Slave World 2 - The Ties That Bind (2 page)

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Authors: Johnny Stone

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Slave World 2 - The Ties That Bind
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Miss Burke had remained silent the entire time, no doubt digesting the information, and what it meant to her budding project. The silence continued for several moments after Gniedin finished speaking, and he fidgeted nervously, awaiting the proclamation of god.

“I support your hypothesis, Doctor, good work.” Gniedin took a deep breath, visibly sagging. He hadn’t even realized that he was holding his breath. “I’m shutting down the facility at your location effective immediately, and transferring it to a more secure location. Inform Dr. Sabjorn of my decision and begin preparations for the move, new location to follow within the hour.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Sanitize that entire wing, then bury it. All current test subjects, non-essential staff, and the AI are to be disposed of and incinerated. After they have been dealt with, have the remaining security force join them. I don’t want a single shred of evidence left behind that could incriminate Burke Industries, and not a word about this to my uncle, he would not be pleased with either of us. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“You have twelve hours, and before you leave make sure the management at Erikson receives a pinpoint mind-wipe. You know as well as I do how easy it is to dig harmful information from the weak-minded.”

“Yes, Ma’am. One more thing, the subject?”

There was a notable groan of female pleasure that trailed off to become a seductive purr. It didn’t take a stretch of the imagination for Gniedin to imagine the source of the wet-slurping noise, perversely teasing him from across space.

“Put him in stasis. I want him,” she gasped lightly. “One day, he’ll make a fine pony toy for me to play with.”

Chapter One
The Burke Ranch
Slave World

Yes sir…today is starting out just like every other boring day at the ranch – balmy, under brilliant double-suns, and a peaceful breeze stirring the sea-green jungle canopy.

I was up early this morning; couldn’t sleep again. Night sweats, mind wouldn’t shut off, restless, worrying about stupid things…I just feel unbalanced in general recently, not myself, and have no idea why. Because of it, my morning routine has changed to one of solitude; a few light duties around the bungalow before Nathan woke, like laying out his clothes for the day and getting the coffee ready before my morning run. I really wish he would let me do more for him.

I have to give Nathan credit for trying, and he has improved by leaps and bounds in the bedroom in general, but the whole concept of ‘slavish behavior’ on my part is still a bit much for him. I want to do things like dress him, and bathe him, and wait on him hand and foot as a loving slave should for their Master. He just can’t grasp how important it was to me to do things like that for him. Oh sure, he puts on a stern face and reluctantly plays the part for my benefit, but Nathan’s problem is he’s just too damn independent and used to living alone. Maybe one day…

Stop daydreaming, and wake up and smell reality. He’ll never change, and you know it, you ignorant, inbred whore.

I came to a shuffling halt under a large tree, trying to catch my breath in the rising brilliance of the sun flickering through the leaves. I was sweating like a pig, not just perspiring but dripping wet, and I have to admit that I smelled like one as well. Who wouldn’t be after a ten-mile run in leather, but I’m sure it had something to do with the fact that I’d started growing body hair again. It was no doubt a side effect of my pony conversion failing in the long run, barely noticeable at first, but growing progressively worse over the last month. That inconvenience, along with having a strong, pungent scent after perspiring heavily, left something to be desired in my world of feminine perfection.

I deftly stripped out of my hot, slimy gear letting it fall in a lazy pile in the lush grass at my feet. The only reason I wore it instead of going for the welcome comfort of au natural, was for the stiff boob support it offered; I really didn’t feel like knocking myself silly so early in the morning. Maybe F cup breasts weren’t all they were cracked up to be, outside of the realm of sex. Don’t get me wrong, I love my tits, but… I wonder what Nathan would think if I got a slight reduction, maybe just a size or two?

Stop being so naïve. He’s a man, what do you think? He loves you only for your body, just like all the others, and now that I’m a pony… Take away those big tits, perfect body, and pretty face, and what do you have? Just a silly, ignorant, inbred whore who will fuck anything willing to crawl between her legs.

