Slave World 2 - The Ties That Bind (7 page)

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Authors: Johnny Stone

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Slave World 2 - The Ties That Bind
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My panting breath hovered over Nathan’s cock, and my tongue darted, licking it, teasing it. My lips moved closer, and I lifted him to my mouth, brushing warm, soft flesh across my lips. I began to salivate like a beast at feeding time, when I finally took him in my mouth. My fingers felt so good on my clit, rubbing it faster. I’m so wet… A soft moan on my part, pushing him deeper in my mouth until I began to gag, was the only warning I had against the explosive bolt of electricity that shot outward from between my legs. I’d come, again, and wanted more. I never wanted them to stop.

I didn’t care any longer if I woke Nathan or not, as I began stroking him, feeding his cock hungrily in and out of my mouth, he had something I wanted and I was going to get it.

“Margo…what…?” His voice cracked in a blurry whisper. “That feels good…faster.” His cock was quickly beginning to swell in my hand, and my mouth, and the slight, upward thrusting of his hips drove that delicious piece of meat deeper into my throat. The growing stiffness, and expanding length, forced me to my knees above him. I don’t know what happened earlier, and at this point I really don’t care, but I would have remembered having sex with him, it had been a long time since I’d had anything close to this large inside me.

“Wait, we have to talk.” Nathan sounded more awake now, and for obvious reasons. He began stroking my hair, a veiled attempt to dislodge the death grip I had on his cock, and I wasn’t having any it.

“We can talk later,” I gasped, kissing the tip. “Fuck me again.”

What was I saying? I shouldn’t be talking to Nathan like that. I wanted him though; I wanted to fuck him, to feel him inside me and I wasn’t taking no for an answer. Like a sexy kitten, I began slinking my way up his body, leaving a trail of kisses across his stomach, ending at his chest, straddling him.

“It’s important, I have to tell you something.”

“What do you want to tell me? How you want to fuck me blind right now? You want that slutty pussy, don’t you, Nathan?”


“Shut up, just shut the hell up and fuck me. You know that’s all I’m good for. You fucking men just want one thing from a woman like me, so stop playing around and take it.”

My nails began to claw at Nathan’s chest, greedy, angrily, as I air-fucking his bobbing erection. I wanted it rough… I wanted to fight…I wanted him to force himself on me, I wanted him to rape me.

“Margo, you need to calm down, you’re sick. You almost...”

The pleading softness in his voice brought forth a snarl of contempt on my part. Why was Nathan acting like such a fucking sissy? I have needs, he won’t give it to me, then I’ll take.

It only took a slight shift of my hips to put the head of his cock snuggly between my lips, and I pushed down against the resistance, taking him hard and deep in a single thrust. A whimpering cry as I felt myself stretched… A gasp of pleasurable agony, wallowing in the burning ache between my legs… The erotic bow of my back, breasts jutting, while I writhed on a shaft of pain… I pushed down harder, wanting more than I could handle, while my nails dug deep into Nathan’s chest. Hurt me you bastard… Hurt me.

“Stop it!” Nathan grasped my wrists, forcing them upward- I could smell blood on my nails. “You have to be careful... the babies!”

“Babies… Is that the best you can come up with?”

I knew what Nathan was capable of; he could easily overpower me if he wanted to, and he wasn’t even trying. I didn’t think – I reacted – ripping free of his grasp and hitting him in the chest with an open palm blow. There was a dull thump, and he was knocked flat on the bed again. I’d hit him hard, hard enough with a servo-assisted blow that I would have cracked the ribs of a normal person; someone who didn’t have their bones covered with military grade ceramic laminate. One way or another, he was going to be forced to use everything he had to control me.

I leaned down, hissing in his face, spitefully cruel.

“You little choir boy… You can’t even satisfy a woman without getting a cock enhancement, can you? You’ve never been able to. I might as well have been fingering myself, for all you gave me. I know why you got it,” I smiled fiendishly, drawing the sentence out. “You remembered how much I liked pony cock, especially Cirus’. I still dream about him. Every time we’re together it’s him...”

