Slightly Foxed (39 page)

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Authors: Jane Lovering

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"Don't I get a choice?"

"Well, no." She stood up and smiled. "Because it's my

aunt's house I get first choice, right?"

"Right," I said, "but there are—"

And then I realised, and I smiled too. There were two

doubles, one of which Maria had obviously earmarked for her

own. The other held twin beds. And since I wasn't likely to

share with either Macbeth or Luke, and they wouldn't sleep in

the double, that meant they got the singles. And I got the


"Excellent," I said.

"I put your case in there. Where should we put the dog


"Kitchen. She hates being out on her own."

Norma Jean was scrambling up the steep stairs that led off

from the living room, and I followed her. Up here were the

other two rooms: Maria's large, pretty double and the boys'

twin, which already looked crowded and it only held Macbeth.

"Floral duvets, huh?" I said.

"You don't want to swap?"

I shook my head rapidly. "Can you honestly say you think

it's a good idea for me and Luke to share a room?"

He looked me straight in the eye.

"Yes," he said, "and you know it."


Slightly Foxed

by Jane Lovering

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Slightly Foxed

by Jane Lovering

First impressions can be dead wrong.

Close Quarters

(C) 2008 Denise A. Agnew

Hot Zone Book 4

Neena Williamson is positive the man who just walked into

her favorite cafe is all wrong for the local charity's new hot

male calendar. For starters, he's wearing the most butt-ugly

Hawaiian shirt on the face of the earth. He doesn't fit

anyone's image of a smokin' hardbody, even if her friend

insists he's perfect for Mr. December.

When a gunman robs the cafe, Mr. December proves that

underneath his bad taste in clothes, he knows how to bring it.

Clarksville, Wyoming is the perfect place for Mitch Gilroy to

hide in plain sight. He enjoys his low-key handyman job, and

no one pries into his former life. But in an instant, Mitch is

forced to remember everything he's tried so hard to forget.

Thrown together by sudden violence, Neena and Mitch

quickly discover how tangled their emotions can become. And

the only way to banish the monsters that haunt them is to do

the one thing they fear most. Become vulnerable—to each


Warning: This title contains a hot nekkid calendar boy

shoot, heroic rescues, explicit, multiple orgasmic sex, and

graphic language.

Enjoy the following excerpt for
Close Quarters:


Slightly Foxed

by Jane Lovering

She undid the first button of her utilitarian, short-sleeved

white blouse. She slipped a hand through her hair. It had

started to slide from the artfully arranged bundle at the back

of her head. She removed the brown clip from her hair and

her wavy strands fell about her shoulders. She felt his stare

and dared look up. Undeniable male appreciation sparked in

those mysterious eyes, smoldering with sexual interest.

Hunger. Shocked, she allowed her mouth to drop open, her

gaze locked with his as an unexpected response tumbled and

built within. She didn't expect him to be interested, number

one. Number two, the tight heat coiling in her stomach, the

way her nipples beaded against her bra...oh, boy. Not what

she expected either. Now was so not the time to get aroused.

Neena hastened to speak, to say anything to block her

unwanted and unexpected response. "And I have to thank

you. You kept that creep from taking me with him."

"You're welcome." He sighed, the sound long and weary. "I

vowed I wouldn't be around this shit anymore and now here it


"What shit?"

He shook his head. "Never mind. It's a long story."

"Come on, you can't leave me hanging."

"Don't worry, I'm not a criminal."

"I know."

"How could you know?"

"I...I just know."


"Do you want me to think you're a criminal?"

"Hell, no. Look, I don't like violence."


Slightly Foxed

by Jane Lovering

"Who does?"

"Believe me, there are people who eat it like candy."

"You mean like in books and movies?"

"No. That doesn't bother me. It's not real."

Disturbed on a fundamental level, she backed off. Maybe,

for once, her instincts were wrong. Maybe he lied and he did

like violence. And she was caught in here with him.

No. Her instincts had rarely proved her incorrect. After

another long pause assailed them, she said, "If we're going to

stay here forever, I guess we should make conversation."

"About what?"

"Well, first, we don't know each other's names." She held

out her hand. "I'm Neena Williamson."

He clasped her hand in his warm, large grip. His eyes held

genuine curiosity and a probing intensity that stirred

unidentified insecurities inside her. "Pleased to meet you

Neena. I'm Mitch Gilroy."

Mitch. Well, the name certainly fit. Tall. Strong. She hadn't

expected the name or the strength. Even in high heels, her

five-foot-eight didn't top his height—he was easily six- foot-

three. When he'd held her all along his body, she'd felt his

potential, a tensile strength. Another point shifted within as

Neena allowed her mind to open. Whether she wanted to

admit it or now, she found Handyman attractive.

