Sliding (The Stone Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Sliding (The Stone Series)
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“Are you about to tell me that I have to be okay with you doing “stunts”,
demonstrations and spending all your time with some guy? That is what you’re
about to say isn’t it?”


I admit that it is and Tate starts kisses me again which is very
confusing. I push him off me so he has to look at me.


“You do know that he’s going to be gay, right? I mean what guy wants to
be a cheerleader? No offense, Brook but it’s not really the sport of choice
amongst us dudes. Tell you what; consider me fine with it until you meet the
dude. I’m going to give you strict rules before you leave me for six weeks and
the first one is to report back to me about this guy. If he turns out to be
straight I will find a way to get to where you are and mark MY territory one
way or another.”


We resume our kissing and I’m glad when Tate flips us over so I’m on top
of him, at least now I can breathe better. We spend the next half hour kissing
and fooling around in the back of Wendy’s car.


Chapter 5: The Reawakening


Tate and I spend the day riding around California. Tate is helping me to
get acclimated to my new surroundings, showing me places I’ll need to know.
Until we can make some decisions or depending on those decisions California
will be home to me. But to be honest, to me it really doesn’t matter; home for
me has always been wherever Tate is.


For some of the trip we are quiet in each other’s company for long
stretches of time while other parts of our trip we can’t stop talking. After
all these years together it’s a miracle we have anything to say to one another
but we somehow always do. We hold hands and from time to time Tate strokes my
bare thigh with his thumb causing a chill to run up my spine in the ninety
degree California heat.


We pass a salon that I take note of, I’m in desperate need of their
various services. Tate takes me by different restaurants he says he wants us to
try and some that he claims are “pure shit’. When we approach a block of store
fronts and businesses he tells me to pull over. Tate slides out of the
passenger seat and comes around to my side and opens my door for me.


“Time to slide baby, I have something to show you.”


We walk into a building with floor to ceiling windows in the lobby. There
is a fountain and a receptionist. Tate strolls right by her giving her a wave
as he goes by. I notice the way she blushes and gives him a second scanning,
running her eyes up and down his body.
This used to really piss me off when we were younger but I’ve learned to
accept the fact that Tate is a very handsome man and girls will always look at
him, even if they are way too young for him like this one.


We pass the bank of elevators and go down a private hallway on the first
floor. When we get to the door I notice the sign. “Taylor Studios Inc.” it
reads and for a moment I assume its Tate’s California office. But then he opens
the door and I realize it’s a studio for me. It is a massive space with
beautiful light hardwood floors, mirrors from floor to ceiling on all four
walls and a state of the art sound system. Tate smiles tentatively at me
waiting for my approval and takes me in his arms smothering me with kisses when
he sees my smile.


“I was hoping for that response. So that means you’ll stay here at least
for a little while so we can try to work some things out? I don’t mean we have
to stay here forever but with everything I have going on right now I need to be
here but I can’t be away from you any longer.”


I agree that I’ll stay in California and try to repair our marriage. I
love Tate, I always have, and walking away from him without a fight is not an
option. I hope walking away from him will never have to be an option with or
without a fight.


Tate takes my hand, “Now let me show you to your office Mrs. Taylor. I
think we need to break in your desk, sofa, and maybe even the floor!” he


My new office is gorgeous, Tate has great taste, and he shares my love of
modern clean lines and a minimalistic look. The colors of the space are muted
earth tones which set off the dark wood desk, the floors are light hardwood.
There is a window behind my desk with floor to ceiling pale blue curtains. The
sofa has pillows in bright red and orange to give the room some pop and add to
the modern feel. There is a water feature hanging on one wall that emits the
most soothing sound. On the other wall there is a massive fish tank with
vibrant colored saltwater fish swimming about. It may possibly be the most
soothing, comforting place on this earth aside from Tate’s arms. Just by
looking at the space I know Tate’s cousin, Damian’s design firm run by his best
friend, Alex is responsible and I make a mental note to call and thank him.


“So maybe the sofa first I’m thinking” Tate says as he reaches for me
making me laugh. He is already grabbing at the bottom of my shirt tugging it
over my head. I see the look in his eyes and it arouses me instantly. I pull
Tate’s shirt over his head and rub my hand over his hard pectoral muscles
making him tighten them and moan at my touch.


