Someday My Prince Will Come (epic love story) (10 page)

BOOK: Someday My Prince Will Come (epic love story)
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We talked for about 10 more minutes, until a short, young woman came and served us our drinks. She also brought delicious bread sticks, and they were steaming hot, flaky, and looking good!


I nodded my thanks to her, and she smiled and walked away. After I left I looked quizzically at Freddie. "She didn't even take our order."


"She's not supposed to. I've had everything all planned out already. The drinks, the appetizer, meal and even the dessert."


"Aw!" I cooed. "That's the sweetest thing. What did I ever do to deserve such a man?"


Freddie got all red. I had never seen him like that so I giggled. He was so cute when he was embarrassed. Over the course of the date, we had a marvelous time. Our meal was delicious, and it was devoured instantly. The hot white fish seemed a perfect combination with the spaghetti covered by the bell pepper sauce. Delicious.


Dessert was astounding. Their specialty was an amazingly crisp baklava shaped into a bowl. In the middle were assorted berries; blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and strawberries with a dash of cinnamon and mint to spice it up. I could see why this was their specialty. It was something like I'd never experienced before.


The head of the restaurant came up after the meal, and I thanked her graciously. I would never forget this little adventure as long as I lived.


After our thanks, she sort of stood there awkwardly. It was silent for a few moments as Freddie and I tried to figure out why


"Oh!" he suddenly piped up, grinning. "We still have to pay for it!"


Duh. I felt like a retard. That poor woman. I glanced up at her with a nervous smile and she was just smiling broadly and vigorously nodding her head. How funny.


Freddie reached inside his pocket to attain his wallet. I looked at my lap to make sure there were no more crumbs there from the baklava, and when I looked back to Freddie, I was startled by his expression. His face was white, Blanche white. In his eyes was something that I had never seen before.


"Do you have any extra change, Arie?"


I shook my head. "No, I don't. I left my money at the dorm you told me to."


"Ah, that's right," he suddenly recollected. "Well, remember how I felt like I was forgetting something before we left, doll?"


I nodded, not liking where this was going. Then, Freddie whispered, "It was my wallet."


At this, I let out a laugh. Not a happy laugh, not a surprised laugh, but an angry "OH NO YOU DIDN'T!" Sort of thing. "W-Wh-WHAT?" I stuttered.


I saw the woman grow stiff. I glanced up at her face with my stunned one, and I saw her features contorted in anger.


"You forgot your money? You think you gunna' just walk out of here after I slaved for five hours on this roof last night?" she screamed with a thick Italian accent. "I don't think so!"


"I-I'm so sorry!" Freddie struggled for words. "If you give me a little while, then I can call someone and get money here in a little while, okay?"


The woman suddenly started spieling off in Italian, and walked off the roof. Freddie rushed to find his earpiece.


He pulled it out of his pocket and pushed the button on the side. I put my head into my hands as Freddie apologized to me.


"I'm sorry, Arianne. This is the most irresponsible- Jameson!" he answered, "I need you. I know, there's no-one on or around the rooftop. Yes, I know that you're watching me."


My head flew from my resting place and I scanned around the area. I didn't see anyone! Okay, that's kind of creepy.


"Yes," Freddie continued, "I know, she's not used to the whole surveillance thing." I glared at him.


"Look, Jameson, I forgot my wallet, I need you to" he put a hand on his forehead as it appeared Jameson spoke. "I'm sorry, I realize that but" Freddie let out a sigh. It looked like Jameson was chewing him out, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for my little prince, no matter how mad, embarrassed, annoyed, angry,


humiliated, amused or just plain, downright MAD I was right now.


"What???" Freddie suddenly stood up in his seat, bumping the table. "That's not fair!"


I almost laughed. He sounded like a little kid right now, talking to his mommy. What could be so upsetting? "You can't just leave me here like that? What am I supposed to do?" Freddie raved. Oh. THAT is what was so upsetting. "I will not accept this, as your superior I command you to hello?"


I stifled a laugh. This was getting a tad bit comical. Then I suddenly wondered how we were going to pay for all of this.


A burst of lukewarm dishwater came splashing all across the front of me when a man dropped a load of dishes into the almost empty sink. I shrieked, and was glad that an apron covered part of me. Freddie and I stood side by side, washing and drying dishes in the restaurant's tiny kitchen. I couldn't believe it had come to this. How very old fashioned.


I had decided not to talk to Freddie hours ago, when the woman first told us what we were to be doing for the rest of the day.


"Arianne? Can you please talk to me now?" Freddie begged. No matter what, I would not give in to his begging today. No siree bob. "I told you that I was sorry 4,000 times!" he continued, "what more can I do? Jameson won't help me, and you know I've tried calling him for hours. I'm sorry. So, so sorry! There, 4,002, now will you talk to me?"


I shook my head and dried a pan that Freddie had just made sparkling clean. He was a good dishwasher, if I do say so myself.


"I really don't think this day could get ANY worse," he mumbled to himself. I nodded my head in silent agreement, but I don't think he noticed. I cannot believe my new red sweater with the sparkly thread sewn in, was being treated with such disdain! I let out a moan. It had been two hours, and the woman said that we were going to work until closing time. That was 7 o'clock. It was five. I could feel my brain on strike.


Another load of pots and pans came toppling in, and a few of the cooks yelled at us to hurry up. We did so, but each with a groan. One hour later, my arms were aching. Two hours later, I was throwing my apron onto an old looking chair and stomping out of the restaurant with Freddie somewhere behind me.


