Slave to Love (36 page)

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Authors: Nikita Black

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery, #Suspense, #Thrillers, #Romantic Erotica, #Detective, #pasadena police, #erotica couple, #erotica romance thriller, #nina bruhns, #spanking, #erotica contemporary, #explicit sex, #erotic romance, #erotica romance, #fbi, #thriller noir, #erotic thriller, #adult erotic romance, #thriller adult, #erotica explicit, #Noir, #naked cop, #erotica bondage, #nikita black, #erotica author, #thriller romance, #thriller wow, #tightrope, #Erotic fiction, #pasadena, #sexy detective, #Erotica, #thriller and suspense, #adult thriller, #alpha male, #adult suspense, #erotic noir, #sexual fantasy, #erotic journey, #Serial Killer, #dark erotica, #thriller fiction, #erotica ebooks, #erotic cop, #Thriller, #thriller suspense, #eppi award, #romantic thriller, #sex punishment, #submission, #bondage, #detective novel, #thriller erotica, #suspense novel, #hot romance novel, #Bdsm, #thriller novels, #sexy hero, #Erotica Fiction

BOOK: Slave to Love
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Of everything done over the past two months, falling in love with Caroline Palmer was the one completely unexpected development. The single thing he could never have predicted, no matter how well-thought-out his plans—even when those plans spun hopelessly out of control.

So he kept his mouth shut.

“No, sorry,” he said. “I have no idea how the condom wrapper got there.”

Maybe he could pull this off. Just maybe.

Lieutenant Fredrickson pursed his lips. “Officer Palmer seems to think it was planted by the killer.”

He looked up quickly. The woman was a constant source of amazement.

“She insists you’re innocent. That you’re being framed.”

So much for scaring her off

“Stockholm Syndrome has also been suggested. Or that you’ve brainwashed her.”

He finally recovered his power of speech. “Why? So I can kill her, too?”

The L.T. leaned back in the metal chair and grimaced. “Martinez filed a very interesting report with IAB this morning.”

Mick carefully folded his hands. “I thought he might.”

“What the fuck were you thinking?” Bobby burst out, frustrated incomprehension sizzling in the words. “Are you
to get yourself thrown in jail?”

Mick quirked his lips in a humorless smile. “If that’s what it takes.”

“For what?”

Mick hated the hurt and betrayal he heard in Bobby’s voice. He’d been a good and loyal friend. “You’ll have to trust me on this one, bro.”

“And what about Caro? Do I trust you with her, too?”

He aimed a sharp gaze at his partner. “Caro’s a big girl. She can decide for herself.”

But if Mick ended up in jail, where would
end up? In his best friend’s bed? He forced back a deluge of jealousy.

Fredrickson broke the tension. “Not in this case, McGraw. The Chief nixed you going to that party with her tonight. She’ll have to partner with—”

“No!” Mick interrupted, not sure what motivated him more, jealousy or concern. Both were about to overwhelm him. “Please, don’t send her in. I’m serious, Lieutenant. It’s a sure bet the killer will be at the Tether Club tonight. After everything we—everything that’s happened, if he finds Caro and I’m not there—” He couldn’t go on. The images were too awful.

 After a short consideration, the L.T. said, “Agreed. I’ll order her to stay away from the party, too. Bobby can go stag.”

“I’ll take Cody,” Bobby said. “He’s asked to come along.”

Figured. Mick’s old friend Cody had taken to Brimstone like a man with a new sex toy. Mick nodded. “Good.”

“Once everyone’s in place inside, we’ll be ready with the SWAT team to deploy anywhere at a moment’s notice. Bobby, you need to target Smythe and make friends if you can. Get him to talk. We’re after a confession or the location of physical evidence, like trophies or the bloody sheets; either will put him away for good. If he’s not forthcoming, we’ll follow him and whatever unlucky couple he chooses, and catch him in the act. There’s no way the bastard gets away from us this time.”

Mick’s throat tightened and he swallowed a sudden knot of fear. It was finally happening; the end of the tunnel was in sight. But he had a sick feeling it wasn’t Smythe they’d be arresting. 

“Listen, Lieutenant,” he said. “I might as well tell you. I’m going in tonight. With or without the chief’s blessing, I
be there when the killer is caught.”


At his announcement the lieutenant sighed, but Bobby looked relieved. Bobby was a fine cop—hell, a great cop-—but this thing was out of his league and his partner knew it. Not because the killer was smarter than Bobby, not so, but simply because of the way he thought. Bobby was a good guy. It took a
guy to “get” someone like the Teddie Killer.

Mick knew the Teddie Killer as well as he knew himself.

