Singing to the Plants: A Guide to Mestizo Shamanism in the Upper Amazon (82 page)

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Authors: Stephan V. Beyer

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57. U.N. Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971, Article 3(I), Article i(f)(i).

58. U.S. Const. Art. VI ("Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority
of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the judges in every
State shall be bound thereby"); Breard v. Green, 523 U.S. 371 (1998), P. 376.

59. 0 Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal v. Ashcroft (2003), p. 1184-

6o. Breard v. Green, p. 376; 0 Centro Espirito Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal v. Ashcroft (2003),
PP. 1183-1184.

61. Psychotropic Substances Act, Pub.L. 95-633, November 1o, 1978, 92 Star. 2768;
Controlled Substances Act, 21 USC §8oIa(2).

62. Gonzales v. 0 Centro Espirito Beneficente Uniao do Vegetal, p. 439.

63. 0 Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal v. Ashcroft (2002), pp. 1255-1269;
0 Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal v. Ashcroft (2003), pp. 1179-1184;
Gonzales v. 0 Centro Espirita Beneficente Uniao do Vegetal, pp. 426-427-

64. Gonzales v. 0 Centro Espirito Beneficente Uniao do Vegetal, pp. 437-438.

65. Gonzales v. 0 Centro Espirita Beneficente Uniao do Vegetal, p. 438-

66. 0 Centro Espirito Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal v. Ashcroft (2003), p. 1184;
Gonzales v. 0 Centro Espirito Beneficente Uniao do Vegetal, p. 438.

67. Gonzales v. 0 Centro Espirita Beneficente Uniao do Vegetal, p. 438 n. 2.

68. Gonzales v. 0 Centro Espirito Benef cente Uniao do Vegetal, p. 438•

69. See Controlled Substances Act, 21 USC §812(c), Schedule I(c)(11) (mescaline),
Schedule I(e) (12) (peyote); 0 Centro Espirito Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal v. Ashcroft
(2002), P. 1249.

70- Controlled Substances Act, 21 USC §812(c), Schedule I(c).

71. United States v. Shoemaker, Case No. o2-CR 46-ALL (N.D.Ga., filed January 22,
2002), quoted in Rankin, 2002b.

72. 0 Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal v. Ashcroft (2002), p. 1250.

73. Lande, 1976; Stroup, 2004.

74. Lande, 1976, PP. 385, 387.

75• Lande, 1976, P. 387.

76. See 0 Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal v. Ashcroft (2002), p. 1269 n. 13.

77. Lande, 1976, p. 387-

78. Lande, 1976, p. 387 nn. 1227-1228.

79. See 0 Centro Espirito Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal v. Ashcroft (2002), pp. 1266-1269.

8o. Schaepe, 2001.

81. 0 Centro Espirito Beneficiente Uniao de Vegetal v. Ashcroft (2002), pp. 1266-1269; 0 Centro
Espirito Beneficiente Uniao de Vegetal v. Ashcroft, 314 F.3d 463 (loth Cit. 2002, emergency motion for stay pending appeal), p. 466; Gonzales v. 0 Centro Espirito Beneficente
Uniao do Vegetal, pp. 437-438.

82. U.N. Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971, Article 1(e).

83. 0 Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao de Vegetal v. Ashcroft (2002, emergency motion for
stay pending appeal), p. 466; 0 Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao de Vegetal v. Ashcroft
(2003), p. 1193 (J. Murphy, dissenting).

84. 0 Centro Espirito Beneficiente Uniao de Vegetal v. Ashcroft (2003), p. 1193 n. 6 (J. Murphy,

85. Zicherman v. Korean Air Lines Co., 516 U.S. 217 (1996), p. 226; 0 Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao de Vegetal v. Ashcroft (2003), p. 1193 n. 6 (J. Murphy, dissenting).

86. 0 Centro Espirito Beneficiente Uniao de Vegetal v. Ashcroft, 389 F.3d 973 (loth Cir. 2004,
rehearing en banc), pp. 989, 990 n. ii (J. Murphy, concurring in part and dissenting in part).