An expression of jealous rage suddenly stared up at me, and was exactly the reaction I was hoping for. That’s when the wrestling match ensued.

“That’s enough, Margo! What the hell is wrong with you?”

His grip on my wrists grew incredibly tight, I wasn’t getting free this time, but I tried my best, twisting against him, coiling like a snake beneath the sheets.

Growling and grunting…


I tried to bite him while we sweated against one another…

Cursing and moaning…

I was an animal, and I came twice, managing to keep him inside me for much of the struggle.

Nathan finally had me pinned on my back, and his tight-lipped expression of quiet anger made my chest heave in excitement. Just like that Nathan… just like that. I was immobilized beneath him, with my hands pinned above my head. Before he had a chance to climb off, I wrapped my legs around his waist, locking him inside me with vice-like force. He was going to fuck me, whether he wanted to or not.

“I’m sorry to disturb you, Mr. Burke, but I have detected a drastic shift in the Captain’s brain pattern, again.”

“Yeah, no shit,” Nathan shouted through clenched teeth.

“It would appear as if I miscalculated the dosage, over compensating—”

“Shut up, just recalculate—”

“Yeah, shut the fuck up, Alex! Can’t you see I’m trying to get laid,” I laughed, smiling up at Nathan like a wicked nymph. My hips thrust upward, harder, grinding against him, crushing my clit against his pubic bone.

“…another sedative!”

“Yes… yes! I’m cumming, you fucking pig!”

I couldn’t stop screaming, whinnying, partly in pleasure and partly in wonderful pain. My head rolled from side to side, using the momentum of the bed to bounce off Nathan, driving him incredibly hard and deep, and violating the deepest recess of my body. A hot gush of cum, tainted pink, stuttered from around my taut lips.

“Margo, stop, you’re going to hurt yourself!”

“She already has, Mr. Burke. I have detected several tears in her vaginal wall, and—”

“Uh-huh… like that…Fuck me harder!”

My back arched, straining for more, forcing Nathan to the hilt, I could feel his balls bouncing wildly off my ass. I know he liked it, despite trying to climb off me, he was still hard as a rock, maybe even more so than before, and every time he attempted to pull away my legs locked up, slamming him back into place.

“Cum in my pussy, make me your bitch, you motherfucker!”

“Alex! Seal the cabin and flood it with SDX-6, concentration level 7.”

What was Nathan babbling about now? SDX-6… I’d heard of it… couldn’t remember… so long ago. Whatever… Who gives a shit, I have better things to think about, like getting off.

My hips continued their steady, relentless assault while staring directly into his eyes, smiling. That beautiful chest of his was swelling with each gasp for air, as muscles tensed, flexing. Nathan was getting close, and it was about fucking time. I clenched my slobbering cunt around him like a fist, then released. Over and over, milking him.

“That’s it, cum in my pussy,” I screamed, splattering his face with spittle.

Something was wrong, my frenzied strength began to fade, and I grew weak. My legs turned to mush, slipping from around his waist, while I stared up at Nathan through blurry eyes. His hips continued to thrust rapidly, he was too close to stop.

Why couldn’t I move any longer, what’s going on? I tried to speak, but nothing came out. I wanted to scream, to tell Nathan it hurt; a dull burning ache mixed with the sharp, sporadic sensation of being torn, of being split in two. My wrists! They hurt so bad from his grip that I started to whimper. What are you doing, Master? Please… please stop, you’re hurting me!

Nathan thrust hard with an explosive gasp, holding himself inside me for a moment before pulling out and driving deep again. A warm, tickling sensation of a massive release began to fill my insides, while I lay there confused and helpless. His final thrust was almost savage, and I would have screamed in agony if I could, but it came out sounding like a gurgling whisper.

Nathan was breathing heavily and even in the darkness I could see a wild look on his face.

“There, are you happy! That’s what you wanted, isn’t it?”

