Someday My Prince Will Come (epic love story) (6 page)

BOOK: Someday My Prince Will Come (epic love story)
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Someday My Prince Will Come : Chapter 9




When Freddie pulled my arms and I could feel the warmth traveling through my cold body, I knew I was fair game. NO matter how much I thought that I didn't want to talk to him, the reality of my feelings overcame my emotions. Every stinking time! Freddie kept pulling me closer, like he was going to kiss me, then stopped. My heart secretly sank. I wouldn't look at him; I had made up my mind; until he started pleading. Begging me to look into his eyes! That was it. I hoped it didn't show, but as soon as our eyes linked, there was that instant connection. Like a magnet


"There we go. Not so bad right?" Freddie said softly and in spite of myself I smiled. It was cute how he was always trying to say things to make everything better. "Look," He began again, "I have to see you. More than just passing through the hall, or in class"


"Freddie" I was going to tell him how much I wanted him to leave me alone but he cut me off.


"No, no. Really, Arianne. Please?" Aww, there he was begging me again! "Meet me tomorrow by the fountain outside the library, ok?"


I knew the doubt of if trusting him was a good idea or not, showed on my face. Why should i? Just because I always felt happy around him? Just because when I looked into those 'jungle like eyes' I felt myself resisting the pull between us? Just because when he smiled, I went weak at the knees? I was having an inward battle. My heart was literally singing, GO! But my always 'do things by the book' mind was screaming in protest.


Yes, no? No, yes? I don't know!!!


"Fine!" I said, a little too exuberantly. I hoped Freddie didn't notice. "I'll go. What time?"


The change in his entire appearance was immediate. Delight filled every cranny of him as he grinned. "2:30." He then looked at his hands, still on my shoulders and carefully removed them. Yeah, thanks. Shoulda done that before they sucked the life out of me. "Goodnight Arie." He said finally.


"Night." I closed the door. I walked to my bed. I closed my eyes. I tried to sleep, but to no avail. All I could think about was meeting my prince charming tomorrow in eleven and a half hours. UGH!




The time came to leave for the courtyard. I had gone up to my room after my last class and decided to freshen up a smidgen. Don't ask me my reasons because, in truth, I didn't know myself. Ever since I had met Freddie, I had actually taken a care to how I looked. He had more than one affect on me.


I took one last glance at myself in my trusty mirror, and actually convinced myself that I didn't look half bad. I was wearing skinny jeans with a few tatters in the knee and a cranberry colored t-shirt covered by a black vest. My hair was down, falling in wavy cascades over my shoulders, make-up light but effective. I decided to wear blat 'Tom's' instead of converse, and then I stuffed everything I needed into a little wallet. Driver's License, College ID, Cash, Debit Card. Why carry a purse if you aren't on your monthly blessing???


As I walked out of my door, I put my wallet in my back pocket. My breaths were coming short, and I was nervous as heck. I prayed I didn't sweat; this makeup didn't go on easy and breezy.


The fresh air hit my face with approval and I liked it how the breeze felt on my skin. Welcoming center, cafeteria, student lounge and around the corner, the courtyard. I took a deep breath and turned the corner confidently my eyes flew to the fountain and there my jaw dropped. I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw Freddie, and who was with him.


The same blonde, busty and all was standing there with Freddie, holding her books. She was smiling and Freddie just looked outright nervous. Probably because he knew I'd show up there any second, and he didn't want me to find out. My heart sank for actually letting myself trust him. Giving him a second chance was too much! Being caught with another girl TWICE??? This was too much for me. I turned around to go, but it was too late. Freddie had already seen me.


He called across the courtyard to me, but I kept walking. Tears rolled down my face, threatening to give away my hardcore exterior. What kind of a person did that? Pretended to be good, and then meet up with 'the other girl' at the exact same place that he was using to reconcile with? This guy was jacked up.


Suddenly, I felt a hand on mine and Freddie whirled me around to look at him.




"Leave me alone!" I hissed, furious that he even dared to touch me!


"Arianne, what's wrong?" Wow. Good acting skills. He really sounded like he actually cared that my eyes were getting puffy and, OH GOOD LORD! I yanked my hand out of his.


"Don't ever touch me again." I seethed and turned away again. I had taken about two steps when Freddie put his hands around my waist, this time holding tighter so I couldn't get away. He turned me around gently. "Don't cry, please. Tell me what's wrong?"


