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“The pie can wait.”

“I thought you’d say that.” Brom smiled in a self-satisfied manner, looking eagerly toward the farmhouse.

When Katrina greeted them at the door, any semblance of propriety John had managed to retain on the road vanished as his cock throbbed, straining against his breeches. She’d given up on wearing stays a while ago. Her breasts swelled amply, and her nipples popped against the fabric of her bodice, the pink edges of her areolas showing, if just barely, above the neckline. She smiled knowingly as John and Brom stared – the dress was one that she’d stopped wearing months ago for the sake of decency. Every once in a while though, she donned it and wore it in the privacy of the house when she wanted to drive John and Brom mad. “I’ve been baking all afternoon,” she said. Mouth-watering smells drifted from the kitchen, evidencing her claim.

“I hope you don’t have anything in the oven,” Brom said, “because if you do, it’s going to burn.”

Her rosebud lips curved in a wicked smile. “As it happens, I just set the last pie on the windowsill to cool.”

Brom pulled the door shut, and no sooner had it swung closed than Katrina spun with agility that belied her pregnancy, hurrying up the stairs to the bedroom. John and Brom clattered up the stairs behind her, all thoughts of food forgotten.

Praise for Ranae Rose’s Sleepy Hollow Series

“Sensual, intriguing, mysterious and romantic; above all it’s a fascinating love story.”

Tam’s Two Cents Reviews


“A very entertaining and emotional read: one that is filled with sensual scenes of male on male, and menage a troi, eroticism. There are also some bone-chilling thrills.”

Hearts on Fire Reviews


“Ms. Rose’s ability to weave together a good story and create realistic, sympathetic characters is unbelievable. [...] I am going to enjoy reading [Whiskey Dreams] over and over.”

- Hearts on Fire Reviews


“The passion that flares between [Brom and John] is intense.”

Top 2 Bottom Reviews


“Well-written and engaging.”

-Manic Readers



Ranae Rose is the best-selling author of over a dozen adult romances and counting. She calls the US East Coast home and resides there with her family, German Shepherd dogs and overflowing bookshelves. Writing and reading are lifelong passions that consume most of her time, and she’s always working on bringing her latest love story idea to life for readers.


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