Read Singing to the Plants: A Guide to Mestizo Shamanism in the Upper Amazon Online

Authors: Stephan V. Beyer

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Singing to the Plants: A Guide to Mestizo Shamanism in the Upper Amazon (76 page)

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3. Cebrian, 2005, P. 54; my translation.

4. Sammarco & Palazzolo, 2002.

5. See, for example, Hill, 1992, pp. 184-192; Illius, 1992, pp. 65-68, 71-73; Kracke,
1992, pp. 130-134; Pollock, 1992, PP. 32-34; Siskind, 1973c, pp. 31-37; Weiss,
1973, PP• 44-46.

6. Langdon, 1992b, p. 16.

7. Viveiros de Castro, 1994, P. 204.

8. Townsley, 2001, p. 267.

9. Snyder, 1969, p. 122, reprinted in 1973, P. 399, 1983, P. 93.

10. Snyder, 1975, P. 3, reprinted in 1977b, p. 12.

1i. Rothenberg, 1968, p. 424, reprinted in 1981a, p. 186.

12. Rothenberg, 1976, p. ii, reprinted in 1981b, p. 134; Snyder, 1976, pp. 19-20, reprinted in 1977a, pp. 36-37, 1979/1980, p. M.

13. Calvo, 198'/i995b, p. 70.

14. See Cebrian, 2005, P. 52.

15. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, P. 106 n. 155.

16. Gow, 2001, pp. 145-147-

17. For an example, see Bear, 2000, p. 118; Shoemaker, 1997a.

18. Slawek, 2007.

19. Demange, 2002.

20. Bear, 2000, pp. 133,184.

21. Sammarco & Palazzolo, 2002.

22. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, P. 27.

23. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, P. 82.

24. Guerra Gonzales, 2001, track 1o; Luna, 1986c, p. 107, 1992, P. 244; Luna & Amaringo, 1993, PP. 56, 6o.

25. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, p. 64.

26. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, p. 62.

27. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, P. 98.

28. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, P. 58.

29. Panduro Vasquez, 2000, track 5.

30. Chavez, 2001, pp. 143-144-

P. Guerra Gonzales, 2001, track 3; Luna & Amaringo, 1993, P. 128.

32. Luna, 1984b.

33. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, PP. 54, 74.

34. Luna, 1992, P. 246.

35. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, P. 122.

36. Rivas, 1998, track io.

37. Luna, 1992, P. 240.

38. Panduro Vasquez, 2000, track 12.

39. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, P. 56.

40. See Garcia Sampaya, Montes Shufla, Gerena Pinedo, & Torres Devila, 2003.

41. Panduro Vasquez, 2000, track 9.

42. Luna, 1986c, p. 103.

43. Guerra Gonzales, 2001, track 6; Panduro Vasquez, 2000, track 14.

44. Guerra Gonzales, 2001, tracks.

45. Luna, 1992, P. 246.

46. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, p. 64.

47. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, P. 112.

48. Chavez, 2001, pp. 143-144-

49. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, P. 142.

5o. Luna, 1986c, p. 103.

51. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, P. 138.

52. Luna, 1986c, p. 103, 1992, Pp. 238-239.

53. Quoted in Dobkin de Rios & Rumrrill, 2008, p. 64.

54• Calvo,198I/I995b, P. 155

55• Sammarco & Palazzolo, 2002.

56. Luna, 1986c, p. ioo.

57. Tindall, 2008, pp. 189, 191.

58. Calvo, 198i/i995b, P. 244.

59. Calvo, 198i/i995b, p. 140.

6o. Lamb, 1985, p. 165.

61. Calvo, 198i/i995b, p. 69.

62. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, P. 118.

63. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, PP. 110-112.

64. Luna, 1992, P. 240.

65. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, P. 27.

66. Perruchon, 2003, P. 255.

67. Bear, 2000, pp. 118-119.

68. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, P. 93.

69. Luna, 1992; Luna & Amaringo, 1993, P. 38.

70. See Luna, 1986c, p. 107.

71. Luna, 1986c, p. 150.

72. Calvo,198I/I995b, PP. 173-174.

73. Martin, 2005, P. 5.

74. Chaumeil, 1983/2000, Pp. 127-128.

75. See Luna, 1992, p. 242.

76. Martin, 2005, p. 4. For recorded examples ofShipibo shamanic singing, see
Martin, 2006.

77. Shoemaker, 1997a.

78. Dobkin de Rios & Rumrrill, 2008, pp. 58, 6o, 63-64, 153. Don Agustin Rivas
makes a distinction-which I have not heard elsewhere-between icaros, which
are tunes without words, and mariris, which are icaros with words (Bear, 2000,
p. 110).

