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Brom was probably right, and in the end, the damage done to the schoolhouse could be repaired. But there was a bigger problem. “People will talk, and not everyone will believe it was Dirck or his friends who did this. Some parents might be afraid to send their children to school if they believe the headless horseman really was behind this.”

Brom frowned, saying nothing – news of the vandalism would have spread through the entire village like wildfire by now. “It’s a pity we couldn’t have caught the culprits red-handed. I suppose all we can do now is make repairs.”

“Let’s get rid of the blood first,” John said, rolling up his sleeves.


* * * * *


By the time Brom and John arrived home, dusk was beginning to descend. Brom’s muscles ached faintly from a long day of manual labor. The lifting hadn’t been bad, but all the scrubbing had been a nightmare. Removing the blood and egg stains from the inside of the schoolhouse had taken the better part of the day, and his knuckles had been rubbed raw. So had John’s. The work had been hard on him; that much was clear from the way he walked as they approached the farmhouse, his head bowed slightly in weariness. It probably wasn’t good for his injuries for him to have labored so hard all day, but he’d refused to not help Brom with the work.

Katrina greeted them at the door, smiling despite the fact that they were work-worn, and their clothing dirty. The evening light spilled over her face, highlighting several curling tendrils of her golden hair, which had escaped from beneath her cap to frame her face. In the twilight glow, her beauty seemed almost other-worldly. John must have thought the same thing, for he straightened, his lips curling in a dreamy smile that belied the gleam of lust in his eye. Brom couldn’t blame him for his reaction – not when he himself felt like taking her into his arms and making love to her then and there. Instead he followed her to the table, where she’d laid out a delicious-looking dinner. Brom’s stomach growled, even as his mind whirled with carnal thoughts.

Dinner was a quick affair; both Brom and John ate enthusiastically, pausing only to fill Katrina in on the day’s events, which had been dull, for the most part. She frowned when they told her of the message that had been painted onto the wall though. “Do you think Dirck Acker was responsible?”

She wasn’t just beautiful, but intelligent, and not frightened too easily. He’d been fortunate to marry her instead of being saddled with one of the other local women, most of whom had less sense. The majority of Sleepy Hollow’s women were surely gossiping away over the matter, and half of them probably believed that the threat really had been written by the headless horseman. But not Katrina. Brom nodded, his insides warmed by dual feelings of pride and satisfaction. “Him, and maybe some of the men who joined him in harassing John yesterday.”

Katrina nodded, still frowning pensively. “I don’t suppose you’ll be able to conduct classes tomorrow, will you John?”

“I’m afraid not,” John said between bites.

Katrina’s lips quirked in a brief smile that was quickly suppressed. Was she pleased that John would have to stay home tomorrow? Probably. She most likely wanted him to take another day off from his duties to recover – not that he’d rested today, by any means. Either that, or maybe she simply relished the thought of his company. That notion caused Brom’s cock to start swelling and his appetite to suddenly seem unimportant. God, he couldn’t wait to have her and John in bed again. Had she been looking forward to it all day too, pining for it as he and John had been?

He and John hadn’t dared to speak much of the matter that day, as the schoolhouse had received a steady stream of visitors including everything and everyone from curious onlookers to local men volunteering to help with the repairs. But Brom had seen the telltale look in John’s eye, and noticed the way his interest had peaked the few times Brom had mentioned Katrina in passing… He’d be damned if John hadn’t been thinking about last night all day, just as he had.

When dinner was over, Brom’s erection was full-fledged and hard as a rock. John clearly noticed, his eyes flickering toward Brom’s waist when he pushed back his chair and rose from the table. The weight of John’s brief gaze was palpable, burning, and left Brom simmering with desire even after John looked away. And Katrina… She was rising from her seat at the table, pushing her chair underneath. She was only a few feet away, and he could virtually feel her soft skin beneath his fingers, could practically taste her. Brom’s cock throbbed, desperate to be inside either of them – both of them. He reached out and wrapped an arm around Katrina’s waist, pulling her against him.

