Soldiers of Chaos- Chaos Abounds: Book 1 in the Soldiers of Chaos series (32 page)

BOOK: Soldiers of Chaos- Chaos Abounds: Book 1 in the Soldiers of Chaos series
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That was the one and only time she'd seen him "I never saw you again." "No. That was the night my mum died and my dad sent me to a fancy boarding school, he couldn't have some fifteen year old kid running around getting in his way." That was one hell of a fucked out life he had. "I often thought about the fearless girl with the stormy eyes. Wondering what had happened to you? If you were still as fierce and beautiful?" A few more steps towards her and he was close enough to reach out and touch her. "When did you know?" "That you were you? That first night. Your face hasn't changed much; your hair colour was right and your name. Then when you opened your eyes I knew for certain." This was a little fucking weird even for her. What the hell was she supposed to do with this information? Cole reached out and placed a hand on her arm. She looked at it then followed the length of his arm with her eyes till she was looking into those other-worldly green eyes of his. "I know you must be thinking how strange this all is but I think you and I were destined to be on this path. Circumstances took away the opportunity for me then and put you back in my life when we both needed it most. You and I we are a match, two sides of the same coin. No one can understand you like I do the same as no one can understand me like you do." She stared at him in silence. He'd caught her off guard with this little trip down memory lane and she didn't know what to do with all this information. "Don't think, just feel." Cole's eyes smouldered as the dark inside him came forth. This is what they had in common, what tied them together.


His other hand came out and snagged her shirt pulling it out of her grasp. In seconds her body was plastered against his, his hand in her hair and his tongue in her mouth in that branding kiss of his. He was right. This thing between them felt as right as it was wrong and there was no escaping it no matter how much she wanted to. As she began to respond to his kiss with her own dark need. Cole picked her up planting her ass on the table in the sitting area of the bedroom. Her hands went to his chest fingertips tracing down over the ridges of those beautiful abs heading straight for the prize. The growl that erupted out of him when her hand closed around his shaft hit her straight in the clit. The man was an animal, a dark and dangerous predator and it thrilled her that she was his prey. Cole pushed her down onto the table causing her to lose her grip on him. He reached for her jeans flicking the buttons undone as quickly as possible before wrenching them off in one smooth move. She was naked and spread out on the table before him like a meal awaiting its consumption. And consume her he did. His head went straight between her legs, his lips capturing the prize while he sucked and licked at it with his tongue. She was going to hit her first orgasm in no time flat. She began to squirm and writhe as waves of pleasure spread through her body. Cole's hands pinned her hips to the table and he growled a warning "move again and I'll stop." Fuck how could she not move the man was amazing. She took a deep breath and mentally chastised her body.


Cole dove back into her sex eating her like a starving man who hadn't had a meal in weeks. She bit her lip hard and strained every muscle she had trying to remain still as Cole drove right to the peak. The first wave of ecstasy hit and she lost control of her own movements but apparently movement was allowed when coming because Cole just held on and worked her through it. Her teeth bit through the soft flesh of her lip as his teeth suddenly caught her clit and she cried out in both pain and pleasure as the second wave had her seeing stars that exploded and swept through her entire body in a tingling rush only to come back to her clit and explode again. Then Cole was inside her setting that brutal pace of his that dragged her body's response along in its wake. He leaned down over her capturing her mouth with his and she could still taste her arousal on his tongue. He changed his angle slightly deepening his thrust and rutted against her. "Oh god" the words came out on a rush of air as he released her mouth. "Hhhhmmm I think I like that maybe I'll have you call me god from now on." She would've laughed if he hadn't reared up taken hold of her hips and powered through several long strokes. "Fuck." His face went from sexy smirk to possessive master as her inner muscles began to flutter around his cock signalling her impending orgasm. "Tell me Angel" that growling demand nearly had her barreling over the edge. "You own me. All of me" she barely got the words out before his fingers had found her clit and the duel sensations banished any and all thoughts from her brain. That sweet burn raged through her body taking over every inch of her. It was like a tsunami, breaking over her and drowning her in sweet euphoria. She heard him hiss through clenched teeth "I love you" before his own climax took over.


