Slaves of Elysium (21 page)

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Authors: W. S. Antony

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

BOOK: Slaves of Elysium
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‘I'll do what I'm told as long as it doesn't hurt anybody. That's all I want to do.'

‘That should be good enough. You've got that innocent little girl look people find appealing. Just be ready to use it.'

Jeni found it surprising that Rebecca still did not understand her. ‘I can't “use it” like that,' she explained patiently. ‘I can't turn what I am on and off like you seem to do. I know what I am now and I won't try to fight it any longer. I'll do whatever work I'm given and try hard to please any man I'm ordered to. If he's strong and dominant that'll help. But that's all.'

‘You'll please anyone who can help us, man or woman,' Rebecca told her firmly.

Jeni hesitated. ‘I've never been with a woman,' she admitted.

Rebecca snorted in disbelief. ‘You never had a thing for another girl at school? Or a female teacher?' She almost made it sound as though it was the expected thing; another advantage of a privileged education denied to Jeni.

‘No, I mean, I can see women are pretty. I admire them. But I've never had lesbian sex.'

‘Well, if what Catharine said was right, people here will expect you to be bi. At the least I think Kara will want to try you out. She's that type.'

Jeni swallowed. ‘I suppose that's one of the things we'll be taught to do.'

‘And you'd better do it well,' Rebecca said determinedly. ‘We've got to impress.'

‘I'll try, if that's what I'm ordered.'

‘Well I'm ordering you right now.'

‘But I don't work for you any more. And you're not my mistress.'

Rebecca smiled, her eyes steady. ‘Really? Your sort of slave can't choose her mistress. A mistress is whoever has the will to control her. Remember what happened on the beach?' She slapped Jeni on the cheek, and as Jeni reeled back Rebecca snapped, ‘Hold still!' and slapped her on the other cheek.

Jeni clapped a hand to her burning flesh, gazing at Rebecca in amazement. There was that commanding tone in her voice once again that Jeni had never been able to resist. Rebecca's arrogant self-confidence had returned, but bizarrely focused on her new purpose. She realised now that Rebecca had a retarded moral sense. Her position had protected her from the consequences of her actions. Anything she enjoyed was good, so she had no inherent sense of shame. And now she had decided to be a star slave, with Jeni as her partner; or rather, a tool she would use to accomplish that goal.

‘You do what I tell you, understand?' Rebecca said.

Jeni felt the will draining from her. ‘I understand,' she replied meekly.

‘In here you're my slave, right?'


Rebecca smiled, looking Jeni up and down with a clinical interest that made her shiver. ‘You're really quite attractive. That innocent look could be quite a turn on to some girls. You sure you never did anything lezzy? Not even a bit of tongue when you kissed a girlfriend?'

‘No, never.'

‘Well you'd better start learning. The better we do the faster we graduate, or whatever it is, from this place. Get on your back.'

‘What?' Jeni glanced sideways at the girls in the other coops. ‘Here, now?'

‘Why the sudden shyness? We're on show all the time from now on, so get used to having an audience. Now, on your back.'

Trembling, Jeni lay down and Rebecca straddled her, sitting across her hips. The hairs of their pubic bushes brushed together and intertwined. Rebecca clasped Jeni's breasts, kneading the malleable flesh and testing their weight.

‘Nice tits,' she observed. ‘And your nips come up quickly.'

Jeni blushed as Rebecca flicked the hard nubs of flesh that sprung up at her touch. But what should she expect after her conditioning in the cage? She was a sensual creature now, ready to respond to any stimulus.

Rebecca pinched both Jeni's nipples between thumb and forefinger and twisted, watching with a smile as Jeni's brow creased in pain. Then she released Jeni's nipples, caught hold of her wrists, pinning Jeni's arms to the floor, lowered her head and kissed Jeni hard on the mouth, forcing her tongue insistently between her lips. Helplessly Jeni kissed her back, overwhelmed by the hot, sweet excitement of such an intimate contact. Her tongue flicked and curled about Rebecca's with increasing passion.

