifting her face to him.

“Wow,” she gasped into the chambray, still trembling from
the aftermath. “And that was only a preview?”

Ethan grunted in affirmation and licked his lips. She
reached up with shaky hands to wipe the dampness that still clung to his mouth
and chin. He caught them with his mouth and sucked on them languorously before
releasing them with a pop, and she rewarded him with a bright blush that made
him ache to see how much of her would take on that fetching hue.

When the doors of the elevator slid open with a soft ding
onto the fiftieth floor, Ethan swept her quivering form up in his arms and down
the hall toward his room without preamble. She felt damn good in his arms, soft
and warm and rounded. “Room key’s in my back pocket, babe,” he murmured in her
ear. “I could use a hand, if you don’t mind.”

Sara blinked up at him from behind her tousled bangs and
cringed. “Wait, put me down. I’m way too heavy for you to be carrying around
like this.” Ethan paused in the middle of the hallway and caught her lips in
another punishing kiss, nipping her bottom lip in consternation and causing her
to gasp in surprise.

“Stop that now,” he growled. “You are not too heavy, you are
perfect. Now shut up and get that key out of my pocket, or I’ll finish what I
started in the elevator here in this hallway.” Her eyes widened at that, and
Ethan bit back a grin as she reached around to fish the plastic key out of his
back pocket. She hurriedly stuck the key in the door and pushed the knob.

Ethan shouldered his way into the room, padding across the
carpeted expanse and settling her on the edge of the wide, soft bed. His hands
immediately got busy with his belt buckle and he pulled impatiently at the
snaps of his shirt before just dragging it over his head and tossing it aside.
Bare now to his waist, Ethan knelt between Sara’s soft, full thighs and slid
his large hands under her still-clothed hips, silently urging her to scoot back
and lie on the bed so that he could rid her of her garments and explore her

“Are you on anything, sweetheart? Or would you rather I took
care of things?” he huffed between open-mouthed kisses to her rounded belly. He
drew back from the lack of response and tried to quell the tidal wave of need
that swamped him at the sight of Sara looking pink and befuddled and ravished.
She gave him a blank stare for a moment before understanding dawned on her.

“I’m on the Pill,” she reassured him, reaching for him.

“I haven’t been with anyone in a while, and I get tested
regularly,” he managed to inject, crowding close enough between her spread
thighs to feel the tantalizing heat emanating from her vulnerable core. “I
wanted you to know that you’re safe with me. I’m clean and healthy.”

“Good to know,” she managed to utter before he captured her
lips again in a fiery kiss. Their tongues tangled as they strained to get
closer, his talented fingers slipping beneath her bra and cupping her breasts
in his large, work-roughened hands. He swallowed her mewls of pleasure as he
continued to palm and squeeze the orbs of flesh, swollen-tipped with jutting
deep-rose nipples. As he plied them with his fingers, Ethan sensed the tension
in her frame, the rhythmic thrashing of her hips, as though building up toward
another release. His suspicions were confirmed when Sara tore her mouth from
his and uttered a raspy cry when he gently pinched and tugged at one of the
rosy nubbins.

“S-sensitive,” she hissed, before arching her back and
locking her hands around Ethan’s neck as though to prevent him from pulling
away. Ethan could’ve told her that it wasn’t necessary. He was lost in the
taste of Sara, her flavor was candy-sweet, addicting, and he craved more of her.

“How sensitive? Can you take this?” He lowered his head to
one breast and caught the nipple gently between his teeth, running his tongue
over the crown and darker aureole before pulling it deep into his mouth.

Sara moaned, but only clutched his head tighter against her.
“No more, can’t! Ethan, please!”

“Or maybe this?” Ethan firmly pressed her into the bedspread
with his torso while with one hand he sought the soft, wet thatch of hair
behind her soaked silk panties—and then slid lower. Without pause, he sent two
thick digits deep into Sara’s slick, swollen channel and pressed his thumb
unerringly against her still-pouting clit. He strummed the throbbing button in
counterpoint to his suckling at her breasts.

