Sinful Cravings (9 page)

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Authors: Samantha Holt

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Historical, #Romance, #Victorian, #Historical Fiction, #British, #Regency, #Historical Romance

BOOK: Sinful Cravings
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He shook his head and grinned. “Hettie Foster, you really are something...”

“I know. You keep saying that.”

Jasper leaned in and kissed her on the lips with all the tenderness of a man who had every intention of courting her properly. She could not help but be excited by the possibilities of what the future held.

“That is because it is true.” He buttoned his trousers and moved off the bed. “Now let us have that cup of tea before I give into temptation and do something truly scandalous.”

Hettie appreciated his control, though she could not help wonder how long their courtship would last. She hoped it was not too long.


Jasper handed Hettie up into the cab and sat beside her. He twined his fingers between her gloved hand, pulling it close to him so he could wrap his other hand around hers.

“So where are we starting? You said you have an idea of where to?”

Over breakfast, he’d tried hard to think how to tell Hettie where he suspected Emma was, but how could he? Part of him felt Emma needed to tell her but by the time they had searched all the charitable institutions, he’d made a list of she would know anyway.

He was a coward. Who’d have thought it? He, who cared little what anyone thought of him and prided himself on taking chances in life, was terrified of hurting this woman.

“I believe Emma will have sought help from one of the charities around here. There are many in the city. I think we should start with them.”

Hettie shook her head. “I don’t understand why she would do this. Foolish girl. Did she really think that man would follow her and marry her?”

Jasper doubted Emma really did. She’d known full well when she had asked him for help that Brandon had little intention of doing the honourable thing, but he imagined she still held onto hope. But why had she not come to him once more instead of running away? He couldn’t fathom it.

“All will be well,” he assured Hettie. He wasn’t sure it would be. For once in his life, he wasn’t sure of anything. Even when Emma had come to him and he’d made a decision so outrageous and unexpected, even to him, he’d been certain of it.

Now he regretted keeping everything from Hettie. What if she never forgave him? What if she refused to let him court her? He needed to be around her. He couldn’t lose her.

“Do not be angry with Emma, will you?”

“Angry with her? She’s my sister! I just want her safe.”

Hopefully she wouldn’t be angry with him, either, but he had his suspicions that wouldn’t be the case. Still, he’d weathered her anger before. He just had to convince her he’d been trying to protect her and soon enough, they could return to normal. And he could return to doing his best to win her over completely.

If all went well, he had every intention of making Hettie his wife.

The cabriolet drew to a halt and Jasper stepped out and put on his hat.

Hettie glanced up at the tall building with the words engraved into it. “St. Mary’s Female Protection Society?”

“I won’t be allowed in. You shall have to enquire yourself.”

She nodded and entered, leaving him standing by the carriage, arms folded. Hettie returned within minutes.

She shook her head. “No.”

“Well, we have plenty more to try.” He aided her back into the carriage and they continued their search.

By midday, they had visited eight more institutions with no sign of Emma. Jasper’s gut clenched as Hettie’s expression grew more and more resigned.

“We’ll find her,” he assured her while they ate a light lunch in one of the restaurants on Castle Street. “If we don’t succeed tomorrow, I’ll speak with the police and a private investigator.”

“No, no police.” She lowered her cup and picked at the sandwich on her plate absent-mindedly. “I do not want them involved. What if Mama and Papa find out?”

“You would be better off telling them what has happened anyway. It’s bound to come out eventually and they can keep a closer eye on her.”

“They’re very busy,” she explained. “Their charitable work takes them all over the country.”

“Leaving you to play mother,” he said quietly.

That Hettie should be dealing with all this on her own rankled him. He longed to bundle her in his arms and protect her from having gone through any of this.

“I should have come to London with her, but I don’t enjoy it. I thought my time was better spent at the orphanage.”

“And you enjoy that?”

“Yes, in some ways. It’s nice to be needed.”

He didn’t mention how he needed her. Now was not the time nor the place.

