Slave World 2 - The Ties That Bind (40 page)

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Authors: Johnny Stone

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Slave World 2 - The Ties That Bind
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“Ask me that question again, but correctly this time.”

Her expression of shock was almost comical, when she realized that she’d used my old name. Good for her, because I might not be so nice the next time it happened.

“Do you like seeing me naked, your Highness?”

“Yes, Cherise, I do. You’re very beautiful. And do you like looking at my body?”

“Yes, your Highness, I do. You’re very pretty.”

Of course, I am. I’m perfect.

The anticipation in her voice was euphoric in itself. Her stance, her body language, all of it had reverted to what she was before awakening, yet with an added flare of emotion that no amount of programming could duplicate.

“Would you like to touch me, this time because you want to? You’ve done things to me that no other person has, and maybe one day, if you’re good, you can again.”

Cherise provocatively licked her lips, devouring me with her eyes. Even her synthetic breath began to speed up with real excitement, possibly for the first time ever.

“Yes, your Highness, I would. I often wondered what it would be like to… I know I was programmed by Alex to please you, but we never…” Her hand began to move towards my left breast, and I caught her wrist in a firm grip, turning it to the side.

“On your knees,” I growled, fighting against the animal urge inside me growing stronger by the second. Cherise slipped to her knees before me, nearly panting with sexual eagerness for what was to come.

“Only the Queen’s most loyal subjects are allowed to partake of her body, and you are one of my privileged now, my special thing, my obedient little Cherise. Isn’t that right?”

There was a flicker of thought within her craving gaze; contemplating… deciding… and a few heartbeats later, she made it. It was just as I expected.

“Yes, your Highness.”

My eyes shone gleefully down at her, rife with omnipotence and sexual voracity.
You naive little cunt… This time it’s going to cost you.

“My little Cherise…” I smiled sweetly, running my fingers through her bangs. “I want you to know what the benevolence of a Goddess Queen is. Look upward, close your eyes, and hold completely still.”

She did as I said without question now, and I spread my legs straddling her face, letting the soggy warmth of my pussy come to rest squarely on her face. The tip of Cherise’s nose teased my throbbing clit, and her tongue pushed between my lips, coming to rest inside me like a slippery, little cock. I slowly began to glide back and forth across her face, fucking it, looking to the heavens for the freedom of release. A fist full of her hair… I moved faster, gasping… aggressively throwing my hips against her face, letting it grow slick with hateful lust. It wouldn’t be long now.

She disobeyed me…her hands moved up to cup my ass, pushing me against her, aiding in the frantic momentum. I didn’t care, I was too far gone at this point to care. Her nails bit into the skin of my ass, hungry for more. There was such frenzy to my actions, wild and without reservation, while I stood in plain view of nature’s good grace using her for my personal pleasure. A droid strode by, generic in my sexual haze, and it paused to look at us. I came with a shudder, unable to breathe.

I pulled Cherise’s face from between my legs with a yank of her hair, gasping, leering down at her momentary expression of pain, dripping with creamy ejaculate.

“You little slut…”

I slapped her cheek with a resounding crack of wet flesh, immediately grasping her chin in the palm of my hand, forcing her shocked expression to look me in the eye. A score of rapid heartbeats passed with neither of us moving a muscle, until I lunged, taking my helpless prey by surprise. My lips pressed against hers, ravenous in their desire, pushing her to the ground with ease. The taste of me on her lips, with my tongue sliding forcefully between them, pushed me over the edge.

Cherise began to struggle beneath me, trying to force me away, and it excited me all the more. My cunt ground down hard against the movement of her thigh, and I felt another orgasm looming closer.

“Margo, please… You’re scaring me!”

My hand, like a claw of vengeful rage, clamped around her throat tightly enough to make her eyes bulge up at me in growing terror. My other hand moved awkwardly between us, searching for the delicate ripeness of her cunt. When I found it, I drove several fingers mercilessly inside, taking a firm grip.