Sara’s eyes fell closed as she thrashed her head from side
to side and whimpered in delirium, but Ethan kept his eyes trained on her in
order to absorb every detail. He watched, entranced, as she arched to meet each
thrust of his fingers and reveled in the sound of her throaty cries and the
scent of her arousal. He could tell she was close, so very close…

With a growl, he grasped her clit firmly between his thumb
and forefinger and pinched it, quickly sealing her mouth with his to swallow
her shocked screams as the orgasm crashed over her and her hips pumped
convulsively against him, almost knocking him over. Ethan thought of Arctic
winters and hoarfrost as he fought his own completion, fighting down the urge
to open her wide and plunge into her. He’d already gone over the deep end by
mauling her in the elevator like a drooling lout.

He would make it up to her, though. Ethan planned to make a
long, leisurely meal out of his Sara tonight, and by the time he was through,
she would know without a doubt how he felt and whom she belonged with.

Chapter Four


In the brief lassitude that followed, Sara tried to get her
heart to stop racing as she lifted her head to stare into Ethan’s heated,
hungry gaze.

“God, that was incredible,” she gasped between breaths.

Ethan’s response was a very wide, very male smile as he looked
down at her. Her pussy was throbbing pleasurably, and her skin felt hot and
tight. Her eyes skimmed over his broad shoulders and avidly caressed the
prominent bulge below his buckle. She licked her lips in anticipation. Out of
the corner of her eye, she caught their reflection in the large flat-screen
television—and she was suddenly swamped with delayed apprehension.

Did he find her belly too soft, too jiggly? He was so
hard-muscled and fit. Would the dark make it more palatable for him?
not like he hasn’t seen most of your charms already, kid
, she reminded
herself as she replayed the conflagration in the elevator. Holy shit, they were
lucky no one had called hotel security to haul them away for public lewdness.
It had been under full fluorescent lights, and he had definitely seemed eager
to go down on her. But still…was it dark enough in here?

Ethan’s sexy mouth quirked suddenly as his warm gaze rested
on her face. He sighed and crouched between her open legs, his belt buckle
undone. “Baby, you’re frowning again. What’s going on in there?” He gently
bumped her forehead with his.

Sara ducked her head and bit her lip. “I’m sorry, I’m being
stupid. I do want this, Ethan. More than you can know,” she whispered. “But I’m

Ethan’s golden gaze turned serious. “Did I hurt you? If you
didn’t like anything you can tell me—”

“Oh no,” she hastened to reassure him. “No, it’s been a
while, but you didn’t hurt me. I loved it all.” His face showed his relief and
she swallowed hard. “It’s just that…I really want you to enjoy this, too.”

He groaned and let his head drop against her chest with a
small laugh. He rose and took her hand in his large, warm grasp and placed it
very deliberately over the huge bulge in his pants. Her mouth went dry at the
long, heavy feel of him behind his fly. “Sara,” he drawled, “does that feel
like I’m not enjoying this? I’m halfway to exploding and I haven’t even gotten
you naked yet.” He hissed suddenly as she continued to caress and stroked down
the length of him through the expensive silk of his trousers. His glowing hazel
eyes flickered between her wide-eyed gaze and her wayward stroking hand.

Sara didn’t know what came over her, but she suddenly needed
to see his cock in all its glory. She wanted to take it out of its confines and
worship it a while, taste it, tease it, rub her breasts all over it. She wanted
to give him a small taste of the insanely scorching pleasure that had carried
her away in the elevator. To make him feel as out of control as she had moments

She’d been told in the past that she was quite good at
giving head. Most of her old boyfriends never wanted to reciprocate, but Sara
found that they were always willing, even eager, to be on the receiving end of
the mouth and throat. She wanted to know the sensation of Ethan’s long, hard
cock in her mouth, the heavy feel of it against her tongue, the unrelenting
wideness, the throbbing veins and the salty-slick pre-cum. Resolved now, Sara
sat up straighter and succumbed to the urge to rub her face directly against his
bulging crotch.

Ethan groaned deep in his chest and she felt his buttocks
clench against her roaming hands. “Shit, Sara, you—you keep doing that,
and—fuck, that’s good—I’ll be done before we even get started.” His breath
hissed through his teeth as he watched her, enthralled.

