Authors: Samantha Holt
Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Historical, #Romance, #Victorian, #Historical Fiction, #British, #Regency, #Historical Romance
Hettie avoided his gaze. “This does not change anything. I’m taking my sister home. I do not want you interfering again.”
“Hettie, come now...”
“No, I will not be charmed by you.” Her dark gaze flew to his, bright and determined. “You lied to me. How am I meant to trust you again? I suspect I was a fool to in the first place. Once we are home, I don’t expect to see you ever again.”
“I mean it, Jasper. I do not ever want to see you again.”
Seven months later
Hettie grimaced at the feel of wetness spreading across her shoulder. She shifted the linen cloth under the baby’s mouth but it was too late for her dress, she feared. The little one would need a feed before long if its fidgeting was anything to go by.
“Hush now, little one. I shall get you a bottle.”
She took the steps down, narrowly avoiding being knocked into by two children who were playing chase. “Slowly,” she scolded lightly. “You’ll get hurt.”
Heading into the kitchen, she began to prepare a bottle one-handed. She lowered her nose to the infant’s head and drew in the soft scent of her. Her heart ached. How she longed to claim this child for her own, but her parents wouldn’t allow it. Her sister had been sent away as Jasper had planned but to a place of her mother and father’s choosing. Then the baby had been installed in the orphanage. Emma took an interest in the child and had grown in maturity and wisdom after her pregnancy, but she still wasn’t ready to be a mother. It might have been Hettie’s duty to look after all the children at the orphanage but she couldn’t help feel a strong attachment to Penelope.
“Hettie, Mama wants to know if you’ll be coming home for supper?”
She turned to see her sister in the doorway. Hettie put a finger into the baby’s mouth as she began to wriggle some more and her heart expanded as the baby suckled on her fingertip.
“I’m not sure.”
Emma approached and ran a finger over the baby’s hair. “I wish Papa would let you have her. You’re so good with her.”
“Do you not regret that you cannot keep her?”
“I do, but I know that you are much more suited to motherhood than I am. One day I should like children but not for a long time. Daniel says he will not even begin to consider courting me until he has enough money to support me.”
Hettie smiled at the mention of the local blacksmith. He was a good man and far better than that Brandon man. One day, they would be very happy together.
“You know,” Emma said as she helped Hettie fill the bottle with the warm milk, “Lord Jasper offered to adopt Penelope.”
Her heart sprang into action at the mention of the man. “When?”
“When I went to him for aid. He said that once I’d had the baby, he would adopt it. It deserved a good start in life, he said.”
“B-but Jasper, adopting a baby? Surely not?”
“I think, in spite of the gossip, he’s a good man.”
She was right. And Hettie had begun to realise that. He was a good man, but she’d been so hurt by his lies, convinced that if he lied to her about that, he could lie about anything, including his feelings for her. Unfortunately time had done nothing to dampen her own feelings. In truth, it had only increased them. He had written her a letter of apology shortly after her return home, but she’d been too embarrassed to reply. How could she let herself be fooled by a rogue? Then she had watched for news of him in the papers with a mix of relief and sorrow when she found nothing. Jasper Cynfell had disappeared from society by all appearances.
“How would he have even looked after a child?” she asked. It seemed too farfetched, so...well, she supposed it was Jasper-like behaviour. Unexpected, a little crazy.
“Why do you not ask him yourself?” Emma slipped a look toward the doorway, forcing Hettie to look that way.
Silhouetted in the doorway, Jasper leaned against the frame, looking a little mussed but as handsome as ever. His hair had grown since the last time she’d seen him and now touched his collar. His shirt sleeves were rolled up and he wore no necktie. The
of flesh visible at the collar of his shirt did strange things to her stomach.
“Whatever are you doing here?”
He stepped into the room, giving Emma a quick peck on the back of her hand as she passed and left them both.
“I came to see Penelope.” His warm gaze locked onto hers. “And you.”
“I told you I didn’t wish to see you again.”
“Well, we both know I never do as I’m told.”
“No, you don’t.” She shifted Penelope as she wriggled. “Why are you here now?”
Why did you not come to me sooner?
she wanted to ask.
“I thought it best to give your family time to adjust to the new situation but I couldn’t stay away any longer.” He dropped his gaze to the baby and a tender smile edged across his lips. “So this is Penelope. She is beautiful.”
“Did you really intend to adopt her?”
“I didn’t like the idea of the baby ending up in an orphanage.” His smile grew sad. “I’ll admit, I’d been rather excited by the idea. Someone to teach and watch grow. I’d even gone as far as to buy a few things for the townhouse for the baby.”
“B-but it’s a baby! What do you know of babies?”
“I would have learned. I am not an imbecile,” he said dryly.
“But what would everyone have thought?”
