Sinful Resurrection (CSA Case Files 2) (18 page)

BOOK: Sinful Resurrection (CSA Case Files 2)
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“Hands on the mantle in front of you and don’t let go,” Jax ordered in raspy tone that made her knees quiver. 

As she tightened her fingers on the old wood, she listened closely to the sounds around her.  He was tearing a condom wrapper and rolling the latex over his cock.  She didn’t have to be told to spread her legs.

’re mine, Emily,” Jax exclaimed as he grabbed her hips and in one thrust was balls deep into her cunt.  Her sheath expanded and accepted his width and length.  “Say it.”

“I’m yours, Sir,” Emily whispered, giving him the words he so desperately wanted to hear.  They exposed her just as her pleas had earlier, but she had no regret.  Her soul was his to explore and that was what tonight seemed to be.  Her body had just been a vessel.  “I’m yours.”

Jax pulled out slowly, returning inside of her the same way.  He kept her hanging on by a thread, continuing at that speed.  It wasn’t until one hand crept up and grabbed ahold of her hair that she instantly teetered on that precipice.  What was it about that action that sent her spinning out of control?
“You feel so fucking good.”  Jax’s warm lips were against her neck.  “When this is all said and done and we’re back home, I’m going to take you to my club and strap you down to the spanking bench.  I’ll flip up the short ruffled skirt you’ll be wearing, baring your ass for all to see.  They’ll understand who you belong to by the time I’m done.”

The second Jax tugged a little more on her hair, giving him full access to her neck, he bit her skin and
pushed her over the edge.  Emily was unsure if that was the action that sent her over or his words which created a vivid image in her mind.  She would accept the scene he’d described because not only would it show every Dominant that she was his, but it would also be inked into every submissive’s mind as well.  Jax was hers. 

With each thrust
her pussy clenched his cock, trying to keep him inside of her.  Her orgasm seemed never ending and she cried out with every spasm.  Over and over, he thrust until she felt his shaft expand and knew his seed was now filling the reservoir on the tip of the condom.  The other reality that she didn’t want to face was now impending on her mind and she did everything to shut it out.  That was, until Jax’s phone rang.

Chapter Twenty-One


Ryland stretched his fingers several times, using the action to calm the irritation that was flowing through his system.  Beatrice Weis
slich had been checked into this very hotel but now seemed to be missing.  No one on the staff knew a thing about it either, although they willingly shared the places she liked to tour and dine.  Five hours into his search, he was relatively sure that Crest or someone working for him had scooped her up.

He bumped his shoulder into a random tourist on the street, not bothering to apologize as he made his way to the taxi.  The driver had already taken his overnight bag and stowed it in the trunk.  Once situated in the back seat, he placed his elbow near the side window and contemplated his next move. 

Someone had to know something.  For such an easy mission, this was turning into a cluster fuck that he was wasting too much time on.  He ran a hand over his mouth, easing the tension from his jaw.  Ryland felt as if this assignment was going awry.  It was a foreign feeling and one that he could do without.

The vibration of his pocket alerted him to an incoming message.  Not bothering to look out at the city as they drove toward the airport, Ryland reached inside his suit jacket and pulled out his phone.  He opened the email and read the contents, disbelief coursing through him.

“Stop,” Ryland demanded, tapping on the front seat.  “Pull over.”

“But sir —”

“Now!” Ryland shook his head at the useless man, not able to take orders.  With his hand already on the handle, he swung the door open the instant the car had pulled next to the curb.  “Stay here.”

Ryland didn’t look back to make certain the driver listened.  Walking into the first shop he saw, he let the door close behind him as the smell of
rich coffee surrounded him.  It was a café, which was perfect for what he intended to do.  He strode to the counter, speaking fluent French as he asked to use their telephone.  Once the landline phone was in hand, he dialed a contact of his at the embassy and called in a favor.

“Transfer me to this number,” Ryland said in a rather low tone, not wanting to draw attention.  He rattled off Vadim Batkin’s number.  He knew the call into the security member of the
Security Council would be incoming from the embassy located here and would not seem suspicious in nature.  “You’ll be handsomely paid for your service.”

The man on the other end stuttered his appreciation, which caused Ryland
to tighten his fingers on the phone.  He loathed people who weren’t secure in their lot in life.  That thought had him turning toward the window, looking out at the taxi driver as he waited to be connected. 

Something caught his eye a few vehicles back.  Another taxi, although this one with a passenger in the back.  The sun glinted off of the windshield, making it hard to see who was within, but the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end.  Ryland always trusted his instinct. 


