Slaves of Elysium (22 page)

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Authors: W. S. Antony

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

BOOK: Slaves of Elysium
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Her pale bottom still bore the fading stripes of cane marks as a reminder of a trivial spill she had been responsible for only a couple of days earlier. Mistress Kara never permitted her girls to be careless twice.

Tomorrow the girls would be rotated, and it might be Jeni's turn to power the fan or support the table. They had to be ready to fill any position required of them in the House of Remnos.


As the five of them were being trained as a group specifically for sale in public auction, they only caught glimpses of other girls in the house. They sometimes passed them in the exercise room, where a session on the treadmill was part of the daily routine for all slaves, and occasionally they saw one tightly bound and suspended from a bracket in the corner of the courtyard as part of their display training. Mostly there was just the distant reminder that they were not alone, such as the muted cries filtering out through some open window as Kara practiced her strict discipline.

A few of the girls were permanent house slaves and Kara's private possessions. Of course, they were the most striking and submissive of all. She chose from among this elite the girl who each day was chained in the window overlooking the main gate to welcome callers and advertise the wares of the establishment.

Naturally, almost the entire stock of girls assembled each night to sleep in their coops, apart from those chosen to warm the beds of Kara or Takydis Lev, but by then there was little opportunity for gossip. The girls of the House of Remnos were worked hard all day, and by night time they could think of little else but sleep.


It was probably because of the intensity of their training that it took Jeni and Rebecca several days to notice a change in themselves. They had just been shut in their cell for the night, and Rebecca was wearily combing through her hair, when she paused, frowning.

‘How long was my hair before we were put in the cages?' she asked.

Jeni blinked. ‘I'm not sure. About to the middle of your shoulder blades, I think.'

‘Well look at it now.'

Rebecca's wavy cascade of golden hair now fell halfway down her back.

‘It is much longer,' Jeni agreed. ‘But it looks fine. In fact, it looks better than ever.'

Rebecca frowned at her. ‘So does yours. And it's also much longer than it was.'

‘Well, our hair hasn't been cut since we came here. That must be nearly seven weeks. Of course it's grown.'

‘But this has only happened in the last few days.'

‘The other girls look the same. Why should our hair suddenly start growing faster?'

Rebecca suddenly looked alarmed. ‘Where else is it growing?'

They examined each other anxiously, and after a few moments Jeni announced, ‘You're really smooth everywhere else. In fact, it's like you've just been waxed, except for your pubes.'

Back in their own world, Rebecca's pubic hair had been trimmed and thinned into the narrow ‘V' required to wear the best swimsuits. While she was in prison it had not been cut and so she'd spread and filled out slightly. But now it was becoming a thick mat of golden curls, forming a prominent delta between her thighs.

‘Look at that,' Rebecca moaned, parting her thighs and pinching curly tufts of hair. ‘They've got to give us some scissors.'

‘But it does look nice,' Jeni said. ‘Lovely and fluffy and bright.'

‘Well I don't like it that way. Soon I'll have as much as you.' She glanced at Jeni's pubes. ‘Yours is getting much thicker too.'

‘Do you remember what the mistress said to Takydis about us the first time we met her? She told him to “see to their hair”. Suppose this is what she meant? We know they like blondes. Perhaps they want us to be as blonde as possible and to grow it longer. All the other girls have plenty of it. I think its fashionable here, at least for slaves.'

Rebecca was scowling. ‘But how are they doing it? Some sort of drug, or cream? And when were we given it?'

Jeni shrugged. ‘In the shower, or maybe in the deprivation cages. They could have done almost anything to us while we were in there. Or perhaps they put it in our food every day.'

‘The shits!' Rebecca raged. ‘How dare they mess about with me like that?'

‘They can do what they like to us,' Jeni reminded her. ‘We're just slaves, remember?'

Rebecca realised she had lost control of the selective self-detachment of which she had been so proud, and with an effort she fought down her anger. ‘Right, we're just slaves.' She ran her fingers through her increasingly luxuriant pubic pelt and sighed. ‘I suppose if it's the fashion...'


‘Jeni to Cynim,' Kara called out, and Jeni rose quickly from the seated ring in which they were arranged and ran to Cynim, who had already rolled onto her back and spread her legs wide in welcome. Jeni dropped to her knees and fell into Cynim's embrace, their nipples flattening against each other, pubic bushes mingling. They kissed with uninhibited passion, rolling over on the soft carpet of the training room, their legs intertwining as they rubbed their bodies together.

With practiced grace they turned about, burying their faces in each other's crotches, nuzzling into the fresh split-peaches of their love mounds and beyond into the cleft of their buttocks. Pink tongues flicked about the tight little puckers concealed therein, where honeyed oil made penetration to the passage beyond easier and sweeter.

Slave girls were expected to have no inhibitions, where their own bodies or those of their sisters were concerned. Any act their owners might ask them to perform for their amusement they would do without hesitation.

‘Finish,' Kara commanded. ‘Resume positions.'

Reluctantly Jeni and Cynim pulled apart and took their places once more in the ring, their faces flushed and excited, their nether lips glistening. Even though they had only been obeying orders when they embraced, such was the constant level of stimulation they lived with that it took very little to kindle genuine passion.

‘Reena to Zarri!' Kara commanded, and the next pairing began.

During the lesson they would have gone through every permutation of coupling between the five of them, and Jeni's lips would have been in contact with every bodily orifice of every other girl, as they would have done with her. Their taste was already strong in her mouth, an intimate cocktail of bodily fluids and secretions.

She waited tremulously for her next coupling, looking round at the others, wondering who it would be. In a way it did not matter, of course. They were all beautiful, and it was Elysium that gave her the chance to enjoy them as she never would have back home.