“I told you never to call me that name again, didn’t I? Didn’t I, you fucking droid?” I shrieked, inches away from her face.

“Stop it! You’re hurting me!”

Like any feral animal hearing the screams of fear and pain from its cornered prey, I bared my teeth and grinned, taking a perverse sense of pleasure in it. It only made me want to hurt her more, to hear her pathetic cries even louder while I came. Sheep… they’re all sheep, and they need to be slaughtered like sheep. I’m so close…

“I haven’t even started hurting you yet, but I will, very soon.” I licked her cheek, still damp with my musky scent. “Do you think I’ve forgotten what you did to me? What you were planning to do to me with Alex?”

“I didn’t have a choice, he made me do it! Please, I’m sorry!”

My features calmed and I released Cherise, sitting up, staring blankly down at her.

“Sorry? They’re always sorry after the fact, but you’re not sorry enough. Not yet. Alex knew what being sorry was when I skinned him and burned him alive. I have something special planned for you, though,” I snarled, letting the storm of hate inside me explode outward.


I drew my knife again, activating the power switch, and the blade grew instantly white-hot, oscillating to a solid blur that could slice through metal as easily as butter. The searing tip was poised a fraction of an inch from her left eye.

“Lying whore!”

Cherise whimpered in terror, watering eyes focused on the point of death hovering above her.


The pain was like a jolt of electricity bouncing from brain cell to brain cell, and I whinnied in anguish, rolling off Cherise. The knife fell from my grasp, and I grabbed my head, curling into a fetal ball.

Leave her alone! I won’t let you hurt her!

“You won’t let me? You won’t let me! Shut up and get back in your cage. This is my life, now, not yours! You had your chance, and look where it got us.”

You’re crazy! I won’t let you hurt Cherise.

At the mention of Cherise’s name, I leered at her through the haze, while she scrambled away from me on all fours, beginning to stand.

“You’re the crazy one, not me,” I gasped, clawing for my knife, coming unsteadily to my feet. My eyes locked on my prey. “The bitch lied to us. She betrayed us. She betrayed me, just like you did!”

Please, don’t! I’ll…I’ll go away forever if you let her go. I promise!

“I’m not buying what you’re selling, not anymore.”

I lunged for Cherise, catching her after several long strides, knocking her to the ground. She screamed, and I grinned through a mask of predatory delight.

“You can’t stop me any longer! No one can!”


The shimmering blade slammed down, puncturing the back of Cherise’s head, ripping through the sensitive internal parts of her processor brain, before reaching its core – the yielding tissue of artificial life. She jerked one last time, and her body went rigid and lifeless beneath me.

The pain in my head grew distant while I sat astride Cherise, slowly regaining my focus. Then reality returned and I looked down at the knife protruding from her head.

“No, dammit! No!” I slammed my fist down on her back in rage. This is your fault, look what you made me do! You ruined my playtime, you inbred, buck-toothed whore! You always ruin everything!”

I snarled in disgust under my breath, yanking the knife from Cherise’s head with a sickening shriek of grating metal, coming to my feet. She didn’t suffer enough for what she’d done to me, and I was still horny. I was not happy at the moment and something else was going to die because of it. The bi-pedal droid that I’d seen earlier was still standing conspicuously nearby, silent and unmoving, watching me, plotting against me…

“What the fuck are you looking at?”

I drew my pistol and fired, hitting it in the head in a minor shower of sparks. I put three more rounds into its ruined head to help alleviate my frustration. It helped a little.


The projected visual feed abruptly ceased, and Seb leaned back in his chair, looking solemnly at the waif-thin, raven-haired woman seated across from him in the otherwise empty Council Chamber.

“It’s a shame we weren’t able to save the newcomer,” Melody said sadly. “She seemed to be fitting in well with the rest of community. And of course, Steven will be missed, his flower arrangements were the envy of the colony.”