79. Calvo, 198I/I995b, p. 140.

8o. Chaumeil, 1992, pp. 102-103.

81. Rothenberg, 1968, p. 386.

82. Cebrian, 2005, P. 53; Luna, 1986c, P. 122 n. 71.

83. Quoted in Charing, 2007b.

84. Siskind, 1973a, P. 135•

85. Slawek, 2007.

86. Cebrian, 2005, p. 265.

87. Townsley, 2001, pp. 267-268.

88. Taylor& Chan, 1983, pp. 96, 98.

89. Perruchon, 2003, Pp. 229, 240-241, 245.

9o. Vidal & Whitehead, 2004, PP. 56, 59•

q1. Seeger, 2004, P. 33.

92. See Eliade,1951/1964, Pp.168-i8o; Sullivan, 1988, PP. 426-427.

93. Sullivan, 1988, pp. 428, 656.

94. Metraux, 1949, P. 573.

95. Chaumeil, 1983/2000, p. 73.

96. Viveiros de Castro, 1994, P. 221.

97. Brown, 1986, p. 62; Perruchon, 2003, pp. 224, 267 n. 7; Whitten & Whitten, 2008, p. 70; Descola, 1986/1994, p. 164, 19931996, p. 317; Chaumeil, 1983/2000, p. 73;
Colson, 1977, p. 6o; Sullivan, 1988, P. 435.

98. Muratorio, 1991, pp. 185, 263; Whitten & Whitten, 2008, p. 70.

99. Hugh-Jones, 1994, P. 49.

ioo. Cebrian, 2005, P. 59; Luna & Amaringo, 1993, P. 33 n. 42.

101. Grossman, 2006.

102. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, P. 33 n. 42; Weiskopf, 2005, p. 217.

103. De Civrieux, 1980, p. 23; Sullivan, 1988, P. 43.

104. Reichel-Dolmatoff, 1975, P. 94.

105. Reichel-Dolmatoff, 1968/1971, pp. 114, 129.

io6. Gilbert& Pearson, 1999, PP. 39, 6o.

107. Shepherd, 1992, P. 149.

1o8. Irigaray, 1985, Pp. 25-26. See also Classen, 1990; Corbin, 1986; Howes, 1988;
Jackson, 1989; Stoller, 1989, 1996.

109. Gilbert & Pearson, 1999, P• 87•

110. Shepherd, 1992, p.148.

111. Gow, 1995, P• 43-


113. Gell, 1995, P. 236.

114. Gell, 1995, P. 235-

115. Jernigan, 2008.

116. Gell, 1995, Pp. 237-238.

117. Gell, 1995, P. 240•

118. Goldman, 1979, pp. 210-211; Shanon, 2002, p. 59; Harner, 1973a, p. 15; Whitten
& Whitten, 2008, p. 70.

119. Goldman, 1979, pp. 210-211; Lamb, 1985, p. 178; Shanon, 2000, p. 19; Flores &
Lewis, 1978, p. 155; Harris, 2008, p. 61; Siskind, 1973a, P. 145.

120. Strassman, 1994, P. 112.

121. Gracie & Zarkov, 1985.

122. McKenna, 1991, P. 38.


i. Strathern & Stewart, 2004, P. 315.

2. Metraux, 1949, P. 598; Sullivan, 1988, P. 419.

3. Luna, 1986c, p. 112.

4. Muratorio, 1991, p. 268; Whitten & Whitten, 2008, p. 61.5. See Metraux, 1967,
PP. 91-92, 1944, P. 214.

6. Metraux, 1967, pp. 91-92; my translation.

7. Dobkin de Rios & Rumrrill, 2008, pp. 58, 6o, 63-64, 153.

8. Pollock, 1992, p. 27, 2004, pp. 202-206.

9. Langdon, 1992a, PP. 47-48.

10. Luna, 1986c, p. 112; for a full discussion, see Harner, 1973a, pp. 17-20.

II. Illius, 1992, p. 65.

12. Descola, 1993/1996, P. 336.

13. Brown, 1986, pp. 6o-6i, 20o n. 3.

14. Gentry, 1993, P. 187; Henderson, Galeano, & Bernal, 1995, PP. 188, 195; see Luna
& Amaringo, 1993, p. 62. Duke & Vasquez, 1994, P. 75; see Luna & Amaringo,
1993, P. 70.

