Singled Out (58 page)

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Authors: Virginia Nicholson

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, ;
The Superfluous Woman
, Betjeman, John: ‘Business Girls’,



Britter, Kathleen, 

Biron, Sir Chartres, 

Bronte¨, Charlotte:
Jane Eyre
, –

Bishop, Isabella, 

Brooks, Romaine, 

Blaney, Norah, , 

Brown, Beatrice, –, 

Bliss, Eileen, 

Brown, Enid, 

bohemianism, –, 

Brown, Jimmy, , –

Bondfield, Margaret, –, –

Bryant, Margot, 

Bournemouth High School for

Burgess, Clara Amy:
The Sex
Girls, , 

Philosophy of a Bachelor Girl
, Bowen, Elizabeth:
A Worldof Love
, –, –


Burlton, Gladys, 

Bowen, Stella, 

business: women in, –,

Bowerman, Elsie, 

–, –, , 

Boyle, Dr Helen, 

Braden, Norah, 

Cade, Rowena, 

Bradford: Spinsters’ Club, 

CafeŔoyal, London, , 

Brett, Dorothy, 

Cambridge University: delays full

Brinton, Ralph, 

membershipfor women, n

British Federation of Business and

Cameron, Una May, 

Professional Women, 

Campbell, Sybil, –

British Social Hygiene Council

Canada: emigration to, –, 

Eugenics Society), n Cannadine, David,

Brittain, Edward, , 

Cannan, May Wedderburn, ,

Brittain, Vera: loses fianceín war,

–, 

–, , ; returns to war

canteens (food), –

work as VAD, ; Oxford

Carpenter, Edward, n

University education, –,

Carrington, Dora, , 

–; Victorian upbringing, , Carrothers, W.A.:
Emigration from
; friendshipwith Winifred

the British Isles
, 

Holtby, –, , , –;

Carstairs, Jo, 

marriage and children, n, ,

Cartland, Barbara, , 

; career, ; inadequate

Cartwright, Rani, , , –

suitors, ; visits brother’s

Catlin, Gordon, n, , 

colonel in hospital, ; sees

Catlin, John Edward, 

advertisement for husband,

Caton-Thompson, Arthur, 

–; prospect of motherhood,

Caton-Thompson, Gertrude:

; praises Winifred Holtby, ;

memoirs and writings, –, ,



; background and interests,

Close, Etta, –;
A Woman
–, , , , ; relations

Alone in Kenya, Uganda and the
with Carlyon Mason-

Belgian Congo
, 

MacFarlane, –, –;

clubs, , , 

volunteer war work, ; and

Cocker, Mary, –

Carlyon’s death, , , , ,

Cole, Margaret, –

; government work, , ,

Colvin, Brenda, 

–; archaeological career and

companionship, , –

travels, , , –, ;

Compton-Burnett, (Dame) Ivy,

single state, ; later life and

–, –, 

honours, ;
, Compton-Burnett, Noe¨l, 

The Desert Fayum
, 

contraception, 

cats: as companions, 

convents, –

Cave of Harmony (club), 

cookery books, –

celibacy, –, , 

Cooper, Lettice, 

Census: (),
–, , courtesans, –

, , ; (), ; (),

Coward, Noe¨l, , 

chaperones, 

Cowdroy, Charlotte, ;
chastity, ;
see also
, 

Cheesman, Evelyn, , 

Cox, Miss (factory worker), 

children: care of, –, –,

Craigdarroch, Scotland, 

; unwanted, –; looked Cranborne (Cecil) family, , 

after by nursemaids, –;
Creagh, General Sir Garrett

motherhood O’Moore, 

Chitticks, Emily, –, 

Crompton, Richmal, , , ,

Christian Aid, 


Christian Alliance of Women and

Cross, Miss D., 

Girls, 

Cunard, Nancy, –

Christie, Agatha, 

Curtis, Ethel, 

Church of England: fails to

Cust, Aileen, 

comfort war bereaved, ; and

unmarried women, 

Daily Mail
, –, , , , 

Church Times
, –

dances and dancing, –, –,

Churchill, Sir Winston, 

, ; homosexual, 

Clarke, Miss E.D., 

Dare, Phyllis, 

class (social): and marriage,
; Darwin, Charles, , –

and working women, ; and

Darwin, Emma (
Wedgwood), war casualties, –


Cloete, Eileen, 

Davison, Emily Wilding, 

Cloete, Stuart, –

de Bunsen, Mary, 



debutantes, 

Electrical Journal
, 

Delafield, E.M. (i.e. Edmeé

Eliot, T.S.:
The Waste Land
, 

Elizabeth Monica Dashwood):

Elizabeth, Queen of George VI,

Thank Heaven Fasting
, –


Denby, Elizabeth, 

Elliot, Enid, 

depression (mental), 

Elliott, Norah, 

Dickens, Charles, 

Ellis, Henry Havelock, 

Dickens, Lieutenant G., 

Ellis, Mary Baxter, 

Dicker, Miss (film production

emigration: to Empire and

technician), 

colonies, –

Dillon, Tess, Una and Carmen,

Empire (British): emigration to,



Dillon’s bookshop, London, 

engineering and technology:

doctors: women as, 

women in, , , ,

dogs: as pets, –

–, 

McNeill, Dorelia Enthoven, Gabrielle, 

Drummond, Captain Malcolm, 

Equal Franchise Act (), 

Drummond, Victoria Alexandrina,

Essex, David (Rosamund’s adopted

–, , 

son), 

Dudley, Gertie (Millar), Countess

Essex, Rosamund, , –,

of, 

, ;
Woman in a Man’s
Dudley, Miss (of Stoke-on-Trent),

, 


Evans, Joan, –;
Prelude and
du Maurier, Angela: remains

, 

unmarried, –, ; love of

Evans, Sir John and Maria, Lady,

children, ; parental influence


on, ; jilted, ; pet dog,

Evans, Mansfield Priestley, 

–; interest in own sex, ;

