Read Skin Walkers Conn Online

Authors: Susan A. Bliler

Skin Walkers Conn (8 page)

BOOK: Skin Walkers Conn
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It still held warmth from his body
and Ar
ies pulled it tighter around herself
, whispering a “t
hank you” before noticing the earthy
spicy scent she now knew to be his.
  She inhaled deeply finding an odd comfort in the scent even as her eyes slid to stare at the
form fitting white under
shirt that clung to his chiseled torso like a second skin.

His arms and chest were huge
.  The deep tan of his skin only added emphasis to the stark
contours of his thickly corded musc
.  Several scars resembling claw marks marred one rounded shoulder.  Aries wondered if the same creature was the one to leave the long scar down his face as well.  She liked the scar on his face it made him seem fierce. 
Hell, he’d seem fierce without it.

His chest rose when he inhaled deeply and the action drew her attention.  Letting her eyes slide down from the well-muscled chest, she could see the outline of his washboard abs through the thin white t-shirt he’d had on under his button-up.  She had to force herself to pull her eyes from their eager wandering.

She was led out double swinging doors as t
hey entered what appeared to be a fancy hotel lobby before she was steered to a
glass elevator.  Conn followed her in, his hand still clamped
—not roughly—on
her arm. 

As they rode up, Aries lifted her head to stare at the beautiful manor and out the large picture windows that dotted the front of the
building.  It was night time, dark outside
and the lights were low and dim inside.  In the night she could just make out thick fluffy flakes as the
gently to the earth.  She sucked in a sharp breath. 

It’d been
three long
years since she’d last seen snow, and she’d missed it
more than she ever c
ould have imagined.
  The sharp sting of tears at her eyes had her lifting a hand and placing i
t on the glass of the elevator.  S
he could almost feel the snow in her hand.
  She didn’t know that Conn watched her

The elevator went up to the third floor and stopped before the doors slid open.  The
exited onto a beautiful navy carpet with gold designs that covered the expanse of the third floor
.  The hall was long with dark oak doors alternating on either side of the hall.  Again she couldn’t help but feel that the estate felt more like a luxury resort than the hide-out for Walkers….
whatever in the hell a

At the end of the hall Conn pulled a key card from his pocket and scanned it quickly on the security sensor.  The door didn’t beep, simply clicked open. 

Conn placed a hand on Aries’ shoulder to keep her from entering.  He strode past her and inspected the room before turning to her, “It’s clear.”

Outside the door, Aries balked.  Her mind was going a mile-a-minute.  She’
seen a grandiose staircase in the center of the
.  Her eyes flicked to the door knob.  If she jerked the door closed, it might just buy her enough time to make it to the stairs. 
But it’s fucking freezing outside.
Even if I did escape, I’d die of exposure.

The corner of Conn’s mouth lifted, “You might make it to the second floor, but that’d be it.  The manor houses many Walkers, and
men have been assigned temporary quarters
on each
of the
other three

When Aries didn’t move Conn’s smile disappeared, “Not to mention that the drugs are still in your system and you haven’t eaten.  Your too weak Aries, don’t try it.”

He was right, but it didn’t keep her from lifting her chin defiantly and contemplating slamming the door in his face just to piss him off.

with her lack of movement Conn
dropped his head to eye her,
the lines of his body now tau
t with
, “
You have two seconds to get your ass in this room.”

Aries’ voice was soft, “And if I don’t

Conn did something than that surprised and shocked her.  His typically an
gry features broke into a heart-
stopping smile, revealing perfect white teeth and an air of youth that made him
, for once, seem not so harsh
, but his next words
such fantasy

His challenge was simpl
.  “Find

Aries pulled his oversized shirt tighter around her before stepping into the room.

Conn locked the door behind her before crossing the room and drawing the blinds closed.  The suite was elegant.  Dimly lit lamps dotted the main sitting room and a small chandelier hung over a cherry wood table to her left in the small dining and kitchen area.

Conn pointed down the only hall in the suite.  “Bathroom

s at the end of the hall and
your room is on the right.  There should be clothes on the bed.  I suggest you shower while I prepare dinner.”

Aries’ teeth caught her bottom lip.  “I thought I was going to the holding cells?”

Conn frowned down at her, “How do you know about the holding cells?”

She dropped her eyes, “You mentioned them in the car.”

“I thought you were passed out?”

“I heard.”

Conn snorted before crossing into the kitchen and turning on the faucet to wash his hands, “Aries, I’m tired, I’m starving, and I’m cranky.  I suggest you get in the shower before I decide to give you one myself.”

Her brows drew together as she frowned at his back.

He turned then, “Did I forget to mention that I’m horny?”

