Skin Walkers Conn (27 page)

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Authors: Susan A. Bliler

BOOK: Skin Walkers Conn
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York’s tone was
laced with
concern, “Isn’t it too soon to move her?”

“I won’t move her until it’s absolutely safe.  But I want everything prepared.

“You think he’ll let us keep her?” James quickened his step to shove his way between the two larger Walkers.  “I mean, Mason paid for her and the delivery’s been made.”

York used a large hand to shove James back.  “She’s his angel
has no say.”

James smiled and lunged at Conn wrapping both arms around his Commander’s shoulders from behind in his typical sneak-attack-hug.  “Congratulations XO!  You’re mated.”

James’ smile
and mood
was infectious and Conn couldn’t help but grin at the young man’s exuberance. 

York too slapped
on the shoulder.  “Congratulations boss!”

Conn’s smile faltered momentarily.  He knew he should tell his men that he hadn’t truly bound Aries, that it was a plan the two had devised for the best interest of their safety, but he simply couldn’t bring himself to spoil his men
’s jovial moods.

“You’re lucky boss,” James spoke from behind York and Conn.  “Aries is badass and hot as hell.”

Conn frowned at James over his shoulder, but it didn’t halt the younger man’s rant.

“If you hadn’t claimed her I so would have…”

“JAMES!” York barked.

“What?  I’m just saying

Conn chuckled as he shook his head taking longer strides to get back to his Aries.


Conn entered Aries’ room silently
not sure whether she slept or not
.  It’d been two weeks since she was first brought into the infirmary and he’d visited her daily.  He stopped just inside the door and noticed two things instantly.  One, Aries was pissed as she frowned at him from her bed
, her arms crossed over her chest, and t
wo, Remy’s scent lingered in the room.

“What in the hell was
doing here?”  Conn crossed and dropped the dozen tissue paper wrapped roses he’d brought onto Aries’ bedside table.
  Her room was full of flowers
, it literally smelled like a garden;
he’d made it a habit of bringing her a dozen every day.

“You promised me,”
Aries accused indignantly.

“I promised you I wouldn’t kill him.”  He dropped into the chair beside her bed, “Did
look dead to you

Aries uncrossed her arms.  “Conn!
  You knew what I meant.  I didn’t want you to go after him.  He looked like hell.  His face is practically one giant bruise.”

“So is yours,” Conn
snarled before groaning inwardly
when he saw her wince.  She’d hinted more than once over the past few weeks that she’d felt hideous looking.  He should have known better. 

He stood and sat on the edge of her bed before grabbing her hand.  “Look beautiful, I’m not going to apologize for what I did to Remy because I don’t regret it.  He deserved what he got and he’s lucky I stopped when I did.”  When she dropped her eyes to stare at their hands he grabbed her chin to force her eyes to meet his.  “If it’s any consolation, I did keep my promise.  You made me promise not to kill him and I didn’t
.  I’d only keep that promise for you Aries.”

She huffed out a breath then pulled her hand from his to lock her fingers around the halo at her neck.  “I suppose it’s time.  I should give this back to you now shouldn’t I?
  You don’t
have to keep coming everyday Conn
and you certainly have nothing to feel guilty over so if that’s why you come

” she let the sentence die of
before starting again, “
I’m sure you have missions or something better you could be doing
than babysitting me

He watched her pull her bottom lip between her teeth
lifted a hand to tug her fingers away from the halo.  “
Keep it for now, we’ll discuss it later

A light knock sounded on the door and both Aries and Conn turned as Dr. Jenny
entered.  Jenny smiled warmly at Aries before shooting Conn a
look.  “Commander
, may I have a moment
with my patient?”

Conn stood and winked at Aries before he left
without looking at the Doctor
  He only permitted the audience because he knew the two women had become friends during the course of Aries’ stay in the infirmary.

Jenny waited several moments before she approached Aries.  “How you feeling today?”

“Better,” Aries admitted
, “is the cast coming off today?”  Her tone was hopeful, but she knew better. 

“No,” Jenny smiled, “I told you it’ll have to stay on for about another
four weeks.”

“Four weeks!  Come on Jenny.  Work with me here.” 

The two women had become
exceedingly close over
the past few weeks and Jenny often spent her lunch hour eating in Aries’ room so the two could chit-c
hat.  She’d taught Aries about
Skin Walker
s, their anatomy and genetic make-up, and Aries reciprocated by speaking freely about her life and childhood with Jenny.  The Doctor was fascinated by the fact that Aries was a
, but what truly shocked her was the fact that Aries had never shifted until Remy had taught her.

“Have you told Conn yet?”

“No,” Aries
gasped.  “I s
aw Remy today and he looked
like he’d tried to stop a freight train with his face.  I couldn’t imagin
e what Conn would do if he knew.

“Yeah,” Jenny nodded, “it’s probably best for the sake of
s health that you don’t tell
you shared your first shift with Remy.
  I don’t know what it is with
men but they take it extremely personal.  Christ, it’s not like you lost your virginity to Remy, but that’s how they act.”
  She waved her hand absentmindedly toward th
e wall, “Hell, I’ve got enough
s coming through here for legitimate reasons.  I don’t need Remy taking up space because Conn can’t get over his jealousy.”