“Mr. Burke, the Captain is now fully under the effects of the SDX. Her brain activity indicates a return to a more normal level and the endorphin spike in her system seems to have dropped exponentially. I believe you may be hurting her.”

“Oh god, no… Lights, 40% illumination!”

The cabin slowly came into view. Nathan’s sweat covered torso was covered in bruises with long, ripping scratches dribbling blood down his chest. He quickly dislodged himself from the tangled mess of our bodies, standing at the side of the bed with a look of blank shock. His cock was still jutting angrily toward me, covered with a layer of watery blood. A small glob of cum hung from the tip, inching towards the floor.

Why, Nathan? I couldn’t remember anything but him forcing himself on me, taking my body, hurting me, as I lay helpless to stop him. Why, Nathan, I’ve never denied you anything before?

“Margo… I’m…I’m sorry,” he stammered, reaching down to pick up my seemingly lifeless body.

“Don’t worry, everything will be okay, you’re just sick is all. There’s a problem with your microprocessor. I’m so sorry, so sorry for hurting you.”

He carried me lovingly into the medical bay, stroking my hair, whispering soothing words into my ear, and gently set me down on the auto-doc. I didn’t understand anything that was going on. I was so scared

“Dammit, Alex, get it right this time, I thought you said this would work.”

“My apologies, Mr. Burke, but you have to understand that this is a new and unexplored field of study for me. There are bound to be errors beyond my estimates when dealing with a creature such as the Captain. I have nothing to base my decisions except documented human physiology, and my medical programming is not specifically designed for alien life forms with cybernetic augmentation.”

“She’s not an ‘alien’. I thought I explained that to you already.”

“The Captain is no longer human though, thus making her something else. The genetic alteration to her body has—”

“I’m done arguing with you. She ‘is’ human, Alex, and I don’t want apologies or excuses any longer. Just find the right dosage to stabilize her until I can come up with another plan.”

“Of course, Mr. Burke. There is a reason why genetic tampering of this magnitude is illegal under Federation Law, and the unforeseen effects of the external remote device on her microprocessor are making it even more difficult to—”

“Enough! Just get to work and keep me posted.”

What were they talking about, I’m not human any longer? I’m sick? What’s happening to me! What kind of problem with my processor? I grew extremely groggy, my vision cloudy, losing focus of everything around me. The lights above began to dim, followed by total darkness.


“Did you just put Margo out? She’s asleep.”

“Yes, Mr. Burke, I detected a rapid increase in her pulse and respiration. I believe overhearing our conversation was upsetting her.”

“I didn’t tell you to do that.” Nathan’s voice turned deep and menacing. “I wanted to talk with her, tell her what was happening, and that she’s pregnant.”

“I thought it was best given her current condition. It may take me some time before I can develop the appropriate dosage for a stabilizer. As I said, I have never encountered a creature like the Captain before.”

“That wasn’t your choice to make and she’s not a ‘creature’, so stop calling her one.”

“Of course, Mr. Burke. The term has been removed from my programming in regards to the Captain. Do you require medical care? The Captain did extensive damage to your pectoral muscles and you have suffered deep bruising to both your upper torso and lower back.”

Nathan looked down at his battered and bloody chest, reaching back to touch the large heel shaped bruises just above his buttocks.

“No, I’ll be fine,” he shrugged. “Change course and take us home, this has gone on long enough. I can’t take her with me now; it’s too much of a risk and she’ll only become a liability to the mission’s success. I don’t understand why she wants that damn ship back so bad, anyway.”

“We are currently 40.23 hours from the system jump point and another 64.16 hours from your scheduled rendezvous with Sergeant Major Wroth on Tallin. I estimate that even at maximum speed your current timetable will be disrupted.”

“I don’t care; Margo’s wellbeing is more important. Change course.”

“Might I make a suggestion?”

“What,” Nathan asked wearily.

“Allow me to place the Captain in stasis while you continue with the mission. She will be safe from harm while staying on board the shuttle and it will give me the time necessary to evaluate her condition and find an appropriate stabilizer.”

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