Skin Walkers Conn (30 page)

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Authors: Susan A. Bliler

BOOK: Skin Walkers Conn
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When Dr. Ames cautiously entered a few moments later and asked if Aries was alright, Aries could only nod.

Chapter 29

nother four
weeks passed with Aries still in the infirmary. 

While Conn visited more frequently, it wasn’t what she’d intended when she’d confronted him about abandoning her.  If anything, it was more insulting because he actually seemed pleased with himself for what he clearly considered an extra effort on his part.  Meanwhile, Aries was beyond stir-crazy.  The bland paint color and muted tones of the room were frustratingly blah
, and the days seemed to drag on

God what I’d give to go for a walk outside.

She’d asked Conn to take her out of the infirmary, but h
is answer was always the same.  He gave her one of three excuses
, which were all basically the same,
she was still healing.  She’d argued that fresh air would help her heal faster, so he’d had her moved to a room with a window.  She’d wanted to strangle him.

She’d finally gotten the cas
removed from her leg and she actually enjoyed the physical therapy because it was the o
nly time of day she was
permitted outside of her room. 

Conn had been prevented from attending therapy with her after he’d attacked her physical therapist. 
entered the room to discover the therapist on his knees behind Aries.  Her arms were braced on two bars on either side of her as she shuffled across the soft mat under her feet.  The physical therapist had his hands braced on her legs just under her ass.
it was too intimate a touch for Conn.

Dr. Ames threatened to have him banned from the infirmary permanently if he couldn’t learn to control his jealousy.  In the end, Aries knew a compromise had been reached.  Conn no longer accompanied her to physical therapy, but her male therapist had been replaced by a

His actions were infuriating, but mostly confusing.  He clearly didn’t want her, but apparently didn’t want anyone else to have her either.  It didn’t make sense.  Any hope Aries
of them being more than whatever in the hell they were was rapidly dying. 

Frowning at the wall, Aries was planning her escape when the door to her exam room opened. 

Conn entered looking handsome as ever.  Her heart gave a little start at his presence
just as it always did when he was near
, but she
tamped it down.  She knew nothing would change.  He’d stay a few minutes, inquire into her health, make a few menial observations
about the weather then leave

She hated the room, hated the infirmary, and was growing to hate Conn for keeping her trapped in the dull and lonely confines. 

His smile had her watching him warily. 

“Morning beautiful.”

She’d asked him repeatedly not to call her that, but he refused.  Ignoring his jovial mood, she turned her head away from him hoping he’d take the hint and

“What?” he tease
d, “No smile for your favorite

She didn’t look at him.  “You a
my favorite
.  And if you want me to smile then tell me something funny.”

“How about I tell you something that’ll make you happy instead?”

She shrugged and sighed heavily, truly not caring what he had to say.

“I’m moving you to the ranch house today.”

That got her attention.  She turned her head quickly to pin him with assessing eyes.  “If you’re lying to me, I’m going to hurt you.”

Conn laughed.  “It’s not a lie.  You jus
t got medical clearance and you
r room has been ready for weeks. 

She couldn’t help the excitement that bubbled to the surface.  She sat up straighter.  “What do we have to do?  Sign paperwork?  Wait for Dr. Ames?  Get some sort of release?”

Shaking his head Conn crossed to hold open the door. 

James pushed a wheel chair into the room
, smiling brightly.
“You’re chariot

Not wanting to get too excited, Aries looked from James to Conn hopefully.

Conn smiled, crossed his thick arms over his chest and simply nodded. 

She threw
the blanket off her legs but before she could turn to place her feet over the edge of the bed Conn was at her side lifting her from the bed.  She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled brightly, unable to contain her delight.  She was going to the ranch house.  She didn’t know what it was or where it was, but she did know it was a change, which meant that it was good. 

Gently, Conn placed her in the wheel chair then grabbed the blankets from her bed.  He peeled them apart, placing one over her lap and wrapping the other around her shoulders. 

Aries was practically bouncing in her seat.

James laughed behind her.  “You were right XO.  She is pretty excited.

“Well then, let’s not let her down.”  Conn held out an arm and ushered the duo out the door.  In the hall he took the lead and led them through several doors before he finally pushed open a set of large double doors. 

hit Aries head on.  Her hair blew back and her breath come out in a great puff.  She’d missed the cold.
  The chill was refreshing
, stimulating.  Even as James pushed her out onto
the shoveled sidewalk, she felt the blood rush through her in an attempt to heat her chilling limbs. 

The view was one of Montana splendor.  White, glittering plains spread out in every direction, disturbed only by what she assumed was the ranch house and a large barn.  A herd of horses stood penned in a corral next to the barn and were utterly disinterested in her
sudden re-birth into the world

Far in the distance, she could see snow topped peaks
rose majestically in the East and had her wondering if they’d crossed the Rockies.