As they both took a moment to catch their breath Cole's phone began to ring. He ignored it as he stroked Nikki's hair back from her face and leaned down to kiss her. His tongue tangled slowly with hers as his phone rang and stopped for the second time. He broke the kiss and stared down at her "I never thought I'd have this with anyone." The sound of the door intercom ringing broke the moment "For fucks sake." Cole slowly slid out of her and pulled her into a standing position "Sorry Angel. I'll be right back." He kissed her again gently then grabbed a pair of cotton boxers, jeans and a shirt from the dresser and went for the door while dressing himself. He paused just before he ducked out the door "Don't move." It was an order and one she intended on obeying given the dark glint in his eye when he said it. She listened as the door phone ringing was joined by loud knocking on the front hall doors. Whoever it was had better have a damn good reason for the carry on or Cole was going to throttle them. Oh well not her problem. She heard the hall door open and Roger's voice drifted up towards her. She couldn't hear exactly what he was saying just the mumbled tones of his voice. But she heard Cole loud and clear "He's fucking dead!" She heard his footsteps coming back up the stairs towards the bedroom. The door flung open and Cole went for the cupboard with single minded determination. He opened the doors and pulled out some shoes and socks. "What's wrong?"


He looked up in surprise as if in the sixty seconds or so he'd been gone from the room he'd forgotten she existed. "Play time's over. I have something I have to deal with, now. Don't leave the apartment. Understand?" He pulled a pistol already in hip holster from the cupboard. What the hell was going on? Was this his shit or hers he was dealing with? "Is it Lenny? Cause if it is I" she didn't get any further than that. Cole turned on her his eyes filled with dark menace his voice all harsh growl "You will do as your fucking told and stay in the apartment till I say otherwise do you understand me?" Nikki narrowed her eyes at him and couldn't help the defiant tone that snuck into her voice "Yeah I understand." Cole stared at her hard "Where's your pass card?" He knew her too well. He was gonna take her only way out. "Don't know." "Don't waste my time Nikki you'll regret it later." Oh it was Nikki now. She must be in big trouble. She actually couldn't remember. She'd used it when they returned from shopping then she'd out it on the kitchen counter and in all the rush she couldn't remember had she left it there or had she put it in that clutch. "In the purse?" Cole asked as he headed for the clutch. Shit she must've flicked her eyes to it when she was trying to remember. Cole rummaged through it and came out with the door card. Fuck. There goes her freedom. He slid the card into his pocket "Now you will stay put and when I get back I'm going to whip that insolent little ass of yours." She despised her body as a shiver of arousal swept through her at his words. His smirk was pure evil as he turned and left the apartment slamming the door behind him.


Nikki jumped into the shower in an attempt to distract herself from her own anger and frustration. She turned the water on hot and scrubbed the scent of that infuriating asshole off her body. After ten minutes she gave up and retreated to the bedroom slipping back into her old clothes. So she was just supposed to sit around here and wait huh? She wanted to scream. She located her phone on a charging dock in the lounge area and turned it on. Jesus Christ. She had seventy three missed calls, her voicemail was full and she had twenty four texts. She cleared all the missed calls and dove into her mailbox first. She was surprised to hear the first one was from Cole. It must've been when Lenny attacked the clubhouse. His voice was tight as he asked her to pick up her phone or he was coming to get her. Well he'd done that in the end anyway. She deleted it and moved on. There was one from King telling her she was his little girl and family worked shit out together and if she didn't get her ass back to the clubhouse she'd be pulling pleb duties with the prospects. It nearly had her in tears. Then there was one from Alex which was extremely awkward to listen to. He voiced his regrets about not fighting harder for her, not taking her away from this life earlier and for not being able to protect her. Another one was Jess yelling about Trace searching her house and how the hell had they lost her again and next time she decided to disappear could she inform Jess so she could make sure she was outta town when the boys came looking. The rest of course were from Trace and Tex and she couldn't bear to listen to any of them. She knew the drill anyway Tex would be giving her shit about being a selfish bitch and Trace would be begging to come back and let them help. All that amounted to was guilt. So much fucking guilt.


