Sinful Resurrection (CSA Case Files 2) (21 page)

BOOK: Sinful Resurrection (CSA Case Files 2)
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Chapter Twenty-Five


Jax didn’t like to be without his weapon.  Connor stood by the far door, which led out toward the public area.  Kevin and Ethan had stationed themselves
near the interior door, which was where Emily would enter for her testimony.  According to Schultz, they were now listening to the recordings she’d managed to confiscate two years prior.  A high-ranking official with the NSA was apparently in the room as well.  Emily had lost a little bit of her color upon hearing that, but she still managed to straighten her back and be prepared for when they called her in.  Jax was wondering if the NSA was purposely making this more difficult by requesting a meeting offsite when they were already here.

Water?”  Crest stood before them with a glass of water for Emily.  She gave a small smile in thanks and took the glass, though Jax could see the slight tremor of the liquid as she lifted it to her mouth.  “Vadim Batkin was identified as the man who was killed outside.”

“How is it possible that someone would take him out and Ryland not try to do the same with me?” Emily asked, holding the glass with both hands as she rested it on her lap.  “And why?”

“In my opinion,” Crest said, lowering his voice, “I think it
Ryland.  I don’t claim to know what that man is thinking, but I have no doubt he did it. How is another question.  Schultz has men scouring the area where the bullet came from and we’ll hopefully know something soon.”

“Any way Schultz has the connections to have Emily meet with the NSA here after this hearing?”  Jax didn’t like going to a blind location.

“I highly doubt it.”  Crest shoved his hands in his pocket.  “It obviously makes things difficult with Ryland still out there and I agree with you that we need to expedite this, but we stick to the plan for now.  To answer your other question, Emily, Ryland could have several reasons for targeting Batkin.  Considering we have video feed of them meeting at a fundraiser, Ryland might feel that’s enough evidence to connect them.  Or Alekseev hired another assassin to take Batkin out.”

“It could be that
Ryland is toying with us, sending a message that he can get to you regardless of the manpower that we have at our disposal,” Jax said, rubbing a hand down her back to ease the weight of his words.  “You testifying could put an end to the job he was hired to do.”

“Emily?” Schultz’s voice came from the door where Kevin and Ethan stood guard. 
Everyone tensed and Jax stood, holding out his hand for Emily’s water.  Once she handed it over, he then waited as she took a deep breath and stood beside him.  “They’re ready.”

They all knew Alekseev would be inside that room, listening to every damning piece of evidence that Emily had been able to produce.
The only saving grace for the Secretary-General was that he would be untouchable, for if Jax had been able to reach him, they wouldn’t need to be having this hearing.  Alekseev wanted more power and he had ultimately received it through murder.  The blood money he made from selling WMDs to other mid-eastern countries would do nothing for him now.

“Let’s get this over with, little spy,” Jax murmured, hoping the determination in his voice set her at ease for what she was about to do.  He was truly in awe of her dedication to her country and to their relationship, and if the NSA didn’t realize what a
gem they had on their hands, then that was their loss.  “Show them what being a true American means.”

* * * *

  Ryland twirled his preferred drink in a rocks glass minus the ice, loving the way the various shades of gold changed as the liquid spun around the tumbler.  He brought the crystal to his lips and closed his eyes when the singular essence hit his tongue.  He relished the success of the day and contemplated actually calling one of the escort services that he frequently used when visiting New York.

He walked across the penthouse, watching the scene
unfold on his computer as the Secret Service found his remote controlled firing platform located just shy of the two-mile marker from the United Nations.  In order to hit his target, he had to strategically place a Polish-made ZSU-33 14.5mm heavy machine gun on a remote controlled firing platform at a higher level so that the shot was clean.  He had gotten the idea from an old movie and thought Crest would appreciate the irony.  The Secret Service had scoured the vacant buildings using heat-sensing devices, not detecting the highly expensive, yet exclusive equipment.  It was well worth every penny.  The damage a single 14.5mm shell could do to a human being was incredible to behold.  They’d have to mop up Batkin’s remains with a wet-vac.

When the
laptop screen went blank, Ryland casually leaned forward and closed the lid.  Taking a seat on the luxurious cream couch, he made himself comfortable as he contemplated his next move. 

Taking out Batkin
in a very messy way was well thought out and necessary to send the message he desired to future business associates.  If Ryland felt that he was compromised in any way, there would be retribution in the form of death.  While normally he was given a name and the contract carried out, if there was pertinent information kept from him that would expose him to greater forces, that person would be held responsible.

As for letting Grace Emily continue into the building where the fate of Alekseev would be sealed and his being sent back to Russia, that was to give her comfort in knowing she was safe for the time being.  Ryland was sure that Crest would connect the dots soon enough, but he would be smart enough to know that Ryland would not let sleeping dogs lie. 

Just as with the first message, another needed to be relayed.  No one was permitted to get in the way of Ryland doing what he’d been hired to do.  Emily would face her death, just as fate had declared from the beginning and it would be his hand that delivered it.  Eliminating Crest and his band of followers at his leisure was just a present to himself for a job well done.

* * * *

Emily had never felt so tired in her life.  Seven hours of testimony, some of that having to defend herself from the questions thrown her way from the NSA official present, and she was finally back in the room where Kevin, Ethan, and Connor had been subjected to wait.  Only Crest and Jax had been allowed in and only then due to Schultz pulling in favors and stressing the importance of Emily having her own security detail.  Having endured countless questions, the malicious looks Alekseev had thrown her way, and the thorough interrogations by several members of the Security Council, the hearing had finally come to a close.  Now they would await the outcome.

“I am so proud of you,” Jax whispered, holding her close.  “No one could have held their composure like you did.”

“I want to go home,” Emily said, moving her lips against his neck.