Freddie's hands on my waist felt way too good for the moment. I tried wiggling free but he just pulled me closer. Thank God there weren't really people around right now. This would be beyond embarrassing. "You're what's wrong." I spat at him. He looked absolutely stunned. Oh come on! "The blonde, AGAIN!?" Freddie's face literally turned green. He put one of his hands over his face and I could see him muttering something under his breath. This time when I jerked free of his hold, he let me go. Without another word I glared at him and ran the rest of the way to my dorm. My heart had been broken twice in a week by the exact same freak. How could I ever trust any man again?




"Hey, thanks for meeting me here." I smiled politely at that retarted blonde who had caused so much trouble for me.


"No problem. And, I'm really sorry about last Saturday morning I was so wasted, it totally wasn't me." "Yes, that's exactly why I needed to talk to you." I stated and saw her perk up. No, you crazy woman I don't want to make out some more!


"I need to you explain that to this girl I this girl I like. She was supposed to meet me and saw you there and...well you can guess. She really, really got the wrong impression."


"Oh" The blonde whispered gently. Her face showed nothing less than regret. "I'm so sorry; of course, I'll do whatever I can. I feel so bad."


"Thank you so much!" I was so relieved that she didn't just blow me off. It hadn't been that hard to find her with secret service around, finding people was one of their many specialties. "She'll be here any minute."


"Okay!" She grinned and nodded mutely. Why was she so happy about that? Whatever. I was starting to get nervous for some reason. My forehead showed drops of sweat and I was tapping my foot and twiddling my thumbs at the same time.


"Are you okay?" She suddenly piped up. "I'm so nervous." I grinned at her.


"Dang. Do you really like her more then something to just screw around with?"


I looked at her and nodded fervently. "She's all that I think about. Her being gorgeous doesn't even come close to all the things that I really love about her." I hoped I gave her the impression that I was in no way up for grabs the last thing I needed was her flirting with me when Arianne was due here any second.


"Don't worry!" She said cheerfully. "I'll explain and then everything will be back to normal." Man that sounded good. I hoped she was right


But of course, if everything DID go right, that would be too easy, wouldn't it?


Four seconds later I saw Arianne. However, the look on her face was something I would rather not have seen. She looked so in pain! Even from the slight distance I could see the tears budding in her eyes. I called out her name, that wonderful name, but she just turned around and started walking away. No, no, no, no! This was not going right at ALL!


I ran over to her, she looked miserable. I reached out and grabbed her hand. Thankfully, there weren't any people around to see this


She spun around and glared at me. "Leave me alone." She said through clenched teeth.


"Arianne what's wrong?" I asked trying to show the caring in my voice. I really did care; when I saw her like that it made me want to be the same way. My stomach was turning in anticipation. Was it something I did? "Don't ever touch me again." Wow. I could almost taste the venom in her voice.


"Don't cry, please. Tell me what's wrong?" I said. She wasn't acting like her normal pissed off self right now; Arianne was at an all time evil. There must REALLY be something wrong.





I was starting to get worried. She ripped her hand from mine and instantly I wanted it back there. She tried leaving but I wouldn't let her. I took about two steps and over took her. I placed my hands on her waist, turning her toward me gently.


Un-thinkable feelings went up my arm and I cursed myself for being such a pig. I tried to shake the immensely good feeling of my hands on her waist by trying look into her eyes. She finally looked up at me and instead of the warm, hazel eyes I was used to, I saw dark brown eyes full of hatred. This was not like her. Suddenly she replied.


"You're what's wrong." Arianne was seething right now, and I could tell that I did something really bad. Really, really bad. What did I do!!??!! The confusion must have shown on my face as clear as day, because she decided to tell me without any further encouragement. "The blonde, AGAIN!?"


Oh my Lord. How much more STUPID could I have been? I mean really? I smacked my face with my hand and closed my eyes. I let go of Arianne, reluctantly yes but it was for good reason. Now I understood. She had battled so hard within herself to give me a second chance and then she comes here and I'm laughing with that same stupid blonde! I HATE BLONDES!


When I opened my eyes Arianne was gone. Gone forever? Yeah, let's go with that one.

Someday My Prince Will Come : Chapter 10

Chapter 5




Three days later I was still distraught, crying on my bed. I couldn't seem to stop. The first day I had just resisted the tears, but after going to volleyball practice and being completely unable to perform, my coach had sent me back to my dorm with a warning. I needed to get focused or I wouldn't be playing. That would be a violation of my scholarship which, in turn, meant that I would have to leave Harvard.


I couldn't believe how un-lucky my life had turned out to be just because of a stupid guy! They really were the worst creatures on the face of the earth. This morning, my first class wasn't until the afternoon so I took this time to let out my sobs. I did have to admit, it felt great to let out all of that stress, emotion; pain. I was crying silently to myself when I heard a knock at my door.


