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Authors: Isabel Lucero

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Sins & Mistrust (43 page)

BOOK: Sins & Mistrust
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I push my fingers down onto the blonde’s clit and begin rubbing circles while the other girl still grinds her pussy. The blonde begins tensing up and I know she’s about to get the release she’s been looking for.

“Oooh shit,” she screams out, and suddenly I see liquid flying everywhere. She’s a squirter.

I don’t stop rubbing her clit until I know she’s done coming. Her juices coat her thighs, as well as her friend’s. She relaxes her whole body, looking like she’s about to fall asleep, instead she gets up and goes to the bathroom. I have no doubt it’s to clean up.

I grab the brunette’s leg and drag her down to the bottom of the bed where Blue Dress and I are. I position her with her legs spread apart away from us and she’s looking up at me, upside down. I situate Blue Dress over her, on her hands and knees, that way the brunette can play with her pussy while I pound her from behind.

The two girls are in the sixty-nine position, and are moving their tongues through each other’s wet folds. Continuing to push my dick deep inside of the girl’s luscious pussy, I have my hands on her lower back, and move my hand further down to allow my thumb to rest lightly on the small opening of her ass. I pause, waiting to see what her reaction will be. In some way she’ll let me know if she’s okay with it or not.

She tenses up for a minute, and then ever so slowly, pushes her ass back, letting me know to continue. I put a finger in my mouth, getting it lubricated and place it back onto the tight spot. I poke and prod slowly, so she can warm up to the feeling. I inch my finger inside and have stopped thrusting into her pussy. Her friend is still eating her pussy when I notice the blonde has walked back into the room. I hear her moan in excitement as she moves over to the bed, jumping in between the brunette’s legs, and starts fingering her pussy.

I wait for a second, and Blue Dress pushes her ass back, trying to get my finger to go in deeper. I give her what she wants and push it in.

“Mmm, oh God,” she moans out.

I twirl my finger around in her ass and get back to driving my cock into her pussy. She lets out a string of cuss words, but I can tell it’s all in pleasure.

Peeking over, I see the blonde is about to make the brunette come again. She’s got her lips around her clit and has two fingers moving in and out of her pussy.

Thrusting my finger in and out of the girl’s ass, I start feeling her tense up. I fuck her harder and faster while she yells out in bliss, and before I know it, her pussy muscles are clenching my cock, and her ass has my finger on lock down.

“I’m coming!” she yells, like I couldn’t tell.

I give her a few seconds and slowly extract my finger from her ass and pull my dick out. She collapses on her side right next to her friend who’s starting to tense up herself.

I let the blonde continue to suck and lick on her clit while I move her fingers out of the way and use two of my fingers, that weren’t in the ass of her friend, to go deeper inside of her, searching for that sweet G-spot. I curve them up slightly, and she comes almost instantly.

“Aahh yes,” she exclaims.

Before I can get my fingers released from her pulsating pussy, the blonde has come over and pulled my condom off and starts sucking me off. She grips my balls in one hand and strokes me with the other. She smacks the tip of her tongue with the head of my dick and then takes me into her mouth.

After a few more strokes, I pull out of her mouth, grab my dick, and stroke until I release my load all over her tits. She brings her hand up and smears it all over her chest, looking at me with hooded eyes.

We all collapse on the bed, but I don’t allow myself to lie there for too long. I get up and gather my clothes so I can get dressed in the bathroom. I grab a washcloth to clean up, wash my hands, and luckily don’t have to fix my hair, since I keep it short.

After putting my clothes back on, I head back into the room. The girls are sprawled all over the bed, legs tangled; hair messed up, makeup smeared. My work here is done.

“Ladies,” I say to them, “tonight is definitely a night I’ll never forget.” I glance at Blue Dress and she smiles. “Maybe I’ll see you again sometime.”

“Wait,” the blonde says, “I think I want to know your name.”

“It’s Jay.”

“Your real name?” she asks.

I give her my best smile. “It’s Jay,” I say with a wink.

She scoffs but winks back at me. “Have a good night, Jay.”

“Oh, I will. Thank you, ladies.”

They all smile and giggle as I let myself out.

As soon as I enter the elevator I feel the vibration of my phone in my pants. I reach in, look at it and see Nico’s name across the screen.

“What’s up?” I answer.

“Hey, man. Are you free?” he yells into the phone. I hear a lot of voices in the background and the unmistakable sound of club music.

“Yeah. I’m leaving Planet Hollywood now.”

“Cool. Meet us at The Horse. We got a new one,” he replies before hanging up.


I exit the hotel and hope that I don’t have to wait long before a cab drives by. It’s only a few minutes later when a cab pulls up to drop somebody off. I walk closer, hoping to get in before anybody else does. When the door opens, I see a black high heel hit the ground and as my eyes wander up, I see sheer black pantyhose on the leg that is hanging out of the car. I continue watching as a tall, beautiful woman gets out. Her hair is in a sleek bun on top of her head and she’s wearing a black knee length skirt and white top. I see her struggling to get a suitcase out of the backseat.

“Let me help you with that,” I say as I pull the suitcase free.

She barely looks up because she’s too busy digging in her purse for some money. I take the time to admire her even more since I’m closer. Her lips are full, the bottom one a little more plump than the top. Her eyes are a striking green, gray color, and she has flawless skin which doesn’t require a lot of makeup. She’s wearing light colored lipstick and mascara. I realize that I’m staring at her so I place the luggage on the sidewalk and step back.