He has maintained the chiseled body of a twenty year old to this day. His
stomach still displays a six pack with a happy trail that leads to his already
growing erection in his pants.


I reach for the button of his pants and undo it. He pulls up my little
skirt exposing my back side. In one swift motion he pulls down and steps out of
his pants. I am now standing in front of Tate in my matching pink lace bra and G-string
with my skirt bunched around my waist. Tate puts his hands on my hips and turns
me around so he can see my ass in the G-string.


“Mmm, maybe leaning over the desk first with this still on” he whispers
into my ear from behind. He leans his body into me and bends me over the desk.
I feel his hands roan my ass then the playful slap follows. Tate doesn’t waste
a second; he slides my G-string to the side and then with passionate force he slams
himself into me causing me to yell his name, “Ahh Tate”.


“Yeah, baby that’s it scream my name.”


I can tell Tate is in the mood for fast, hard sex and my body is aching
for it too. I raise my ass a little higher into the air so Tate can cup my
cheeks in his hands and hold my ass up higher allowing him to fuck me harder
and deeper. I grasp onto my desk to balance myself while Tate picks up the pace
of his thrusting. He releases one side of my ass to stretch his hand around to
my front. He begins flicking my clit with such vigor I am ready to explode immediately.
He continues to slam into me while flicking my sweet spot and I feel Tate’s
erection grow even firmer inside of me, warning me that he’s ready to explode
as well.


“Ahh fuck, I’m. Going. To. Come. Come. With. Me” Tate grunts through each
thrust and my body obeys crashing and squeezing around him while he detonates
inside of me.


“I don’t know if I have it in me after that to go for the floor” Tate
confesses. “It sucks; remember how we used to do it all day over and over. I
hate getting older. I wish we were sixteen again sometimes, don’t you?”


As we are fixing our clothes I tell Tate how much I’ve enjoyed
remembering our “start” brought on by his playlist but that I wouldn’t go back
to sixteen for all the money in the world.


“Good, I’d hoped that would be the case. Come, dance for me. I miss
watching you dance just for me. And now I can see it anytime I want. I own this
building, my offices and studio take up the second and third floors.”


We go into my new studio, I kick off my heels and Tate fiddles with the
sound system. “Touch Me” comes blasting out and as I dance seductively around
Tate knowing after this dance he’ll be ready for round two I am sent back to
the week before I left Tate for my first summer working at cheer camp.




When school finally ends Tate’s home imprisonment is lifted and we are
able to resume our nights spent talking on the phone, listening to the
countdown and falling asleep together on the phone. My parents decide to take
my siblings and me to an amusement park for the day that weekend and I only
agree to go if Tate could come with us. My parents agree as do Tate’s but my
mother makes Michael sit in the far backseat of the minivan with Tate and I
like he might attack me back there and have sex with me before my parents can
get back there and stop us. She should have made Katrina sit back here, with
her big mouth she’d tell everyone if Tate held my hand or tried anything else.
Luckily for Tate and I Michael worships the ground Tate walks on and he would
never tattle on anything Tate did. Tate uses this to his advantage and holds my
hand, rubbing his thumb along the inside of my palm. When Michael keeps his
mouth shut about that Tate ups the ante and rubs his hand on my bare thigh.
Tate shoots Michael a look and he turns his head concentrating on the great
outdoors passing by the window that he could care less about, all he cares
about is being on Tate’s good side. I guess the stars are shining down on us
today because Michael never turns his head in our direction again for the whole


When we get to the amusement park my parents actually let Tate and I go
off on our own. I guess they figure we can’t do anything in front of all these
people. They’d be surprised!


We walk through the park holding hands and Tate wins me a teddy bear at a
basketball shooting game. We stop every two minutes to make out a little, it’s
like we’re making up for all that lost time. I can’t stop touching him and Tate
can’t keep his hands off me either. He slides his hand in the back pocket of my
shorts as we wait in line for a ride that spins while music blasts out of the
speakers and I don’t want to go on it because I’m afraid I’ll be sick but Tate talks
me into it.