Oh my gosh. He was NOT bothering me! I couldn't believe he had the nerve to actually show his face!


"Go away!" I shouted at him, crying all the harder.


"Arianne, it's Sophia."


Sophia? Who the heck was Sophia??? I sat up and wiped off my face as best as I could. I quickly blew my nose then bolted over to the door. No need to keep my visitor waiting even though I did NOT feel like seeing anyone


I opened the door and peeked out. Sophia, the big, busty blonde who had broken my heart, offered me a sad smile. "Hey." She offered.


"Hi. What do you want?" I hadn't meant to sound rude, but I didn't feel like beating around the bush. Seeing her was making me hurt more, and I just wanted to know why she was here.


"I need to talk to you, Arianne. Please
can I come in?"


'Yeah, come on in and let me get a bungee cord so I can strangle you!' I thought with hatred. How shallow of her to do this But even though everything inside of me wanted to slam the door in her face, I finally conceded and let her come in.


I slumped down onto my bed and I watched as she pulled out the chair to my desk. No one said anything for a couple seconds and then she finally piped up.


"So, you live in here alone? Where's your roommate?"


"I don't know." I said coldly. "I was never assigned one I guess. Look, Sophia, this isn't easy for me could you just tell me why you're here?"


"Sure, I'm sorry. Look," She began getting a little more comfortable in my chair. I wonder if she did that on Freddie's lap The thought made me want to kick her fake butt right out of my room, but I counted to ten and kept my mouth shut.


"I know you probably won't believe this, but you've got to it's not fair to you or Freddie if you don't. It WAS my fault. I drank way too much last Friday night and, in my drunken splendor," she giggled, " I went to


the wrong room. I live down the hall."


"How convenient for you two." I spat, hoping she could hear the hatred in my voice. Sophia only smiled a little. Then shook her head.


"No. I'm telling the truth. I asked Freddie for some water and then something came over me and I just started kissing him. I can hardly remember it, but I swear that's exactly the way it happened."


Oh, how I wanted to believe her! I wanted to run to Freddie's room and welcome him with open arms, but I couldn't. For all I knew, he could've paid her off just to make himself look good.


"Why should I believe you?" I voiced my thoughts. "I saw you two again, remember? Explain that one?"


Sophia then looked down into her lap and bit her lip. "You really don't know how great of a guy you've got there. I don't know how long it took him, but somehow he found me. And it was for the sole purpose of reaching me to make up with you. Can you imagine how much work it must have been for him to find a student at Harvard? There are a lot of students"


My mouth was slightly ajar, and I couldn't believe the words she just said was Freddie really innocent??? Hope surfaced from the bottom of my damaged heart as I waited for her to continue.


"He asked me to meet him in front of the fountain because he said he arranged for you to be there. If you ask me, he's a pretty rare guy. I mean seriously, think about it." Sophia tossed a lock of over-curled bleach blonde hair over her shoulder. "If he didn't like you more than for some fun, why would he go to all that trouble, and why would he be sweating like a pig; hoping that everything could be okay between you?" She smiled, and I started to laugh a little.


"He was nervous? About meeting me?"


"SO nervous!" She laughed. "I asked him if he was really that into you and do you know what he told me?"


Captivated, I shook my head; no.


"He said that you're all he thinks about. He said that how gorgeous you are is only one of the things that he really loves about you. 'Loves', Arianne. This guy's gone. I could see it in his eyes. And he should be, you really are sweet even though I can tell you want to kill me."


I embarrassedly nodded, and I was almost about to pinch myself; wake up! "They're like a window." I said, referring to his magnificent eyes.


Sophia nodded and gave me a smile. You know, even though she looked 150% the definition of a slut, she actually was pretty nice. After a few seconds of silence, she stood to leave.


"Well, I've said all that I can say. I swear; all of that is as true as I'm standing here. Freddie didn't tell me to come here; I haven't even talked to him since that day. But let me just say one more thing? This guy, he's totally a keeper. It's not often that you find guys like him around here. I wouldn't wait too long to give him another chance." With that, she gave me one last smile and left.


It was like falling off a building then finding that you can fly, seconds before you hit the ground! Incredible.


Dazed, I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes were baggy, red and I looked like I'd just got hit by a bus. For the first time in a long time I laughed. I really, really laughed until my sides ached with pain. I know, I must sound crazy but, I couldn't help it! I was so happy. I felt like my heart was filled with helium and it was floating away from me! Come back here, you little wretch. We got someone to go talk to!

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