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Authors: Isabel Lucero

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Sins & Mistrust (39 page)

BOOK: Sins & Mistrust
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After we all have a good laugh, Lincoln and I get up and make a couple drinks.

“That went well. Your friends seem really great.”

“They are,” I respond, looking back and seeing all three girls huddled up, talking and laughing.

“I love being here with them, and I’m really glad everybody knows everything, but I really can’t wait to get you back into our room,” Lincoln growls, his eyes becoming heavy with desire.

“Mm. Well, maybe I’ll save my announcement for tomorrow,” I reply, stepping closer to him.

“Is it important?” he asks, his eyes dropping to my lips.

“Kind of.”

He growls. “Announce it, then let’s go.”

I smirk at him and then lean in and give him a small kiss. As soon as we part, I turn to find all three girls staring at us. When they’re caught, they try to turn around quickly, but their laughter gives them away.

“Actually, let me tell you and Nathalia first. I’ll tell these guys tomorrow. I’m suddenly really ready to get back to our room.”

“Oh yeah? And what are you suddenly really ready to do once we get there?”


“Mm. Let’s go.”

I tell everyone we’re leaving, and that I’ll call them tomorrow because I have something planned for us all to do.

The three of us get into the elevator, and the energy filling the small space is nothing but carnal desire. Our eyes bounce from one to the other, and I make the first move and back Nathalia into the back wall of the elevator. The mirror behind her shows me Lincoln is approaching from behind. I grip her hair in my hand and tug, and then I lick a path across her throat. My tongue dances over her chin and she opens her mouth to suck my tongue into her mouth.

I feel Lincoln’s hand move over my hardening cock while he presses his own growing erection against my ass. I groan into Nathalia’s mouth and when she releases my tongue, the elevator alerts us we’ve arrived to our floor.

We rush into our room, and go straight to the bedroom. We all know what we want, and nobody wants to waste any time. Nathalia goes into the closet and comes back with a small bag.

“I brought these in the hopes we could use them,” she says huskily.

I don’t have to look into the bag to know she’s talking about. Ripping my shirt from my body, I throw to the floor and stalk towards her. I unzip the back of her dress and let it fall to the floor around her ankles. She steps out of it, and all she’s wearing is a white strapless bra with a small, black bow between her breasts. Her white thong has the same black bow on the front.

“Leave your shoes on,” I command. “Get on your hands and knees.”

She bites her lip and quickly climbs onto the bed and gets into position. Her ass is facing me, and I signal to Lincoln to have him stand on the other side of the bed. When he gets there, he begins undressing and both Nathalia and I watch his every move. His tanned, muscled body flexes with each movement.

I finish getting undressed myself, and watch as Lincoln grabs his thick cock and aims it at Nathalia’s mouth. She crawls forward and licks the length of him before wrapping her pouty lips around his head and sucking.

Kneeling on the bed behind her, I slide her panties to the side and begin licking her already wet pussy. She moans while pulling Lincoln’s erection further into her mouth. I slip a finger into her pussy, allowing her juices to coat it, and then gently guide my finger into the narrow channel between her cheeks.

She pulls Lincoln from her mouth to cry out, “Oh God!”

I find a steady rhythm and continue to dip my tongue into her warmth. Once she starts pushing back, craving more, I pull away.

“Linc, lay down.”

He climbs onto the bed and I position Nathalia over his face so he can eat her out while I pull his cock into my mouth.

Nathalia moans as she watches. “Oh my God. Yes!”

Lincoln groans as I take him as deep as I can. I stroke his rigid flesh and flick my tongue around his engorged head. Nathalia leans forward, and licks one side of Lincoln’s cock as I lick the other. I drop down lower and bring one of his balls into my mouth, and then lick the taut skin between his sac and the puckered hole in the crevice of his ass.

I move over to the bag Nathalia brought out and grab the bottle of lube and massage the oil over my cock and his ass. Pushing one finger, and then two into his tight canal, I begin stretching him. Nathalia continues to suck his cock while he laps up her juices.

Once I feel he’s ready, I let my fingers slowly glide out and then I pull Nathalia down to straddle his hips. I guide his dick into her wet entrance, and as soon as she’s seated onto him fully, I pull her head closer to me and plunge my tongue into her mouth. My hands move to the back of her bra and I unsnap it, then throw it to the floor. I cup her perfect breasts in my hands and then roll her nipples in between my fingers and squeeze gently. She drops her head back and hisses.

I pull Lincoln to the edge of the bed, and once in position, Nathalia begins grinding on his cock. Pushing his legs further apart, I hold one of his legs up, and guide myself into his tight hole.

“Fuck,” he rasps.

Nathalia watches in fascination as I bury myself deep inside of him.

“Goddamn, Linc,” I hiss.

I pull back slowly and then push in deep again. Lincoln pulls a pillow over and props it underneath his back so he can watch, as well.

We find a perfect rhythm. Nathalia rides his cock while he holds onto her waist, controlling the speed. He finds the right moments to give her thighs and ass a smack, causing her to yell out in bliss. I fuck his ass hard and deep, while simultaneously bringing Nathalia’s nipple into my mouth and then biting gently.

“God, this feels so good,” Lincoln growls.

I begin rubbing circles on Nathalia’s clit, knowing Lincoln won’t be able to hold out much longer since he’s getting double the sensation and double the pleasure.

“Oh yes, Marc!” she cries.

I fuck Lincoln ruthlessly and then wrap my hand around Nathalia’s throat and squeeze. Her moans increase, and her movements become faster. Knowing her pleasure is amplified by the force of my hand around her throat spurs me on even more and my movements become rougher.

