Slave to Love (33 page)

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Authors: Nikita Black

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery, #Suspense, #Thrillers, #Romantic Erotica, #Detective, #pasadena police, #erotica couple, #erotica romance thriller, #nina bruhns, #spanking, #erotica contemporary, #explicit sex, #erotic romance, #erotica romance, #fbi, #thriller noir, #erotic thriller, #adult erotic romance, #thriller adult, #erotica explicit, #Noir, #naked cop, #erotica bondage, #nikita black, #erotica author, #thriller romance, #thriller wow, #tightrope, #Erotic fiction, #pasadena, #sexy detective, #Erotica, #thriller and suspense, #adult thriller, #alpha male, #adult suspense, #erotic noir, #sexual fantasy, #erotic journey, #Serial Killer, #dark erotica, #thriller fiction, #erotica ebooks, #erotic cop, #Thriller, #thriller suspense, #eppi award, #romantic thriller, #sex punishment, #submission, #bondage, #detective novel, #thriller erotica, #suspense novel, #hot romance novel, #Bdsm, #thriller novels, #sexy hero, #Erotica Fiction

BOOK: Slave to Love
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He took a step toward her. She almost fell, backing away. He lunged.

“No, Mick!” she cried, fighting him, scratching, clawing as he carried her over to get the kit bag, then to the bed.

He easily held her by the waist despite her thrashing and screaming, and unzipped the red bag with one hand. He groped through it, pulled out the items he was looking for.

He stood her up, grabbing her wrists, pulled them above her head. She was a tall woman, and strong, but no match for his own height and power. He kicked off her four-inch heels with his boot before she could use them on his shins, and grabbed the handful of white silk he’d taken from the kit.

“Mick, please! Whatever you’re planning, don’t do it.”

“I told you what I was going to do,” he growled. And pulled the white teddie over her head.

He heard a strangled gasp when she realized what it was. He tugged it in place but didn’t button it down below. He wanted her open to him.

Tossing her on the bed, he ripped off her black stockings. Better. He fell on top of her, quelling her struggles.

“Your pretty red nipples look sexy under the white,” he murmured in her ear.

She whimpered. “Mick, this is crazy.”

“Don’t call me crazy, baby. I’ve told you before. It makes me mad.”

He held her down with his body while he tied her wrists to the bed with orange silk scarves. Her eyes went even wider when he looped one around her throat.

“You used these even before you knew about the killer, didn’t you?” she said shakily.

“I told you. I like orange. So sue me.”

“Where did you get them?”

“Rasheed’s on Fair Oaks Ave. There was a sale a couple of months back and I bought a dozen. Now, shut up before I use one as a gag.” He put his lips to hers. “Which would be a shame because I have other plans for your mouth.” He poked his stiffened tongue between them. And felt the tip of her tongue brush his.

“Whore,” he whispered.

“Sodomite,” she retorted.

If she thought that was an insult she was sadly mistaken. He slid his hands down her thighs, grasped her knees and spread them wide, as wide as he could. She kicked, tried to twist away. She didn’t have a chance against him. He felt the blood surge through his veins.

He eased himself down her body, holding her gaze as he lowered his face between her thighs, covered her with his mouth and sucked. Her hard little clit shuddered and quaked as he licked and bit at it. He stuck his tongue deep inside her, tasting her, tasting him in her, smelling her desire, feeling her need for him. Her muscles contracted around his tongue, began to quiver.

He pulled away.

“No!” she screamed. “Not again. Please, Mick!”

Her legs thrashed up, threatening to take his head off. He grabbed her ankle, clipped its fleecy cuff securely to the bed post, then hooked the other on the one opposite.

“Bastard,” she spat out. “Bastard-fucking-Iceman-prick-tease!”

She bucked under him, tied by all fours.


“You can do better than that,” he said, and started unsnapping the cock-harness from around his prick. He flung it aside, then ripped the collar from his balls.

Pain stabbed through him as the blood redistributed itself in his genitals. They swelled near bursting. He needed relief.

He rose to his knees. Crawled up her body. Held himself right in her face.

She swallowed.

He smiled.

And pushed his cock into her mouth.  


Chapter 22

Caro moaned as Mick’s massive penis slid into her mouth clear to her throat. His salty taste flooded her, his satin and steel flesh stretched her till there was not a place in her mouth he didn’t fill. Even so, she couldn’t take even half of him in. She felt the tops of his balls brush her chin, taut, smooth, hard as marble.

He grunted, grabbed the headboard with one hand, his cock with the other, and changed the angle of his assault. Downward. She swirled her tongue over the rim of his head, then sucked him in. He groaned like a tiger purring.