Mitch wiped his forearm over his forehead. "It's hot in


She wanted to unfasten one more button, but thought the

better of it. "That's for certain."


Slightly Foxed

by Jane Lovering

"Since we're stuck here, tell me this...what brings you to

the coffee shop?"

"Stress. I work in the mayor's office. I'm his executive

assistant. Since he's up for reelection soon, things have

gotten a little...hairy."

He nodded, his gaze assessing once more. "I can

understand why. He's not too popular these days."

She couldn't say too much, though part of her wanted to

express, with perfect vehemence, how much she disliked the

mayor. "I'm looking for a lower stress job."

"Good idea." He lowered his legs and sprawled them in

perfect male abandon. "Most people worry too much."

"Including you?"

He grunted. "Me? Never."

"Never?" She was incredulous. "Everyone has worries. It's

un-American not to worry."

He shrugged. "With the exception of tonight, I've had low

stress for almost two years."

"And before that you had a lot of stress?"

"Yep. More than a lifetime worth."

"You live out in Slanta Forest. That's a beautiful and

tranquil place. I wouldn't mind living there. It's so lush and

the high altitude is fresh. I really like it."

"Yeah, how did you know I live there?" Suspicion laced his

voice, and when she took a chance and looked into his eyes,

she saw it there as well.

"I've lived in Clarksville almost ten years. I hear things.

Don't worry. I'm not some sort of mad stalker."


Slightly Foxed

by Jane Lovering

One of his brows quirked. "Uh-huh. So you didn't know my

name, but you knew where I lived?"

She shifted on the hard floor, none too comfortable

physically or mentally. "My friend Kat who was sitting with me

in the booth told me. She's in real estate."

He leaned his head back against the wall again, and a

strand of almost black hair fell over his forehead. "What else

did she tell you about me?"

"What makes you think she told me anything else?"

His gaze hardened, all sign of the temperate side lost. He

looked unrelenting. A granite stonework determined to learn

answers. "Why were you talking about me in the first place?"

She swallowed hard, an odd embarrassment making her

hesitate. "Because she said you might make a good model for

the charity calendar I'm doing."

Incredulity marched over his face. "What?"

"You know...I mentioned that I'd walked up to Jacob and

introduced myself and told him about the charity calendar and

asked if he'd like to be in it."

"I remember."

The lie rushed out so fast Neena didn't have time to

formulate a background for her fib. "I told Kat you wouldn't

be interested."

He smirked, then big amusement curved his lips and made

him something she hadn't expected yet again...devilishly

handsome. His eyes sparked with humor, his nose was a

patrician haughtiness, his mouth carved to perfection. Yet his

jaw, cut raw and tough, shattered any ideas that he might

qualify as a pretty boy.


Slightly Foxed

by Jane Lovering

"What makes you think I wouldn't be interested?"

From the twinkle in his eyes, Neena couldn't tell if Mitch

was teasing her.

She glanced at his supremely baggy shirt and his pants

and fumbled for a reasonable answer. "Well...the men we pick

have to have a certain look."

He slowly rose to his feet and stared down at her. "Pretty


"Most women are attracted to the tough, rugged types on

these calendars. You know, cops, firefighters, construction




"I do construction when it suits me."

She stayed silent, not sure what to say next.

"You're the be-all-and-end-all of the project and say who

qualifies?" he asked.

"Yes. I'm amazed at how much time it's taking to set it


He crossed his arms. He had nice forearms, lightly dusted

with dark hair. Very nice forearms. "You're the photographer,


"No. We have a photographer lined up, though. I'm just

the chairperson for the charity and said I'd volunteer to find

the men. I locate guys who have good form."

"What if you pick someone who hasn't got good form?"

She crossed her arms, mimicking him in stance

deliberately. It seemed right and defensible. "I'm a woman. I

know a good-looking man when I see one."


Slightly Foxed

by Jane Lovering

"Women's tastes don't vary?"

"Of course." Exasperation colored her voice. "But...God, I

can't believe we're even talking about this at a time like this."

"What should we be talking about? World peace?"

She wrinkled her nose. "Now you're being sarcastic."

"Yeah. I am."

The challenge in his voice stimulated her in a way she

didn't wish to acknowledge. She'd rarely liked sparing with a

man verbally, but Mitch made her want to wrestle him to be

right. A weird excitement danced in her belly, vibrating

outward until she couldn't tell if it was leftover fear from the

robbery or if this man somehow created this feeling within



For a moment her imagination went wacky, and she

visualized rolling over and over with him on a plush bed with

lots of pillows. Naked. Heat rose inside her at the silly

As if.

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Slightly Foxed

by Jane Lovering

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

It's all about the story...









Red Hots!


Science Fiction



Slightly Foxed

by Jane Lovering

Young Adult


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