Snowdonia 1 - Wolf at the Door (10 page)

BOOK: Snowdonia 1 - Wolf at the Door
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Jake knew he’d said too much. His Mate leaned back in her chair and looked away, her jaw tightening as though clamping down on something. He kicked himself inside and forced his wolf to calm. The hound was scratching away inside him, demanding that he take her, claim her, and to hell with the consequences.

“You’re a singer. What’s that like?” He burned to know everything about her but once again, it seemed he’d said the wrong thing.

Her face shuttered and her smile looked polite rather than warm. “It’s hard work. I know everyone has this image of my life, but—”

“I don’t.”

She paused at his interruption.

“I don’t know anything. Tell me.”

She sighed and twisted her fingers together. “There’s this public image of me but in private I’m different. It’s lonely. Nice guys are afraid to approach me, and I always seem to end up with the dickheads and get my heart broken by them. The papers love that.” She examined her fingernails. “Nobody ever takes me seriously.”

She looked at him fully. “Anyway, we’re supposed to be talking about you, so go on—spill the beans.”

He shrugged. “I design and make custom furniture, and I have a workshop out the back. I bought this place as a hovel a couple of years ago and did it up myself, with the help of my Pack.”

She frowned at the word.

“Pack is family to us, even if we’re not actually related.” He sensed wariness in her and decided to lighten the mood. “My name is Jake Bledri. I’m thirty-two and I’m an Aquarius.” He smiled, to try and put her at ease. “When I’m not in my workshop or dealing with Pack matters, I’m out running in the mountains and forests or riding my motorbike.” He gestured to her with his fingers. “Your turn.”

She gave a surprised laugh. “My real name is Lillian Hart but everyone knows me as Ella. I’m twenty-nine and a Virgo. I’m a hopeless romantic who loves singing and dancing, but I also like walking on deserted beaches if I get the chance.” She paused and thought for a moment. Jake watched her toying with her hair and longed to be wrapping her curls around
finger. “I have a weakness for buying shoes.” Her smile, this time, looked more natural. “I get
exercise in the gym and on stage.”

* * * *

To say that Lillian felt confused would be the understatement of the year. She couldn’t decide what freaked her out the most, that Jake could transform at will into a wolf, or that he had snuck into her dreams and seduced her unconscious mind. The third freak-out option was the weirdest of all—the burning attraction that she felt to him—the like of which she’d never known before. Previous lovers paled in comparison. Their dream-sex had been completely off the scale, and a growing part of her wanted to try it for real. If Jake were even half as good in the flesh, he would wipe the floor with her exes.

Her mind drifted as they chatted. Jake kept the conversation light and amusing, and she sensed he was trying to be open and honest. He reassured her she could ask him anything.

She was tired, the day had been long and stressful, and she announced she was going to bed. Jake stood up with her, a determined look on his face and she took a quick breath. He wouldn’t like this. “Jake.” She spoke firmly. “I don’t want you to come into my dreams tonight, okay?”

Disappointment flashed across his eyes, but he nodded. “Can I claim a good-night kiss instead?”

Chapter 28

Lillian was torn.
One kiss
. She worried that once she kissed Jake for real, she wouldn’t be able to resist him. She needed to get her head together. If she slept with Jake now, she would never be sure if he was just her rebound guy. He deserved better than that.

Just one little kiss
, whispered the devil on her shoulder.
You know you want to

Jake watched her, his predatory gaze now making sense. Funny how she’d called him Mr. Wolf before. She stepped forward, unable to stay away, her pulse speeding up in anticipation, every sense on high alert.

Standing before him, Lillian looked up to meet Jake’s eyes and was shaken by the intensity she saw there. The corners of his mouth curled up and then slowly, with the utmost care, he cupped her cheeks with both hands. The breath caught in her throat and her heart stuttered.

He dropped his head and brushed his lips across hers. It was a gentle, butterfly-wing touch, enough to tease, to give her the chance to change her mind. He paused, as though waiting permission from her.
Yes please
, her devil whispered.

