Sinful Resurrection (CSA Case Files 2) (29 page)

BOOK: Sinful Resurrection (CSA Case Files 2)
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“I love you, too,
my little spy.”

Chapter Thirty-Four


Emily waited for Lauren to put the finishing touches to the bottom of her wedding dress.  Aunt Beatrice, Lauren, and Taryn wouldn’t allow her to turn around
and face the mirror otherwise.  She shared a tender look with her aunt, who already had tears in her eyes.  The woman had been a mother and father figure for the majority of Emily’s life.  Jax had managed to envelop her into their lives despite the arguments the NSA had given.  What they had to say was valid, but if it was one thing that she and Jax had learned, was that life was too short not to take the chance and lose those important in their lives.

“You look absolutely beautiful,” Aunt Beatrice whispered, lifting a
white handkerchief to her eye.  “I cannot wait to paint you onto canvas.”

“Thank you, Aunt Beatrice,” Emily said, smiling
.  “I’m glad we postponed the wedding until the end of June.  The weather is much warmer and the sunset will be absolutely perfect for the ceremony.  Plus, your new beau was able to attend.  He seems to fit right in with the crew out there.”

Aunt Beatrice’s cheeks flushed at the mention of
Roger Dallen, the man who had watched over her in Paris.  Crest had called in a favor with the retired Army Sergeant Major, who had been visiting his granddaughter in France.  While Emily and Jax had been taking care of business at home, it seemed that Aunt Beatrice had been taking care of another.

“Well, it was nice that he could attend,” Aunt Beatrice replied, suddenly seeming more interested in the lace of her dress.

“Chartering a boat on Lake Minnetonka was a great idea,” Taryn said, giving Aunt Beatrice a reprieve.  Emily winked at her and when Taryn returned the smile, her lips didn’t quite meet her eyes.  Emily studied her, noticing the slight shadows underneath her eyes that she tried to unsuccessfully hide with makeup. Jax mentioned that whatever Taryn and Crest had spoken about remained between them and it was obvious that she didn’t want to talk about it.  “Add on top a wedding at sunset, and it couldn’t be more romantic.  I hope you have lots of taxis waiting for when we dock though.  This group won’t be in any condition to drive.”

“Isn’t that the truth,” Lauren mumbled between pins that she held between her lips.  She was currently on her knees, regardless that she was wearing a pink bridesmaid dress.  “Turn slightly.”

It sounded like
urn ity
, but Emily got the gist.  Adjusting her low heels an inch to the right, Lauren continued to fix whatever she felt was wrong with the dress.  It had something to do with the blue sapphires that were sewn into the bottom.  Emily had asked Lauren to do so after she saw the gems she’d adorned in the nipple and clit clamps that Emily now wore underneath the dress.  Those cruel devices made Emily want the ceremony over with so that she and Jax could enjoy their honeymoon.  They’d chartered a separate yacht which would be waiting upon their return to the dock for just that reason. 


Emily looked up to see Elle step into the small room which had been designated as the bride’s changing room.  It was small, but when Aunt Beatrice excused herself to check on Roger, Elle slipped right in and joined the fray. 

“Oh, Emily, you look beautiful!”

“That’s what Aunt Beatrice said, but this one won’t let me see,” Emily replied wryly, patting Lauren’s head.  She mumbled something but didn’t look up.  “And look who’s talking.  That green dress is stunning!”

Elle waved away the compli
ment.   Emily noticed that she was quite good at that, but her defenses weren’t going to mean a thing if Kevin decided he really wanted her.  Jax had mentioned just the other day that when the two of them were in the same room he could cut the tension with a knife.  When Emily had mentioned they should have both of them over for dinner, Jax fanatically shook his head and mumbled that it wouldn’t be such a good idea.  She could have sworn he mentioned something about paybacks being a bitch, but he’d already switched topics. 

“I just wanted you to know that everyone is ready.  So the minute you open this door, I’ll have the music start.”

