Read Slave to Passion Online

Authors: Elisabeth Naughton

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fantasy

Slave to Passion (15 page)

BOOK: Slave to Passion
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She shivered, sifted her fingers into his hair. “Nasir…”

He loved the sound of her voice. Loved when she said his name. As he sucked at the sweet column of her throat, she arched into him. The hard nubs of her nipples grazed his naked chest. Amped his need higher still. Pushing the strap of her dress down, he kissed her shoulder, repeated with the other, then tugged at the garment until her beautiful breasts were finally freed.

“By Allah,” he whispered, easing back and looking down. The tips of her nipples were pink, like sweet, rich cherries, ready to be picked. Enjoyed. Devoured. “You are so beautiful.” He slid down her body, cupped her left breast with his palm, lowered and laved his tongue across the nub until she groaned. “I want to make love to your breasts with my mouth. With my cock…”

Her brows drew together, her gorgeous face flushed with her arousal, her breaths shallow and excited as she watched him. “Can you do that?”

He cupped her other breast, squeezed them together so he could lick first one nipple, then the other, and groaned at the thought of pressing his cock between the two succulent globes. Of her tongue flicking out to lick the tip. Of his seed spraying over her creamy skin as he came.

“Oh, yes,
. I can.”

“Does it…feel good?”

His lips curled. He took her entire areola into his mouth and suckled until she dropped her head back and moaned, then released it to lave the pink tip with the flat of his tongue. “Yes. It feels extremely good.”

She lifted her head, blinked twice. “Okay. Do it.”


“Make love to my breasts.”

He froze. He’d only been teasing. Easing back up her body, he kissed her lips. “Not now. This is about pleasuring you.”

She gripped his pants at the hips, preventing him from moving. “Then pleasure my breasts. I want to do everything with you, Nasir. I don’t want someone else to be the first at anything.”

His eyes held hers. And in the silence, he realized she was serious. And that she’d accepted what she would become after tonight.


* * *


Kavin held her breath and waited.

Had she said the wrong thing? Was she asking too much? Did he not want her that way?

Unease stole through her, turned her pulse to a roar in her ears. She searched Nasir’s chiseled features for any sign to his thoughts but came up empty. As the seconds dragged out, she knew only one thing. She wanted Nasir in every way imaginable. With a fierceness that had no bounds. Wanted this night to be the one thing she’d carry with her into the afterlife.

“Kavin,” he whispered just before lowering and taking her mouth.

Relief pulsed in her veins as she opened for him, as she tasted him again and gripped his shoulders to hold him tight. His weight pressed into hers, his body so hard and muscular and covered with a thin sheen of sweat that only excited her more.

How could she have ever been afraid of him? How could she have thought him a monster? She’d been so blinded by perception, she’d wasted precious days with him—precious hours—when they could have been doing this instead of ignoring each other in the tight confines of his cell.

She groaned as he kissed her deeper, as his tongue swept along her teeth, her tongue, her lips. He nibbled at her bottom lip, pressed his erection against her hips, moved his hand from her breast down her waist to her thigh, where he tugged up her skirt until she felt cool air brush her sex.

Nerves and excitement swirled together in her belly. His mouth moved to her jaw, her ear, her throat. She shivered, loving every rasp of his teeth, anticipating every press of his flesh against hers. But she wanted what he’d described earlier. Wanted everything. “Nasir…”

“Time for that later,” he mumbled against her throat, working his way down to her breasts again, pushing her dress up higher. “Need to taste you.”

She closed her eyes, let her head fall back, and ran her fingers through his shoulder-length hair as he laved her nipples, then moved down her belly. And groaned when his bristly cheek brushed her belly button.

Memories of his mouth, of his tongue, of his fingers pleasuring her whipped through her mind, sent a tremor through her body. Who was she to argue if he wanted to taste her first? Who was she to—

Her whole body vibrated when his tongue raked her clit, sent blinding pleasure all through her limbs. Words died on her lips as she shifted her legs wider, as she lifted her hips and groaned when he did it again. A tidal wave of desire swept over her, a craving that grew with every expert flick of his tongue and brush of his fingertips. One that built like a growing fire until it exploded through every cell in her body, turning her vision a blinding, glaring white.