“As you are obviously aware, I need more time.  It seems you neglected to inform me that my target has qualified protection.  The risks are more profound now, wouldn’t you agree?” Ryland casually stepped back to the counter, although never once turned his back against the open windowpanes.  He calculated his options as he continued speaking.  “You should know that while I am usually given a target’s name, relevant information is vital to my delivery.”

“You cannot call me here,” Batkin whispered harshly, indicating he was near people.  Ryland wasn’t worried and remained silent, not bothering to ease the man’s mind of how the routing of this call would show if someone were to trace it.  He waited for Batkin to take the bait.  “All hell has broken loose.  All you have to know is where she’ll be in order to facilitate your end.  I’ve given you that, along with another name.  They will both be in the same location.”

Ryland remained silent for a moment longer, contemplating how problematic this assignment had become.  He recognized the symptoms of a racing heart and tight chest as one of prey and found himself enjoying this feeling that he’d been given.  Was one of Crest’s men in that car outside of the café?  Had they decided to hunt him instead?  He would have taken this second target on for free, but that would ruin his reputation.

“I take it the money has been delivered into my account?”

“Yes,” Batkin
responded, his voice still low.  “Just see that it is done.”

“My pleasure.” Ryland disconnected the call and turned back to the young barista.  She blushed when their fingers brushed against each other and he paused long enough to give her a small smile.  The petite brunette wasn’t his usual type, but there was something about her innocence that made him want to cl
aim it.  “Thank you very much, Miss.  I’ll remember your hospitality on my return trip.”

  Having mulled over what he was going to do with the possible visitor in the other cab, Ryland walked to the door and stepped outside into the street as if nothing was amiss.  Walking directly to the taxi, he opened the door and situated himself in the seat before having the driver take him to the airport terminal.  He sat back, getting comfortable for a ride that would ultimately lead him toward a potential confrontation. 

* * * *

Jax listened to Emily’s even breathing as they lay in bed.  The sun was shining through a window that overlooked the lake, allowing the reflection to dance along the
rose colored walls of the bedroom.  He didn’t want to move, for his left arm was tucked in somewhat uncomfortably under her head.  He smiled when a little snort came from her pert little nose.  If she knew that, she would be mortified.

He turned his head, leisurely watching the spring birds fly by on their way to the fresh cool morning water.  The freedom for which they spread their wings was a fascinating sight as their graceful movements cut through the air.  The carefree way they glided toward their destination caused an envious feeling that he normally didn’t feel.  They trusted one another to guide each other during their route.  It wasn’t as if he didn’t have the same thing with each team member of CSA, but he’d told Emily that he thought trust was an illusion.  It wasn’t.  Sometimes he took things for granted.

Trusting Emily and then finding out his decisions had been based on a lie was what had been an illusion.  If he were to examine the situation a little closer, she’d been doing her job and then had made choices based on the path she’d been given.  Just like those birds outside of the window, acting in accordance with what nature threw their way.  She’d given herself to him twice in two days…her mind, body, and soul.  That in itself was what trust was all about.

Jax had his shortcomings and one of those happened to be the fear of losing the people he cared about.  If he were honest with himself, that was why it had been so easy to help Emily create a new life.  He was able to control when she left versus having fate take her away from him at a later time when losing her would completely devastate him.  He understood her need to avoid the reality of the situation, for he’d been doing it for years.  He’d be a hypocrite to ask something of her that he hadn’t been able to do. 

“Morning,” Emily murmured against his arm.  She slid a hand around his chest and managed to scoot closer, if that was possible.  He brought his arm down around her back as she shifted her head to his shoulder.  “Hmmm…how long have you been awake?”

“Around an hour.  Your
snoring kept me awake,” Jax softly answered, smirking as he stroked her warm skin in reassurance.  “Kevin gave his SITREP and everything is clear right now.”

“Crest’s phone call last night wasn’t very optimistic.
  And I don’t believe for a moment I snore.”  Emily started to trace the figure eights she seemed partial to on his abdomen.  “Are you sure we’re safe staying in place?”

“Crest gave us the facts, that’s all.”  Jax kissed the top of her head.  “If Ryland manages to slip by Connor, getting you into New York City and then to the United Nations for that hearing won’t be easy.  Crest’s motto is plan for the worst, hope for the best.  Well, at least one of them.  I swear he has a new
motto every day.”

“Is it possible for me to talk to Aunt Beatrice without giving our location away?  I know you have the capability, but does the man who is keeping her safe have the same technology?”

“No,” Jax replied, leveling with her.  “It’s just a friend helping out.  Crest pulled in one of his favors.  It was an impromptu situation, but be assured she’s safe.”