Sara looked up at him with sultry eyes as she unzipped him,
dragging the hem of his boxers lower, lower, and gasping in delight as his
rampant erection sprung up and out so high that she actually had to pull it
away from his lower stomach. She grasped his dark, gorgeous cock between her
hands securely, relishing the feel of throbbing veins and blood pulsing through
the thick, inviting column. She could feel his heartbeat this way. The only
sound in the room was his and her heavy breathing, mingling, eddying around
them in a dark, languid symphony. The large, heavy mushroom-shaped tip was
dripping with juices, and the shiny purple cap made her mouth water. Unbidden,
she leaned forward and closed her lips over the slit at the tip of his cock.
With an experimental suck, she noted the salty but not unpleasant tang of his
cum and began to massage his shaft with her fingers, stroking and kneading the
velvety, unyielding flesh in time with her small sucks. His reaction was almost
instantaneous, and she had to brace her hands on his lean hips to still them
from thrusting deeper into her mouth.

“Fuck! Baby, you don’t have to…” Ethan’s face was a tight
mask of concentration, and he swayed on his feet. Sara felt him sink his long
fingers into her dark curls and hang on, sweat-slicked and snarling, as she
explored the length of him with her tongue and hands like an inquisitive
kitten. She opened her mouth wider, teasing the moist slit again before
enveloping the crown of his cock with her lips and suckling steadily. She
firmly massaged his damp length, noting with pleasure the way the column of
flesh twitched and pulsed under her ministrations.

“Mmm, I want to, Ethan. Just enjoy.” She licked his shaft
and gazed up at him to gauge his reaction before slowly engulfing his steely
length once more. His hoarse shout bounced around the room and caused that
deliciously gooey feeling between her thighs to fan out again in full force.
The hands in her hair tightened almost to the point of pain, but Sara was too
busy basking in the wellspring of feminine power and sensual awareness to take
much notice. She was elated to see the stark pleasure on his gorgeous face,
wanted him to find pleasure too.

Sara moaned with him still deep in her mouth, tonguing the
underside of Ethan’s endless cock and hollowing out her cheeks so that she
could better manage the intimidating girth. She released him with a pop and
licked him from base to tip as if he were a Popsicle a few times, noting the
shortness of his breath and the way his fingers clenched in her hair at each
pass. He tasted like hot, hard male, and it was addictive. She wanted to take
it all down her throat if she could, or as much as she could manage anyway.
Anything to keep that look of sharp hunger and desire etched on his face. She
let him guide her head with his hands, tightening her lips around him. Each
pass took him deeper into her mouth, her muffled cries of discovery and his
deep grunts of pleasure filling the room. She cupped Ethan’s rock-hard ass and
urged him to swivel deeper, closing her eyes and sucking in earnest now. She
felt his sharp thrusts become more staccato and urgent, signaling his imminent
orgasm. He tugged at her curls and rubbed her temples with his thumbs.

“Babe, I have to come,” Ethan muttered through gritted
teeth, tension radiating from his very pores. “You gotta let me go now.”

“No,” she gurgled indistinctly. Sara gasped in protest as he
pulled her mouth away. “No, I want you in my mouth when you come,” she cried
without thought. Holy shit, had she actually said that? But she meant it, every
word. She might’ve been shocked at her complete lack of inhibitions in another
time and place, but tonight she was a different Sara, a wild, wanton version of
herself. She wanted him in her mouth so bad, she felt like crying. Her mouth
slack with wanting, she urged his hips back to her and engulfed him deep,
deeper—so deep that she had to focus on keeping her throat from closing on the
thick shaft.

Ethan’s growl was so loud it rang in her ears. “Sara,” he
exhorted with effort. “Jesus, are you sure…”

“Do it,” she moaned around his cock, pinching her nipples
with one hand while the other stroked and tugged at his large, heavy sac. She
released him with a strong suck and looked up at him imploringly. “Please do
it. Come in my mouth, Ethan. Please.”

She slid him back deep in her mouth, her head bobbing
energetically and sucking him off in hard, insistent tugs. His hips snapped and
she heard him curse and gnash his teeth above her. And then he was shouting and
swearing while gripping her hair tightly, his cock pulsing wildly as hot jets
of cum filled her mouth suddenly. She was prepared for it but it still caught
her unawares, making her choke a bit, but she refused to let go of his cock.
With a long moan, she swallowed the copious amount of cum and continued to suck
him off, enjoying the rumbling sounds of Ethan’s pleasure as he softened
gradually in her mouth. Gasping for breath, Sara let his spent member go at
last with a final lick and nuzzle. She looked up at him dazedly, still licking
the taste of him off her now swollen lips.

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