“You forget I do not care. I could weather the scandal far better than your sister. The gossips would have thought I had been careless and was paying the price for it. But I could have given Penelope a better start in life than most and my brother’s status would carry her through anything she needed to face.” Any hint of a smile vanished. “I still could.”
She instinctively held the baby closer while she sucked on her bottle. “She needs to be with her family.”
“But it seems she is to stay here, is that right?”
“Papa wouldn’t let Emma keep her.”
“And he will not let you have her either, I am told.”
“No. It is too scandalous to be an unwed mother.”
“What if...” he leaned in close, “you were married?”
Hettie’s heart near leaped into her throat, forcing her to take a big swallow. “How could that be?”
“Why, you would marry me of course.”
She forced her jaw shut and stared into his eyes. “Why should you wish to marry me?”
“You are a demanding woman, are you not?” He gave her a flash of a grin. “Because I love you, Miss Henrietta Foster. I should very much like to make you my wife. And I should very much like to give Penelope here a proper family.”
Swinging her gaze between the baby who had stolen her heart and the man who had forced his way into it, she drew in a shuddery breath. How would it work? She was a country girl, he was the son of a marquess. She was staid and dull and he was...well, he was Jasper.
And yet, the prospect didn’t fill her with uncertainty. Instead, a flutter of excitement whirled through her. If she said yes to Jasper, one thing was for certain, her life would never be dull again.
Jasper saw Hettie approach the house through the window and went to greet her at the door before the butler could get to it. He waved the man away, having every intention of giving his wife an inappropriate kiss having thoroughly missed her as she visited with her family. Hettie might have only been gone a few hours but it felt like a lifetime.
He drew open the door of their new country home and stood under the shelter of the porch. Grey clouds hung thick and heavy in the sky and the rain created tiny streams along the road leading to the house.
Shaking his head at her sodden appearance in spite of her umbrella, Jasper grinned. “I told you to take the carriage,” he said as she approached and offered him a sheepish grin.
“I did not think—” she fumbled to lower the umbrella “—it would be so torrential.”
She finally won the battle with her umbrella and stepped forward to kiss him. Jasper released a hiss as her umbrella met his gut with a painful jab.
Hettie stepped back, her eyes wide. “Oh, Jasper. I am sorry.”
He rubbed his stomach and chuckled. “No more umbrellas. You’re lethal with them.” He kissed her. “How is your family?”
“Very well. Emma should like to come and stay once we are more settled.”
“Of course. The decorating should be finished by next week.”
He ushered her inside and helped her with her jacket before hanging it on the stand. The front of her shirt was slightly see-through. That very predictable thread of heat began to work through him while he admired the way her skin sheened and tiny curls of darkened hair stuck to her face. He couldn’t resist leaning in and giving her another quick peck.
She beamed at him while she removed her hat and hung it on the hat stand. “Is Penelope asleep?”
“Of course.” Jasper had quite relished fatherhood. It presented a new, and enjoyable challenge. He considered that one day he might write something on the experience from a father’s perspective. Lord knows there were many fathers who could do with the insight.
“There is no need to look so smug.”
“I cannot help that she adores my touch.”
Hettie narrowed her gaze at him and motioned to the umbrella in the stand. “If you’re not careful, I shall retrieve my umbrella.”
He held up his hands in surrender. “I know another lady who adores my touch.” Jasper let his voice drop low and closed the gap between them, splaying his hand across the base of her spine. In spite of the dampness of her clothes, her skin was warm against his palm. His mouth grew dry with need.
“Penelope will be sleeping a while longer. I think I need to get you out of those wet garments,” he murmured in her ear, letting his breath skim across the shell of it. She shuddered, as predicted, and softened into him.
His cock grew hard and need surged through him. She curled her hands around his shoulders, rocked her hips into him.
“Upstairs, Mrs Cynfell,” he commanded. “Now.”
She giggled and broke away to hasten upstairs. He shook his head to himself as she offered him an impish grin over her shoulder. He always knew something more lay beneath those starched collars, but he hadn’t quite counted on her leading him on a merry dance most days of their marriage. After one month of wedded bliss, his admiration and desire for her hadn’t waned. Jasper had no doubt it never would.
He followed her up to the master bedroom to find her unbuttoning her shirt before he’d had the chance to shut the door. The nursemaid would be watching over Penelope so he shut the door fully before stalking over.
“I believe I said I needed to get you out of those clothes.”
“So you did.”
Jasper paused to push a damp curl behind her ear before letting his finger trail down to her plump lips. He traced the curve of them, relishing the way they parted to his touch. Her intake of breath at the touch made his entire body tighten.