“That’s right, baby, suck me hard.”

The slick valley between her splayed legs pulsated with need. She wanted him
. His hard shaft. His soft tongue. His clever fingers. Anything. Everything.

She tipped her head forward, seeking to take him deeper. Moaned at the rush of dizzy want that inundated her along with the drops of liquid oozing from the tip of his shaft. Never mind. This was good, too. So good.

She worked him with her mouth, pulled back and laved him with her tongue till his moans echoed through the room. His grip on his cock weakened and it flipped out of her mouth. She reached for it, frustrated by her bonds, unable to get it back. He switched hands, laid his forearm against the wall, fingers spread for purchase, then fed himself back to her with the other one.

She took it eagerly between her lips. Let him push it in and ease it out, let him guide it to where he wanted her to lick and suck. Let him take himself to the brink and back till his voice was hoarse with need. But she wouldn’t let him go over the edge.

She glanced in the monitor.

She was supine under him, bound hand and foot, and he was kneeling around her shoulders in a pose of complete domination, forcing himself on her, into her mouth.

Anyone watching would think he was in control.

They’d be wrong.

She closed her eyes and tasted him, savored the feel of his power over her, of hers over him, relished the sensation of being wanted this much.

Crazy much. Nothing-else-matters much. To-die-for much.

As she wanted him.

“I’m about to explode,” he rasped. “Make me come, baby.”

“No,” she said, and licked up his whole length, light as a wisp. Then stopped.

“Make me come and I’ll give you something sweet.”

“I’ve already got something sweet,” she pointed out with a swirl at the tip.

They both knew he could come anytime he wanted without her help. He was playing her game because her defiance turned him on. She suddenly understood that. It turned her on, too, to disobey him. To see how far she could push before he simply took what he wanted. What she wanted.

Then pushed him even further.

“Make me come, Caro.

“Say you love me.” The words left her lips before she could stop them.

He froze, glared at her. “Don’t do this,” he said, his tone rife with warning.

But now it was out in the open, she wasn’t about to back down. “Say it, Mick.”

“I’m telling you, don’t go there.”

“I know you love me.”

“You’re confusing lust with love.”

“Am I?” She searched his eyes, his desperate, ice-blue eyes, for the truth.

!” he roared, leapt from the bed and crossed to the wall in two strides.

He grabbed a thick wooden paddle with two hands and brought it crashing down on a nearby metal bondage frame. The wood shattered into a hundred pieces.

His muscles bulged, sweat dripped from his rutted brow. His expression was murderous.

He cursed again. Wide-eyed she watched him seize a thick leather strap, whirl, and beat the crap out of what looked like a pommel horse standing next to the frame. When the cover and padding were ripped to shreds, cotton batting, slices of suede and splinters of wood littering the floor at his feet, he turned on her.

Her pulse doubled.


His chest heaved, his jaw clenched; he snapped the strap once between his hands.

She’d never felt so naked. So vulnerable.

So certain.

“Say it, Mick. Say you love me.”

He threw the strap to the floor. Wordlessly, step by step, he stalked over to the bed. He raked his gaze over her, paused on the juncture of her spread legs, flicked up the white teddie that had bunched around her waist, lingered on one scarlet nipple that had slipped out from it, then met her eyes.

With white-knuckled fingers, he gripped the two ends of the silk scarf he had looped around her neck, then climbed on top of her and sat on her thighs. He exhaled, carefully winding and unwinding the fabric around his fists. Finally, slowly, he pulled them taut across her throat.

She could smell the scent of his desperation, feel the feathery weight of eternity against her windpipe.

She waited, heart pounding. Trusting him.

The fabric loosened and his hands moved up, grasped her face, and he leaned down to brush a kiss over her trembling mouth. His fingers trailed down her throat, glided over her shoulders bringing the teddie’s spaghetti straps down with them, till they reached her breasts. He bent to kiss each of the crowns, moving gently over them with his lips and tongue.

She moaned, and he looked up, then straightened.

He was still erect. She could see his sex, large and livid between his thighs, feel his solid sac suspended between her legs.

“All right,” he said. “I love you,” he said. In a motion he untied her bonds and swung off her. He peeled off his chaps, dropped down on the bed beside her and closed his eyes. “Now go to sleep. We have a long day tomorrow.”


Stunned, Caro lay still for a long time, not believing what had just happened.

Had he actually said it? Then turned over and gone to sleep without...without so much as another word, or a kiss or...finishing what he’d started?