She needed to get out of there and bad but she was trapped. The light outside had faded into night. She glanced up at the clock in the lounge. Cole had been gone for only forty five minutes and still Nikki felt like it had been hours. This wasn't her. All this sit around and wait bullshit. She wasn’t happy to be the bird in the gilded cage type. She needed to find a way out other than the elevator. Surely there had to be a fire escape in this place. The intercom phone rang interrupting Nikki's thoughts. She frowned at it. Who the hell would be ringing? Cole had a key and so did Roger. "Hello." "Miss Jones. It's Carla. Mister Cole sent me to collect you." Oh joy. The charming Miss Carla Ross had been sent to collect her like she was a child in need of an adult to hold her hand. Nikki pocketed her phone and opened the door. "What's going on?" Carla had on her most polite and professional smile. "Mister Cole has asked me to escort you to the parking garage." Why the hell would he want her to go to the parking garage for? "What for?" "He is concerned for your safety wishes to move you to a more secure location." What the hell could be more secure than a room in a massive building filled with cameras and guards that only he had the door key for? "Where is he taking me Fort Knox?" Carla frowned at her clearly the woman was growing impatient with her questions "He didn't give me that information." And why would he? Nikki looked the woman up and down. She didn't like the thought of going anywhere with Carla Ross especially if it required being shut in a confined space, such as an elevator, with her. The whole thing felt off. "Fine. Wait while I get my shoes." She closed the door in Carla's face and ran back upstairs to the bedroom. She grabbed her boots and a clunking sound inside one of them reminded her that her switchblade lay inside. Nikki pushed her feet into her boots and slid the knife back down the side of her right one. You could never have too much protection right? And on that note she reached into the bedside table and pulled out her Glock sliding it into the waist band of her jeans at the small of her back. She was ready now.


Nikki moved back downstairs to the door quickly hoping the bitch might've disappeared and been replace by Cole or even Roger. She opened the door and no such luck "Right. Let's go." They stepped into the elevator together and the tension was palpable. Nikki kept her mouth shut and leaned against the back wall. Carla used her security card to select the private parking garage. As soon as the car was moving she spoke "So Miss Jones how have you enjoyed your stay with us?" Her voice dripped with sarcasm. So we're flipping to bitch mode are we? Well two can play at that game "It's been amazing actually. Just between us girls Marcus is one hell of a lover. Generous to a fault. I mean the amount of times he made me come. Let's just say I am one lucky girl." Nikki watched as the back of Carla's neck turned red and her hands balled into fists. She was one pissed off woman. "You think you're all that don't you?" Nikki wasn't sure if she heard right. "Excuse me?" "You're no different than the others." The woman was fucking mental. Nikki checked the screen at the top of the elevator ten more floors. "What the hell are you talking about?" "Just because he gives you his dick and dresses you up in pretty clothes doesn't mean you’re special to him. You're just the latest in the long line of easily disposable sluts that Marcus abuses for his amusement." Was she fucking serious? One more word out of that bitches mouth and Nikki was gonna deck her, consequences be damned. "Not that it matters anymore because he won't be seeing you again." "What the fuck are you talking about?" The elevator came to a stop and Nikki moved off the wall of the elevator knowing that it would open to reveal the parking garage behind her. Carla spun around to face her and the smile on her face was one of pure evil "Have fun." Out of instinct Nikki's hand started for the gun at the small of her back, this woman was seriously off balance. "Hello Bitch." Pain exploded in her head and as the darkness dragged her down her last thought was focused on that voice. Lenny!

Chapter 15


Trace stood over the bloody mess of niner lying on the floor. The guy had been all I ain't telling you shit till Tex had used his knife on him,
and then he'd squealed like a bitch. Rachael had given them a bead on their man before Trace had destroyed all the tapes. Couldn't leave evidence of the fight lying around. This guy he'd been on the tape skulking in the background keeping himself as far out of the line of fire as possible but close enough so it looked like he was doing something. He had pussy written all over him. They'd taken Nikki's mustang and driven over an hour across town before they'd reached niner's territory. Sitting behind the wheel of this beautiful beast had taken him on a trip down memory lane. The time he’d driven them out to the cabin and spent a whole weekend with Nikki’s naked body wrapped around him. The time they'd made a road trip down south to the beach Nikki at the wheel her hair blowing in the breeze singing and laughing. The time they'd gone to the drive in and she'd leaned across and wrapped her lips around him and, his reverie had stopped there. Tex had spotted the lanky streak of shit now lying at his feet. He'd climbed into a van and they'd followed him to a small industrial unit that looked like it used to be a garage. An old white ford pulled up and Trace had hoped like hell it would be Lenny who got out. No just another niner. They'd watched as the two men pulled out the pieces of a wood and wrought iron bed and dragged them inside the unit followed by a mattress. Thirty minutes later they reappeared and the guy in the white ford took off leaving the tall streak of shit, Klarence, otherwise known as K-Dog alone. The guy grabbed a box of stuff outta the back of the van and disappeared inside the unit again. That was when they’d made their move.

BOOK: Soldiers of Chaos- Chaos Abounds: Book 1 in the Soldiers of Chaos series
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