“I suppose you enjoy London very much.”

Jasper lifted a shoulder. “I enjoy aspects of it, but I’ve never been overly attached to it. I’ve never become overly attached to anywhere. There doesn’t seem much point.”

“What of your childhood home?”

“Lord, I couldn’t wait to leave. If you had grown up with six brothers, you’d understand why. I always wanted to experience more.”

A dreamy look entered her gaze and a small smile spread across her lips. Jasper wanted to kiss her. He wanted to make her smile always.

“I can understand that. I have never really been anywhere other than Wiltshire and London, but I like the idea of visiting other places. Paris perhaps, or even America.”

He shook his head. “I do not think you will ever fail to surprise me.”

“I surprise myself, in truth. I had not realised I wanted these things until very recently.”

Jasper reached across the table and twined his fingers with hers. “And there are other things you want too?”

“Yes, I believe there are.”

“Then I look forward to showing you the world, Hettie.”

She tilted her head and eyed him. “We are very different, Jasper.”

“Indeed. And would it not be so very dull if we were the same?”

“That is true, and as we know, you loathe anything dull.”

Glancing at her mangled sandwich, he signalled for the bill. “I take it you are not going to finish that.”

“No, I can’t find the appetite.”

“Well, we have several more women’s charities to visit now. The next one is just around the corner.”

“What if we’re searching in the wrong place?”

“In spite of her choices, Emma is no fool. She will have sought help once her funds ran out, I’m sure of it.”

“You seem to have much more faith in my sister’s intelligence than I do.”

Jasper considered their meeting and how she’d come to him knowing of his friendship with Brandon. Well, what
to be a friendship. Now he had ideas of at least breaking his nose if not calling him out for a duel. But, anyway, Emma had been clear and concise in her needs, and not at all flustered.

“She is related to you, is she not?” he said to Hettie as they left and forewent a carriage in favour of walking around the corner.

Shoppers and a few beggars crowded the streets. Carriages moved slowly in this part of town, winding between the tall buildings and clogging up the roads. Jasper offered her his arm and took a moment to glance down at her. His admiration for her grew with every second and, with that, his attraction to her. Were it not for their important mission, he’d be sorely tempted to take her back to the hotel and see what other ways they could make love without risking her innocence.

The next charitable institution was one for destitute mothers and children. No one guarded the doors so he entered with Hettie. Though the building was elegant and the charity likely well-funded by society ladies, there was an air of abandonment to the place. Somewhere in the distance a child cried and several ladies in severe clothing hurried back and forth. He tapped his foot and waited by a walnut desk that lined the marbled reception hall, but he was thoroughly ignored.

Hettie tried to get the attention of one of the women. “Excuse—” She paused and narrowed her gaze at the steps leading upstairs. “Emma?”

A young woman froze on the stairs and a burst of relief rushed through him. Hettie hastened forward and marched up the steps to drag Emma into her arms. Jasper allowed himself a small smile. Once they were settled, he would speak with Emma about what she wanted to do and if she still wanted help from him, but for now he’d let them enjoy your reunion.

“Emma,” the word came out on a sob from Hettie, but Emma remained stiff in her arms. Hettie eased back to cup her face and even from where he was, he saw Hettie’s face drop. “Emma?” She skimmed a finger over a dark mark on her cheek. “What is this?”

Jasper clenched his fists when Emma extracted herself from her sister’s grasp and walked down the steps. She swung a surprised look at him. “Lord Jasper? Whatever are you doing here?”

“I was helping your sister find you.” He glanced at the dark mark on her face. “Has someone hurt you?”

She put a hand to her cheek and shook her head. Hettie gripped her arm and urged her sister to face her. “Emma, that mark...” She peered around and dropped her voice. “You’re with child?”

He didn’t know how she’d figured that out from a dark mark on her sister’s cheek, but at least the truth was out. He hadn’t been happy that Emma hadn’t wanted to share her secret with her family, but he couldn’t very well force the girl.