The sound of hundreds of morning birds gradually came to life around me in the peeking sun, while the nocturnal predators on the other side of the boundary fence fifty meters away retired to their lairs for the day. The agro-bots were already out and about down in the orchards, flitting around fruit-laden trees like metallic hummingbirds, and the ranch guard force would be going through a shift change in less than an hour. The slight hum of one of their two-seater hover jeeps faded to an idle not far away, unseen through the dense foliage.

I say we go fuck them… fuck them silly. You’ve seen the way they look at us; they all do. I know you want to do it, and he would never know.

“Nathan,” I sighed.

He had them keeping an eye on me night and day like personal bodyguards, especially when I was near the perimeter fence by myself. The concern on his part was sweet, but it got old after a while. Most times I felt like I was being stalked by a mob of armed paparazzi with itchy trigger fingers. All I had to do was cry wolf, and the jungle would explode around me like a planetary assault. It kind of defeated the purpose of why I came to my ‘secret’ spot after my morning run, I may not be able to see them, but I knew they were there. They were always there.

I guess it wasn’t really a secret, but it was a special place for me just the same, secluded and tucked away from the world where I came to be alone and think. I was particularly fond of the small waterfall and pond, and why’d I’d been drawn to it from the very beginning; it reminded me of being down by the river when I was kid. It was just a matter of seeing to a few minor details, and I had my own little slice of private paradise.

It was actually a natural pool with a snaking stream that led off into the jungle and not manmade. The waterfall itself was created from a light shower cascading down a rocky cliff face, and fed from some unseen source on the other side of the fence. Of course, this meant I had to install a portable water filtration system upstream; didn’t want any of those nasty aquatic bugs or blood sucking leech sinking their claws into me if I fell asleep. I already had a close call like that once, and was much more careful now. My spot was just outside of the main repulser field that kept the larger vermin and pests away from the ranch, so I guess I have no one to blame but myself.

Dover-rats really weren’t that inherently dangerous, being three-foot long subterranean herbivores that made annoying and sometimes hazardous tunnels near the surface while groping about for grubs, but their reproductive habits left something to be desired. They were A-sexual and laid larvae-like offspring, and they weren’t picky in the least in who, or what, they laid them. Let’s just say that was one time I was glad the guard force was nearby and keeping an eye out for me.

Bitch, you’re not fooling anyone, you were hoping it would happen.
I would have enjoyed it at least, and we could always take a trip to the medical bay afterwards. I have an idea, why don’t we sneak outside the perimeter fence some night and let those deliciously savage beasts have their way with us? We’re one of them now; you know that, don’t you?

It was about eight months ago when a Dover Rat tried to mount me after I’d fallen asleep while sunbathing, and the little puff of neurotoxin it snorted in my face would ensure that I would stay that way until it was finished, and blissfully ignorant afterwards. Being mounted by Nathan – good. Mounted by a creature trying to lay its young in my rectum, only to have them slowly eat their way out of me a few weeks later – very bad. Rape within the animal kingdom… maybe humans and animals aren’t all that different when you stop to think about it.

It didn’t help that the damn rats were everywhere on the periphery of the ranch not under the repulser net, but let’s just say we came to an understanding and they left me alone now. They may not be very intelligent and I may not be able to hold a rational conversation with them like a Vox or Egrin, but they understood primal threats clear enough. If you touch me again, I’ll stomp your furry asses into the ground.

Temper, temper, Margo, that’s so unlike you. For a moment I thought it was me talking. Tell you what; let me handle them next time. Perhaps I can make a deal with them – straight fucking and that’s it – we’ll let them take turns on us. Oh what fun that would be.

“This is going to feel so good,” I groaned in delight, eyeing the water. It always did after a run, and I slowly waded into the pool, sinking to my knees, while avoiding a few of the larger moss covered rocks poking up out of its crystal clarity. It was euphorically refreshing, just as I knew it would be against my flushed skin. Talk about a contrast in temperature, and it set my teeth to chattering, making me giggle like a silly kid, when I went prone and closed my eyes. My tail amplified the chill, carrying it to the very tip with a light splash that broke the surface.