This was where she belonged.


Jeni lay on her back on the bed of Takydis Lev, her arms and legs outstretched. Chains ran from her cuffs to the rather ornate geometric metal scrollwork that formed the bed-head and footboard. Jeni's hair, now falling to the small of her back, was also tied to the headboard. Her head was lolling to one side and she was breathing heavily, still recovering from her last orgasm. Her body was slick with sweat, and sperm and her own discharge matted her pubic hair. A crisscross pattern of pink stripes decorated her breasts.

Takydis Lev stood by the side of the bed, selecting an implement from a rack of restraints and devices for pain and pleasure. He was naked, his flaccid penis under his slightly protuberant belly already showing signs of regaining its vigour. His physique might not have been impressive, but his recuperative abilities were remarkable. He had already ejaculated in her twice and the night was still young.

Takydis turned back to Jeni with a large silvery egg on his hand. Kneeling on the bed between her widespread legs he pried open her flushed and soiled vulva and pushed the egg deep inside her. Immediately it came to life, forming nodular extrusions that began to gently buzz and rotate within her. Jeni shivered and gasped in amazement. It was far subtler than a vibrator, more like being given an internal massage. The motion was transmitted to her already sensitised clitoris, and she felt her need beginning to grow once more.

‘Time to test your rear, I think,' Takydis said.

He turned her over and refastened her chains so that she was lying on her face, adding a small cushion to lift her bottom. She sprawled outstretched, her hips twitching and wiggling as the egg continued its insidious yet delightful work within her. Takydis selected a short-handled paddle and knelt between her spread thighs.

‘Tell me about your bottom, girl,' he commanded.

Jeni twisted her head round, savouring the sight of him with the instrument of punishment in his hands, and thrilling at the shy, intimate eye contact permitted between master and slave. He could do anything he liked with her. ‘I think my bottom's quite pretty, master. I hope you do to. It's nicely rounded and has a good deep cleft. It's firm but also soft. If you'd like to feel me, master...'

Takydis stroked and patted her pale buttocks, then his fingers slid between them to tickle the tight pucker deep in the valley that divided them. ‘And what of your rear passage?'

‘I exercise to keep it nice and tight. Men do like tight bottoms, don't they, master?'

‘Yes, but not so tight that they can't enter.'

‘I could never resist you, master, especially if you warm me first. That'll make me looser and easier to penetrate.'

‘And how should I warm you, girl?'

‘Use that paddle on me, master.'

‘It will hurt.'

‘I don't mind, master.'

‘It will leave its mark on your bottom.'

‘I'd be honoured to be marked for your pleasure, master. To show I'm worthy of your interest.'

Takydis began to smack her bottom with the paddle, the crisp impacts sounding very loud, sending shivers through her flesh as she jerked with each blow. A rosy blush spread across her posterior, and soon the sting of the paddle and the churning of the metal egg within her combined to form a delicious bubble of pleasure that taunted her with its promise.

‘Please use me, master,' she said. ‘I need filling. Pity your poor slave. I need your manhood inside me. Sodomise me, I beg you, master. Do it hard... please!'

And Takydis did just that, ejaculating twice more within the tight sheath of her rear. He fell asleep still inside her and Jeni, sore but happy, bore his weight through the rest of the night; content to serve him even in sleep as a living pillow.


And so the days passed.

They were taught to walk to heel, to fetch and carry and lay a dinner table, to dance erotically, to wear their bonds artfully, to use sex toys, to please men and women with equal finesse and to accept restraints and punishments as part of everyday life. Jeni soon found it hard to believe she'd ever had any other existence but that of a slave, nor that the five of them had any other purpose but to give themselves totally into the service of others.


Then came the morning when Takydis announced Mistress Kara would personally be taking them out for a walk in the city. As they had been confined within the slave house for over a month, they were as excited as schoolgirls at the prospect. Even Rebecca, Jeni noticed, seemed to share the mood.

They were given matching silver sandals to wear for the occasion, to compliment their collars and cuffs. Because the day was bright, simple broad-brimmed sunhats covered their heads. In addition, short mesh capes of silvered fabric were hung from their collars, with the House of Remnos crest picked out in black. The cloaks hung to just above their buttocks and concealed nothing, but in combination with the hats and sandals they made Jeni feel almost overdressed after her weeks of total nudity. Jeni expected either a muzzle or gag to be fitted to them, but none was. They were being allowed out un-gagged!

Private owners tended to use traditional chastity belts to display their rights over their slave in public, but being as yet only house slaves there was no reason for them not to show off their charms to the full. However, Kara did have the girls fitted with U-shaped keepers, the double arms of which were locked with expanding plugs into their rectum and vagina. The plugs did not interfere with urination and were hardly visible except for a curving section of metal rod bridging the narrow gap between anus and vulva. In addition, the plugs contained actuators that could be operated by Kara's controller, enabling her to keep the girls in order with electric shocks of varying degrees of intensity.

Before they left the house, the five of them were properly arranged. Kara held a single chain, which ran to the collar of Zarri, who followed immediately behind her. Two chains ran back from Zarri's collar to those of Jeni and Rebecca, and from their collars two more chains ran diagonally across each other to the collars of Reena and Cynim, who brought up the rear. This cross-linking ensured they all stayed tightly grouped and followed in their mistress' footsteps. Naturally their wrists were cuffed behind their backs.

Kara wore a hat and light cloak against the sun. She had a basket with her, which she hooked onto the crossing point of their leash chains, so that the rear four girls shared its weight between them. A free woman would never carry anything if she had a slave to do it for her.

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