The song “Touch Me” plays while we’re on it and Tate has his arm around
me and I have my face buried into his chest. Amazingly I don’t get sick so we
head for lunch and then to the flume ride. Tate makes me sit in front of him
and he holds me around my belly the whole ride. When we come down the hill I
get soaking wet but Tate remains surprisingly dry, that jerk! He grabs and hugs
me as we get off the ride and laughs at me.


“Your white t-shirt seems to have gotten all wet, Brooklynn. I think I
can see through it a little.”


“Oh? You’re an asshole. Did you put me in front of you on purpose so this
would happen? Well, you should have thought about that before you did it you
know” I say.


“Why? I think it was an awesome plan. You look hot!” Tate counters.


“Think about it for a minute Taters, if you can see through my shirt do
you think maybe everyone else can too?”


Tate’s face falls, “Fuck” is all he says as he stands in front of me
blocking me from anyone who may look my way.


Luckily, it’s a hot beautiful day and my shirt dries in no time. We meet
up with my family for ice cream then decide to stay with them for a show. After
that we split up again for the rest of the day. Tate and I go on every roller
coaster and at the end of the day we go to the entrance and sit and wait for my
family. We sit together on a bench holding hands and kissing each other. With
each touch of our lips I feel my stomach plummet faster than it did on any of
the rides.


Tate gets up to head to the bathroom before me parents meet us and I hear
two girls laughing and talking about this hot guy. I turn to look in the
direction they’re pointing and of course I see Tate. They can’t take their eyes
off of him. I smile to myself at first, there’s no harm in them looking. Then I
notice they follow him to the bathroom and wait outside the doors. Now I’m
pissed and ready to pounce on them. When Tate comes out I watch as one girl says
something to him and I see Tate blush and smile. I don’t know what she has just
said but I want her dead, now! Then I see the girl hand him something, a piece
of paper. Is she for real? Is she’s handing my boyfriend whom she doesn’t know
and who probably lives nowhere near her, her phone number? Really? I feel sick
to my stomach with worry that Tate will take her number and when he does I
almost throw up. Then I notice that he tosses it into the first garbage can he
passes, never turning back to look at her. He walks over to me lifts me to my
feet, puts his hands in my hair and kisses me like we are the only two people
on the planet. I love this boy.


On Sunday Tate and I are allowed to go to the mall together with Bobby
and Asia who are both acting weird. Bobby is thrilled to have his best friend
back in action and Tate doesn’t know if he should be kissing me or Bobby by the
looks of him. I buy some shorts and t-shirts for camp and Tate makes me model
them all for him. After we shop we eat in the food court and then go to the
movies. I have no clue what the movie was about because Tate and I didn’t watch
any of it.


When we sat down Tate put his arm around me and I kissed him on his hand
that was hanging over my shoulder. I grabbed his hand and kissed each of his
fingers. I took his middle finger and put it into my mouth and sucked it making
him shift in his seat. He holds the back of my head and pulls me in for a kiss.
I can taste the sweet blue raspberry slushy we are sharing and I suck on Tate’s
bottom lip causing it to swell. Tate responds by nipping at my lip and I let
out a soft moan into his mouth that only he can hear.


We spend the next five days either hanging out at the pool with Wendy and
Danny or I tag along with Tate to play mini golf with Jeff and David. Jeff and
David have been hanging out with these younger girls and Tate doesn’t see them
as much anymore. We go to the beach with a group of our friends and hang out at
my house or Tate’s watching TV under our parents close supervision. As much as
I am looking forward to cheer camp I don’t want this time with Tate to end.


But when Saturday comes I’m forced to pack and say good-bye to Tate. I am
seeing him tonight at a party my parents don’t think he’ll be at. They think
I’m going to Wendy’s with all the cheer girls for a going away party for me.
They think it’s a girl’s only party where we are going to do our hair and
giggle the night away. They have no clue it was Wendy’s older sister and not
her mother that spoke to my mom. They don’t know that Wendy’s parents are away
and Tate and a bunch of other boys are coming over and spending the night.
Danny had his older sister pretend to be his mom when Tate’s mom called to
check the story out with her. It worked out perfect that Danny and Wendy’s
parents are away at the same time.

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