“I wish I’d have known
I was actually a
.  I would never have even tried
to shift
, but I honestly didn’t think it was possible.  I know Conn’s going to be hurt.”  She reclined back on the bed
feeling deflated

“Hey, don’t get all upset
something you had no idea
about.  Remy should have warned you.”  Jenny smiled then, “Well, if he thought you were Mason’s sister I guess it makes sense
that he wouldn’t
.”  Her brows hiked, “Did Remy
anything else with you?”

Aries felt her cheeks flush.  “No!”

“Then why the blush?”

Sitting up straighter Aries fidgeted with the bandage still wrapped around her arm.  “I told you there wasn’t anything sexual between
.  I don’t think of him like that I’m only interested in…”  Her words died off and she felt her cheeks singe.

Jenny giggled, “I can’t believe there’s actually a woman in the world that’s interested in Commander Conn

Aries frowned at her friend.
  “What are you talking about?  He’s absolutely gorgeous.”

Jenny’s slim shoulders lifted then fell, “He is handsome, but his horr
attitude and ill temper hardly seem worth it.”

“His attitude and temper are fine when he’s around me.”

“Well of course they are,” J
enny stood smiling down at her friend,
“he’s mated you, which means he’d rip off one of his own nuts if it’d make you smile.”

Aries rolled her eyes, “Hardly.”

“Hardly!” Jenny scoffed, “Look at this place.”  She made a sweeping motion of the room and Aries smiled.  Every table, every corner, every chair, every crevice was
covered in flowers.  Fragrant long-stemmed red roses in beautiful vases, long white boxes, simple jars, and wrapped in decorative tissue paper.  “Christ it’s a good thing no one in this infirmary has allergies!”

“They are beautiful aren’t they?”  Aries let her eyes rove the room as she took in the sight.  It was more thoughtful and romantic than she bet Conn even realized.
  Certainly a more romantic gesture than any man had ever bestowed upon her.

Jenny smirked, “Yeah they’re beautiful.”  She checked her watch, “I’ve
make my rounds, but I’ll be back to see you.”  Her brows knitted, “I don’t know if he’s told you or not, but the Commander is pressing to have you flown to
Apex in two days.  Do you think you’re up for that?”

“Apex?  What’s that?”

“Okay, he didn’t tell you.  Apex is
ranch that belongs to
Steele, the Commanders…well
, c
ommander.  Have you met him?”

“No, he arrived just as Conn took me away
the first time I was here,
but I didn’t meet him.”

“Think of a blonde haired Monroe but with slightly less attitude and that’s
.  Anyway, Conn and his men simply refer to Apex as base. 
It’s close in size to
, but with fewer Walkers, mostly mercenaries
, soldiers, and a few medical staff.
It’s where Conn and his team reside in their down-time. 

“But what about Conn’s bunker?”

“Walkers have a pack mentality.  We prefer to live together.  I’m sure Conn uses his bunker infrequently.  I know for a fact he and his men reside at Apex with

“Why don’t they just live here?”

Jenny shrugged, “I think
and Monroe are too similar.  You know a pack can only have one Alpha.”  She grinned, “Anyway, if you’re up for it I can clear you for flight.  Conn’s arranged
for medical
at Apex
so you won’t have to worry.
  They’ve got their own infirmary, it’s quite similar to this one.

“Oh God!” Aries let her head fall back and closed her eyes.

“W-what’s wrong?  I thought you’d be happy, you’re finally getting out.”

Aries opened tear-filled eyes.  “I don’t want to be a burden on anyone.”  She lifted her good arm and waved it at the room, “Hell I don’t even know how I’m going to pay for all this!”

Jenny crossed to sit on the bed near Aries’ hip.  “You don’t have to worry about that Aries.  Walkers take care of our own.  You don’t have to pay for the services you received here.  Monroe takes very good care of his people.”

“I’m not his people.”

“You’re a
Aries, and that makes you one of us.
”  She reached up and rubbed Aries’ shoulder, “And if there’s anyone who has more money than Monroe
, it’s
Steele.  He too takes excellent care of his Walkers
.  You belong to Conn; therefore, you’re one of
Walkers.  Besides,
Conn and his men don’t work for free.  They’re paid extremely well for their services and they all reside at Apex, which means no mortgages, no vehicle loans, no living expenses.  I’m sure the Commander has quite the nest egg built up.”

“Well if he does, he’s certainly not spending it on me.” 
turned imploring eyes on Jenny, “Can’t you find a woman’s shelter that would take me in?”

“What?” Jenny sounded aghast, “Aries, you’re his angel.  It’s his duty and
to take
care of you.  He’d never…”  She stood up and shook her head, “I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation.

  She turned
to study
her friend
.  “Why do you think he wouldn’t want to take care of you?  What’s going on?”

Her shoulders slumping Aries decided she needed an ally.  “I’m not Conn’s angel.”
She slowly lifted her eyes to stare at Jenny.

Placing her hands on her hips, Jenny frowned down at Aries.  “Um, the halo around your neck proves otherwise.”

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