“That’s it,
,” he whispered against her overheated flesh. “Come for me.”

Her orgasm stole her breath, shook her body, robbed her of every thought. As the aftershocks rocked through her and she slowly started to come down the other side, she felt Nasir’s lips pressing whisper-soft kisses against her belly and hips, felt his thumb against her clit, sending delicious shivers through her all over again.

She blinked, stared up at the water-stained ceiling. Slowly recognized her surroundings. But words wouldn’t come. Gently, Nasir moved back up her body, but his fingers continued to stroke her, to tease her slowly, to drive her wild all over again.

“Allah,” he whispered as he kissed the corner of her mouth, her cheek, her chin and nose. “You are so gorgeous when you come. The way you give yourself over to me so easily. No one’s ever done that.”

“No one?”

“Not the way you do.” He slid his fingers lower, against her opening, rubbed gently. “You’re so wet. I want to make you come again. I want to feel you all around me.”

She ran her arms up his shoulders. Oh, she wanted that too. Wanted him taking her. Claiming her. Finally making her his.

She lifted her mouth to his. “I want you inside me.”

He groaned and wrapped his arms around her while he stroked his tongue over hers again and again. Her hands streaked down to his hips, and she gripped his ass, pulling him in while she lifted, rubbing her sex against his rock-hard erection.

“Kavin… You make me so hot.”

She loved his admission but sensed a hesitation in him. The same hesitation that had been there from the start. One that kept him from sliding off his pants and giving her what they both so obviously wanted.

He didn’t want to hurt her. The realization hit her as he nipped at her bottom lip, as he pressed—gently—against her naked sex. Even now, when he was so hard he had to physically be in pain from the ache, he was holding back.

Tenderness squeezed her heart. Brought tears to her eyes all over again. This
—this djinni—who was supposed to be a monster, was the sweetest, sexiest, most amazing creature she’d ever met.

She hooked her leg over his hip and easily rolled him to his back. Straddling his hips, she eased back and looked down at his face.

Passion flushed his cheeks crimson as he brushed her hair back from her face. His lips were swollen and wet from her mouth. And there was so much need swirling in his eyes, she knew she’d remember it forever. Also knew that, no matter what, coming here, being sent to him—as horrific as it had been at first—was the best thing that had ever happened to her.

She pushed up so she was sitting on the rigid bulge of his arousal and tugged her dress up over her head, then tossed it on the floor.

His hands landed on her bare thighs, but his gaze stayed locked on her body. And as his eyes darkened, power pulsed in her veins. A power she’d never felt before. A power she possessed because of him.


His hand cupped her breast, sent tingling sensations all through her torso. But she ignored it, instead focused on his waistband and the pants that were preventing her from reaching her destination.

Flipping the button, she scooted back, then pushed her hands inside the waistband and dragged the garment down his body.

He drew in a breath as she dropped the pants on the floor, then climbed back over him. Her gaze locked on his erection. Heavy. Hard. Pulsing. So very ready for her.

She wrapped her hand his shaft, reveled at the way he trembled, at the thickness in her palm, at the bead of fluid on the dark, purple tip. Lowering her head, she drew her tongue across his erection, tasting him, loving the way he groaned and flexed his hips, seeking out her mouth.

She took him deep, remembering how it had felt when he’d thrust into her mouth, how he’d tasted when he’d come. Her own desire amped as his eyes closed in a pleasure that darkened his features.


He was lost. She knew it wouldn’t take much to push him over the edge. But this time, she wanted to go over with him. Releasing him, she climbed up his body until her hands were braced on each side of his head and she was straddling his hips, his cock sliding through her wetness, making her shiver with the promise of impending pleasure.

He looked up with those fathomless eyes as he rested his hands on her hips. She pressed forward, just a touch, until the tip of his cock was braced at her opening. Braced to take her.


She lowered and took his mouth, just as her body took him in. She felt his hands at her waist, pressing against her in an attempt to hold her back, but she didn’t want that. She wanted to feel all of him. Hard. Hot. Deep. She wanted to know what it felt like to finally be his.