Lt. Fredrickson officially took him off the case and stripped him of the Teddie case files. While awaiting the official fate of his career, he was sent to sift through photos and statements on a robbery-homicide that had happened day-before-yesterday on Orange Grove and been largely neglected. At least the L.T. hadn’t threatened to haul him off to jail. Good. He didn’t want to have to go AWOL until tonight.

But Mick was useless for work. The demons were too busy dancing around in his head.

He slipped off into a small, empty conference room at the end of the hall and around a corner, far from the bustle of the squad and task force. Closing the door firmly behind him, he tossed the robbery jacket on a battered metal table and rolled the room’s lone chair away from a computer. He sank into it and drove his fingers through his hair.

“Fuck,” he said, and stared out the room’s single, dust-streaked window.

Doubts assailed him from every direction. About what he’d done, about what he was doing. About what he wanted to do. Principal of which was to call Caro on the intercom and get her in here so he could throw her on the table and bang her until he lost consciousness.

He growled in frustration and tugged the ends of his hair.

Not very Iceman-like.

On the other hand, the ol’ Iceman image was pretty well shot to hell thanks to Caroline Palmer.

Holy crap.
What had he gone and done?


He had to stop thinking about everything that could go wrong. Concentrate on something else. Anything else.

There was a knock on the door and Caro peeked her head in. “Mick?”

Like the answer to a prayer.

“Yeah, babe.”

He swiveled the chair to take her in. She looked so beautiful it made his head spin. She was dressed in one of those silly suits she wore when she was trying to look “professional”. This one was light pink. A homicide cop in pink. He almost grinned.

“What’s up?” She took a step toward him.

He held up a hand. “Don’t come any closer.”

A frown sketched across her forehead. “Why not? Did the L.T.—”

“No, nothing like that. I just want to look at you.”

He could see his words pleased her, yet frustrated her because he could tell she wanted to touch him. Nevertheless, she paused where she stood.

“Open your jacket,” he said, deciding on the most distracting game he could think of.

She glanced at him uncertainly, but he kept his expression shuttered. She opened her mouth, then closed it again and unbuttoned her jacket.

Good girl. She was learning.

He nodded expectantly, and after a slight hesitation she pulled the two sides of her jacket apart, showing him her blouse.

Meeting her gaze, he said, “Unbutton it.”

Her lips parted. Realization of what he intended flooded through her eyes. “Mick...” she whispered warily.

He didn’t answer, simply raised one eyebrow.

Her tongue peeked out, slid over her lower lip. He watched it, his hunger growing by the second.

Slowly she unbuttoned her blouse. And held it open.

Oh, yeah.

Her pale white flesh beckoned, the sumptuous curves of her breasts above her lacy bra gleamed in the stark fluorescent light of the room. He gripped the arms of his chair and forced himself to stay in it.

“I hear you think I was framed.”

Her gaze focused on his. And seemed to look right through the wall that had been there for a lifetime. Seeing things he’d never intended any living person to see.

“Is that what this is about?” she asked evenly. “Because if it is, I think it’s only fair to tell you, you can do whatever you like to me in this room but it won’t change my mind about your innocence.”

“You are a stubborn little slave.”

“One would think you’d have noticed that by now.”

He felt a cheek muscle tick. “One would think.”

She started toward him again. “Mick—”

He held up his hand more forcefully. “Choose carefully, Caro. Leave now while you still have your—” He cut off, unwilling to continue that train of thought.

Too late. She was like a scent hound on the trail of a cadaver.

“My what, Sir? My dignity? I think we disposed of that in front of the window yesterday. My job, perhaps? No, by now the department shrinks will say I’m not responsible for my actions.” She tipped her head. “Or...maybe you life?”

She was taunting him. The little bitch was playing with him.

He set his mouth in a thin line. “No,” he said. “I’m talking about your clothes.” He glared at her and firmly ordered, “Unhook your bra. Now."


Chapter 24

Caro drew in a breath of surprise. And relief. At least he was still acting true-to-form. Which meant she should, too.

“Why should I?” she asked defiantly.

“Because when they lock me up I want the taste of your breasts in my mouth,” he growled. “And because I told you to. You’re still my slave.” Then with slightly less vehemence, “Aren’t you?”

The last two words were tacked on almost as an afterthought. It melted her heart completely. Wordlessly, she undid the front hook of her bra and pulled the sides apart, exposing herself to him.

After a moment he lifted his half-lidded gaze. “I fucked you all night. I don’t understand how I can still want you this much. You have anything on under that skirt?”

“No panties, if that’s what you mean.” She’d grown to enjoy the decadent feel of bareness between her legs. The erotic knowledge that at any moment he could unzip his pants, lift her skirt and take her. It kept her on the edge of excitement all day.