When Rebecca finally broke the kiss her own face was flushed, and she looked down at her former maid with mild surprise. ‘You're good when you let yourself go,' she complimented huskily. ‘Wish I'd known you were like this before we got into this mess. Now do the same thing to my cunt.'

She twisted round and straddled Jeni's face, so that her vagina was poised ready above her. The golden-fringed outer lips were parted wide, exposing the inner flesh, pink and glistening, with at their lower confluence a ripple-edged dark pit leading to hidden treasures. Suddenly Jeni's lingering inhibitions felt foolish. Compared to everything else she had surrendered, what was this? It was a hole Jeni had seen violated by both dildo and cock. Why should she not explore it herself?

Rebecca's intimate scent filled her nostrils as she lowered herself onto Jeni's face. Jeni kissed the warm lips, and then burrowed deeper, lapping every fold with her tongue. Her hands stole round Rebecca's thighs and clasped her buttocks, pulling her down more tightly. In response Rebecca's hips circled and ground harder onto her face. She felt a few kisses on her own pubic mount and spread her legs hopefully. Please give something back, she thought.

Rebecca's tongue delved deeper into her cleft, working around the hood of her clitoris, and Jeni tried to mimic her actions. Yes, that felt very good.

Aromatic wetness was covering her face, disgorged from the pulsating orifice she was so fervently licking and kissing. Was this an act? Had Rebecca thrown her mental switch? Did it matter?

The heat grew between them, sweat forming a slippery sheen between their writhing bodies. They were beyond calculation now, driven solely by the primitive instinct for pleasure, and with faces buried in each other's quims they came together, bucking and rolling on the soft floor of their cell.

Then, satiated, they lay quiet, their heads nestling between the thighs of the other, even Rebecca apparently feeling no need to comment on what they had done.

It was the most ease they had ever known together, Jeni thought. Briefly they had been united by shared passion, but how long would it last?


Chapter 11



The morning buzzer sounded in the slave coop, and naked limbs were stretched and bleary eyes rubbed as the occupants prepared for another day.

Slaves squatted over toilet pans, washed in basins and brushed their hair. After a predetermined interval from the first buzzer, a second sounded, and panels set midway up the back wall of each cell next to the basin slid open.

Behind them was a small recess, in the base of which was a shallow bowl-shaped depression and a flexible feeding tube. Double cells had two of these recesses. Slaves knelt before them and put their heads inside, and immediately a pair of half panels set just inside the outer panel slid shut. Each half had a semicircular section cut out of its leading edge, so that they closed about the girls' necks, securing their heads inside the recess. A hopper dispensed a measured quantity of breakfast food bricks into the bowl, which the girls ate dutifully, alternating with sucking juice from the feeding tube.

For a few minutes every cell in the slave coop framed one or two pairs of bare buttocks, apparently belonging to headless bodies, as their owners concentrated on consuming their rations. The sliding panels closed about their necks would not retract until every bowl was licked clean and every dispenser of juice drained. Their mistress had determined that a proper diet was essential to the health and well-being of such potentially valuable creatures.

When they were done there was just time for the girls to brush their teeth, for every bodily orifice was always kept fresh and clean, before they knelt by the doors of their cells; waiting to begin another day of training in the House of Remnos.


Jeni, Rebecca, Cynim, Reena and Zarri walked in a circle round the middle of the training room. At their centre stood mistress Kara, holding the handle of a slender electric baton. Their hands were cuffed behind their backs, which were held very straight.

Short chains linked their ankles, permitting only quick steps.

On their heads were balanced flat wooden blocks, prevented from sliding off only by the cushion of their hair. Two fine chains hung in graceful curves from eyelets screwed into the sides of the blocks to toothed spring-clips, which were closed about each girl's nipples.