“I appreciate your help, Elle.”  It was Jax who suggested asking Elle to help with the wedding details, especially when the medicine for the morning sickness had stopped doing its job.  Fortunately, she was now in her second trimester and her body seemed to have adjusted to having J.J. around.  “I wouldn’t have been able to pull this off without you.”

“My pleasure,” Elle replied, giving her a
real smile.  With another wave she was gone.

“That’s my cue to grab my seat.”  Taryn stepped forward, givi
ng Emily a light hug.  “Ethan mentioned he snuck in popcorn.  No worries.  I see the horror on your face.  I promise that he’ll put it away before you walk down the aisle, but I’m not missing the look on Jax’s face when he sees Ethan kicked back and enjoying the show.”

Emily was aghast that Ethan would try to push Jax’s buttons on his wedding day, but then had she really expected anything different?  Separately, they came across as serious men and each had their own unique personalities.  Put them together and they became frat boys.  She had no idea how Taryn put up with them. Lauren spit out the pins that were in her mouth in a coughing fit from what Emily assumed had started in laughter. 

“I don’t know what you’re laughing at,” Emily said, a teasing smile on her lips.  “Weren’t you the center of attention the other night?”

Lauren’s cheeks got as red as her hair and had she not
had a twinkle in her green eyes, Emily would have felt bad about ribbing her on her first scene at the club.  It was actually beautiful to watch and from what Jax explained, very cathartic for the two of them.  Connor had her situated on the St. Andrew’s cross and had executed a light flogging scene.  Lauren had shared with Emily her deep-seated fear regarding bondage and how Connor was helping her deal with her phobia. 

Jax and Emily had decided to hold off playing at the club until after the baby was
born.  A couple reasons went into that decision.  One, she wasn’t sure she was ready, although would leave that choice in Jax’s hands.  He knew her mind and body better than she did.  He had been letting her watch from the bar area and she was getting used to the atmosphere.  It was a hell of a lot different than their scening in private.  Two, her morning sickness had taken over and Emily really didn’t want to throw up in front of a room full of people.

“You’re just jealous,” Lauren quipped, picking up the fallen pins and then standing up on her high heels.  “
Taryn, what do you think of the finished project?”

“I’ve never seen a more beautiful bride.”

“I concur,” Crest said, having walked into the room.  “Taryn, can you go swipe the popcorn bowl that Ethan brought?  Jax looks ready to shove the kernels down his throat.”

“On it.”

With that, Taryn left the room.  Lauren leaned in and kissed Emily on the cheek, whispering her the best of luck.  Before Emily could turn and look at herself, Lauren whisked past Crest and was out the door.  Taking in a deep stutter of air, she turned and faced the mirror.  The woman standing before her was a woman in love. 

Baby’s breath was entwined like a halo into her hair, which was up on the sides and wrapped around
in a stylish flair that Lauren had fashioned.  The rest of her hair draped down her back.  Emily’s cheeks shimmered from a glow that only Jax could acquire, while her blue eyes sparkled with life.  The form-fitting gown glittered with gems that Lauren had sewn on in various places, although Emily’s favorite were the sapphires at the bottom of her dress that matched her nipple and clit clamps she was wearing underneath. 

“They’re waiting, Emily.”

Tearing her eyes away from the mirror, Emily turned back around.  She wondered why Crest was still in the room.  All she needed to do was grab the red rose she would carry with her upon her walk to where Jax waited along the bow of the boat.  As she thought of why Crest was still in front of her, a cold feeling swarmed her.

“Did Ryland —”

“No, no,” Crest replied, holding both palms up to her as if to ward off any omen she may have put forth bringing up his name.  “I’m sorry.  I didn’t even stop to think what my presence might mean to you.  I was just going to offer to walk you down the aisle.”

Emily couldn’t contain the shock that must have crossed her face.  Crest was a hard man to read and she wasn’t sure what he thought of her and Jax getting married. 
Crest hadn’t said much during their time in New York and he’d been so preoccupied with other cases since things had returned to normal that they hadn’t really had time to sit down and get to know one another.