“Someone could come in,” she observed.

“Would you mind?”

She never got the chance to answer. Suddenly there was a quick knock and the door flung open behind her. “Been looking for you two.” It was Bobby’s voice.

She didn’t dare move as Mick glanced over her shoulder and answered, “Come on in, bro. And close the door.”

She heard the quiet snick of the door.

“What’s going on?” Bobby asked.

Caro sent Mick a wide-eyed appeal.

“Better lock it, too,” Mick said, and raised a warning finger at her when she moved to pull her jacket closed.

Her hands stalled half-way there and wavered. Her body flooded with conflicting instincts. All she had to do was say, “Detective,” and Mick would cease whatever game he was playing.

Then she heard the swish-click of a lock turning and it was too late.

Heat washed through her whole body. Except for her naked breasts. Suddenly they felt chilly. Her nipples tightened, and a rash of goosebumps prickled over her skin.

“Did you bring something for me?” Mick asked Bobby, who was still behind her. She could smell his after-shave.

“Yeah. The L.T. wants you to take a look at this case when you’re done with the Orange Grove robbery.”

“Sure.” Mick held out his hand to her, his eyes meeting hers.

Caro blanched. She didn’t utter a word. She was too flustered. Any second now Bobby would—

She felt the whisper of his jacket on her arm as he came up beside her and handed Mick the file.

“So why’d you want the door-—” His words choked off. “What the—” She felt his gaze on her breasts—first shocked, then lingering, then hot. “Jesus, Mick.” She risked a glance at Bobby’s face. His neck was red, the skin around his eyes taut. “Jesus,” he repeated, this time more softly. “You are both certifiable.” But he didn’t look away.

“Go on, baby, turn so he can see you better,” Mick urged, settling deeper into his chair, as if to keep himself from lunging out of it. He crossed his arms tightly, hands fisted.

Where was this going ?

“Is that what you want?” she asked. “For him to see me better?”

Mick’s jaw worked. “It’s what I want.”

Was this some kind of test?

“Why?” she asked him again.

Instead of answering her, he turned to Bobby. “See her collar?”

Bobby nodded uncertainly.

“It’s a slave collar. Caroline is my slave. She’ll do anything I tell her.”

“Pleasure slave,” she corrected. “I only obey in things sexual.”

He inclined his head. “
slave, then.”

Bobby swallowed, flicked his gaze first to her, then to Mick. “Yeah, huh?”

“Yeah. Caro, show the man your breasts.”

Face burning, she decided to play along. Mick was after something and she wanted to know what. She turned.

“You see?” A shade of triumph colored Mick’s tone.

“Uh-huh,” came Bobby’s near-strangled reply. “I see.”

“Anything else you want me to tell her to do?”

Caro’s nipples screamed with an electric jolt that shot straight between her legs.
Oh, God

Bobby let out a long, intense breath. His Adam’s apple jerked violently. “Yeah. Tell her to button her jacket.”

She almost sagged with relief.

Not that the thought of Bobby touching her was all that awful. He was a great guy, and she’d even occasionally wondered what he looked like taking a shower. But then Mick would walk into the room and she’d forget all about Bobby.

Mick shook his head. “Sorry, bro. It pleases me to have her exposed.”

It wasn’t even the idea of being touched by two men at the same time that frightened her. Wasn’t that a fantasy nearly every woman had?

“Tell him to take a hike, Caro,” Bobby murmured. “You don’t have to do this.”

“I know,” she said, torn between running from the room in embarrassment, or grabbing Bobby’s hands and placing them on her breasts just to see Mick’s reaction. “I enjoy what he does to me. He takes me places I’d never have the courage to go on my own.”

“Even if he told you to sleep with another man?”

After a slight pause, she answered truthfully, “I’m not sure.”

“You assume I’ll give you a choice,” Mick, who’d been silent during their exchange, interjected.

She turned to him, her body up until now a willing participant in his every urge. “Are you telling me to sleep with Bobby?”

Mick’s hot gaze pierced her, probing, judging, testing her will for weakness.

“No,” he finally said, and she knew she’d won the game.

Or so she’d thought; but his next words were, “I’ll leave that for Bobby to decide. If I go to jail, I’m giving you to him, to be
pleasure slave, to do his bidding as you’ve done mine.”

With that, Mick stood up and took his key chain from his pocket. Unfastening the tiny silver key that unlocked her collar, he handed it to her. His ice-blue eyes glittered with an indefinable emotion as he said, “Take it. You may choose to go with him now, or you can wait. It’s up to you. But if they arrest me, you are to give him this key. Do I have your word?”

“No, Caro, this is crazy,” Bobby protested.