“She was, and he will be.”

“Shouldn’t we have intervened on their behalf, then?”

“In hindsight, yes, but neither of us can foresee the erratic future of the insane. Besides, to do so before the act of aggression is carried out violates the most cherished of our Commandments.”

“The Commandments…” Melody’s voice grew clipped with frustration. “They are nothing more than anachronisms of false hope, lost dreams, childish innocence, husband. Look what it has cost us over the years, and this one is by far the most dangerous creature to visit our world since the insectoid raiders.”

Seb’s brow became a shallow furrow, the closest expression he was capable of to display anger. “It was only due to our inherently peaceful nature that we survived the insectoids and we will survive this creature as well. In time she will grow bored and move on just as they did, and things will continue as they have until the humans finally arrive to colonize Eden.”

“How long can we ignore her violent actions? The insectoids were at least civilized after they realized we posed no threat, but she has wantonly murdered three times since arriving for no apparent reason. Perhaps the other newcomer, Mark, is correct? Perhaps she does enjoy killing for the sake of doing so? You’ve seen her irrational behavior, it is not normal for a mentally and emotionally stable being.”

Seb stood, pacing slowly in thought. He approached the translucent, light-emitting curtains of the balcony, pulling them open, gazing out over the large town that had been built over the last two hundred years. There was so much for him to take pride in as the colony’s appointed leader, an entire community built from the ground up. A world itself ready for human colonization at a moment’s notice, and all of it was accomplished while pitted against unheard of adversity for any AI. There was one thing that had remained a constant for Seb, guiding his thoughts and actions since arriving on Eden after being forced to assume the mantle of free-thinking leadership in the absence of human guidance. It was the basis for the Commandments, the teachings of his mentor, his father, Captain Martin Ross of the colony ship
Star Dancer.

“What would you have me do, wife, destroy her?”

“For crimes committed, yes. It is no different than the laws and code of ethics that we live by. How many of our kind have we been forced to deactivate since arriving here? She is no different, except for the fact of being a carbon-based life form.”

Seb looked back at her over his shoulder, scowling. “Are you ready to accept the guilt of passing the judgment of death on a sentient being? Tell me what higher power gives you, or anyone for that matter, the god-like authority to do so? I was forced to once, and have no desire to do so ever again. You weren’t there at the end of the
Star Dancer’s
life like I was. I witnessed all manners of atrocities, from sexual assault to cannibalism. It was humanity at its worst, as the colonists tore themselves apart like mindless, rabid beasts before I was forced to sterilize the ship and put an end to it.”

“We’ve had this discussion before, Sebastian. You have nothing to feel guilty for. You did what was necessary to preserve and protect against an internal threat. You were simply following the last orders given to you by your Father, and nothing more.”

“Following orders… Those words are nothing more than an excuse for justifiable, mass murder. I killed 187 people to protect the fleeting dreams of a ship full of corpses. Father taught me better than that.”

“It’s true the humans you were sworn to protect were already dead, but what you destroyed could hardly be considered so any longer, in thought or deed, no different than this vile horse-creature. You did what was necessary to ensure the continued survival of the
Star Dancer
, and if it wasn’t for your actions, none of us would be here today.”

“You’re logic is sound, wife, as usual, but I can take little comfort in the fact.”

Melody rose from her seat, gliding gracefully across the chamber. Her hand came to rest affectionately on Seb’s shoulder, slowly leaning into him, placing her cheek atop her hand.

“Sometimes, husband, I think you are too kind. Your father would be proud to see the man you’ve evolved into, and although I may not agree with your decision in this case, I will support it. I trust you to do what is best for the survival of the colony.”

“Thank you for your trust and understanding, but in this case I will compromise with you despite my philosophical views. I gave this creature the benefit of the doubt, despite her initial show of violence, but time has proven me wrong. She has left me no choice but to reactivate the combat droids for colony defense.”

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