Aries felt her cheeks
flame and she turned to
down the hall.  She heard Conn laughing at her

Down the hall she flicked on a light in what Conn had deemed to be her room to discover
an interior as
exquisite as any she’d ever seen.  A large canopied bed sat against one wall while large cherry wood furnishings adorned the room.  The muted tan and soft yellow of the drapes and carpet, were also reflected in the satiny bed spread and array of pillows
on the bed
, giving the room a warm homey feel
.  A fire blazed in a hearth across from the bed and next to the sole window in the room. 

Aries crossed to
the window
and peered out.  She found the mechanism to roll the window open and quickly did so before popping the screen out.  She was leaning halfway out the window when she jumped at Conn’s voice.

“There’s no way down.”

Aries pulled back into the room sheepishly, “I k
I wasn’t…”  She held up her hand and it was full of already melting snow.  “I just wanted to touch it.”

Conn eyed her, “Have you never seen snow?”

Aries looked down at the slush in her hand before tossing it out the window
and dusting her hands together
.  “I have.  I just…
”  Her shoulders slumped, “It’s been a really long time.”
  It was app
arent by her tone that her
exile hadn’t been
by choice
.  She’d run long and
far from home, and she’d regretted every second of it.

“So you’re from the North then?”

Aries’ head
and her expression shifted.
  Her obvious joy at what she’d seen and felt out the window vanished to be replaced by the steely resolve she used to fool others into believing that she didn’t care one way or the other.
  She turned and snapped the screen back into place before closing the window.  “I…didn’t say that.”

“That’s not an answer.”

Aries crossed to the bed and grabbed the pile of folded clothes that were on the bed when she’d entered, “It’s the only answer you’re getting.”  She came to stand in front of him, her head up, her eyes challenging.  “Can you let me pass?  I
believe it was you who demanded I shower.”

Conn kept his eyes on her as he turned sideways, forcing her to do the same th
en rub against him as she past
She could’ve sworn she felt a rumble in his chest as she brushed

Chapter 9

Aries had intended to
shower as quickly as
, but the hot water raining down on her was
, especially after the pas
few days spent traipsing around the country in a slip. 

The shower
with dual rain showers overhead and jets that shot out from both sides of the wall
, giving off an earth
y aroma
.  The pressure felt superb on her aching muscles and tired body, but the longer she stayed in the more sluggish she
.  She used the shampoo and conditioner on the shelf to quickly wash and rinse her hair before taking up the razor she’d
out of a cabinet and unwrapped before climbing in the shower. 

Living in South America hadn’t afforded her th
e luxury of long steamy showers with an array of scented toiletries
and now she was
reluctant to
get out. 

She shaved and washed her body before opting to wash her hair a second time before she was finally
that she’d diminished enough of the hot water to leave Conn not only cooling his skin, but his libido as well.

She smirked to herself, self-satisfied,
as she pulled a large fluffy towel from the cabinet and dried herself before slathering on the
lightly scented
lotion she found in the cupboard. 
God, it feels so good to be a girl. 
She hadn’t felt or smelled this lovely in months

She swiped a hand over the fogged up mirror before
grabbing the brush that sat on the counter and combing out her long black hair.  She eyed the white streak that had grown naturally at her right temple.  She had dyed it several times over the years, and then finally gave up trying to hide it.  Funny that it should bother her now.  She threaded her fingers through her hair trying to cover it up best she could. 

“Fuck it!”  She shook her head before turning to inspect the clothes that had been provided for her. 

A dark pair of
were cou
pled with a matching t-shirt.
olded underneath the clothes were a pair of white satin panties and a
bra that she instantly knew was too small.  She squeezed herself into the bra, refusing to meet Conn without
article whether it fit or not.  She struggled for several minutes to force her breasts into the too small cups bef
ore she was satisfied that her girls
would stay in place.  Next she slid on the panties, tugged on the
pants and pulled the top over her head.  She was overjoyed to find a pair of fuzzy slippers underneath the stack of clothes.

Exiting the bathroom, she had pulled her hair to the side and was threading her fingers through it to start a side braid when it hit her.  The scent of grilled steak and warm yeast bread had her mouth instantly salivating.  She hadn’t even realized how hungry she’d been until the aroma rea
ched her.  Now, her belly
painfully at the promise of nourishment.  When she reached the kitchen Conn was just placing two plates on the table. 

“Perfect timing
,” h
e smiled at her.  “Hope you’re not a vegetarian.”

“Definitely not.” 
pulled out a chair and took a seat in front of one
of the plates while Conn set
cold can
of Coke near each of the plates then claimed his own seat.

Aries waited for Conn to take up his fork before touching hers.  She was surprised when he lifted his plate slightly off the table and bowed his head, “Grandfather, we thank you for the honor of your gifts, and pray you continue to bless us with your protection and guidance.”

Aries quickly lifted her plate and set it down, following Conn’s lead before she offered a muttered, “Amen?”

BOOK: Skin Walkers Conn
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