Soldiers of Chaos- Chaos Abounds: Book 1 in the Soldiers of Chaos series (29 page)

BOOK: Soldiers of Chaos- Chaos Abounds: Book 1 in the Soldiers of Chaos series
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He did. She was so far gone that she didn't have the energy to tense as something smallish and smooth slid inside her. Fuck. Her body jolted as the object began vibrating.
That sweet burn that always led her to release began to flood through her again. She strained harder her body clawing its way towards bliss. Please god let it happen this time. Nikki reached the edge and hung there in limbo. It wasn't enough she needed something else. Cole's fingers slid inside her slick passage filling her up and massaging that sweet spot inside her. Oh god. Her body convulsed as that sweet burn turned to bright white fire and her world exploded. She cried out her voice hoarse from over use and a white light burned behind her eyes. Her mind exited her body drifting somewhere far above her as she was reduced to a puddle of quivering sexual bliss. "Good girl Angel." She was vaguely aware of him shifting around on the bed as she continued to float on a cloud of exhaustion and satisfaction. He freed her limbs from her bindings then proceeded to clean her with a warm wet cloth. She whimpered and shifted away as it dragged across her over-sensitized flesh. "Sssshhhh I know Angel I'll be quick." She relaxed again and true to his word he hurriedly wiped away her juices then picked her up carrying her upstairs to his room. He lay her on the bed coming to rest next to her "Sleep now Angel." The thought crossed her mind that he hadn't found his own release, she hadn't even touched him. "What about you?" She mumbled sleepily blindly reaching out for his body. He grasped her hand and bought it to his lips. "My sweet, sweet Angel. Don't you worry about me my greatest pleasure is giving you pleasure." She opened her eyes momentarily and her heart stopped. Awe and love, pure and naked flashed in his beautiful green eyes. She was already harboring deliriously warm and fuzzy feelings towards him but that look; it put her over the edge. Words whispered through her foggy brain. "Cole I" her words faltered as she realized what was about to come out of her mouth. His finger hit her lips quieting her "Sssshhhhh Angel I know. Go to sleep." She drifted off into lala land.


Her sleep was filled with dreams. Images from her past and her present mashing together in a scrambled mix that left her head spinning. But it was the most recent memory that set her world askew. The bit where she nearly told Cole she loved him. What the hell was she thinking? More importantly what the hell was she feeling? It had to have been the buzz she was flying on. That and the fucked up emotional roller coaster she'd been riding ever since Sheila. She couldn't love him; she was addicted to him that much she knew. The man was the medicine for what ailed her, but love? Nikki rolled onto her side groggily opening her eyes. Shit. Cole was lying on his side next to her his head propped up on one hand his intense gaze fixed on her. “Morning Angel or should I say afternoon?” What? She glanced over at the bedside clock. Jeez it was already 5:00 in the afternoon. She’d whiled the day away in bed when she should’ve been sorting out her shit. “You know you talk in your sleep?” That comment threw her right off. She did? What the hell had she said? Her eyes came back to him and he was smiling at her cheekily. Had she said those words in her sleep? “Really? What did I say?” “By that deer in the headlights look I’d say you already know what you said but don’t worry Angel I can wait till you’re ready to say it. I already know anyway I’ve seen it in your eyes.” No he hadn’t, had he? He couldn’t have. He shook his head in amusement “Like I said when you’re ready.”


“Now as much as I’d love to stay and work on those feelings of yours I have to go to work Angel.” It was then that Nikki realized he was dressed in a black dress shirt, grey suit pants and vest. Her eyes swept over him and she had to admit she was not immune to the tightly controlled sexual animal buttoned up in that suit. She was badly addicted to him and she knew it. The low growl emanating from his chest brought her eyes back to his face. Cole’s hand fisted her hair tight and pulled her head back his mouth crashing down on hers with such ferocity it took her breath. Their tongues dueled until the air between them sizzled with sexual desire. Cole broke off the kiss and rested his forehead against her “Oh Angel What you do to me.” He tore himself away from her “I have a meeting to get to and I’m already late.” Nikki shook herself free of the lust haze surrounding her and flung off the covers “That’s fine I’ve got things to take care of anyway.” Cole turned to her “Such as?” She stood up searching for her clothes “Well Lenny for a start and I can’t do that lying in your bed.” She felt the air in the room turn icy the instant the words were out of her mouth. She looked up at him, his eyes turned hard. Damn. He crossed the space between them in three quick steps grasping her chin with bruising force “You will not leave this complex at any time for anything unless it’s with me do you understand?” For crying out loud she didn’t need another fucking keeper that was part of the reason for not being at the clubhouse. “How the hell am I supposed to sort this bullshit if I can’t even leave the fucking building?” “You don’t need to. My people will handle this.” “'Cause they did such a good job the first time.” As soon as she said it she balked. His fingers tightened on her face. Why the hell couldn’t she keep her mouth shut? “You push me Angel I’ll chain you to the bed it certainly won’t worry me in fact I think I’d enjoy knowing you were here tied naked to the bed waiting for me.”