87. In the Matter ofFijneman, 2001.

88. 0 Centro Espirito Beneficiente Uniao de Vegetal v. Ashcroft (2003), p. 1193 n. 6
(J. Murphy, dissenting).

89. Gonzales v. 0 Centro Espirita Beneficente Uniao do Vegetal, p. 438.

9o. Instituto Nacional de Cultura, 2008.

91. Instituto Nacional de Cultura, 2008, pp. 376040-376041; my translation.

92. Instituto Nacional de Cultura, 2008, p. 376041; my translation.


i. Muratorio, 1991, p. 222.

2. Muratorio, 1991, p. 213.

3. Whitehead & Wright, 2004, p. 14.

4. Vidal & Whitehead, 2004, p. 62.

5. Whitehead, 2002, p. 250; Whitehead & Wright, 2004, pp. 2, 4, 7.

6. Lee, 2001.

7. Scott, 1990, PP- 143-144-

8. On canaima generally, see Colson, 2001; Gillin, 1936, pp. 149-152; Harvey, 2006,
p. 132; Webster, 1948, PP. 425-426; Whitehead, 2ooz, and especially the extended
discussion in 2002. An interview with Whitehead on canaima and dark shamanism
is in Tenenbaum, 2003.

9. Whitehead, 2002, p. 5.

10. Whitehead, 2002, p. 250.

ii. Colson, 2001, p. 227; Whitehead, 2002, pp. 38-39.

12. Whitehead, 2001, p. 237-

13. Whitehead, 2006, p. 172.

14. Eakin, 2001.

15. Taussig, 1987, p. 216.

16. Taussig, 1987, p. 467.

17. Taussig, 1987, p. 218.

18. Taussig, 1987, P. 328.

19. Taussig, 1987, p. 467.

20. Sahlins, 1993, P. 17.

21. Humphrey & Onon, 1996, p. 320.

22. Brown, 1996, P. 734.

23. Brown, 1991, P. 389, 1994, P. 288.

24. Brown, 1994, P. 288.

25. Ortner, 1995, PP. 176-177; emphasis in original.

26. Jackson, 1994, P. 394.

27. Kleinman, 1992/1995, P. 275 n. 17.

28. Greene, 1998, P. 653.

29. Medicos Indigenas Yageceros de la Amazonia Colombiana, 2000; Zuluage & Diaz,
1999, PP. 105-117.

30. Zuluage & Diaz, 1999.

31. Medicos Indigenas Yageceros de la Amazonia Colombiana, 2000, pp. 7-8.

32. Zuluage & Diaz, 1999, pp. 109-110; my translation.

33. Zuluage & Diaz, 1999,Pp.112-114•

34• Pedersen, 2007.

35. Consejo Nacional de Salud, 2007.

36. Jernigen, 2003; Rengifo, 2001, p. 33.

37. Jernigen, 2003.

38. Dobkin de Rios & Rumrrill, 2008, p. 101.

39. Cray, 1999; Herman, 2000; Holden, 1999; Knight, 1998a, 1998b; Muscati, 1996;
"Planting seeds of malcontent," 1999; "Vine victory," 2000; Woodard, 1999.

40. Center for International Environmental Law, 2003. For an analysis of the 2001
PTO decision, see Wiser, 2001.


i. Luna & Amaringo, 1993, P. 48 n. 81.

2. Perruchon, 2003, P. 243.

3. Quoted in Dobkin de Rios & Rumrrill, 2008, p. 53.

4. Quoted in Hvalkof, 2004, pp. 212, 214.

5. Quoted in Dobkin de Rios & Rumrrill, 2008, p. 53.

6. Quoted in Dobkin de Rios & Rumrrill, 2008, p. 63.

7. Luna, 1984b.

8. Koch, 2000, p. 51.


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