Then he set to work on the small pearl buttons of her shirt. One by one, he revealed her to him. The lush globes of her breasts threatened to break free of her corset and undergarments. He could not help but release a low growl of appreciation. A drip of water dropped from her hair and onto one breast. He dipped to lap it up before it trickled any farther and she sighed.
Jasper continued his work with more patience than he thought himself capable of. He loosened her corset, undid her skirt and removed her undergarments, leaving her in stockings and boots. Colour danced on her cheeks.
“This feels very inappropriate, Jasper.”
“Because you are wearing your shoes?”
“Because I am wearing my shoes and nothing else!” Hettie declared.
“Hettie,” he told her as he knelt to undo her boots. “If you think this is inappropriate, you will spend much of our married life being shocked.” Unable to resist, he gave her sex a quick swipe with his tongue, making her jolt.
She gave a shaky laugh. “I do hope so, my lord.”
He cast aside her boots and peeled down her stockings then stood to lead her over to the bed. Jasper coaxed her onto her front, offering him the perfect view of her curvaceous rear. He gave it a little squeeze and worked his hands up and down her spine.
She groaned. “Jasper, that is so good.”
“Patience, my love. That is nothing compared with what is to come.”
He massaged every bit of her until he felt all tension ease away from her body. Moving away, he divested himself of his clothes, which took a darn sight less time than removing hers, and joined her on the bed. She twisted her head to view him, a glint in her eyes. He settled beside her and manoeuvred her until he was satisfied with the position. He had her arse nestled up against him, a breast in one hand while he held her back close to his chest. There was many a morning they awoke like this but Penelope didn’t always give them much chance to enjoy it, so he was determined to take the time to now.
Jasper slipped his fingers down between her legs and found her hot and wet for him. He pushed his arousal against her, felt her shudder of appreciation. Mouth to her ear, he breathed into the shell. She shuddered and released a low, sensual moan. If he could bottle sound, he’d keep that moan tucked away and listen to it constantly—the perfect reminder of the woman beneath the high-necked shirts.
As it was, she bestowed those moans on him with a gratifying frequency, but he had to admit to being greedy for his wife’s company, especially when he suspected if they continued the way they were, he’d be sharing her with another child. Not that he would ever complain. Between Penelope and Hettie, he’d found more contentment and fulfilment than he thought possible.
was the excitement he craved in life.
Determined to coax more arousing sounds from her, he moved his finger in a figure of eight pattern, spreading her folds and making her sensitive nub swell beneath his fingertip. When the muscles of her thighs began to quiver, he increased the pace, softening his touch but moving quickly. Hettie’s legs clamped around his hand and he made his move. Lining up with her rear, he thrust hard into her. Her heat closed around him and her moan turned into a cry of pleasure. He needed only to rock into her a few times and that, combined with his fingertips, had her spasming around him.
Jasper closed his eyes and inhaled the damp scent of her hair while savouring the feel of her peak. A hint of
still clung to her skin. As she gathered her breath and murmured his name in the most delightfully satisfied tone, he began to move, lunging into her with increasing speed as he began to lose himself in the feel and smell of her. Hell, even the taste of her as he nipped her shoulder.
She reached a hand around to grip his neck and she twisted to seek out his mouth. He kissed her hard and messily while pleasure tingled from the base of his spine to his skull, creating a haze of ecstasy that singed to his soul.
“Japer,” she murmured again. “Jasper, I love the feel of you inside me.”
“Goddamn, bloody hell,” he uttered.
His prim wife uttering these words combined with the feel of her ripe breast in his palm, her hot body around him and her soft rear against his thighs were the undoing of him. His release was excruciatingly pleasurable and long and searing.
They lay joined for many moments, breathing and taking in the feel of one another. Jasper nuzzled her neck. “I love you, Hettie.”
“And I you,” Hettie said in a sleepy voice. She gripped his neck tight in spite of her satisfied state. “Do not leave me.”
“Never,” he promised.
No one would ever believe it if they heard him say it, but Jasper Cynfell had this feeling that not even death would part them. He smirked to himself and tried to imagine what people of his acquaintance would think if he told them of his conclusion. He’d decided at some point before their marriage that Hettie had been his destiny. None of the women he’d met before had been able to hold his attention because he’d been waiting for someone. Her.
“We’ll never be parted,” he assured her once more. “I belong to you now, Mrs Henrietta Cynfell. Body and soul.”
Hettie didn’t respond. He leaned over and realised she’d drifted off to sleep. Jasper admired the peaceful brush of her lashes against her skin, and noted the gentle curve of her lips. He grinned to himself. He kissed her cheek and settled down beside her. She’d heard him—he could tell.
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Other titles by Samantha Holt
Sinful Confessions (Cynfell Brothers Book 1)
Sinful Deeds (Cynfell Brothers Book 2)
Sinful Liaisons (Cynfell Brothers Book 3)
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