“Fine. I won’t leave the complex but I don’t like sitting on my ass doing nothing.” His grip on her face slowly eased “No one said you had to sit on your ass you have the run of my place. Anything you want to do within these walls you do it, anything you want to have it’s yours. Gamble, dance, eat, shop, whatever you want it’s on me.” No girl in her right mind would ever refuse an offer like that but Nikki hated to think of herself as being bought or kept. She worked for and earned everything she owned. “C’mon Angel let me make up for the mistakes I made with Lenny. Go spoil yourself on me.” He was right he did owe her for the cock up he’d made of this whole Lenny thing. So maybe she had earned this “Ok.” He smiled slowly at her “Good. I’ll let Carla know that she is to be at your beck and call that your every whim is to be catered to, as long as it can be done within the complex that is.” Of course he had to get the last word; he wouldn’t be him if he didn’t. “Now I have to go.” He donned his jacket and took her by the hand leading her out to the main room. “Here is Carla’s number and Roger’s and of course you have mine. If there’s anything you need you call Carla, anyone bothers you call Roger, you get in serious trouble you call me.” He waited for her to respond. “Yes Sir.” Despite her sarcasm Cole smiled at her that sexy smirk of his. “Love those words Angel but let’s save them for the play room shall we, out here Cole will do fine.” His pocket buzzed distracting him “I’ll see you later Angel.” He kissed her briefly then disappeared out the door. She stared at the piece of paper in her fingers. After entering Roger’s and Carla’s numbers into her phone, even though she swore she would not be ringing that bitch any time soon, she moved back upstairs in need of a shower and some clean clothes.


She emerged from the bathroom to find her clothes from the night before had been cleaned and left neatly on the armchair in the corner of the room. She dressed in her jeans, singlet and sneakers, a little too casual for the Casino, she’d have to get a new outfit. She traipsed downstairs her stomach growling, something to eat first then. Nikki slipped through the front door and into the lobby. “Evening Miss Jones.” A voice from across the lobby startled her. It was Roger. “Jesus Roger you certainly know how to get a girl’s adrenalin going.” “Sorry about that Miss Jones” his cheeky smile told her he was anything but sorry “Mister Cole asked me to show you around the complex he said you might need some things.” Of course Mister Cole did. She couldn’t even walk around the complex without a bloody escort. “I don’t think a babysitter was on the list” she couldn’t hide the exasperation from her tone. “He’s only concerned about your safety.” Sure he was that and it didn’t hurt to have someone able to report back to him on her activities at all times. “Fine but I hope you’re prepared to be bored shitless while I eat, shop, drink and dance as ordered.” Roger smirked at her again “Don’t forget about gamble plus I don’t think you could ever be boring Miss Jones. Now if you’re ready Miss Ross is waiting downstairs for us.” Oh goody won’t this be fun hanging with the bitch on heels. Then again Cole did say she was to be at Nikki’s beck and call so perhaps this would be a little bit more entertaining than she thought. “Well we don’t want to keep Carla waiting now do we” her voice dripped with sarcasm and Roger smiled at her gesturing towards the elevator. “Like I said Miss Jones, never a boring moment.”