This had to be some kind of punishment. Punishment far worse than if he’d turned that leather strap on her.

Okay, maybe not. She was grateful he’d taken his anger out on the pommel horse, or whatever that thing was. It confirmed her trust in him—that he’d never hurt her.

But why was he so angry?

It was almost like the minister. As if she’d awakened feelings in him he’d been horrified by, and just like the minister, he was punishing
instead of acting on them.

Which in this case made little sense.

She’d never expected to fall in love with Mick, certainly hadn’t wanted to, but as long as it had happened to both of them, what was there to be angry about? You just accepted the situation and dealt with it.

What was going on with him that she didn’t know about? Was his job that important to him that he would let her go in order to protect it? Somehow she knew that wasn’t the answer. Or was he that frightened of love? Of the consequences of bonding with another human being? Or maybe she’d been right when she’d accused him of simply using her, amusing himself until he moved on.

She shuddered out a sigh. This was insane. It was useless to try and figure things out tonight. Better to wait until the case was truly over.

She let the exhaustion of so many nights without real sleep creep over her. And made herself a promise. She would have him, she vowed. One way or another, Mick McGraw would be hers.


A man’s shout pulled her from an uneasy slumber.



She came awake at once.

“Please,” he growled.

He was clutching her in his arms, gripping her tight to his chest. Almost desperately.

No, don’t

“Mick.” She tried to move out of his death grip, to shake him. “Baby, wake up. You’re having a bad dream.”

His eyes flew open. For a split second he stared at her in terror, then they cleared and focused, Iceman calm. “Sorry.” His arms dropped away and he rolled to his back. “It happens...once in a while.”

“No problem.” She watched him take in a deep breath. “Your mother?”

His gaze shot to her. “What do you know about my mother?”

“Not a lot. Just what you told me. And Tim mentioned some things.”

His expression turned sour. “Good ol’ Tim. I’m getting a little sick of his meddling.”

“You could have told me yourself, before he felt compelled.”

“I don’t need your pity.”

“No. You need my love.”

“I don’t need anyone.”

But his eyes told her differently. His posture. The way he wasn’t jumping out of bed and running for the hills.

“You need me.” She nestled at his side. “You want me.” She put her arms around his rigid torso. “You crave me. You crave my body. You crave my passion. You crave my love.”

His gaze drilled into her, pinioned her. “Yes, I crave all that and more.”

She canted on top of him, lying her body over his like a protective shield between him and the world. “So why are you so afraid?”

“Leave it alone, Caro.”

“Is it because of work? Because of your promise? No one has to know, Mick.”

“The world knows, Caro. We fucked in front of an open window at a crime scene, and admitted it to the brass. They’re not idiots, and they’ll never let us work together after this.”

“If not work, then what?”

“You’re forgetting, I’m the Iceman. Nothing can melt me. Not even love.”

“I don’t believe you,” she said, and kissed him, long and tender. “I’ll show you how easily you melt,” she murmured.

And proceeded to do just that.

He resisted at first, but his body betrayed his readiness as she mounted him, sheathed him and made them one.

She made love to him, pouring her love over him like a salve, praying she could heal his wounded soul. In the end, they came together in an intense, aching climax. Then he rolled her under him and lay atop her, silent as a corpse except for the sound of his labored breath.

“It’ll be all right,” she murmured. “I won’t make demands on you.” Not too many, anyway. “You’ll see. This won’t change anything.”

“You’re wrong,” he whispered, drawing a finger over the curve of her slave collar, touching the edge of the silk scarf still coiled around her throat above it. “This changes everything.”


Mick didn’t go back to sleep. Caro wouldn’t let him slide off her, so he waited until her embrace went slack and her breathing under him deep and regular. It didn’t take long. She was a wreck, physically, not accustomed to the long, grueling hours of the task force combined with his demanding carnal use.

Not to mention the psychological strain she was under. Too bad for her that part was only going to get worse.

Once she fell asleep she was out for good, so he was able to gather up the condom wrappers, straighten the bed and the room, gather his things, put on gym shorts and sneaks, and even brush his teeth, without waking her.

He pulled a chair to the end of the bed and straddled it, watching her sleep for a moment.

She was so pretty sprawled across the big four-poster, hair all disheveled, limbs gracefully posed. He loved the way her painted nipples stood out against her pale skin, contrasting with the white innocence of the teddie.

Like her. Purity and decadence. The virgin whore. Every man’s wet dream.

What would happen when she was no longer so innocent? When he no longer had anything to teach her about sex and her own secret desires?

He watched the tension slowly relax in her face, her sweet lips curving in a smile.

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