She pushed her hips down hard. Then gasped at the burn and tight fit she felt everywhere.

Holy shit
… She pulled her mouth from his and dropped her forehead against his shoulder.

His arms closed around her; his breath feathered her temple. “Breathe,

She was trying to, but Allah, it hurt. More than she’d expected.

He kissed her temple, her cheek. His hands cupped her face as he pulled her mouth back to his. And then his leg was hooking over her hip, and he was rolling her to her back once more. A tear slipped from her eye, trailed down her temple. He kissed it away, moved back to her mouth, and kissed her again and again, until the burn turned into a dull ache, one that wasn’t so bad.

“So beautiful,” he whispered as his hand cupped her breast. “So incredibly sexy.”

She lost herself in his kisses, forgot about the ache, and knew only his mouth, his tongue, his body pressed into hers. That and the delicious heat, suddenly reigniting as his hands and mouth moved over her again and again.

“You feel so good around me,” he whispered, kissing the corner of her mouth, her jaw, her earlobe until she shivered. “So tight. So perfect.”

His husky words, his heated breath, and the way he seemed to know just where to touch her all coalesced until need overruled discomfort. Until desire replaced hesitation. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and groaned as he pinched her nipple, sending electric sensations straight to her sex. Easing her knees up, she lifted her hips, wanting…more. But he drew away. And the friction of his cock sliding out of her body caused a shiver to rush through her all over again. One followed by a gasp because it felt so good she didn’t want him to leave her…ever.

She gripped his shoulders, tried to pull him back. Couldn’t talk because his tongue was still deep in her mouth. And then he was there, pushing deep once more, making her groan at the erotic sensation, slowly increasing his thrusts until she was meeting every one and moaning when he hit that perfect spot.

Oh… This was what she’d wanted. This hard, full ache that made her entire body tingle. He pulled back, pressed in deeper. Bracing his hands on the mattress, he lifted his upper body from hers, keeping them joined only at the hips.

,” he said in a thick voice. “Look at me taking you. You’re mine. Just mine.”

Kavin gripped his forearms, glanced down her body to where they were joined, and watched as his cock disappeared inside her sex, then pulled out again, shiny from her arousal, only to disappear once more.

The visual was so erotic. Seeing what he was doing to her while feeling it at the same time... Her vision blurred. And his one word…
…locked inside her mind.

Her skin grew hot. Tingles rushed through her whole body. She dropped her head back and groaned.

“Yes, Kavin. Yes…come with me.”

Her orgasm plowed into her. Swept her under. Consumed her from the inside out.

She felt him shudder. Heard him call her name. But it was distant. Muffled. All she could focus on were the rolling vibrations devouring her. Everywhere.

Slowly, sound returned. Her chest rose and fell with her uneven breaths. She heard Nasir’s heavy breathing. Registered his weight pressing her into the mattress and the slick skin of his arms against her hands.

Wow. That had been…better than she’d ever expected. Hotter, more intense, a thousand times more exciting than she’d imagined it could be. And when she thought of the way he’d called her his…

A smile curled her lips. She wrapped her arms around his back, kissed his temple. Kissed it again and shivered when she realized he was still inside her.

“I’m hurting you,” he mumbled against her shoulder.

She locked her leg around his hip before he could pull away. “I like you right where you are.”

He chuckled, then turned his head to press a gentle kiss against her throat. “Forceful all of a sudden. What have I done to you?”

“Not nearly enough.” She smiled as he lifted his upper body from hers so he could see her eyes. Trailed her hands up his strong chest to cup his face, then lifted so her mouth was next to his again. “I told you I wanted to try everything.”

His eyes darkened as she kissed him. But he didn’t kiss her back. “Kavin—”

“Don’t think, Nasir.” She licked the corner of his mouth. “We don’t have time for thinking.”

“There are things we need to discuss.”

“Later.” She hooked her leg over his and rolled him to his back once more. When she was on top, she braced her hands on his chest and grinned down at him. “Right now, I want you to make love to my breasts like you talked about earlier. And then I want you to make me come all over again. Any way you want.”

BOOK: Slave to Passion
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