15. For example, Luna & Amaringo, 1993, PP. 70, 116.

16. Chevalier, 1982, P. 397 n. 13.

17. Perruchon, 2003, p. 267 n. 9; Iglesias, 1989, P. 82; Rodriguez, 1999, P. 291.

18. Perruchon, 2003, PP. 190, 237.

19. Calvo,198I/I995b, P. 259.

20. Buchillet, 2004, p. 114; Fausto, 2004, p. 174 n. 8; Gow, 2001, p. 149; Jackson,
1983, p. 198; Lagrou, 2004, p. 266; Luna, 1986c, p. 31; Luna & Amaringo, 1993,
pp. 70, 1o6; Reichel-Dolmatoff, 1975, P. 95; Whitten, 1976, p. 146.

21. Lagrou, 2004, p. 266.

22. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, P. 70.

23. Wilbert, 2004, pp. 28, 43.

24. Harner, 1971, pp. 158-159; Luna, 1986c, pp. 93-94.

25. Perruchon, 2003, pp. 237-238.

26. Chaumeil, 1983/2000, p. 119.

27. Brown, 1986, p. 6o.

28. Whitten, 1976, p. 146; see also Whitten & Whitten, 2008, p. 78.

29. Sullivan, 1988, p. 407; Whitten, 1976, p. 146.

30. Descola, 1993/1996, P. 335.

31. Whitten & Whitten, 2008, p. 78-

32. Chaumeil, 1983/2000, p. 119.

33. Whitten & Whitten, 2008, p. 77-

34• Whitten & Whitten, 2008, pp. 6o, 66, 71, 80-

35. Harner, 1973a, pp. 23-24.

36. Descola, 1993/1996, P. 332.

37. Sammarco & Palazzolo, 2002.

38. Luna, 1992, P. 236.

39. Luna, 1986c, p. 11o.


i. Perruchon, 2003, P. 225.

2. Quoted in Descola, 1993/1996, P. 337.

3. Perruchon, 2003, P. 225.

4. Brown, 1986, pp. 6o-6i, 20o n. 3; Whitten, 1976, p. 146.

5. Koch, 2000, p. 52.

6. Luna, 1984b, 1986c, pp. 37-39, 43-44.

7. Perruchon, 2003, P. 224.

8. Reichel-Dolmatoff, 1975, p. 107.

9. Harper, 1973a, P. 24.

10. Luna, 1986c, p. iio.

11. Langdon, 1992a, PP. 47-48.

12. lllius, 1992, p. 65•

13. Harper, 1973a, pp. 17-19; Perruchon, 2003, P. 224.

14. Quoted in Rubenstein, 2002, p. 159.

15. Metraux, 1967, p. 90.

16. Descola, 1993/1996, PP. 337-338.

17. Perruchon, 2003, pp. 244-245.

18. Perruchon, 2003, p. 231.

19. Reichel-Dolmatoff, 1975, pp. 8o, 24o n. 6.

20. Perruchon, 2003, p. 228.

21. Descola, 1993/1996, P. 338.

22. Reichel-Dolmatoff, 1975, P. 82.

23. Freedman, 2000, p. 113; Gow, 2001, p. 150.

24. Perruchon, 2003, PP. 189, 340.

25. Perruchon, 2003, P. 235.

26. Buchillet, 2004, p. 125-

27. Harner, 1973a, pp. 17-19-

28. Sullivan, 1988, pp. 407, 763 n. 365; Whitten 1976, pp. 146-147-

29. Luna, 1986c, pp. iio, 116, 1992, p. 236.

30. Quoted in Charing, 2007a.

31. Perruchon, 2003, p. 230.

32. Perruchon, 2003, PP. 189, 230, 340.

33• Descola, 1993/1996, P. 345.

34. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, Pp. 26-27.

35. Sammarco & Palazzolo, 2002.


i. Buchillet, 2004, p. 111.

2. Viveiros de Castro, 1994, P. 223.

3. Chaumeil, 1983/2000, pp. 119-120; Reichel-Dolmatoff, 1975, P. 89.

4. Bear, 2000, p. 200.

5. For example, Baer, 1992, p. 86; Bartolome, 1979, PP. 132-133; Brown, 1986, p. 62;
Descola, 1993/1996, P. 331; Harner, 1973a, pp. 23-25; Hill, 1992, p.198; Wright,
1992, pp. 164-165.

6. Baer, 1992, p. 86.

7. Reichel-Dolmatoff, 1975, P. 90.

8. Wright, 1992, p. 165.

9. Descola, 1993/1996, P. 331.

10. Brown, 1986, p. 62; Harper, 1973a, pp. 23-25.

ii. Chaumeil, 1983/2000, pp. 119-120.