“Yes, yes. Oh my God, yes!” Nathalia yells out.

With my hand still around her throat, I lean forward and bite down on the skin between her neck and shoulder. She digs her nails into my shoulders and then drags them down my chest as she comes.

“Fuck!” she howls, and I hiss through gritted teeth in response to the burning sensation that’s left in her nails’ path.

Almost as soon as she’s coming down from the high of her orgasm, Lincoln grunts from below. His fingers tighten around her waist and I thrust in deeply.

“Aahhh!” he roars as he empties himself deep inside Nathalia’s pussy.

The sensation of him clamping down around me, and Nathalia’s nails in my skin, mixed with the sexiest fucking visual in front of me, I’m unable to hold my orgasm back any longer. I pump into him a few more times before I shout out my own cry of bliss.

My years as an escort have nothing on the sex I have with these two.

We all detangle, freshen up, and fall into bed together.

“Guess we didn’t need the toys this time, Nathalia says with a giggle as she pushes the bag from the bed.

“We’ll use them next time,” I answer with a wink.

“What did you need to tell us?” Lincoln asks, propping himself up on his elbow.

“Oh.” I sigh. “Okay, hopefully this doesn’t come off as too much, but considering your job, Lincoln, and our lifestyle, I thought it was perfect.”

He tilts his head in confusion and Nathalia scoots up and leans against the headboard. “What is it?” she asks softly.

“I’ve been in the process of building a club. An adult, members-only club that caters to people who have more than one partner.”

Lincoln lifts one brow in surprise, maybe amusement. “Fetish club?”

I shrug. “Could be interpreted that way. It’s a huge estate with several rooms, a few buildings on a large lot, and each one can be for something else. There’s the main lounge when you first walk in, a bar, some couches, just a nice place for people to mingle. A dance floor is further back and booths line the walls of that room. Upstairs are bedrooms, some with glass doors for those who enjoy being exhibitionists and voyeurs.

“I also have been talking to my boss, well, ex-boss at the agency, and we’ve come up with the idea of having some of the escorts be there and available for hire for couples who are interested in trying out new things. She’s even contacting a friend who runs a female escort agency, for those who are interested in women joining them.

“The other building is more of an exotic dance club, but there are areas for people to...get to know each other on more personal levels. That other attachment is just larger, open areas with beds, couches, and the like.”

“Wow,” Nathalia breathes. “Sounds amazing.”

“Impressive,” Lincoln nods. “Where is it?”

“Well, it’s a little out of town, close to your house, actually. The one in Summerlin South. I found a large piece of land outside of city limits.”

“What’s it under the guise of?”

“It’s a resort,” I say with a smirk.

“Sounds really great, Marc,” Nathalia chirps, her face full of excitement.

“There’s even rooms with the toys you like,” I tell her with a grin.

“S&M rooms?” she squeals.

I chuckle at her enthusiasm. “And all three of us own it.”

“What?” she asks, baffled.

“Well, once you two sign the papers. I have it under our names. It’s ours to own, run, and handle. It’s not finished yet, we still have some things to take care of, and you can be as hands-on as you want.”

“Oh my gosh!” She wraps her arms around my neck and squeezes me. “I love you so much.”

“I love you,” I reply, kissing the side of her head.

“Marc, this is surprising. I can’t believe you’ve been doing all of this…for us,” Lincoln says.

“Well, I wanted to show you guys that I want this to work. I’m not ashamed of our lifestyle, and I want there to be a place for people to go who want to try things that people consider out of the norm. It’s not strictly a place for polyamorous people —obviously other couples are welcome to try it out— but it’s a place that people can relax at, feel comfortable, and not judged. It’s away from the city, and it’s really nice. I promise you guys will love it.”

“What’s it called?” Nathalia asks.

“I was thinking of calling it The Cell Estate”

“The Cell?”

“Yeah. C for Cash. E for Edwards. L for LaBelle, and the other L goes to Lincoln.”

“I like it!”

“Linc, I know you were moving your club to a larger place, but I figure we can have your employees move to this one now. It’s definitely a larger place, and we could use some of the same furnishings you have.”

He nods and I can tell the wheels in his mind are already turning and thinking of all things business related. Lincoln’s been running several clubs for a while now, I have no doubt he knows what he’s doing.

“I’m really excited to see this place, and we’ll definitely get together and go over the paperwork. Thank you, Marc,” he says, then leans forward and plants his lips on mine. “This gesture means a lot.”

“So, you’re telling your friends about this tomorrow?” Nathalia asks.

“Yep. And, we’re all going out to look at it.”

“Really?” she squeaks, sitting up.

I laugh. “Yes, really.”

“Oh yay! I’m so excited!” She snuggles down into the covers. “I love you guys.”

“We love you,” I answer as Lincoln kisses her forehead, and I kiss her cheek.

“I love you, too,” I say, looking at Lincoln.

“I love you.”

We connect for another kiss, and then we all eventually fall asleep.

When we all pull up to the large estate, my excitement catapults me out of the car before it’s even turned off. I take in the beautiful buildings and wait for Jace, Troy, Adrienne, and Emilie to pull up. They followed us here, but don’t know what it is they’re coming to see.

The guys slowly get out of the car, and I can’t help but watch them as they emerge. Both of them are so sexy, one with hair as dark as night, and one with hair as golden as the sun. Their blue eyes twinkle in the sunlight, and when they meet in front of the car, they connect hands, share a smile and then let go and begin walking towards the building.

BOOK: Sins & Mistrust
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