Slave World 2 - The Ties That Bind (39 page)

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Authors: Johnny Stone

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Slave World 2 - The Ties That Bind
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I moved like unexpected quicksilver, one hand at the head of his erection and the knife in my other hand flashed, cutting the air as easily as it sliced through the thick base. Alex’s eyes screamed, and I leered proudly down at him holding up my prize for him to see.

“I take something like that very personal, droid, so in return I’ve decided to take something personal from you, the most useful part of any man in my opinion.”

I slid from the bed with a growing scowl, walking to the dresser near the door to retrieve a flame rifle. I took it in a one handed grip, laying the shrouded barrel across my left forearm. The small ignition flame at the tip sparked to life with a faint hiss. “As for the rest of you, it’s nothing but useless scrap.”

I savored one last moment of silent terror in his eyes before pulling the trigger, he knew exactly what was about to happen, and would feel every second of being burned alive until his sensory receptors finally melted and shorted out. In fact, since I’d deactivated the fire suppression system in the bedroom, he wasn’t going to stop burning until every last trace of combustible material, namely himself, was nothing but slagged metal and smoldering ashes.

The flamer kicked lightly as it whooshed to life and a jet of compressed gas and phosphorous jell engulfed Alex and the bed in a raging hell-storm. The heat it gave off caressed my body in a deliciously heinous way, while the flames themselves reflected in my eyes with a devilish glow. I gave him one more burst just for good measure, before dropping the flamer at my feet and closing the door behind me. And so the book of life closes on the great and powerful Alex, the savior of mankind and next logical step in human evolution.

I could almost hear Alex’s silent screams in my head, writhing within the flames, while I strolled down the mid-ship corridor joyfully twirling his cock in my hand like a fleshy baton, before tossing it to the wayside. Soon enough I’d have the real thing again, after a bit of rack time, a bite to eat, and a hot shower, it was time to get up close and personal with my ticket off this rock.


I closed my eyes, turning my face skyward, savoring the fresh air. This world smelled odd to me in some way, but not completely foreign, much of it had been terra-formed with trees and foliage common to any human occupied world, such as the lush, green grass that felt wonderful between my toes. You could almost forget that you were on an alien world until you looked into the distance, past the droid city and its outlying areas. Rolling hills were carpeted with subdued shades of shrubs and plant life, having the sprawling, wild appearance that only a world in its infancy of colonization can possess. Tall angular trees with a soft, purplish tint to their canopies stood sparsely, as if sprinkled across the landscape at random. The glass-like reflection of their trunks caught the sun’s bright, reddish-orange rays like crystalline pillars, giving the landscape a beautifully stark contrast of colors. Such a fine planet for my two precious little foals to grow strong… It was the perfect virgin world for me to rule one day, just as I’d imagined it would be – that I’d prophesized. And one day when I’m ready to relinquish my crown, the first born of my children to come will fight to take my place, possibly to the death, to win the honor of becoming the next Pony Queen. Only the strongest among our kind are allowed to rule, to mate, and to survive. This is my dream, and will one day be my legacy that spreads across the stars.

Movement caught my attention and the grip on my rifle grew tighter. It was a small tracked bot moving among the nearby shrubs picking long stemmed flowers. There were others moving about here and there, seemingly ignoring me, and for the moment I was content to do the same. They knew better now than to approach the Queen, the Goddess of this world without permission now – to do otherwise meant death. I am the Pony Goddess of Death… all powerful… to kill or not to kill… no mercy… no weakness… I took aim at the bot, finger hovering over the trigger. Judgment has been passed, it would continue to live, for now, but its day of reckoning was drawing closer.

I wandered at random for some time, through the outlying buildings and fields of crops, exploring my kingdom. The cautiousness I’d felt when first arriving had vanished- I had nothing to fear from the droid sheep tending to the ordinary tasks that keep any community running in good order. Perhaps I’d been hasty with my initial proclamation of death for them. I have to admit that their accomplishments thus far impressed me; they’d prepared well for my arrival, and every Queen needs workers to tend her kingdom, the peasantry that keeps the wheels of the machine turning. These droids will make fine slaves for their new pony masters one day.