The warmth of his skin soaked into hers, making her feel one step closer to
ending this debacle.  She wasn’t sure how he would take her request, as she wasn’t sure exactly what she meant either.  Had she meant Aunt Beatrice’s house?  Her abandoned apartment in New York City that was leased under a different name?  The cabin on Lake Michigan where she’d given him her heart?  Or had she meant his home in Minneapolis? 

“Soon,” Jax promised, slowly releasing her.  The door opened behind them and she twisted in his arms to see who it was.
  Schultz came through the archway, but he wasn’t alone.  Jax tightened his fingers on her waist and stood beside her, giving the appearance of a united front.  Only it wasn’t just a façade and she straightened her back once more for the next battle.  “NSA.”

“Emily, you answered his questions and deflected his accusations
like that of a seasoned agent,” Schultz said, expressing his displeasure to the man beside him, “but let me formally introduce you.  This is Special Agent Neil Harris.”

No one offered to shake hands and Emily knew it wasn’t needed.  This meeting was supposed to have taken place somewhere else and she wasn’t sure if it was good or bad that it had changed.  Had her testimony altered what the NSA felt they
were compelled to do with a NOC agent who refused to lie down and be eliminated?  She knew that they had been secretly hoping that Ryland would dispose of her, for that would limit the damage this would do to the NSA in the eyes of the public, regardless that their actions had just rid this country of a cold-blooded killer. 

“Agent Harris, is there anything else you’d like to know about the two years that I was left to my own devices?” Emily asked, squeezing Jax’s hand that was on her waist to let him know that she could handle this.  “Or are you here to give me a promotion?”

Coughs could be heard around the room, which everyone knew to be covers for the laughs that the men had let escape.  Schultz himself appeared to be amused at her offensive take on the situation, but she hadn’t done it to make light of the position she was in.  She was just nervous as shit that there was a possibility they could throw her ass in jail for going against orders.

“I’m here to sever ties, Ms. Weiss.” 
Special Agent Harris was an older gentleman, likely in his late fifties, with white hair and deep groves in his face.  It was obvious that the stress of the job had taken its toll.  “I’m sure we can both agree that it would be best for you to go your way while we go ours.  After this misfortune, I’m sure you see it in both of our interests to part ways.”

“Let me clarify, so that there are no misunderstand
ings,” Emily said, holding her head high.  She knew what this man and his agency were capable of and didn’t want it to come back to haunt her in later years.  “My name will be kept out of the press to protect my privacy.  I have obviously been wiped from the system, so no trace of my relationship with NSA will plague me in the future, and any possible charges that could have been brought against me will evaporate.  In exchange, I will be given a new identity with a clean slate…one that has never had contact with any federal agency.”

“Agreed,” Special Agent Harris growled,
dismissing her with the turn of his body.  “Jessalyn, you’ll be delivered her new papers.  See that she gets them and her two years back pay, provided she signs the standard NDA and all the requisite addendums.”

The door slammed shut, leaving Emily slightly breathless that it was all over.
She took advantage of Jax’s hold and felt herself sink further into his body.  To his credit, he never released her. Two years of hell, of being on her own, of never knowing what was going to be around the next corner, and all the fear and helplessness was gone in a blink of an eye.  Emily knew she should feel relief, but her emotions were a little backlogged at the moment.

“You did well, Agent Weiss,” Schu
ltz said, holding out a hand.  “That is, if we disregard your attempt at going international with a story that would have compromised a lot of agencies.  Regardless, I’m sure the hearing will end with Alekseev being sent back to Russia, with the evidence that he’d sold WMDs to the Middle East.  You and I both know that some story will be fabricated as to why the Secretary-General has given up his post and he will never truly pay for the murder of Amato Bianchi.  Just as the public will never know the service and sacrifice that you have provided your country.”

“And what of the NSA?  The
Security Council cannot be happy that listening devices have been planted throughout these offices.  You and I know they replaced me the instant I went off the grid.” 

“Again, that’s not our concern,” Schultz said, giving her a half smile.  “You have your life back, Emily.  Enjoy it.”

“And what of Ryland?” Jax asked, directing his question to both Schultz and Crest.  She noticed that Crest had taken a phone call the minute they’d entered the room.  Had it been in regards to Ryland or had he just been checking into the office?  “Yes, Emily saw this through to the end, but Ryland is still out there.”

“He has no reason to continue his pursuit of Emily,” Schultz said, shrugging his shoulder.  “The hearing happened and the outcome is inevitable.”

“I disagree,” Crest said, coming to stand beside them.  “From our run-ins with him, it’s obvious he’s taken this personally.  I’ve returned your favor tenfold, Schultz.  I expect help should we need it.”

Schultz nodded slowly, as if letting that
demand set with him.  Holding out his arm, he shook everyone’s hand and then exited through the door that would lead him to the outside world.  Emily looked around, waiting for someone to follow so that they too could leave.  No one moved, and all looked toward Crest as if waiting for his dismissal.

“They located a remote controlled firing platform that Ryland had somehow manage
d to situate in an abandoned building.  And yes, the area had been cleared by the Secret Service.  It happens.”  Crest held up his phone.  “I just spoke with Taryn, though.  She’s miraculously dug up information on Ryland, which she’ll send to each of us.  Study it.  Memorize it.  Use it when needed.  It’s the only arsenal we have against this man.  In the meantime, we’ll separate into two groups and drive back to Minneapolis.  I don’t want to take any public transportation when we’re unsure of what he’ll do next.”

Emily was listening to every word, but the exhaustion must
have been getting to her, due to the fact that she felt weightless.  Jax must have sensed it, for he kissed the top of her head.  She trusted that he would get her somewhere where she could sit and get some sustenance.   

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