She leaned into him and sought his lips with her own. Soft, warm, and gentle, his kiss caressed her mouth, soothing her fractured nerves and coaxing her to respond. His tongue flicked along the seam of her lips, and she opened them to let him in. He didn’t push her, but let her set the pace. She expected his hands to roam but he surprised her there too. He kept them on her face, his thumbs brushing over her cheekbones, all the while ensuring the perfect angle for their lips to meet.

She had kissed a few men in her time, but none had ever made her head spin and her blood heat like Jake. Impatient, she ran her hands through his hair, finding it soft and thick to her touch. He made an approving growl when her nails raked across his scalp, and she pressed herself even closer.

She was on the verge of changing her mind about the guest bedroom when Jake gave her lower lip a little nip and then pulled back.

Still close enough that she felt his breath on her face, he smiled at her. “Good night,
,” he whispered, “See you in the morning.”

* * * *

Jake’s wolf was upset. It scratched at him and whined as he heard his Mate moving around upstairs. The toilet flushed, faucets turned on and off, and he caught a whiff of her scent when the bathroom door opened. It threatened to drive him mad. Dear God, how would he survive the night with her under the same roof? He wanted her with an urgency that he struggled to control. He contemplated shifting and going for a long and exhausting run in the snow, and discarded the idea. Leave her here all alone? Not a chance.

The kiss had almost unhinged him. It had taken every atom of self-restraint to stop when he did. He’d been able to smell her desire. Her nipples had hardened into little peaks when she pressed against him. She wanted him, so why did she push him away? It made his wolf miserable.

More soft noises drifted down from her bedroom. He visualized her stripping and putting on those cute, fluffy pajamas, then sliding into bed, her hair trailing down her back. He groaned and his wolf growled in frustration. He needed to do something,
, to keep himself occupied. He didn’t think it would be physically possible for him to sleep with her so close, and so unattainable.

He had a flicker of inspiration. The Christmas decorations. He had some boxed in his garage and a potted fir tree sitting on the back patio, courtesy of his parents. They’d brought them around a week ago. He never bothered with Christmas as a rule, but he’d never had a Mate before, and she might like him to make the effort.

Thinking of his parents, he felt an ache at the prospect of telling them his news. They would be disappointed. Sasha was right. Mating with a human would change things for the Bledris in years to come. He’d just have to make sure he trained up a good young wolf to replace him when the time came.

An hour later, the potted fir tree stood in the corner of the lounge, and he’d unearthed the box of decorations. There was a bright assortment of colored baubles and tinsel for the tree, along with some shiny garlands and tinsel that could go on the walls or hang from the ceiling. Totally intent on his task, he almost missed the soft footstep behind him.

Her scent hit him at the same time as she cleared her throat. He spun around to see her standing in the doorway, one hand leaning on the frame. Fluffy pajamas—yep, he got that right. His cock hardened at the memory of what lay beneath them. Her expression was serious and alarm shot through him.

, is something the matter?”

Chapter 29

Lillian stared at Jake, on his hands and knees on the floor. She remembered when she’d stripped for him and he’d knelt and licked inside her thigh… She felt a surge of moisture between her legs. That hadn’t been real. This was. She took a step toward him and sought her voice. “I thought I heard a noise.” She noticed what he’d been doing. “You’re decorating?”
Well, duh

“I am,” he agreed quietly, still looking every bit the predator. Lillian hauled in a shaky breath. How could she explain that she’d gone looking for him and found his bed untouched? That she’d been unable to stay away from him? She didn’t want to be hurt again. Could she trust him?

“It’s late. Are wolves nocturnal?”

She took another step. When Jake held out a hand, she closed the distance and took it, twining their fingers together.

“I couldn’t sleep.” He waved a hand at the decorations lined up along the floor. “I wanted to surprise you in the morning. I’m sorry if I woke you.” He squeezed her fingers and flashed her that wolfish smile she recognized from her dreams. “And no, we’re not nocturnal. Neither do we howl at the moon.” He winked. “Not often, anyway.”

The warmth from his hand felt as though it traveled up her arm, heating her inside, and softening her brittle shell. He looked so appealing. “You weren’t in bed,” she blurted and felt her cheeks color under his scrutiny.