They lay quiet for a while with the only interruption being when Emily used the bathroom.  There were a lot of unthreaded strings dangling in front of them, what with Ryland still on the loose, the hearing coming up, and undoubtedly the NSA.  Would they allow her to walk away without penance once this was over?  He wasn’t sure what the protocol was
with that particular agency.  Right now, they were given a reprieve and he wanted to make the most of it.

“I want your mouth on my cock,” Jax murmured against her forehead.  He smiled when he felt a shiver go through her body.  He remembered as if it were yesterday her drive to succeed at taking him down her throat.  “Practice until you can take me down your throat, sweet spy of mine.  If you make me come any other way, we’ll do this all afternoon until you get it right.”

Emily lifted her head, her blue eyes shining with determination.  Her mouth pursed as if she couldn’t believe he would question her ability, but he remembered the last blowjob she’d given him vividly.  Not that Jax liked to admit it, but she had him coming under two minutes with just her tongue and hand.  His smile grew, which he knew would urge her downward.

“Yes, Sir,” Emily said, her voice still raspy from sleep, although the way her eyes lit up made him well aware she was wide awake.  She gracefully slid down his body, pulling the sheet with her, and situated herself in between his legs.  “May I?”

Emily was holding up her hands and wiggling her fingers, her question in reference to using them.  Pride shot through him that she remembered to ask for permission to touch him with her hands.  He roamed his gaze down her body, taking in the ample swell of her breasts to the fluid flare of her hips, which led to her bare pussy.  He recalled the time when her hands were bound behind her and she had only been allowed to use her mouth.  He hadn’t lasted long then either.  She had a way about her that no other submissive came close to touching.

“Yes, you may,” Jax replied, shifting the pillow behind his head so that he had full view of what she was about to do.  There was something sensual about watching a woman take him in her mouth…especially this woman.  His cock was already hard, if not past that point.  “Slowly, Emily.”

She leaned down on her knees, her hair draping to the side.  Jax reached out to brush the remaining hair around her ear, so as not to block the view of her tongue reaching out and swiping the tip of his dick.  He wasn’t ready for the heat that her moisture created, causing his balls to immediately draw up.  His intake of air echoed throughout the room.

“You taste good, Sir,” Emily said, her breath heating the slit that she’d just licked, making it feel as if his dick had caught fire. 

Before Jax could reply, she covered his tip and sucked him into her mouth until he felt the back of her throat.  It was then that she eased back up, using her tongue to stroke the underside of his shaft.  Emily’s long fingers wrapped around the base of his cock and held him upright to continue the onslaught of pleasure.

  Letting Emily have her way for now, Jax settled back on the pillow and enjoyed watching as much as receiving.  She didn’t miss one inch of his dick, using her tongue, lips, and fingers.  She worked him from top to bottom, while her other hand massaged his balls and inner thighs.  Small spasms were occurring, producing pre-cum that she managed to
lap up as fast as it appeared.

“Deeper.  Swallow me,
” Jax instructed, his voice dropping an octave.

Emily bent over him, getting a better angle as she took him back to her throat.  He heard her stop breathing as she tried to take him farther in, but eventually pulled away.  Her fingers slipped up and over his shaft, curling around his tip and causing a jolt of electricity to shoot through his balls.  She tried to take him deeper once more, halting at the same time.

Jax allowed her to continue on the same path and it ended up being the swirl of her tongue around the tip of his cock that sent him over.  To her credit, she greedily sucked him down, draining him until the last ripple of pleasure tore through his lower back and into his sac.  Not that he would let her know it, but having her do this again so quickly was going to be the death of him.  The issue at hand was he’d thrown down a challenge and would see it through.

“Again,” Jax murmured, gritting his teeth as the tortured ecstasy flowed through him as she continued to lick and nibble on his dick.  “I want you to take me down your throat, Emily.”

Her hand continued to pump his still hardened cock, twirling her hand up, over, and around the tip.  Over and over, she manipulated his shaft with her fingers and mouth until he was once again on the verge of having another release.  She used her other hand to massage his sac, as she knew he liked the feel of it.

“Will you help me, Sir?”

Emily lifted her head and looked at him with those beautiful blue eyes of hers.  They sparkled with something he couldn’t put a name on, but knew he wanted it to be there for as long as they drew air.  That should have scared the shit out of him, but instead, it made him want to give her whatever she may need for the rest of her life.  Jax groaned and wrapped his right hand into her hair, pulling it tightly so she felt the pressure on her scalp.  Her head tilted with the action and her lips parted, taking his cock into her mouth as if she was sucking the juice out of a ripe strawberry.  That alone almost sent him over the edge once more.

BOOK: Sinful Resurrection (CSA Case Files 2)
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