Well… Look who’s decided to make an appearance; it’s little miss bim-bot herself. Cherise was running down a dirt path towards me dressed in the loose fitting white gown Seb had given her. She was such a graceful thing to watch, toned and inherently sexual in nature, much like myself. The way the fabric of the gown glided sensually across her hips and legs, with her breasts bouncing heavily beneath it, molding to them as she ran against the breeze towards me. She paused, slowing to a stop, when I turned and made eye contact with her. Tiff… She reminded me so much of her at a glance, and it made me ache for my old friend in a way I hadn’t felt in a long time. I had to remind myself she wasn’t real, a dingy bimbo droid like Cherise could never fill the shoes of a strong, confident woman like her

I saw the apprehension in her face now, the gnawing uncertainty of what I might do next. Well… a Queen can be compassionate and merciful when the need suits her, and Cherise might prove useful to temporarily elevate the urge. I still hadn’t forgiven her for conspiring against me, betraying me, for lying to me. For wanting to take my babies away from me. She would have to be taught a lesson. She would have to be punished, severely. There was no other choice.

I licked my lips in brewing excitement, beckoning her to me with a forced smile and a wave of my hand.

“Hi, Margo.”

I resisted the urge to reach out and slap the insolence from her, she was such a delicate and skittish thing and I must move cautiously, yet confidently, stalking my prey with stealthy guile, so it’s not frightened away.

“I hope you’re not mad any longer. I missed you.”

“No, I’m not. I was just scared is all, the whole thing with Alex, and then seeing all those droids… Forgive me?”

“Of course!”

She leapt forward and threw her arms around my neck, making me tingle with jolts of growing arousal for what was to come. She drew away with a pouting frown, rubbing the swell of her hip, looking down at my holstered pistol and then the rifle in my hand.

“Why are you still carrying guns? You don’t need those anymore.”

“Just making sure it’s safe for us is all, but never mind that.” I slung my rifle over my shoulder and reached towards her. She moved her hand out of the way to allow mine to take its place on her hip. So soft and warm… so inviting… so defenseless.

“Are you okay? I didn’t mean to hurt you. You know I’d never intentionally do something like that.”

“I know you wouldn’t, you’re my friend.” Cherise took my hand her hers, excitedly pulling me along after her. “Let me show you around. It’s so pretty here, and everyone is so nice.”

“Yes they are, but I don’t care about them, all I care about is you. I mean,” I tripped over my words, trying to act as shy and innocent as possible, “I do care about them, but if it wasn’t for you…” I took a deep breath, looking her straight in the eye with the most sincere expression I could muster. This is almost too easy. “You saved me- I owe you my life, and I want to make it up to you in any way I can. I meant it when I said I care about you, you’re a very special to me, and I can’t wait to start a new life here with you.”

Cherise stopped, looking back at me with a confused expression for a moment that grew soft and caring.

“I’m excited for that too, but you don’t owe me anything, Margo.”

You’re a very good liar, Cherise; I’ll give you that much. I almost believe you.

“You saved me. You brought me to this world and gave me my freedom. You were the strong one who stood up to Alex when I was afraid.”

Of course, I don’t owe you a thing, you weak little cunt.

“Alex is dead.”

“He’s dead? Really?”

We began to walk again, and I could tell she was deep in thought, no doubt trying to wrap her newly awoken emotions around the concept of what death really was. Maybe she was thinking about the fact that her accomplice got what was coming to him, and now she had to walk softly in order to save her own skin. I was betting on the later.

“Yes, he’s dead. I didn’t enjoy it, but it had to be done.”

“Alex was really mean to us, especially to you,” she replied without missing a beat. “I think you did the right thing; he deserved to die.”

Well played, you conniving bitch.