Carla Ross stood in the middle of the hotel lobby the picture of professionalism in her skirt suit and heels. It was only the hatred in her eyes that gave her away and that just made Nikki’s smile wider and brighter. “How wonderful to see you again Carla” she made sure her voice was saccharine sweet. “Miss Jones” Carla’s response was short and her tone neutral. Nikki could tell she was fighting to keep her temper at bay. “Mister Cole has instructed me to ensure that your needs were accommodated while you’re here in the complex.” Her needs were accommodated? Her needs hey? “First I’d like something to eat. Perhaps I’ll take that table at Azure that I didn’t get to dine at the other night.” Carla looked her up and down; perhaps Nikki wasn’t appropriately dressed for the Azure. Well she couldn’t give a shit. “Will that be a problem for you Carla?” Carla’s eyes found Nikki’s face and her distaste was barely veiled. “No of course not, please follow me.” Nikki glanced over at Roger the corner of his mouth lifted in amusement. Nikki followed Carla to the Azure and through the restaurant as the other patrons eyed her in much the same way Carla had. She honestly couldn’t give a shit and it seemed to make Carla more uncomfortable so let them look. She was ushered to a private booth at the rear of the restaurant. It was partitioned off with some beautiful wooden screens with turquoise patterned inlays. No one could see her from here. “What was wrong with the main part of the restaurant? No tables?” Carla ground her teeth “There aren’t any tables left on the main floor and I thought you’d be more comfortable in a private booth.” The sneer that accompanied her comment made Nikki want to slap her. “What a shame? Oh well this will have to do then.”


Nikki slid into the booth "You going to join me Roger?" Roger began to shake his head. "C'mon Roger the main door's got two men on it, there are no more than forty patrons in here and the nearest is ten feet away in the third booth. There are about ten staff through the front and four on the bar and what another ten in the kitchen and I'm guessing you screen them all before they start. The kitchen entry is another twenty feet from us and the staff exit is just around this partition to the right. The only way in here is through that little gap there and you sit on my right you can cover that easily from there." Roger raised his eyebrows at her and Carla seemed quite alarmed. "You are full of surprises Miss Jones." "Does that mean you're gonna take a seat? A man's gotta eat you know." He smiled widely at her and took the seat she suggested. "What do you feel like? I'm thinking a burger and fries. How 'bout you?" "I'm pretty sure Burger and fries aren't on the menu here Miss Jones." "Well I'm sure Carla here can twist the chef's arm and get us what we want. What do you think Carla?" Carla was looking positively disturbed at the idea and this made Nikki very happy. "I'll go speak with the chef." She turned away rather abruptly. "Make it two Carla" Nikki called out to her departing form. Roger was grinning from ear to ear "You know I've never liked that woman. She's been trying to get her claws into Mister Cole ever since she started here. She's manipulative and completely self-serving. I'd like nothing more than to see the back of her but Mister Cole just doesn't see it." Cole had seemed surprised when she suggested Carla wanted in his pants. She had to agree with Roger about wanting to see the back of her.


They got their burger and chips and ate in companionable silence. The food was good, actually good was an understatement, it was amazing. Best thing she'd ever eaten and considering she hadn't even ordered off the menu she could only imagine what the other meals were like. Carla hovered around outside the booth the stink of festering anger rolling off her. Nikki wasn't finished with the woman yet not by a long shot. "Where to next Miss Jones?" Roger asked as their dishes were cleared from the table. "I'm thinking a new outfit might be in order. Let's go shopping." Carla smiled fakely at them and led the way towards the shopping area inside the complex. She led them past the designer and high end stores to the everyday consumer stores and with a smug smile on her face directed her towards a boutique on the left "I'm sure we can find you something appropriate in here." What a bitch. "Oh Carla really I wouldn't have thought low end boutiques were your style. Me I'm more of a high end girl and I spotted a Bien Savvy boutique back there so while you're more than welcome to stick with what your familiar with I'm going start there." Carla stiffened with pent up fury her fists white knuckling the smart phone in her hand. The woman was barely holding it together. Nikki turned and headed back towards Bien Savvy with Roger beside her and Carla stomping along behind them. The woman was too easy to rile up. They entered Bien Savvy and a male attendant approached Carla "How can I help you today Miss Ross?" The question came complete with a French accent. "It's not me you'll be helping. Miss Jones here needs some assistance with her wardrobe" Carla emphasised the word assistance. "Miss Jones I'm Jacques. What is it we can do for you?" "Well Jacques I think I'm in the mood for dark chocolate. Do you think you can help me?" Jacques smiled broadly "Indeed I can if you'll follow me to dressing room one I shall fetch you your dark chocolate."

BOOK: Soldiers of Chaos- Chaos Abounds: Book 1 in the Soldiers of Chaos series
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