I found it soothing, how the gentle pull of the current flowed around my body, lapping at my breasts breaking the surface like pale melons topped by chiffon marbles. It was the perfect setting for me to cool down and relax, to clear my mind of all the clutter, to simply reflect on things and get my focus for the day. I could spend hours laying in the water, or sun bathing in the nearby clearing. Recently it helped to idle away the anxious waiting, and I hated waiting. Maybe I’m having another mid-life crisis? I seemed to have one of those every couple of years the older I got. It’s the only thing I could think of for some of my recent decisions.

My life should be perfect now, right? I’m a pony slave for the greatest man ever. I have friends – real friends – and not a care in the world for the first time since I was a little girl. So what the hell’s wrong with me? I’ve been an emotional basket case lately and our impending departure is only making it worse. I’d never felt so jittery and distracted before, and I can’t stop sweating, or wanting to…

Touch yourself, slut, we both know you want to. Finger-fuck yourself...that’s it, just like that.

I had to physically grab my hand with the other, to keep it from slipping between my legs, playing with myself again. Nathan had never actually said that I couldn’t, but I felt guilty doing it, let alone cumming without permission. Those were two invisible rules of submission that I tried to impose on myself, along with a slew of others to make the illusion of slavery complete in my mind.

It’s not that Nathan doesn’t satisfy me or me him. The sex is always great and he can get very creative at times, especially when my remote comes into play. It’s not just physical between us either; our love seems to have grown by leaps and bounds over the last year. I couldn’t imagine being without him now, but…

We miss Master Michael, don’t we? Poor little Margo’s needs have been so neglected lately.

I often wonder if there is something wrong with me, is it natural for a woman to crave some of the things I do, like being a mindless thing to be degraded and used sexually? I don’t know how many times I’ve dreamt of Nathan forcing me to my knees, slapping my face, spitting in it, before stuffing his cock down my throat, fucking it. After he was done he would just walk away without saying a word, leaving me a pitiful, slobbering mess on the floor, as if I wasn’t worth his time any longer. Oh god, yes please, just once.

We had it, and you gave it up for him… for love. Silly girl. I was so happy, and look at me now.

“Stupid tail,” I muttered angrily after jamming it on an underwater rock. I hated it when that happened.

Still, I wouldn’t give my tail up for anything, it’s a part of me now. To be honest, I’ve grown fond of how it feels swishing back and forth, and it does help to keep those pesky, flying bugs away from my ass when my monthly injection of Dovasole repellent begins to wear off. I suppose that’s not the only reason why I like it. Sex is much more… uhm… interesting now. It gives Nathan just one more thing to grab hold of, combined with a fistful of hair.

Mmmm…we love hair pulling, don’t we? We always have, but he doesn’t do that very often, does he? Not like how Master Michael used to, and we miss it.

I pushed myself gingerly through the water in search of a new spot, before settling in again, staring up at the sky through a break in the trees at nothing, daydreaming and wondering.

Hoping… wishing… wanting. We could always run away and find a new Master? One that will treat us properly – one who owns other ponies. You know they’re out there; we can smell them. They may not be exactly like me, yet, but in time… We’re special, aren’t we, Margo? Master Michael even said so.

I’d thought that a trip into Port City would help me find the emotional stability I needed; some random interaction with other people outside of my tightly knit circle, while tagging along with Nathan on whatever business he had to attend to. Maybe I just wanted to feel like a normal person for a change; you know, do some shopping or maybe some sightseeing. I missed that, along with the struggle of day to day adversity that made me into the fighter I am today, or used to be at any rate.

You’re right. We’ve grown weak and soft and it’s all because of you…and him. We don’t need him to protect us any longer; we don’t need anyone except each other, just like old times.

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