My nose was up in the air, and my arms were crossed; hoping to signify to my prince that I was in no mood for talking of any sort.


I heard him running up behind me, and my nose suddenly went up higher. He didn't even say anything but, just grabbed my arm roughly and started to spin me around.


"Freddie, let go of me, I do NOT want to talk to-" My breath caught in my throat as I realized that my captor was not Freddie. I gulped as he sneered down at me, a tall, strong looking man with a dirty beanie and an un-kempt five o'clock shadow.


"Where are you going off to in such a hurry, sweetheart?" He breathed at me, tightening the grip on my arm and pulling me closer to his smelly body. He grinned, evilly, and I caught a glimpse of his rotten yellow teeth. I almost gagged then and there.


"Let go of me right now!" I shouted, trying to pull away from him. The man held on as if he was wrestling with a worm. He laughed and then said,


"Spirited little thing, ain't she boys?"


Boys? I whirled my head around and saw two more men standing about 10 yards from me, completely blocking off the alleyway. Where was Freddie? Desperately, I tried looking around the broad man in front of me, but he suddenly jerked me to attention and proceeded to drag me toward his disgusting looking friends. My heart pounded in my ears, and my breath came faster. I struggled as much as I could, and just as I was beginning to give him a little bit of trouble, one of the guys grabbed my other arm.


"Let go!" I screamed, and yanked my arm free of his grasp, and then before he could react, I swung my foot up as hard as I could. Destination? Crotch.


The man yelped in pain and wobbled off somewhere, and I took this opportunity to try and attack the man who still held me in his strong grasp. I twisted my arm backwards and suddenly I was behind the man. I kicked him in the knees with all my might and sent him falling to the ground.




"Freddie!!!! Freddie!!!" I yelled, running back toward the restaurant. I was about to scream again, when a hand enclosed around my mouth, making it impossible to speak. I kicked and fought like a wild bucking bronco, but this man, though shorter than the last one, was much, much stronger. I was starting to freak out. My breath was coming so fast that it was extremely difficult to breathe, especially with his hand blocking an escape for my breath. He spun me around and put an arm around my shoulder, pulling me to his side with force. He had me in a sort of head-lock, and I couldn't get free. He had decided to release his hand from my mouth, so I screamed as loud as I could. My throat was getting sore, and I was afraid that Freddie would never hear me. The kitchen was loud, and if he was in conversation with someone, it would be even harder for him to help me. Tears started to burn my eyes and I was just about to yell again, when I heard a deep voice, lined completely with anger somewhere from behind me.


All of a sudden, I heard the man who was holding me grunt, and his grip on me loosened as he fell to the ground. I fell to the ground with him, but instead of my head hitting the ground, my knees took the impact of the fall. I felt arms around my shoulders and a frightened voice calming me down. Finally, Freddie was here. I burst into sobs, then, almost becoming hysterical. My hair was rustled in seven different directions, and my mascara was breaking free in long black lines down my face. Freddie pulled me close to him, and I buried my head in his chest. I thought it was all over; that the surprises had ceased for the night, but I was very wrong. "Hey," the first man who grabbed me shouted, "you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us," he growled. I spun my head toward his voice, and saw that all three men were standing with their fists firm and their face's menacing.


"Don't do it," Freddie said forcefully, backing me up with him, "I'm warning you." The tall man laughed and his two henchmen grinned. "Or what? It's three against two."


There was a tense lull for a few moments. Suddenly, Freddie reached into his pants pocket, and pulled out a small revolver. Woah, wait WHAT? Since when did Freddie carry a gun!?!?!?


"Or I shoot," he said icily. "Now back off before I blow your brains out for messing with my girlfriend." Go ahead, Freddie! Blow their brains out anyway! I started to gain a sense of power, and straightened a little


bit; I held my head higher. Anyone who has a boyfriend like this should be proud enough to walk a tightrope over Niagra Falls.


The three men looked like deer in headlights for a moment before they bolted out of the alleyway. Freddie suddenly lowered the small gun, and shot it at the ground, directly behind one of the first man's feet. My jaw dropped. I didn't know he could shoot like that! Heck, I didn't even know he could shoot!


As soon as the men were gone, Freddie didn't waste any time. He picked me up, bridal style, and jogged toward the truck as fast as he could. It was a bumpy ride, but nevertheless, I clung to him, my tears still falling, but now more silently. That was the most terrifying experience that I've ever had to go through in my entire life. I couldn't believe all of that had just happened. This was the worst night of my life, and it was about to get worse.


Freddie buckled me in the truck, and then in a matter of seconds we were flying out of the parking lot as lightning speed. Neither of us said anything for a long time; Freddie was probably trying to wait until after my tears stopped, and I had calmed down.


We reached the college's main parking lot, and as soon as he parked, Freddie pulled me into his arms again and let me sob. He soothed me every once in a while, but the majority of the time he spent gently rubbing my head, calming me from the horror.


After a while, I calmed down, most of my tears from being such a retard and walking into an alleyway by myself in the middle of the night. Sure, the part about being attacked was almost too much to bear, but it never would have happened if I hadn't been so stubborn. Suddenly, Freddie grabbed my shoulders and pushed me away from him gently, but with force.


"Don't you EVER walk away from me like that ever again, Arianne! EVER! Do you hear me???" Freddie ordered me, harshly. "You almost got killed!!! Do you understand? Killed! When I say never I mean NEVER!" his eyes were filled with worried love, and I felt so bad for putting him through that. What a jerk I was!!!


"I'm so sorry," I whispered to Freddie gazing up at him with big, red eyes. "I shouldn't have been so thoughtless."




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