SinCityTryst (9 page)

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Authors: Kim Tiffany

BOOK: SinCityTryst
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Nine Months Later


“Babe, I’m back!” At the sound of the key in the front door,
Sara looked up from the omelets she was making for dinner and quickly turned
down the flame under the pan. Ethan entered the kitchen still shaking the rain
from his close-cropped dark hair before handing her a grocery bag containing
cold wine, bagged salad and a crusty loaf of bread.

“Whew, it’s really coming down right now.” Ethan caught Sara
around the waist and spun her around, pressing a damp, warm kiss squarely on
her lips. With a sigh of contentment, she snaked her arms around his broad neck
and tried to convey without words how much she loved him, missed him, needed

Strong arms yanked her tight into his embrace as he tasted
her deeper, the hot stroke of his insistent tongue against hers making her head
swim and knees knock. They had been happily alternating between her apartment
in Noe Valley and his in the Mission District for several months now, and both
had become synonymous with home. Her belongings had found their way into
several of his bedroom dressers, and her bathroom medicine cabinet now housed
his electric shaver and aftershave. They had adopted a lovely little
routine—they spent long, lazy weekends together and on weekdays alternated
cooking dinner, talking for hours over the meal and then later in bed. Sara was
addicted to his fiery, uninhibited brand of lovemaking, which never failed to
thrill her to the tips of her toes and send her into orgasmic heights.

He tasted like cinnamon-flavored gum and warm male, a
delicious combination. A low, panting moan escaped her as he rubbed his tongue
against hers. She felt rather than heard Ethan growl in his throat as he tasted
her mouth thoroughly, his large square hands kneading her plump buttocks, trying
to press her even closer against his growing erection.

She wanted to claw his shirt off and jump him like a lioness
on a gazelle, but she fought against the wave of lust that threatened to
subsume her better judgment and with reluctance tore her lips away from his
searching mouth.

He blinked and shook his head as though to clear it. “Fuck
dinner. I want you.”

Sara laughed huskily and leaned her forehead against his
damp one. “Me, too. But my omelets are burning.”

“Damn straight they are,” he said, curving his big hands
possessively over her bubble-butt. “C’mon. Let’s take a hot shower together and
make love.” He nipped at her full lower lip before bringing her hard against
him and pressing hot open-mouthed kisses against her throat. “I haven’t been
inside you for at least ten hours,” he cajoled in that dark, rumbling tone
designed to make her nipples harden and cunt flutter in response. “I’m starting
to feel neglected.”

She smiled against his lips but shook her head. “Uh-uh, you
grab the place settings and glasses. Plenty of time for that later.” She
sashayed back to the stove, ignoring her man’s good-natured grumbling.
She knew she’d never get over the thrill of that glorious statement. She
quickly dished up the omelets, grabbed the dressed salad sitting on the counter
and placed them on the small eat-in breakfast nook.

“Red or white?”

“White, please,” she answered, smiling as he poured the icy
golden liquid into a goblet for her and kissed her bare shoulder. Sighing
happily, Sara looked down at her place setting and paused. A rectangular velvet
box sat next to her plate.

“What’s this?”

“Hmmm? Oh, that’s a little something I had made and wanted
to give to you.” His voice gave nothing away as he started in on his omelet.

Sara took a fortifying glug of wine and gave him a curious
sidelong glance, but didn’t move.

“Well? Aren’t you going to open it?”

Inexplicably nervous, Sara popped the lid open with one hand
and froze. Ethan turned and leaned into her, all pretense of eating abandoned.

She choked a little, and then managed to find her voice.
“Is—is this what I think it is?”

Ethan nodded solemnly, still not saying anything but his
intense golden eyes never leaving her face.

She lifted the item out of the box reverently—a full,
pristine set of freshly made keys to the front door of his building complex.
Happiness bloomed in her chest, and she was about to throw her arms around his
neck and accept them laughingly, when she saw it.

Dangling from the key chain, right next to a delicate silver
charm shaped like a pair of dice, was a glittering platinum ring with a
half-dozen channel-set diamonds.

And suddenly Sara found that all the air had left the room.

She found herself gathered in Ethan’s arms and cradled to
his chest. He was looking down at her with entreaty in his eyes, the tense set
of his jaw betraying without words how unsure he was at the moment. He held her
as if he was afraid she would slip through his fingers.

“The keys and the ring are yours to keep, sweetheart, no
matter what,” he said. “I’m not expecting an answer, and I won’t rush you into
anything you’re not ready for. You know me, I’m happy enough just to be near
you.” He pressed a gentle, lingering kiss on her parted lips before he
continued. “I need you to understand how deep in this I am. I love you, baby,
so much. Would you maybe consider…moving in with me?”

