Someday My Prince Will Come (epic love story) (4 page)

BOOK: Someday My Prince Will Come (epic love story)
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Someday My Prince Will Come : Chapter 6


Chapter 3




That lunch with Freddie was the best lunch that I've had with anyone in years! Although limited to about an hour and fifteen minutes, we had the most amazing conversation. Freddie and I talked about everything, and nothing. It never felt so good to talk to anyone else in my entire life. I was getting up when Freddie suddenly stopped me and told me to wait. He came around table, took my hand, (which lit fireworks through my pores, just so you know!) drew it up to his perfect mouth and kissed it. I almost melted before looking like an idiot and bolting away! But the best part, he lived right across the hall!




I watched the sway of her adorable hips as she walked away from me. I could still smell the scent of her skin in my nose. It was a delicious type of smell. Like sugar and roses. I loved it. I couldn't help but kiss that delicate little hand. At first, I was just doing the customary thing that I ALWAYS did in my country, but in a flash, I remembered America, disregarded it, and kissed her anyway. I found myself wanting to do this over and over and over again, and I really had to control myself to not run after her, carry her into my arms, and then whisk her to my room.




The next day, was one of the worst days in my life. (Or so I imagined) I had thought from now on, things would be picking up around here; I had someone to talk to for once, my grades were amazingly good, my volleyball team was undefeated so far and did I mention? I was falling in love with an amazing man! Freddie and I had decided to do something today. He, again, gave me that lame excuse about not knowing anyone around here. I pretended to believe that, but deep down inside I really hoped he liked me the way I loved him! Ever since that kiss yesterday at lunch, I couldn't think about anything but Freddie.


We agreed to go out Saturday morning. It really wouldn't take me long to get ready. It never did. Freddie and I agreed that I would meet him in his room. He said he had only seen his roommate once, and so it would be fine for me to just walk in.


So 8:45 came, and I was ready to go. I had decided to dress up a little bit. Dark wash jeans and a cute dark red blouse. Hey, it was dressed up for me! Like I said, I wasn't here on daddy's credit card. I really didn't mind though. Living simple was easy for me; of course, I wouldn't mind being filthy rich. Nobody would, right?


I checked myself in the mirror quickly before going out. My hair was down and I decided to give it a slight curl. My eyes were lined with some dark brown liner, and the mascara I wore highlighted my hazel eyes nicely. Cover girl rocks! A soft pale lip gloss was applied lightly to my lips. I had no idea why I was dressing up so much; and I had no idea why I cared right now.


Finally accepting the way I looked, I made my way to my door. Here we go. Freddie


It was about 8:40 and I was dressed, ready to go, and waiting for Arianne, when I heard a knock on the door. Wow. Early and everything! I liked how she never kept someone waiting. However, when I opened the door, I found that it wasn't my darling girl standing in front of me


"Hellllllo." A high pitched slurred voice greeted me. Here in front of me, stood this drunk, busty, blonde. She smelled disgusting; beer, vodka, other things, I don't even know! All I did know is that she smelled bad and I wanted her out of here.


"Can I do something for you, miss?" I asked cordially. Even though she honestly looked like a slut in that dress, I still needed to be nice. I'd met worse people, I supposed.


"Where's Tiff?" She asked looking me up and down. "Not here."


"Well, well, well, what's your name handsome?"She grinned and took a step closer. Then, she stopped, seeming to change her mind. "Do you have any water?"


I sighed. I wish I didn't, but I just couldn't seem to be rude to this annoying girl. The way I was raised, I supposed. As a prince, you were nice to everyone. No matter how much they wanted to kill you, or how slutty



they looked. Maybe I could sober her down enough so she wouldn't bother someone else as much as she was me.


I led her into my dorm, un-occupied except for us, and opened my fridge. Hm. No water there. I was starting to become irritated and I looked at the clock. 8:45. Arie would be here any minute and this girl needed to get out. Stench, or not.


I whirled around and was about to tell her to get out when she grabbed my face and kissed me; hard. At first I didn't breathe; too shocked to move. Then I snapped out of it and put my hands on her waist, to push her away. At that moment, I heard my door open and a soft gasp. The girl finally stopped kissing me and hugged me tight, her face


away from Arie's stunned one.


"Oh my gosh." Was all she said, her face torn in pain and disbelief. Without another word, the gorgeous girl turned from my doorway and entered her room with the slam of a door.


Rage poured through me. First at this crazy slut, and second at the now dimming chances of getting with Arianne!


"Get out of here, now!" I almost screamed at the girl, pushing her out.


"Fine, you don't have to get all pushy!" Suddenly she started laughing hysterically while walking down the hall.


All I could think about was Arianne at this moment. Man! I must look like the worst person right now! And I didn't even kiss that whore back!


I knocked on Arianne's door firmly, hoping that she would let me explain. "Go away!" I heard faintly.


"Arianne, no, look I'm so sorry, please let me explain!"


She yelled something, and I heard her perfectly but decided to fake being deaf so maybe, just maybe she'd open the door.


"What?" I shouted.


Again, she screamed the same line of words but again, I denied it. "Say again? I can't…Open the door or talk louder!"