Her body seemed to immediately melt against his, and he smoothed his hands over her hips and belly, cupping her breasts. A thrill of satisfaction flared inside him when he saw how John was watching, his eyes turning a darker shade of grey with excitement. Brom played with Katrina’s nipples, causing them to go hard, to strain against her bodice, begging for more of his touch. “It’s not too early to go to bed, is it?” he asked.

“No,” Katrina sighed, and he knew her answer had nothing to do with the fact that the sun was setting.

John agreed, his eyes shining with the same desire that was broiling inside Brom.

Brom’s cock continued to throb as they all three hurried to the bedroom. He stripped, eager to be free of his clothing and wrapped in another warm body – in two warm bodies – instead. John seemed to have conquered his inhibitions from the night before; he undressed too. His cheeks were flushed beneath his bruises and his cock looked as hard as Brom’s felt.

Brom’s mouth watered with the sudden urge to taste John, to take him deep into his mouth and then his throat. He and John hadn’t interacted much for the past several days, and what they’d done that morning in bed had been a compromise, a desperate act of passion that they’d known would be necessary to be able to make it through a day filled with thoughts of the previous night’s pleasures. Now, Brom wanted more, wanted to take his time in exploring every bit of John’s body. But how would that affect Katrina? Was it too soon to show her his and John’s unrestrained passion, what it meant to love another man? Or would such a display excite her, as it had seemed to the night before?

“Let me help you with that.” He assisted Katrina in shedding her gown, contemplating the matter as he relished the feel of her silky skin.

When she was finally nude, he ran his hands over the curves of her body, caressing the full swells of her breasts and hips, her creamy-white thighs. John joined him, embracing her from behind, and they held her between them, their hands sliding eagerly over her porcelain skin. She sighed, tipping her head back against John’s shoulder and laying her hands on Brom’s chest. “I missed you both terribly today.”

Her skin was so warm, her body so pliant beneath his and John’s hands. He couldn’t resist encouraging her. “That eager to find yourself between us in bed again?”

Her breathy “yes” rushed against Brom’s ear as he cupped one of her breasts, and his balls tightened in response. God, she was serious, and clinging to him like she needed the support to stand. He teased her nipple, massaging and pinching it, thrilled by its stiffness. “We’ll be glad to oblige you,” he said, scooping her up and depositing her on the bed. “Tell us what you thought about while we were gone.”

The rosy blush that stained her cheeks deepened as Brom and John climbed onto the mattress beside her. Brom caressed her breast again, playing with its stiff little peak. John did the same, massaging her other nipple, his lips parted and his eyes gleaming with obvious desire.

“I’ll tell you,” she said, smiling tentatively. “I only hope you won’t be angry.”

“Why would we ever be angry with you?”

“I watched you,” she said, half-gasping as he pinched her nipple lightly. “Both of you, this morning.”

It only took a moment for her words to settle in. “You watched John and me in bed this morning?” His cock ached, as much at the thought of her watching as the memory of how he and John had pleasured each other, stroking each other’s cocks until they’d climaxed.

“Yes.” She really did gasp this time, her eyelids fluttering as John bowed his head to press a lingering kiss against her breast.

“Where were you – in the doorway?” John asked, raising his lips from her curves.

“Yes,” she said again, glancing back and forth between Brom and John.

“Why didn’t you let us know you were there?” John sounded much like Brom felt – surprised and aroused by the idea of Katrina watching them in secret.

She hesitated for a moment. “I enjoyed watching. I was afraid you’d stop if I interrupted.”

Brom resisted the urge to climb on top of her and slide inside her. He ached for contact, for release, but her words had other ideas whirling through his mind. “You liked it.” It wasn’t a question; he believed her, but it felt good to say it, to acknowledge the fact – and most of all, to hear her say yes.

“Very much,” she said, her voice soft. “I liked seeing you both kiss last night, as well.”

Much like the night before, things suddenly took on a surreal quality, as if they were the events of some dream that would have had him tossing in his bed, groaning and spilling himself on the linens. “Would you like to see more?” he asked.