Sara marveled at the earnest, adoring look on Ethan’s face,
her heart in her throat and her eyes stinging. God, he was wonderful. He’d been
so patient with all her personal hang-ups, her body issues, and he still made
her feel as though she was the sexiest woman alive, never hesitating to let her
know how much he desired her and that he found her beautiful just the way she
was. His devotion and pride in her company was a healing balm, and made her
absolutely wild for him.

She glanced down at the keys in her palm, testing their
weight, basking in the glow of having a man love her enough and be secure
enough to give her the power to choose. But there was really no choice at all.

Sara shook head slowly. “Ethan, I don’t know if I want a
permanent roommate,” she began, noting the flash of disappointment on Ethan’s
face, so brief that she wouldn’t have caught it unless she’d been looking for
it, and the slight tightening of his arms around her before he relaxed and
nodded in understanding.

Biting back a smile, she continued. “I’m kind of an
old-fashioned girl. I’d prefer to just be your wife.”

For a long moment, Ethan stared at her. He blinked in
confusion. Sara stared right back without speaking. He lifted an eyebrow and
unfettered joy slowly began to replace trepidation, bringing a glowing light
into his intense gaze.

“You’re—you’re saying yes?”

She bit her lip at the swell of unexpected emotion that
caused her throat to tighten and her eyes to sting. Ethan stood before her,
strong and silent and his eyes filled with so much hope and love that she could
hardly fathom it. With trembling hands, Sara flipped the key chain open, popped
off the gleaming platinum-and-diamond band and handed it to him with a cheeky,
if watery, grin.

He grasped it and looked deep into her eyes as he slid it
securely onto her ring finger. She noted with pleasure that it was a perfect
fit, just as they were. She looked up at him and said, “Yes.”

“Yes!” Ethan crowed, sweeping her off the stool in his
massive arms and spinning her around the room. “Yes, yes, yes,” he continued to
mutter between loud, smacking kisses on her eyes, nose, mouth, anywhere he
happened to land. Sara laughed in delight and clung to him, kicking her feet in
glee as he claimed her smiling mouth in a deep, soul-stirring kiss. She moaned
and returned it fervently, sliding her hands along his strong jaw and caressing
his whisker-roughened cheeks. Even in her elation, she noted that they were
heading straight to his bedroom down the hall, and anticipation began to simmer
low in her stomach.

“I swear, you won’t regret it,” he vowed as he plopped her
on the bed and crawled in after her, chucking his sweater and unzipping his
pants in the process. Sara flushed a little at his eagerness and followed suit,
pulling off her leggings and T-shirt. He gathered her in his arms and gazed
down at her reverently. “I love you so much, and I’m going to make you so

“You already do,” Sara whispered through swollen lips,
pressing her aching breasts against his chest. “Every single day. And night.”

He kissed down her throat in a lingering path. “I know the
perfect way to celebrate,” he rumbled, his hands and lips already busy driving
his fiancée to distraction.

“Hmmm? How?” Sara was only half-conscious of what she was
saying. She was trying to retain her sensibilities, but Ethan was doing that
wicked, wicked thing with his tongue on her ear…
oh, god

There was a small click, and a whirring sound filled the
air. Sara’s eyes flew open in surprise to encounter Ethan’s devilish grin, and
she burst out laughing when she saw what he held in his hand.

A familiar-looking pink vibrator, thick and smooth,
glittered in the dim light of the bedroom. As Ethan pressed the vibrating wand
against the globes of her breasts and her turgid nipples, Sara’s merriment
quickly turned to gasping sighs and mewls, and her eyes fluttered shut against
the delicious sensation.

“We should take a little trip down memory lane.” Ethan’s
voice had grown gritty with desire. “What do you think?”

“Oh yes, please,” Sara pleaded, already tugging him on top
of her and pressing upward to rub her dripping wet center against the
outrageous erection that tented his cargo pants. Her ring shone against her
hand as she stroked the planes of his chest in encouragement, her head falling
back in pleasure.

With a smile, Ethan got down to the business of turning her
inside-out with pleasure—a joyous, heart-stopping ride that made Sara thank her
lucky stars for their Sin City tryst.

About Kim Tiffany


Kim Tiffany grew up in Northern California and after college
dabbled in the fields of finance, law, and medicine before the writing bug
finally and firmly took hold. She now lives in Southern California with her
partner and three dogs (while her parents still bemoaning the loss of a doctor
in the family). This is her first novel.


The author welcomes comments from readers. You can find her
website and email addresses on her
author bio page





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Ellora’s Cave Publishing





Sin City Tryst


ISBN 9781419942075


Sin City Tryst Copyright © 2012 Kim Tiffany


Edited by April Chapman

Cover design by Perry


Model: Jason Bacca


Electronic book publication September 2012


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