12. Quoted in Bartolome, 1979, P. 133.

13. Ritzenthaler, 1963, PP. 321-322.

14. Maddox, 1923, PP. 80, 190-192.

15. Whiting, 1950, P. 214.

16. Bear, 2000, p. 17.

17. Bear, 2000, pp. 126-127.

18. Dow, 1986, p. io8.

19. Gorman, 2006.

20. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, P. 25.

21. Fock, 1963, pp. 105-108; Sullivan, 1988, p. 286, 854 n. 136.

22. Chaumeil, 1983/2000, p. 125.

23. Matteson, 1954, P. 84; Johnson, 2003, p. 214.

24. Whitten & Whitten, 2008, p. 62.

25. Hendricks, 1993, p. 164.

26. Varese, 1973/2002, p. 128.

27. Butt, 1956, PP. 50-54; Sullivan, 1988, P. 435.

28. Sullivan, 1988, p. 318; Viveiros de Castro, 1979, P. 43.

29. Fulop, 1954, P. 115; Sullivan, 1988, P. 390.

30. Johnson, 2003, p. 214.

31. Chaumeil, 1983/2000, p. 125.

32. Metraux, 1967, pp. 90-91.

33. Luna, 1986c, p. 91.

34. Cebrian, 2005, p. 154; Perruchon, 2003, P. 247.

35. Bear, 2000, p. 145.

36. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, Pp. 25-26.

37. Clastres, 1972, p. 262; Sullivan, 1988, P. 292.

38. Harner, 1973a, pp. 17-19; Sullivan, 1988, pp. 407, 763 n. 365; Whitten 1976,

39. See generally Sullivan, 1988, p. 658, 1994.


i. Harvey, 2003, P. 9.

2. Hallowell, 1975, 1992; for an extended discussion, see Harvey, 2006, pp. 33-49.

3. Blackburn, 1975, p. 66; for further discussion, see Morrison, 2000.

4. Abram, 1997, PP. 9-10; emphasis in original.

5. Bird-David, 1999, p. 67.

6. Salmon, 2000, p. 1327.

7. Abram, 1997, P• 13.

8. See generally Chichester, 2005; Harvey, 2005, 2006, pp. 5-9.

9. Harvey, 2005, p. 83.

io. Quoted in Viveiros de Castro, 2005, p. 40.

ii. Viveiros de Castro, 2005, p. 40, see also 1998/2002, p. 309.

12. Langdon, 2004, p. 307.

13. Lenaerts, 2006.

14. Baer, 1994, P. 224, quoted in Viveiros de Castro, 1998/2002, p. 322 n. 9, 2005, p.

15. Viveiros de Castro, 1998/2002, p. 308, 2005, P. 38.

16. Viveiros de Castro, 1998/2002, pp. 310-312, 2005, PP. 43-47.

17. Viveiros de Castro, 1998/2002, p. 308, 2005, p. 38; Uzendoski, 2005, P. 39.

18. Viveiros de Castro, 2005, P. 38.

19. Riviere, 1994, P. 256, quoted in Viveiros de Castro, 1998/2002, p. 308, 2005, P. 38.

20. Viveiros de Castro, 2005, p. 6o.

21. Viveiros de Castro, 2005, p. 50.

22. Gow, 2001, p. 142.

23. Viveiros de Castro, 1996, p. 183.

24. Fausto, 2004, p. 171-

25. Goldman, 1979, P. 263.

26. McKenna, 1991, p. 27.

27. Jung, 1955/I997b, ¶7o6, p. 167, see also 1947/1997e, p. 164.

28. Jung, 1962/1997a, P. 28.

29. Cwik, 1995, P.138; Jung, 1958/I997d, ¶186, p. 58.

30. See Hillman, 1983b, P. 55; Jung, 1962/1997a, p. 30.

31. Jung, 1935/1997c,'.1397, P.145.

32. Hillman, 1983b, p. 62.

33• Ulanov & Ulanov, 1999, P. 41.

34. Hillman, 1975, P. 2.

35• Ramachandran, 1998, p. 107.

36. Winkelman, 2000, p. 50.

37. Turner, 1992, P. 28.

38. Goodman, 1990, P. 55.

39. Shweder, 1991, P. 347.

40. Blain, 2002, p. 153.

V. Hillman, 1983a, p. 36.

42. Hillman, 1975, p. xv.

43. Hillman, 1990, pp. 122-123; emphasis in original.

44. Hillman, 1975, p. xvi; emphasis altered.

45• Hillman, 1983a, P. 37.

BOOK: Singing to the Plants: A Guide to Mestizo Shamanism in the Upper Amazon
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