Round and round the girls went under the stern eye of their trainer, then suddenly there was a stifled groan from Reena. Her block was sliding off her head, and despite her desperate duck and twist it fell, but before it hit the floor the chains tightened, yanking Reena's nipples painfully taut before the spring clips were pulled off them. Reena yelped, then looked fearfully round at Kara.

The slave mistress pointed to the floor. Reena knelt down, pressed her face to the floor and lifted her bottom, and Kara jabbed the end of the baton into one of the softly rounded cheeks presented to her. There was an electric crackle and Reena flinched and gasped with pain.

‘Again!' Kara said.

Reena climbed painfully to her feet, Kara replaced the block on her head and the clips on her nipples, and the trainee slaves continued with their lesson.

Girls soon learned to walk properly in the House of Remnos.


Kara was sitting out in the shade of the courtyard, resting her feet on a stool with a drink by her elbow on a side table, while a rotary fan wafted cool air over her.

The chair she sat on rested on Cynim, whose bottom peeped from between Kara's outstretched legs. The Kladrian girl was bent down on her knees, her arms pulled out and back, forcing her shoulders and head up. Her forearms were strapped to the undersides of the chair's armrests. Some but not all of Kara's weight was taken by the chair's four corner legs, the rest Cynim bore.

The stool Kara rested her feet on was Zarri. She was huddled on her knees and elbows with her head tucked in. A long strap ran round her body, laced through the rings on her collar, wrist and ankle cuffs, to ensure she held her position and presented the smooth curve of her back and haunches for her mistress' use.

Reena, who rested on her knees with her wrists cuffed to her ankles, supported the side table. This brought her back down parallel with the ground at the expense of making her lean forward dangerously far. To prevent her overbalancing a metal stand rested between her knees, and a bracing rod rose to connect with her collar, supporting her upper body. The tabletop was an oval of clear plastic. It was held in place at one end by straps and a rubber bar around Reena's head in the manner of a bit, forcing her to keep her head up. At the other end it was supported by a curving metal arm and adjustable plug, screwed into her anus. On the table were a plate of dainty sweet-cakes and a tall glass of iced fruit juice. Every so often the liquid in the glass trembled as Reena strove to keep the tabletop level.

Rebecca powered the rotary fan. She stood to one side of Kara's chair with her back to her and bent slightly forward. Her legs were wide apart to brace herself, and held in place by a spreader bar. The fan blades were made of light plastic and measured nearly two metres across. They turned about a short axle mounted on a plug lodged deep up Rebecca's rectum. This in turn was driven by a cog powered by a rod which ran between her spread legs, passing through a bearing supported by another plug secured within her vagina, and then bending to form a crank handle to which her wrist cuffs were clipped. To ensure she maintained a regular rhythm and the fan kept turning smoothly, a small round device hung from her collar between the inner curve of her breasts like a large pendant.

Sensors detected the regular alternating motion of her breasts as they were squeezed inward slightly by the cranking movement of her arms. Should this activity fall below a certain level, small spikes began to extend from the sides of the pendant and give her breasts a warning prick. Of course the Elysians had the technology to make purely mechanical cooling fans, but they would not have been so satisfying to watch in operation.

Naturally all the girls wore ball-gags. Furniture and domestic appliances were intended to be used, not heard.

Jeni appeared from a side door. She was carrying a tray on which rested a large jug of iced fruit juice. She walked neatly and carefully, her ankles hobbled by short chains.

Her left wrist cuff was clipped to the base of the tray, which she held high against her front, pressing up under her breasts, while her right arm was free. A pair of studded straps fastened to the rim of the tray and running up in tight loops over her breasts ensured she held the tray in place.

‘May I refill your glass, mistress?' she asked.

Kara nodded.

Keeping her back straight and tray level, Jeni went down gracefully on one knee, and carefully poured from the jug. When she was done she rose with equal care and walked away, relieved not to have spilt a drop.

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