Eyles, Leonora, 

sense of ageing, –;
It’s Only
Eyre family, 

the Sister
, ;
The Little Less
, ;
OldMaids Remember
, 

factory work, –, –

du Maurier, Daphne, n

Fairfield, Dr Letitia, 

du Maurier, Gerald, n, 

Faithfull, Lilian, , 

Farrar, Gwen, , 

Eastbourne, 

Faulder, Emily, 

Edge, John, 

Fawcett, Millicent, , , ,

education, , –;
see also


Fell, Dame Honor, –

Electrical Association for Women,

Fellowes, Julian:
, n , , 

feminism: male reaction to, , ;



woman’s view of, ; as

Rise andFall of the British Nanny
, movement, –, –; and


votes for women, 

Gentry, Amy, 

Ferguson, Rachel, 

Gerard, Teddie, 

Ffrangcon-Davies, Dame Gwen,

Germany: war casualties and single


women, n

Field, Louise, 

‘Gert and Daisy’ (music hall act),

Fielding, Helen, 


First World War: casualties,

Gibson, ‘Pozzie’, 

,  & n, –, –, ;

gigolos, 

liberates women for work,

Gilbert, W.S. and A.S. Sullivan:

–; and ‘Lost Generation’,

The Mikado
, 

; effect on men, –

Gimbert, Billy, –

‘flappers’, , 

Gissing, George:
The Odd Women
, Forster, E.M., 

, –

Foster, Marjorie, 

Gomm, Amy:
, –, , ; France: war casualties and single

Water Under the Bridge
, 

women, n; tolerance, 

Goodfellow, Lorel, 

free love, 

Goodfield, June, 

Freeman, Margaret, 

Holmes, Beatrice Freeman, Mary, 


Freud, Sigmund, , 

Goudge, Elizabeth: family

Fromm, Erich:
The Art of Loving
, background and commitment,


–, ; dogs, , , ;

Fry, Margery, –, ;
nanny, ; on love, ;

Single Woman
, –, , , nervous breakdown, –;


relations with Jessie Monroe,

Furse, Clara, 

–; philosophy of life, ;

Fussell, Paul, 

writings, ;
Green Dolphin
, ;
, ; Gallichan, Walter M., , , ;

The Joy of the Snow
, 

The Great Unmarried
, , ; Goudge, Ida (Elizabeth’s mother),

Modern Woman and How to
–, , 

Manage Her
, –, , , 

Graham, Frances and Jim, 

Gamwell, Hope and Marian, 

Graves, Robert and Alan Hodge:

Gardiner, Marjorie, 

The Long Weekend
, 

Garman, Kathleen, 

Grieve, Mary Margaret, , 

Garrod, Dorothy, 

Gulland, Mary, 

Gaskell, Elizabeth:
, 

Gunn, Anita, 

Gathorne-Hardy, Jonathan:
Gyte, Maria, 



Haldane, Charlotte, 

; lectureship, ; romances,

Hale, Kathleen, 

–, ; in New Zealand, ,

Halford, Jeanette:
The Bachelor
–; writings, , ; returns

Girls’ Cook Book
, –

to England, ; teaching, ,

Hall, Radclyffe, –;
The Forge
, ; sense of incompleteness,

The Unlit Lamp
, ;
; career in radio, ; meets

Well of Loneliness
, –, –, and marries Louis Hodgkiss,


–; finances, 

Halliday, Angela, 

Head, Alice, 

Ham Bone Club, 

Health Insurance Act (), n

Hamilton, Cicely: single state, ,

Henry, May, 

, ; childlessness, ; cat,

Herbert, A.P.: ‘Other People’s

–; on giving aid, ;

Babies’, –

feminism, –; writings, ;

Hess, Dame Myra, , –

Just to Get Married
, ;
Hewson, Miss (Prestwich teacher),

, ;
Marriage as a Trade
, –


Hiley, D.F.P.:
Pedagogue Pie
, 

Hancock, Caroline, –

Hill, Elizabeth, 

Handl, Irene, 

Hill, Octavia, 

Harding, Esther: on single state, , Hillis, Marjorie:
Live Alone andLike
; on friendshipwith women,

It – A Guide for the Extra
, ; on lesbianism, ;

, , , 

satisfaction with life, ;
Hilton, Harold, 

Way of All Women
, , –

Hoare, Dorothy
Navarro, Hardy, Gladys, –

Dorothy de

Hargeisa, British Somaliland,

Hodgkiss, Edward and Mary, 


Hodgkiss, Louis: relations and

Harker, Cassy:
Call Me Matron
, marriage with Winifred Haward,


, –; background, –

Harrison, Beatrice, 

Holland, Ruth:
The Lost
Harrison, Rosina (Rose):

, 

–, , , , ;
Holmes, Beatrice Gordon (known

My Life in Service
, , 

as Gordon): business career,

Haslett, Dame Caroline, , ,

–, , , –;

–, , 

relations with Helen Boyle, ;

Haward, Winifred: background

The Well of Loneliness
, ; and education, –, ; resists

joins Soroptimists, ; on

teaching career, , ; single

success, ;
In Love with Life –
state, , –, , , , ,

A Pioneer Career Woman’s Story
, , ; changes appearance,




Holmes, Verena, 

International Federation of

Holtby, Winifred: at Oxford,

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