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Authors: Virginia Nicholson

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Chesser, Dr Eustace
The Sexual, Marital and Family Relationships of the English
, Hutchinson’s Medical Publications, London, .

Cole, Margaret
Marriage Past and Present
, J. M. Dent, London, .

Davidoff, Leonore, and Westover, Belinda
Our Work, Our Lives, Our Words
– Women’s History and Women’s Work
, inc. contributions by Teresa Davy, Kay Sanderson, Macmillan Education, .

Dickinson, Robert L., and Beam, Lura
, ‘The Single Woman – A Medical

Study in Sex Education’, in
Women and Children First
, ed. David J. and Sheila M. Rothman, first published , Garland Publishing Inc., .

Doan, Laura L.
Old Maids to Radical Spinsters – Unmarried Women in the th
Century Novel
, University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago, .

Duquenin, Anthea
, ‘Who Doesn’t Marry and Why?’, in
Oral History – The
Journal of the Oral History Society
, Vol. , No. , Spring .

Edwards, Elizabeth
, ‘Homoerotic Friendship and College Principals, – ’, in
Women’s History Review
, Vol. , No. , .

Select Bibliography


Eyles, Leonora
Careers for Women
, Elkins, Mathews & Marrot, London, .

Fry, Margery
The Single Woman
, Delisle, London, .

Fussell, Paul
The Great War and Modern Memory
, Oxford University Press, New York and London, .

Gallichan, Walter M.
Modern Woman and How to Manage Her
, T. Werner Laurie, London, .

Gallichan, Walter M.
The Great Unmarried
, T. Werner Laurie, London, .

Gathorne-Hardy, Jonathan
The Rise and Fall of the British Nanny
, Hodder & Stoughton, London, .

Graves, Robert, and Hodge, Alan
The Long WeekEnd: A Social History of
, Faber and Faber, London, .

Hall, Ruth (ed.)
Dear Dr Stopes – Sex in the s
, Andre Deutsch, .

Hamilton, Cicely
The Englishwoman
, British Council Publications, .

Harding, M. Esther
The Way of All Women
, Longmans, London and New York, .

Henry, May, and Halford, Jeanette
The Bachelor Girl’s Cookery Book – Simplified
Recipes for Amateurs
, Letchworth and London, .

Hiley, D. F. P.
Pedagogue Pie
, Ivor Nicholson & Watson, London, .

Hillis, Marjorie
Live Alone and Like It – A Guide for the Extra Woman
, Sun Dial Press, New York, .

Holden, Katherine
The Shadow of Marriage – Single Women in England –
, thesis (Ph.D. University of Essex, unpublished).

Holdsworth, Angela
Out of the Dolls House – The Story of Women in the Twentieth
, BBC Books, London, .

Holtby, Winifred
Women and a Changing Civilization
, London, .

Hutton, Laura
The Single Woman and Her Emotional Problems
, Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, London, .

Humphries, Steve
A Secret World of Sex – Forbidden Fruit: The British Experience
, Sidgwick & Jackson, London, .

Hynes, Samuel
A War Imagined – The First World War and English Culture
, Bodley Head, London, .

Jeffreys, Sheila
The Spinster and Her Enemies – Feminism and Sexuality –
, .

Journal of Family History
, Vol. , No. , Winter  –
Special Issue on Spinsterhood
; contributions by Susan Cotts Watkins, Michael Anderson, Ruth Freeman, Pat-ricia Klaus.

Kanner, Barbara Penny
Women in Context – Two Hundred Years of British Women
, G. K. Hall, New York, .

Lang, Elsie M.
British Women in the Twentieth Century
, T.Werner Laurie, London, .


Select Bibliography

Langhamer, Claire
Women’s Leisure in England –
, Manchester University Press, .

Ludovici, Anthony M.
Lysistrata, or Woman’s Future and Future Woman
, Kegan Paul, London, .

Melman, Billie
Women and the Popular Imagination in the Twenties – Flappers and
, Macmillan, London, .

Miall, Agnes M.
The Bachelor Girl’s Guide to Everything – or The Girl on Her Own
, London, .

Monk, U.
New Horizons – A Hundred Years of Women’s Migration
, HMSO, London, .

Moore, Doris Langley [pseud: ‘A Gentlewoman’]
The Technique of the Love
, Gerald Howe, London, .

Neill, A. S.
The Problem Teacher
, Herbert Jenkins, London, .

Neville-Rolfe, Sybil
Why Marry?
, Faber and Faber, London, .

Oldfield, Sybil
Women Against the Iron Fist – Alternatives to Militarism –
, Blackwell, Oxford, .

Oldfield, Sybil (ed.)
This Working-Day World – Women’s Lives and Culture(s) in
Britain –
, Taylor & Francis, London, , includes essays by:
, ‘Women’s Teacher Training Colleges’;
Maroula Joannou
, ‘ ‘‘Nothing is Impracticable for a Single, Middle-Aged Woman with an Income of her Own’’: The Spinster in Women’s Fiction of the s’;
Lesley A. Hall
, ‘Women in Medicine and Biomedical Science’.

Oldfield, Sybil
Women Humanitarians – A Biographical Dictionary of British Women
Active between  and 
, Continuum, London and New York, .

Oram, Alison
Women Teachers and Feminist Politics –
, Manchester University Press, .

Oram, Alison
, ‘Repressed and Thwarted or Bearer of the New World: the Spinster in InterWar Feminist Discourses’, in
Women’s History Review
, Vol. , No. , .

Peel, Mrs C. S.
How We Lived Then – – – A Sketch of Social and Domestic
Life in England during the War
, Bodley Head, London, .

Quinn, Patrick (ed.)
Re-charting the Thirties
, London Associated University Presses, , essay by Caroline Zilboorg, ‘Irene Rathbone: The Great War and Its Aftermath’.