I heard pounding footsteps coming toward me, and inwardly I was proud of myself for conniving such a plan. However, this was not the case at all. Arianne stopped at the door and screamed even louder, the same words for the third time.


"Leave me alone, or I'll call the police for harassment charges! Don't come near me ever again, did? YOU? HEAR? ME?"


Whoa. I almost laughed out loud. The capacity of those lungs on such a fragile seeming woman amazed me. Again, I pleaded with her, wanting to open the door myself, but my hand resisted. Disrespect would get me nowhere; especially now. Nevertheless, not giving up, I decided to try another approach.


"I'm going to stand here until you come out, Arianne." I smiled as I almost heard the steam coming out of her ears.


"Fine. Rot there for all I care. Maybe your girlfriend can keep you company." She spat at me through the wood that separated us.


At this, I laughed. Don't ask me why; she amused me when she was mad. I could almost bet that her cheeks were red and her sweet lips pouting. I leaned my hand against the top of the door frame and sighed. "You have to come out sometime, hun. Can't live in there forever."


"Don't talk to me." She said (quieter), and then I heard her footsteps walking away from the door.


I sighed again. What compelled me to stand here and wait for this girl, was beyond my comprehension. And so I waited. I waited, and waited and waited. It was about 10:30 when I finally heard movement near the door. My back hurt, my neck ached, and I really had to pee, but I convinced myself not to move from this spot until she came out.


"Are you still there, Freddie?" A sweet, soft voice echoed through the door.


"Mhm." I moaned. I hoped she didn't hear me so she'd have to open the door. Arianne sighed. "It's been two hours. Just leave."


"No." I pretended to pout.



"How much longer are you going to sit out there?" It was funny to me that she could be so mad, and then be so sweet like that to me. Well, I guess she did have a while to calm down


"Forever. Give me a chance."


"No! Have fun with the floorboards. Maybe you can make love to them too."


"Arie!!!" I pleaded, as her footsteps faded from me. My shoulders slumped when I realized she wasn't going to be giving in anytime soon. Why was she so stubborn!? That made two of us. And that meant more waiting, more pain. Arrrgh.



















Someday My Prince Will Come : Chapter 7



Good grief, he was still there!!! I was certain that this new found obsession with driving me crazy wouldn't last this long
what compelled him to sit on the cold floor boards was more than I could fathom. It was around 10:30 and I didn't hear any movement outside the door like I had for the past two hours.


"Are you still there, Freddie?" I asked when I reached the door. "Mhm." I heard him moan. I sighed, and closed my eyes.


"It's been two hours. Just Leave." "No." He whined. Oh, what a baby!


"How much longer are you going to sit out there?" Like it or not, I was starting to feel sorry for him. I couldn't imagine the pain that he must be feeling right now in his back. Those floorboards were pretty un-forgiving. "Forever. Give me a chance."


Anger surged through my veins. Partly because I knew that I wanted to give in, and partly because he thought I
give him another chance!


"No!" I replied forcefully. "Have fun with the floorboards. Maybe you can make love to them too."


I smiled as I heard him slump all the more against the door, but felt a pang of regret. Maybe there was something I was missing. However, the clarity of walking into a room with a guy groping a busty blonde didn't exactly look forgiving.


I flopped down on my bed and decided to study for a test I had coming up sometime. I couldn't believe I let myself fall for someone like that. That's precisely the thing I strove NOT to do when I came here. Suddenly, my cell phone rang. I already knew who it was without even looking; Auntie Claire.


I pressed 'send' on my red Envy2 and answered the call with a casual, 'hey.'


"That all you have to say to me, young lady? I must say it doesn't make me feel that loved. Maybe I'll just hang up and go cry under a pillow." I smiled, despite of myself. That was sweet old Auntie for you. Quirky or not, I did miss her. Especially right now


"How are you, Auntie?" Was the pain that obvious? Was I really letting myself slip that much, for she asked; "What's bugging you lil' bug?" Lil' bug has always been my nickname my mom gave it to me years ago. "Nothing too important. It's just a guy" I nearly heard my Aunt's eyeball's bug out at this comment.


"A boy!?!? I don't believe it! You're finally having boy issues! That's amazing sweetheart, what's his name?" I rolled my eyes. It was great how she made you feel loved, wasn't it?


"It's not important. I was just starting to like him and then I saw him with another girl never mind. It's my fault anyway."


"How so?"


"Well," I said adjusting my position, "I fell for him in the first place! I should have known he was like everyone else." I sighed, then. "Are there really any guys who are different, Auntie? I mean really different someone who could sweep me off my feet and just adore me? And I mean someone who can do that AND actually resist the wiles of sluts."


I heard my Aunt laugh at this, and it made me laugh too. Her laughing was contagious. I had always loved that about her That and her caring for me after my mom died for all these years. Her and my uncle became my second parents, and I loved them to death for that.


"Look, Arie. There are men out there like that, I promise. Look at your uncle! You know just as much as I do that he's not like those other men. They're out there but they're most certainly rare. You're going to have to wait, sweet pea."


I moaned, "Auntie, I'm tired of waiting. I've been waiting my entire life! Ever since" I stopped. Ever since? Ever since I saw the way my father treated my mom. Abusive, drunken and he cussed her out daily. I vowed

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