James set off at a brisk pace, wheeling her along the narrow sidewalks on a path that led through what she imagined was a lush garden area in the summer. 
They were approaching the ranch house.  The long two-story structure reminded her of a lodge she’d once stayed at while visiting a hot springs.  The siding was a white steel and the roof
was a dark blue shingle that made the house match the glacial setting.

As they drew closer she saw less and less until Conn was holding a door open and she was being ushered inside. 

The warmth of the house hit her at once and it
mingled with
something cinnamon scented
baking somewhere in the house
, gave
the house a
welcoming feel. 

A large stair case that split and went two separate directions at a
landing before leading higher was the first thing she noticed. 
The staircase sat just beyond the
entry way
that felt grandiose with its opulent marble floor.

She was turned away from the stairs and led down a wide carpeted hall.  James turned the wheel chair so that she was facing a closed door
that slid open to reveal an elevator.  They went up one floor and when the doors opened she didn’t speak as her eyes took in the splendor of the
ranch house.  It was magnificent, but she wasn’t sure it she felt that way because it actually was that grand or because after being confined to the infirmary for six weeks she’d think anywhere else was spectacular. 

Royal blue carpet led down a narrow corridor with doors on either side.  The walls were a pristine white and the hall smelled of fresh flowers although she couldn’t see any.

Halfway down the hall, Conn stopped ahead of them and pushed open a door before J
ames drove her inside the room.
  Opulent was the first word that came to mind. 

A huge four-poster bed sat against one wall. 
The posts were a thick ornately carved cherry that had white sheer valances
from one post to the next so that
the bed had a canopy effect.

An empty hearth sat in the wall at the foot of the bed and several doors dotted the walls.  Several tables
were spaced along the walls throughout
the room and each held a vase of fresh multi-colored roses.

Conn pointed at a door that was nestled in the wall next to her bed, “My room is there.”

Aries’ felt her belly flutter and nodded once.

“Thank you James.”  Conn’s tone was dismissing.

Sure thing XO.”  James gently squeezed Aries’ shoulder before he walked to the door.  “Glad you’re finally up and about Aries.”

didn’t get a chance to respond
before Conn was lifting her from the wheel chair and placing her on the bed.  She struggled in his hold.


He froze, half bent over the large bed.

“I’m not getting back in bed Conn.  I’ve been lying on my ass for the past six weeks and I’m done!

He placed her on the bed anyway and when she tried to squirm to the other side he climbed on after her and pulled her into the
cradle of his body.  “Well
need a nap, and like it or not, you are taking one with me.”

At first she was tempted to pull out of his arms, but she missed his touch too much.  She turned to frown at him over her shoulder, “You’re not just going to leave like you always do?”

“No.  You need
rest and the only way I can
ensure that you get it is by l
ying her
with you.”

Even to her own ears it sounded like a shallow excuse to be with her, but she didn’t care, she’d take what she could get.  Smiling to herself she fought the urge to
tell him she wasn’t in the least bit tired.

There was a knock at the door and Conn released her to sit up, “Enter.”

  a small tea cart.  He strolled it to Conn then exited the room without a word.

“How about a snack?”

Aries sat up and eyed the tray.  It held a plate of still steaming cinnamon rolls and a pot of what she assumed was coffee or tea.

She scooted her body so her back rested against the stack of pillows piled at the headboard before accepting the small plate with a divine smelling ro
ll.  She pulled a cinnamon covered chunk of bread free and swiped it through the cream cheese icing on top of the roll before popping the bite into her mouth.  It melted like brown sugar and was honestly the best thing she’d eaten in months. 

She finished half the roll before Conn turned and handed her a cup of simmering tea.  She tested it with her lips before taking down a healthy swallow. 

Once she finished her cinnamon roll and cup of tea, Conn took the dishes from her lap and placed them on the cart. 

“Now, where were we?”  He climbed on the bed and Aries scooted down until she was flat on her back. 

Secretly, she hoped Conn would pull her close again and when he did, she
turned her head to hide her smile.

She exhaled and stretched languidly before curling into his side
.  She was content to
just rest in his arms…
more tha
n content.  For the first time in more months than she could count she was actually

With his nose buried in her hair, Conn drew in a deep breath then stilled. 
“You’re different”, he
pulled back to
eye her intently before he
and his eyes narrowed
to thin slits
.  “The pain is gone.” 

He shoved up from the bed to stare down at her
, his hands curled into tight fists at his side and sharp pinpoints of anger exploded in the dark depths of his eyes as he nearly shook with rage.  “When did you shift?”

Chapter 30

Aries was stunned. 
She’d been so busy trying to figure out
why Conn had suddenly changed his tune
that she’d completely forgotten about the faint scent of pain that used to emit from her

had presumed it was caused by Aries’ inability to shift, and apparently her presumption had been correct. 

Her mouth fell open as she considered formulating a lie, in the end she knew
better.  It was time he found out.  Honestly
it shouldn’t be that big of a deal.  “I-I…” she licked her lips
and sat up
g to word it properly in hopes of
providing some semblance of
damage control.  “It was when I was taken.”

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