Royden, Maude
Sex and Commonsense
, Hurst & Blackett, London, .

Royden, Maude
The Moral Standards of the Rising Generation
(pamphlet), League of the Church Militant, .

Russell, Bertrand
Marriage and Morals
, George Allen & Unwin, London, .

Scharlieb, Dame Mary
The Bachelor Woman and Her Problems
, .

Select Bibliography


Spring Rice, Margery
Working-Class Wives – Their Health and Conditions
, Virago, .

Tunstall, Jeremy
Old and Alone – A Sociological Study of Old People
, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, .

Tweedy, Rosamund
Consider Her Palaces – A Study of the Housing Problem of
Lower-paid Single Women Workers in London
, published by the Over Thirty Association, .

Vicinus, Martha
Independent Woman; Work and Community for Single Women
, Virago, .

Wallace, Diana
Sisters and Rivals in British Women’s Fiction, –
, Macmillan, London, .

Winter, Denis
Death’s Men – Soldiers of the Great War
, Allen Lane, London, .

Winter, Jay
Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning – the Great War in European Cultural
, Cambridge University Press, .

Winter, Jay, and Baggett, Blaine
–: The Great War and the Shaping of the
Twentieth Century
, BBC Books, .

Winter, J. M.
The Great War and the British People
, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., .

Winter, J. M.
, ‘Britain’s ‘‘Lost Generation’’ of the First World War’, in
Studies – A Journal of Demography
, Vol. , No. , November .

Wohl, Robert
The Generation of 
, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, .

Zweig, F.
Women’s Life and Labour
, Gollancz, London, .


Adam, Ruth
I’m Not Complaining
, first published Chapman & Hall, London, , new edition Virago, London, .

Arnold, Roxane, and Chandler, Olive (eds.)
Feminine Singular – Triumphs and
Tribulations of the Single Woman, An Anthology
, Femina Books, .

Bowen, Elizabeth
A World of Love
, Jonathan Cape, London, .

Cannan, May Wedderburn
The Lonely Generation
, Hutchinson, London, .

Cannan, May Wedderburn
The Splendid Days
, Blackwell, Oxford, .

Compton-Burnett, Ivy
More Women than Men
, Eyre & Spottiswoode, London, .

Delafield, E. M.
Thank Heaven Fasting
, Macmillan, London, .

Fielding, Helen
Bridget Jones’s Diary
, Picador, London, .

Hall, Radclyffe
The Unlit Lamp
, Cassell, London, .

Hall, Radclyffe
The Well of Loneliness
, first published , Virago, London, .

Holland, Ruth
The Lost Generation
, Victor Gollancz, London, .


Select Bibliography

Holtby, Winifred
The Crowded Street
, John Lane, The Bodley Head, London, .

Holtby, Winifred
Poor Caroline
, Jonathan Cape, London, .

Holtby, Winifred
South Riding – An English Landscape
, Collins, .

Mayor, F. M.
The Rector’s Daughter
, Hogarth Press, London, .

Perham, M. F.
Josie Vine
, Hutchinson, London, .

Rathbone, Irene
We That Were Young
, with an introduction by Lynn Knight, Feminist Press, .

Rathbone, Irene
Was There a Summer?
, Constable, London, .

Rathbone, Irene
, J. M. Dent & Sons, London, .

Rathbone, Irene
They Call It Peace
, J. M. Dent, London, .

Reilly, Catherine W. (ed.)
Scars upon my Heart – Women’s Poetry and Verse of the
First World War
, Virago, London, .

Spark, Muriel
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
, Macmillan, London, .

Stead, Christina
For Love Alone
, Peter Davies, London, .

Stevenson, Sylvia
, T. Fisher Unwin, London, .

Townsend Warner, Sylvia
Lolly Willowes
, Chatto & Windus, London, .

Wade, Rosalind
Treasure in Heaven
, Collins, London, .

Archives, Websites,

The Stopes Papers
, Wellcome Trust Library.

Collection of Working-Class Autobiographies
, Brunel University.

Mass Observation Archive – Day Surveys 
, Sussex University Library.


The Institute of Electrical Engineers
, archive.

The Imperial War Museum

The Women’s Library, London Metropolitan University,
‘Out of the Dolls House’ archive.

The Millennium Memory Bank Oral History Collection
at the British


Newspaper Collection
, British Library at Colindale.
Yorkshire Women’s Lives On-Line,  to the present.


My thanks go to the numerous people who have helped make this book possible; if precedence is due, then it must go above all to the members of my family, the friends and associates whose encouragement and help have been paramount. They are, in no particular order: my mother, Anne Olivier Bell, my agent, Caroline Dawnay, my editor at Viking, Eleo Gordon, and my husband, William Nicholson.

I would also like to make special acknowledgement to the following people

who gave the idea for this book their blessing and helped in other ways too: Juliet Annan, A. S. Byatt, Rupert Christiansen, Richard Cohen, Margaret Drabble, Julian Fellowes, Victoria Glendinning, Valerie Grove, Selina Hastings, Lady Healey, Michael Holroyd, Hermione Lee, Kathy Robbins and Lynne Truss.

More specifically, I have had significant research assistance and time-consuming responses to my enquiries from the following: Max Arthur, Professor Norman Gates, Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy, Fiona Hackney, Rebecca John, Raynes Minns,

Angela Neuberger, Anne Powell, Andrew and Phyllida Stewart-Roberts, Pat

Utechin, Dr Caroline Zilboorg, and especially Sybil Oldfield.

I have particularly appreciated help from the many librarians, archivists and representatives of a number of organisations who took time to respond to my queries: Pauline Adams, Fiona Bourne, Deborah Bowles, Kevin Brown, Sarah

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