“I realize that I’m not exactly a father figure, and please, whatever you do, don’t look toward me as one either,” Crest said with a half smile.  “But as I’ve tol
d the team numerous times, we are a family.  A dysfunctional one, but one nonetheless.  I’d be honored to be the one to give Jax his future wife.”

“I’d like that,” Emily said, feeling tears sting her eyes.  They were a family and J.J. would have the best uncles and aunts a child could ask for.  “As would Jax.”

“Then let’s not keep him waiting.”

Crest reached over to the small table that contained her rose and picked it up, holding it out for her.  Gently taking it from his hands, Emily placed her hand in the crook of his arm.  Just as Elle promised, the moment the door opened, soft music started.  Crest escorted her to where a red runner led the way
to her future husband.  It lay between the white wooden chairs where their family sat to watch her and Jax exchange their vows. 

Jessie caught her eye and the vivacious brunette seemed to have trouble taking her eyes off of Crest.  When she saw that Emily was looking, she quickly looked away.  It was a shocking revelation that Jessie obviously didn’t view Crest a
s a father figure, when in fact the difference in years could very well make that case.  Did Jax know this?

All thought fled of everyone and everything the moment
she laid eyes on Jax.  He stood at the bow of the boat in a tuxedo that seemed tailor made just for him.  The way his broad shoulders looked as the jacket molded to his upper body was beyond compare to what she just saw in the mirror.  His blonde hair was trimmed, but there was more than enough for her fingers to grab hold if needed.  As gorgeous as the man appeared, it was his eyes that stole her breath.  Even from here, the brown flecks shimmered brighter than the sun that was setting behind him and glinting off of the water. 

“He’s waiting.”

Emily absently nodded, knowing Crest was right, but wanting to embed this image in her brain.  The past two and half years faded and all that mattered was what was standing before her.  If someone came and told her now that she would have to do it all over again in order to be with Jax, Emily wouldn’t hesitate.  Their love, their life, and their family had been well worth it.  This was the life she was meant to have.

* * * *

Ryland lay on the cot he’d been given, resting his hands on his stomach.  The time had arrived that the transfer of another prisoner would take place.  He found it comical that these federal employees thought their facility was impervious from escape.  He’d had strategies in place for this exact scenario.  Those people involved knew what to do and it was only a matter of time before it was him in that armored truck, driving to an awaiting plane.  He’d spent many years cultivating the right contacts should he need them.  The time spent was well worth it.

He started to hum the Vi
valdi concerto that had been recurrent in his thoughts.  The music reminded him of Crest, although there was no need to dwell on things that couldn’t be changed.  The notes lingered in the air as if they were soaring in the air.  Ryland felt more relaxed now that things were about to be set in motion. 

Anger was a wasted emotion.  Crest and his team had made a strategic move on the board, and although they thought the game had come to an end, it was far from over.  He appreciated a good opponent and would bide his time for when it was time to enter the match.
He had many things to accomplish and didn’t want to waste anymore time.

Money was the source of all evil, and in this case, it had bought his freedom.  It did give credence to the old saying, but he looked upon freedom as a gift.  It just happened to be the one thing he never took for granted.  One just had to have money to keep it.  It was a good thing he had it in spades. 

Ryland opened his eyes, but instead of the ceiling, he saw the beautiful face of Taryn Emmeline Sisal.  He wondered what her thoughts on freedom were.

* * * *

“You nervous?”

“No,” Jax answered Connor’s question, shaking his head.  “Not a bit.  Look at her.  She’s so goddamned radiant, she’s like a beacon.”

The soft music drifted through the speakers as the boat sailed through the still waters.  Jax knew the sunset was behind him, but he only had eyes for Emily.  She’d picked out a lovely gown, but it in no way compared to her beauty.  The sapphires adorning her dress didn’t come close to rivaling the vivaciousness that shone in her eyes.  He would forever remember this moment and couldn’t wait to share it with their son or daughter.  He or she deserved to know how strong of a woman his or her mother was in her quest to assure them this moment.

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