“He did, and he got what he deserved. I did it for you, though. I’d do much more for you than that, if I had to.” I paused for a moment to let that sink in. “I was hoping that maybe you could do something for me. Not that you have to,” I added quickly, “but since we’re such good friends, I thought maybe…”

“Anything, Margo!”


She nodded enthusiastically, thoughtlessly in my opinion, oblivious to the fact that she was about to be caught in her own trap.

“Since I’m going to be starting a new life here with you, I’ve decided to change my name, a new name for a new life.”

“This is so neat! So what is it? Tell me, please!”

“It’s Pony 18, but you will call me, your Highness.”

“That’s an odd name…You mean like a queen?”

I proudly raised my chin, looking down my nose at her.
Yes, you weak little bitch, because I am a Queen.

“Yes, Cherise, because I am a Queen among my race. I’m special, a one of a kind, the pinnacle of perfection among pony-kind. And like any queen reestablishing her kingdom, I need someone I can trust at my side. Someone as special as myself to confide in. Someone to help me in times of need. A trusted friend like you would be perfect to fill that position of honor.” My hand drifted lovingly across the swell of my stomach. “And help me look after my two little princesses’ when they are born. Would you like to be that person, Cherise?”

“Can I! Really?” She stopped and turned to face me, nearly bouncing up and down in excitement. She was so cute in her gullibility. “But…but what about their father, the King? He won’t mind if—”

I cut her off with a spontaneous whinny of anger, tossing my head from side to side.

“There is no King, and they don’t have a father. He’s dead.”

“I’m so sorry to hear that, your Highness.” Cherise gave me one of those fake, apologetic looks, and the only thing missing at this point was a sympathetic, boob squishing hug.

“Don’t be. He was nothing but a worm that deceived me into sleeping with him, who stole my life away for his own selfish reasons, then took everything from me. He ruined my life, and I’m glad he’s gone.”

“So am I.” She scowled back at me. “People like that make me so mad.”

You have no idea…

“I agree, but enough about him, he is gone and never coming back, and we have other things to discuss,” I said softly, drawing the combat knife from my belt, grabbing the collar of her gown. “Don’t move.”

Cherise was first and foremost a sexual service droid, and I continued to use her submissive programming to my advantage, seducing her without her even realizing it. Thus far, things were going just as I expected them to. Now for the moment of truth.

Her eyes grew wide at the sight of the knife in my hand drawing closer, but she froze, just as I said. The short incision down the middle of her gown was quick and anxious, and our eyes met, staying that way until I sheathed the knife and I moved against her, letting our cheeks touch.

“Beautiful creatures such as us don’t need to hide beneath clothing,” I whispered sensually in her ear. “We should be proud of our bodies, let others admire what they want, but can’t have.” The distinct sound of ripping fabric rent the air as I began to tear her gown down the center, releasing her breasts. “I want to see you, all of you, all the time, just like we were before.”

My lips grazed her cheek and my hot breath caressed her skin, sliding down her body. Over top of the creamy hue of her left breast, her nipple became an erect knot, growing harder as I flicked it with my tongue in passing. The smooth ripple of her stomach passed me by, and faint, feminine hairs stood on end in my wake. I glided to my knees, ripping her gown slowly to the lower hem. The remnants fell from her shoulders, pooling lightly at her feet.

I hovered before the light, gossamer line of her pubic hair, and the crease of delicate flesh nestled below it. I could see the dew spreading, shimmering with synthetic eroticism. The urge to bury my face in her, to taste, to lick her, was overwhelming, but… patience, pony, patience. She’s to be punished, not given a treat.

I came to my feet in a single, graceful motion, with lust drifting about me like a delicate breeze. Cherise’s cheeks were a rosy hue, and her eyes glimmered with uncertain desire back at me. The tone of her voice grew deeper, shifted back to its old programming, dripping with eager sexuality.

“Do you like seeing me naked, Margo?”

I gave her a hard look, running the back of my fingers down her cheek.

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