“Thank you,” she says as she reaches for the handle of her suitcase, still not looking at me. Obviously she’s in a rush. She turns to walk into the hotel I just left and I can’t help but notice the way her hips sway and how that skirt accentuates her ass. Goddamn!

I slide into the backseat of the cab she just exited. “The Horse, please.”

The cabbie nods his head and takes off. I close my eyes and ready myself for a long night.







Unspeakable Truths


Alice Tribue

“Tyler, do you take Everly to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”

“I do,” declares Tyler, his deep voice cracking slightly.

My own eyes are now moist with the threat of unshed tears. His beautiful smile shines down on me, making the butterflies in my stomach take flight. I turn my head to the priest as he begins to speak again.

“Everly, do you take Tyler to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”

“I do,” I agree joyfully tilting my head up and looking into Tyler’s chocolate brown eyes, the tears pooled in them reflecting my own. This is the kind of moment that every girl dreams of, the happily ever after that we read about when we’re little.

“You have declared your consent before the Church. May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with blessings. What God has joined let no man divide. Do you have the rings?”

Tyler nods, turning around and taking the rings from his best man. As he turns I take in the sight of him, really look at this man standing before me, loving the way he looks in his black suit and tie. Tyler is slender with lean well-defined muscles. His light brown hair is short and perfectly groomed for the occasion. Tyler likes to look good; he’s always so well put together. He takes pride in his appearance—even in sweats and a t-shirt he looks styled to perfection. He’s tall, so tall that he hovers over me even in the highest heels I could find I still have to look up at him. His thin lips and perfectly chiseled nose make him look almost like the typical boy next door.

I focus on Tyler as he shakily picks up my left hand and grins as he slides a platinum diamond band on my finger.

“With this ring, I thee wed,” he says softly, so low that no one past the first few rows likely heard him.

I wipe away a stray tear, turn to my maid of honor who hands me his ring, and turn back to Tyler. I take his hand in mine repeating the same words he’s just spoken.

“With this ring, I thee wed.”

“You place these rings upon each other’s fingers as a visible sign of your vows this day. And now by the power vested in me by the state of New Jersey, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. Tyler,” the priest calls with a smile on his face, “you may kiss your bride.”

His lips crush down hard against mine and my arms wrap around his neck as cheers erupt throughout the church. Two hundred of our closest friends and family are in attendance, but I don’t see any of them. I barely register the fact that they’re here at all. The only thing I know is that we did it, that as of this moment I’m Tyler’s wife and he’s my husband. Mine. And this is the day I’ve been waiting for since I met him on campus four years ago.

We slowly break apart, and I swear it feels more like a fantasy than reality. Tyler looks down at me with his perfect smile and whispers, “I love you Mrs. West.”

“I love you Mr. West.” I giggle as he takes my hand leading me down the rose-covered aisle and out of the church. Life with Tyler hasn’t always been perfect, it hasn’t always been easy, but my life is so much better with him in it. I’ve never doubted his love—not ever once. He’s steady, grounded, focused; that’s what I love about him and Tyler would do anything to make sure I’m happy. He would move mountains if it meant giving me something that I want. How can I not love someone like that?

The rest of the day passes in a series of beautiful scenes filled with happiness and laughter. Endless food and alcohol is consumed, music fills the air as our guests dance and mingle. It’s been prepared to be the wedding to end all weddings as two prominent families are united through our love for each other. Everything is as it should be, everything is right with the world, and I’m afraid I might burst because I’m so full of joy right now.

“The moment I saw you in that first class I knew I was going to marry you,” he tells me. My arms wrap around Tyler’s neck as we sway back and forth to the beautiful ballad.

I laugh and shake my head at him. “Confident huh?”

He always says he had known…well hoped, from the minute I walked into my Econ class, that he and I would be together. I, on the other hand, wasn’t so sure. I’d had a crush on someone else, but it didn’t take long for me to reciprocate. There was just something about Tyler that got to me. It was more than his looks, although his dark brown eyes and killer smile didn’t hurt. He had a level of confidence unlike anyone I’d ever met before. It poured out of him, making him almost infectious to be around; getting to know him, spending time with him became almost necessary to me.

I remember being the envy of every girl in that class when he and I were paired off together to do our semester project. We spent a lot of time together studying and researching during that time and every day we grew closer and closer until I finally realized I had fallen in love with him. That’s all it took for us to become inseparable, for us to become Tyler and Everly, and now look at us—married and about to start a life together.

I place a chaste kiss on his lips. “You know, if I could have created my dream man from scratch, he would have been you. I know now that you were meant for me.”

“Mmm baby, I’m going to take you out of here in a few minutes and show you exactly why you’ll never regret getting mixed up with a guy like me.”

I lean into him resting my head on his shoulder and let out a sigh.

“I could never regret you Tyler; you’re the love of my life.”

“And you’re mine,” he replies, placing a kiss on the top of my head.

We wanted to make sure to thank every last person who came to celebrate our day with us, so we stayed at the reception till the end. It’s after midnight when Tyler and I stumble our way back into our room for the night after the last guests have left the banquet hall located inside the hotel. It’s a gorgeous beachfront hotel, the ideal location for a wedding and convenient because a lot of our guests decided to spend the night here too. I stand in the middle of the dimly lit room in my stunning ivory wedding gown, fitted at the top making it almost skin tight and then flaring at the bottom in a mermaid style. The back is see-through with a seam of tiny pearl buttons running up my spine. The details and appliqués are stunning and hand sewn, making it a one of a kind dress. Anticipation courses throughout my body as Tyler pours two glasses of champagne and hands me one.

BOOK: Sins & Mistrust
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