Society Girls: Neveah

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Authors: Crystal Perkins

BOOK: Society Girls: Neveah
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Society Girls:

Book #2 of Society Girls


By Crystal Perkins

Copyright © 2016 by Crystal Perkins


Cover Design by Helen Williams


Ebook Formatting by Jesse Gordon


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About Society Girls:

Other Books by Crystal

Praise for Books by
Crystal Perkins




























Author’s Note and
Bonus Scene


About the

About Society Girls: Neveah

The gun-shy woman is trusting the well-known
player to help her face her fears, but is he the one she should be
afraid of?


Ever since her father was killed in an
accidental shooting, Neveah Ayoub has never wanted to touch a gun,
much less shoot one. She’ll have to do both if she wants to become
a full agent in the Society, the secret group of female spies led
by her friend Reina Corrigan. When basketball superstar Dylan
Gallagher offers to help her, she ends up facing more than she
bargained for—both personally, and professionally.


Dylan Gallagher made a promise as a
teenager, and it’s one he’s not going to break, even if it means
hurting the woman he’s falling in love with. Neveah is the tie that
binds his past to his future, and even when he tries to do the
right thing, he’ll risk them both in his quest for honor.


In a battle of love vs. loyalty, will lies
and deception win, or can family and forgiveness give everyone a
shot at happiness?

Other Books by Crystal Perkins

The Griffin Brothers series

Gaming For Love (The Griffin Brothers #1)

Building Our Love (The Griffin Brothers

Creating A Love (The Griffin Brothers #3)

Learning To Love (The Griffin Brothers

Designing The Love (The Griffin Brothers

Working On Love (The Griffin Brothers #6)

Keeping Their Love (The Griffin Brothers


Corrigan & Co. series

Fielding Her SECRET (Corrigan & Co.,

Devouring the SECRET (Corrigan & Co.,

Rocking a SECRET (Corrigan & Co., #3)

Lessons in SECRET (Corrigan & Co.,

Uncovering His SECRET (Corrigan & Co.,

Training the SECRET (Corrigan & Co.,

Inheriting a SECRET (Corrigan & Co.,

Tending Their SECRET (Corrigan & Co.,

Playing in SECRET (Corrigan & Co.,

Loving My SECRET (Corrigan & Co.,

Society Weddings (a Corrigan & Co.


Society Girls

Society Girls: Sierra (Society Girls, #1)


Other books

Never Fear-Phobias Horror Anthology

(Chronophobia short story)

Never Fear-Christmas Terrors Anthology

(Silent Fright short story)

Praise for Books by Crystal Perkins

“People should be free to
love whoever their heart leads them, too. And this author did a
great job of presenting a passionate love between 2 people who are
seen as different from each other as dictated by society, but this
difference wasn't a part of the love they share. Ms. Perkins did an
admirable job of dealing with the issue (and other issues) as a non
issue, if that makes sense.” —DianeM, Amazon Reviewer,
Creating A Love


“I love this series!!!!!!
Crystal has the amazing ability to bring her characters to life. I
laugh with them, I hurt with them, I smile with them, and I cry
with them.” —Jessica, Amazon reviewer,
Griffin Brothers series


“I love how Crystal makes
the characters feel like real people.” —Tami, Amazon
Learning To Love


“This is a lovely romance
story that has a sexy sizzle to it but it's funny as well as it is
somewhat edgy. I like that the hero has money but it's not the
focal point in this story. I love that the heroine has problems but
they are not so insurmountable that they take over the story. This
is good old-fashioned romance done with a modern day twist. Well
Done.” —Kindle Customer, Amazon Reviewer,
Gaming For Love


“I found this book on Amazon
yesterday and loved the cover. I read the synopsis and knew I had
to get it. So I purchased it and started to read it right away. Oh
my, I could not put the book down. I got so wrapped up in the story
I was afraid to put my Kindle down or I would miss a part.” —Amazon
Gaming For Love


“I thought this was a
fantastic start to a series, and kind of first book of a series
that makes you want to rush out and buy each additional book in the
series. The premise of a strong group of women working together to
help other women in need was pretty awesome. I loved how C0rrigan
& Co was a secret covert company along the same lines as the
underground railroad but it saved women from sticky situations or
abusive relationships.” —Aubrey, Romancing the Book blog,
Fielding Her SECRET


“I had so many different
emotions while reading. I was rooting people, wanting kick people,
wanting to rip some peoples clothes off, laughing while reading,
gasping out loud. Seriously, I read this like a crazy person. So
much happened that I was not mentally prepared for. There were so
many shockers while reading this I could not even think about
putting the book down.” —Sabrina, Amazon Reviewer,
Devouring the SECRET


“Love this book the suspense
and sex is EPIC.” —Teresa Jensen, Amazon Reviewer,
Rocking a SECRET


“Perkins breathes life into
their characters and has the reader feeling their agony, pain, and
even their love for one-another. I enjoy reading her books and
learning more and more about each of the people that make up this
secretive group.” —Dayreader Reviews,
Corrigan & Co. series


“In the end I am somehow
proud of you Crystal Perkins. How you portrayed Ellie and her and
Aiden love. I know I have no right to be, and it's really not my
place to say but I am proud I read it and I recommend it to all
women so they can see how strong We can be.” —Marta Bukoswka,
Goodreads Reviewer,
Tending Their


“The story flowed well and
kept my attention throughout. There was one part I was totally not
expecting to happen. I love when that happens.” —Lisa Dess, Girls
With Books blog,
Training Her


“Wow this story! There are
some stories and characters that leave you speechless, breathless
and at times slightly broken, and Loving my SECRET Matt &
Reina's story is definitely one of them!” -Vicki Plant, Goodreads
Loving My SECRET


“I laughed I cried and there
many times that I wanted to throw my device.” —Mallory, Goodreads
Loving My SECRET


“Perkins gives the reader a
quick peak into the Weddings of the amazing ladies in the society.
What a fun roller coaster ride it was.” —Taz Lozada, Goodreads
Society Weddings


“Totally loved this book as
I did with all of crystals book previous to this with their well
written gripping story lines brilliant characters a must read
really can't wait for the next in series.” — Sassylady33, Amazon
Society Girls: Sierra


The Corrigan & Co. Foundation is a cover
for the Society, a group of women helping to rid the world of evil,
and right ever wrong that they can. Originally founded by five
powerful women, leadership of this secret group is now in the hands
of Reina Corrigan, and her nine friends. The ten veterans are
training ten new agents, from all walks of life, to replace them in
the field. Just like those before them, the new recruits will need
to find a way to balance falling in love with honoring their
commitment, and passing their rigorous training. The Society isn’t
just a job, it’s a way of life. Training is necessary, loyalty is
non-negotiable, and failure is never an option!

For everyone whose faith is
by people using it as a shield for their hate.

The Beginning

Over a year ago



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