“Were you going to join me,
, that voice. The lilting accent made her weak at the knees, or was that just her proximity to him? Her mouth so dry she feared she’d never speak again, Lillian nodded. Jake blinked, inhaled a long, deep breath and caught her other hand, drawing her next to him. “Let’s go to bed.”


With his wolf roaring in delight, Jake scrambled to his feet and swept up his Mate in his arms. Suddenly everything seemed right in his world. Her little noise of surprise faded quickly, and an amused smile spread across her face—her nose crinkling and all her freckles dancing. He dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose and hurried up the stairs, afraid she might change her mind again.

She was light to carry—
doesn’t eat enough
—and Jake’s thoughts jumped in another direction. He was a big, strong Alpha and she was so fragile. Would he be too much for her? Too rough? Wolves were not known for their delicate lovemaking. He would take it slow, treat her with the reverence she deserved. His wolf disagreed, but he was determined to stay in control.

They reached his room and he laid her gently on the bed, expecting her to let go. Instead, she tightened her arms around his neck and sought his lips. He groaned at her taste, his cock throbbing the moment her tongue flicked inside his mouth. Right now he could hammer nails with his dick, he was so hard.

He eased onto the bed to kneel over her, straddling her thighs and she clung to him, squeezing him even closer. “God, Jake. I want you so much.” She slid her hands down his back creating ripples of pleasure that spread across his body. She tugged at his T-shirt, yanking it up, and he felt soft fingers dance up his spine.
What happened to taking it slow?
He pulled back momentarily, just enough to drag his T-shirt over his head, and she used the separation to wriggle out of her own top.

He paused, wanting to savor the moment. Her breasts were small and soft, the nipples a beautiful shade of rose.
. His mouth dry, he skated his knuckles down the side of her left breast and watched as the nipple firmed to his touch.

Lillian’s breathing hitched, and he smiled when she dug her hands into his bare shoulders. He repeated the gesture with her right breast, skimming the gentle curve and drawing another gasp.
So sensitive
. Unable to resist, he dropped his head and closed his mouth around one swollen bud. She arched her back and scraped her nails across his skin, making his wolf growl with delight. He could smell her arousal, her musk filling the bedroom. Holding back would be a problem. With every second that passed, his need for her shot higher, a hunger that roared inside him.

An appetite that only she could satisfy.

Chapter 30

There were probably a dozen reasons why Lillian shouldn’t be having sex with Jake, but in that moment, with his mouth teasing and torturing her nipples, she didn’t care. The only thing that she cared about was getting him inside her, as soon as humanly possible. Her mind spun in circles as he licked and suckled, but when he rasped his teeth along the edge of her breast she focused.

“Condom,” she cried, finding her voice, albeit as a squeak. “Do you have one? If you haven’t, there are some in my bag.”

He released her nipple and blew across the damp flesh. It made her tingle all over. “I think I have some in the bathroom”

She didn’t want to let go of him for even a minute. “Why don’t you keep them in the bedside cabinet like everyone else?”

His eyes seemed to glow in the soft lighting. “Perhaps,
, because I haven’t brought a woman back to my bed before.” He stole her surprised reply with a kiss that seriously affected her ability to think. She clutched at him, but he slipped free and strode into an adjoining room. She took the opportunity to ogle his firm butt, nicely displayed in tight jeans, and the broad expanse of rippling muscle across his wide shoulders.

The front view of him, shirtless, was equally breathtaking. A light dusting of dark hair arrowed down into his jeans, leading her focus to the impressive bulge. He paused in the doorway, a satisfied smile on his face and flicked at the top button of his jeans. Lillian swallowed and then met his stare. Pure predator. And she was the quarry. He stalked back to the bed, eating her up with his eyes.

“Take off your pants,
.” His voice sounded more husky than before, as though he was losing the veneer of civilization. As though she was releasing the animal in him. She matched his grin with one of her own and tucked her thumbs inside the waistband, playing with the top of her pajama pants, but not taking them off.

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