He was barely able to make himself wait for her whispered “yes” before he seized John, pulling him into the sort of kiss he’d been longing to give him all day. Their mouths collided in a haze of heat and moisture, their tongues meeting. Katrina’s soft gasp spurred him to kiss John harder, reaching below to grasp his cock.

John responded in kind, wrapping his fingers around Brom’s shaft and stroking him slowly, the gentleness of his motions at odds with their hard kiss. John’s hand slid easily, its passage lubricated by the little bit of moisture that had spilled from the tip of Brom’s cock – damn it, he couldn’t have helped it. It was so good to be touched by John and watched by Katrina; her admiring gaze was so strong, he could feel it. He thrust his hips, forcing his cock hard through John’s fist, all the while pumping his own hand up and down John’s shaft.

John took the hint and gave in, stroking Brom quickly. Brom easily could have succumbed to the sensation and let himself come, but he didn’t. He wanted to put on a show for Katrina, wanted to spill himself inside a warm, tight body – either hers or John’s.

Brom stopped when Katrina gasped again, pulling away from John because her soft, wordless exclamation was easily enough to send him over the edge. Despite the fact that John was no longer touching him, when he looked at Katrina he almost lost it.

She’d pressed a hand between her thighs and was touching herself hesitantly, slowly stroking the pearl below her golden curls. The sight of her tentative self-pleasure, the evidence of her inexperience – it all combined to send a spasm of pleasure through Brom’s body. “Would you like one of us to do that for you?”

She smiled coyly, her blue eyes twinkling. “I suppose I wouldn’t mind. It doesn’t feel quite the same when I do it myself.”

For all her inexperience, she was an effective seductress. Brom reached for her, his arm brushing one of her stiff nipples as he lowered his hand into her lap, eager to give her pleasure. She opened her thighs for him, exposing her sex, which was prettily flushed and glistening. He didn’t bother to hold back a moan as his fingers met her slickness, gliding over her skin.

John embraced her, stroked her, kissed her with lips that were still inflamed from being pressed against Brom’s. She gasped and shuddered between them, crying out as she climaxed.

“On your hands and knees,” Brom said after allowing her a brief moment to recover. He couldn’t wait any longer.

She obeyed, and he felt a surge of pride. God, she was the perfect bride. Her deliciously round bottom jutted at him, and her golden hair hung to her elbows, swinging as she peered at him curiously over her shoulder.

“Take her, John.”

John shot him an inquiring gaze, as if to ask whether Brom was sure. He couldn’t blame John for sensing his obvious eagerness, but he had something else in mind. He nodded curtly, and John laid his hands on Katrina’s hips, squaring up behind her. His grey eyes gleamed as his cock brushed the curve of her ass, and he wrapped his fingers around it, positioning himself to enter her. With a low moan, he slid slowly inside her.

She gasped, gripping fistfuls of the linens as John filled her. He rocked into her with slow thrusts, asking her if she was all right, if she liked it. She assured him that she was and that she did, pressing her bottom against his loins, burying him deeper.

Brom waited until John had established a rhythm before he positioned himself behind him and laid his hands on John’s slender, leanly muscled hips. John responded immediately to his touch, sighing as Brom’s erection pressed stiffly against his ass. Too lost in need to take the time to fetch anything else, Brom smoothed a handful of saliva over his cock, lubricating it before he pressed the tip against John’s entrance and eased himself inside.

John tensed at first, then moaned. Brom rocked his hips, settling deep into John’s channel. John moaned again and thrust against Katrina’s creamy white hips. Brom continued to thrust too, and though it took a few moments, they eventually found a rhythm that had them all gasping. Brom’s eyes tried to drift shut, as if to cut him off from sight and force him to focus only on the sensations that gripped him by the balls, making every inch of his body burn with the bone deep need for release. He kept them open – the sight of John making love to Katrina while he himself made love to John… He couldn’t get enough of it, would remember it for the rest of his life.

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