“You have my word,” she said to Mick.

His eyes narrowed. “So easily?”

“They aren’t going to arrest you, Mick.”

She pressed the key back into his palm and slid her arms around him, pulling him close to her body. The familiar smell of him enveloped her, the press of his chest against her bare breasts filled her with the need to feel more of his power, filling her, taking her. It was unthinkable that this man whom she’d just found be put behind bars, denied to her for years, maybe their whole lives.

“They can’t,” she said. “You’re innocent.”

She reached up to kiss him, opened her mouth and tasted his tongue on hers. A drift of lime wafted in the air. Then Mick’s hand slid under her skirt and she forgot everything else but the sensation of his touch.

“Ah, baby,” he whispered in her hair, “I’m the furthest thing from innocent.”

The next thing she knew, her back was to the wall and he was thrusting inside her. She moaned and moved her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist, and gave herself up to the pleasure of his body battering into hers. She bit her lip against the urge to cry out, and when she lost the battle he covered her mouth firmly with his hand, grunting low with each massive thrust into her. She climaxed with a violence that shook her to her very soul.

When she came to, gasping for breath, she couldn’t get her legs to work. Mick was holding her up and breathing heavily against her temple. He kissed her hair, her neck.

He rolled them so his back was to the wall. “Damn,” he stammered between gulps of air. “Damn.”

She felt like a well-loved rag doll, but he sounded upset.

“I can’t believe we did that,” she murmured, panting against his shoulder. “Bobby—”

“Left a while ago.”

Mick’s mouth found hers and latched onto it, saturating her with the taste of him. His tongue pushed deep inside, making her moan anew. Still within her, his cock thickened. The man was a satyr.

She tried to raise her knee, to give him better access, but her muscles wouldn’t cooperate. “I can’t move,” she said with a tiny laugh.

She felt his chest expand, then he jetted out a deep breath. “Just as well. I didn’t mean to go this far. Not at the station.”

She smiled up at him. “I’m glad you did.”

He smiled back, a rare smile, but it seemed tinged with sadness. His arms tightened around her. “You shouldn’t be. I’m so sorry. I should never have dragged you into all of this.”

He set her aside firmly, then readjusted his slacks and fastened them. Her skirt slid back down around her thighs. With a sigh she did up her bra and blouse. Mick fished a comb from his inner jacket pocket and ran it through his hair. That quickly, he’d reverted back to his neat, cool, buttoned-down appearance. Except for a few wrinkles in her clothing, you would never guess they’d just indulged in earth-shattering sex.

He hesitated before depositing the comb back in his pocket and his gaze flew over her hair. Another smile, and the comb disappeared.

Instinctively, she reached up. “Am I a mess?”

“Beautiful as always.” He walked to the window and set his butt on the sill. “There’s something you should know,” he said, sliding his hands in his pants pockets.

Before she could reply, the door opened again and Bobby looked in. “You two finished...conferring?” he asked, voice gruff.

“I can’t imagine what you mean,” Mick said, motioning him in.

Bobby sent him a withering look. “Just came to get Caro. Fredrickson’s ready for her.”

Mick nodded. “Go on, baby. Oh, and tell the lieutenant I’m taking the afternoon off,” he added.

“Will I see you later?” she asked.

“Hard to say.” He looked at Bobby. “Good luck tonight, partner. Remember what I told you.”

With that, Mick rose from the sill and turned to stare through the window.

Caro tamped down a spike of irritation over being summarily fucked and dismissed. She made herself remember that the case Mick had worked his butt off for two months had been ripped out from under him, and tonight the bad guy would go down without his help. Possibly, he would be in jail himself before the day ended.

Who could blame him for being a bit testy?

She could, that’s who.

He wanted to shut her out after all they’d shared? Not a chance.

She went over and slid her arms around his waist. Giving him a hug, she whispered, “I love you.”

Then she retraced her steps and walked out the door.


“What’d you say to him?” Bobby asked as they headed for Homicide. “The look on his face...”

“I told him he’s a prick,” Caro said.

Bobby chortled. “I think you hurt his feelings.”

“The Iceman? Please.”

“Amazing as it sounds...” He halted in the hall outside the squad room. “Anyway, the L.T. is one very unhappy camper, so I advise you to tread lightly.”

“I’ll be a perfect angel. By the way,” she said, “I’m sorry if...well, if you were embarrassed earlier.”

“Not a problem.” His gaze dipped briefly to her breasts. “Listen—”

She waved a hand in his face. “Forget it, Bobby.”

He looked guileless. “What?”

“Whatever it is you’re thinking. Just forget it.” With that, she yanked open the squad room door and headed for the lieutenant’s office.

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