Emma nodded slowly.

“With that man?” Hettie prompted.


“Why did you not tell someone? Why run away? Emma, I’ve been frantic. Aunt has been riddled with guilt.”

“You did not tell Mama and Papa, did you?”

“Of course not. But you’ll have to tell them now.”

“No, I cannot. I’m going to stay here and give birth to the baby. They can arrange for an adoption. I’m sorry I couldn’t come to you, Lord Jasper. There was no time.” She glanced his way but he kept his mouth shut. He doubted Hettie would take well to the news that he had intended to adopt the baby.

Hettie swung her gaze to him, her eyes wide. “You knew of this?

Jasper drew in a breath and edged closer to Hettie. “Emma came to me when she discovered she was with child. I offered her assistance.”

Her face grew ashen and she darted her gaze between them. “You cannot be serious?” She turned to Emma. “Why did you not come to me for help? Why would you give away your baby, Emma? I could have taken care of it. You could have given it to me or the orphanage.”

“How could I tell you?” Emma declared. “You would have scolded and lectured me. I know well that I’ve been a fool but I didn’t need to hear it from my perfect sister.”

“I would not...” Hettie’s shoulders dropped. “You should have told me,” she said softly. “It was so dangerous running away.”

“When this—” her sister gestured to her cheek “—began to show, I knew I wouldn’t be able to hide it. Aunt Margaret had one with Rupert and I know Mama said she had a mark when pregnant with us. Everyone would know what I’d done.”

Hettie wrapped an arm around her sister and Emma relaxed into her hold. As determined as she’d been, Jasper could see the toll doing this alone had taken on her.

“We’ll return home. We’ll face this together, Emma. Everything will be well, I promise.”

He motioned to the door. “Yes, let us get you both home.”

She shot a look his way. “We do not need your help.”

“I beg to differ.”

Hettie released her sister and closed the gap to jab a finger in his chest. “You should have told me. You had so many chances. She’s my sister, Jasper. I had a right to know.”

“I’m sorry, Hettie. It wasn’t my secret to tell and I didn’t want to worry you unnecessarily.”

“Unnecessarily? Who are you to decide what is best for me?”

“Well I had thought—”

“You thought you were this big, important lord who could dictate my life to me. You’re so used to manoeuvring women around, playing with them however you see fit, that you thought you could do as you wished with me and my sister.”

“Hettie—” Emma tried to interject.

“You lied to me, Jasper.”

Jasper scowled.

“I was trying to help,” he said through clenched teeth.

“You’re an interfering arse, Cynfell,” a voice Jasper recognised all too well said. “Damn, it’s taken me the better part of a day to track you down.”

They all turned to see the man entering the building, and Jasper balled his fists.

“Brandon!” Emma declared and raced to him, wrapping her arms about him. “You came.”

“Yes, to stop you from making a huge mistake,” the man said, working his arms free. “You need to get rid of the child,” he said in low voice. “If my uncle finds out I’ve sired a child, he’ll cut me off. Rumours are already circulating London.”

Emma took several steps back, her hand dropping protectively to her stomach. “You cannot mean that.”

Hettie wrapped an arm around her shoulders and urged her behind her, while lifting her chin and eyeing Brandon with a look that would have made Jasper’s toes curl had it been directed at him.

“You are the blackguard who seduced my sister, I presume?”

“And you’re the starchy older sister.” Brandon smirked. “I would say it’s a pleasure but, well...” He swept his gaze over her dismissively.

That was enough to have his blood boiling in his ears. Jasper hadn’t quite realised what he’d done until his knuckles ached and Brandon was sprawled upon the floor. Blood dripped from the man’s nose and he groaned. Jasper couldn’t help but give a grim smile. He’d been wanting to do that for a while.

“Come,” he said to the ladies. “Gather your belongings, Emma, and we’ll leave. This bastard does not deserve any more of your time.”

Emma glanced at Brandon, then at him and her sister before nodding. “I shall be but a moment.”

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