Someday My Prince Will Come (epic love story) (3 page)

BOOK: Someday My Prince Will Come (epic love story)
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Someday My Prince Will Come : Chapter



I smiled at Arianne as I watched her run out the door. It seemed to me that she wanted to be away from me, at all times. That was definitely NOT the effect I wanted to have on her. I couldn't wait until her class was over. I didn't have any other classes right now, so I checked my surroundings and found a secluded place where I could talk to Jameson in private. I told him I would call-in after my first class. I found myself a small little garden and waited until the last couple stopped making out. At first I scowled, but then I thought about Arie. What I would give to kiss her like that! Alone at last, I pulled out my earpiece and pressed the button on the side.


This was no normal earpiece. This called Jameson and only Jameson. It was claimed to be the 'best earpiece in security', and I didn't have my doubts about that. It was no bigger than an iPod ear bud, and the clarity was unreal.


"Bonjour Prince Frederick."


"Jameson." I acknowledged quietly. "
ou sont vous?" (Where are you?) I questioned in one of my countries language, French.


"Dans le jardin. Près le 'Court yard.'" In the garden, near the courtyard. I looked up at this was Jameson in this garden?


"Quel jardin?" Which garden? I questioned with a smile on my face.


"Je vous vois, Frederick. Tous est bien." I see you Frederick. All is well. That Jameson. He just had to be James Bond didn't he?


"Ah, merci Jameson. Saves-vous ? La fille, Arianne, est dans ma classe ??" Ah, thank you Jameson. Did you know, the girl Arianne was in my class?


"Oui," Jameson said, laughing. "Je sais tous." Yes. I know all.


Again, a smile broke out on my face. "Bien sur, Jameson. Ok. A biento´t." Of course, Jameson. Okay. Talk to you later.


"D'accord." Okay (agreed).


I pressed the button on the earpiece again, and checked my watch. I still had another 45 minutes before I was to meet Arianne in the courtyard. Before leaving, I looked for Jameson one last time. I saw a shiny part of a shoe behind a large tree. I smiled, and then saluted in that direction.


Walking into the courtyard met me with silence. I decided to just stay here while I waited. There was nobody here, and even though I had only been here for a day, I could tell that it was rare. I sighed as I thought about that real reason that I was here. War, jealousy, hatred; all fun little parts of my escape. I'm a prince, yes. But before you think about a spoiled little wretch, let me tell you this. Spoiled was a word that was rarely in my vocabulary as a child. Even though we lived in a castle, we lived modestly. We gave more than you could imagine to our villages. There were only about ten, but each was overpopulated, which caused many troubles. Our villages were in peace, until my parents died.


The thought of my parent's death panged a cut deep in my soul. I rubbed my head and my eyes became teary. Something must have gotten in them. I had only cried once; the night they were gone. I was with my date, Holda. She was a Duke's daughter from one of our larger villages, and my parents were trying to hook us up.


However, both of us were against it, and though she was a beautiful girl, she wasn't my type. And her being in love with someone else didn't help much. He was a commoner, she was telling me, tall, handsome, bright blue eyes. She told me that mine reminded her of his eyes because they were so clear. She wouldn't stop talking about this man, and remember thinking about how wonderful it would be to have someone in my life like that. Someone I adored, and who adored me. My parents only wanted me to be happy. Somewhere in between the beginning of Holda's description of the man and the end of it, my bodyguard, Jameson came rushing in with a look of terror on his face.


The castle was under attack, and my parents had been found dead; murdered by some crazy servant. He had gotten paid to do the dirty work but didn't have a chance to tell us who because he was shot while trying to escape. I didn't cry then, no; not until weeks after when I was at their funeral, and their ashes had been spread



at their desired location. It didn't seem to hit me until then; they were really gone.


After that, everything else seemed a nightmare. I received constant threats from an un-known source. Even my best agents couldn't seem to find out who the heck was behind all this. We had a suspect; an old uncle that could have been in line to rule, but I had never met him, and we couldn't pin anything on them. There was no proof. They covered their tracks so very well… It had to have been an inside job. Soon enough, the threats became so frequent that my secret service almost didn't even read them anymore. Then they attacked. It was a nice, sunny morning with the sun shining bright and the birds singing happily; like a nice wedding day in a movie. I was sitting at a table, looking over different eligible maidens to whom I should marry. I needed to find someone to rule with since the king and queen had passed on. I didn't like it, my kingdom didn't like it, but it was the law. Stupid rules. I had just sorted through the last of the papers when I heard an ear splitting explosion and I was rushed up to the helicopter on the roof. The enemies had bombed my castle and were going through trying to find me. Just as I flew away, they reached the roof and started shooting at me with machine guns. We got away in the nick of time.


I decided to try and find someone in America who could be my queen. I was tired of the whole, 'I own a kingdom' type, so I made up my mind to find someone my age who was suitable to run a kingdom someone who was used to having a fancy life, and could deal with it.


Harvard came to my mind almost instantly. People who went there were usually at the top of the social ladder, or so I imagined. Any school which cost THAT much to attend; well let's just say it didn't take very long to direct the heli driver to this destination.


Rubbing my forehead, I thought of all the things that had led me to this very moment, all the months. They seemed like years now; molding together into what seemed a doomed life. Then I met Arianne. My heart picked up at just the thought of her, and I couldn't help but smile. She was so interesting, so very different. I loved it, and everything else about her personality. Well, I must say her stunning beauty did a fantastic job of encouraging my affection along as well.


Suddenly, hearing a door open from afar, my thoughts were gripped back to the present, and I realized that class was over as students boringly shifted into the courtyard. I stood up and was looking for Arianne when a random guy walked by me then, curiously, backed up. I made eye contact with him, and he was at least a half a foot shorter than me. Being 6'1, this wasn't the thing that surprised me


"Hey." He said, offering a strained high pitched voice at me.


"Hello." I offered back. I decided to take in his appearance, and then instantly regretted it. He was wearing a neon pink dress shirt with a tacky sweater vest over it. It was plaid, with black and light blue lines going randomly across the material. His hair was neatly parted to the side, and way too much gel held it in place. "See ya 'round." He said suddenly, after looking me up and down. Then, to my astonishment, the man winked at me grinned, then walked away with a little bounce.


My jaw dropped. I had never been hit on by a man before! Where I came from, everyone knew who I was and never had I even encountered such a person. My shock must have been apparent because Arie, who had ruthlessly snuck up on me, voiced her wonderful opinion.


"You've never been hit on by a guy, huh?" She said a smile in her voice.


My eyes whirred away from the bouncing man, and onto Arie's perfect face. Lord, she was beautiful. "How did you know?" I finally voiced. She smiled at me, and a part of me erupted.


"I saw the whole thing walking over here." Arianne giggled. "I've never seen a jaw drop more."


It was my turn to laugh, and I did. The ice was broken in this conversation, so I felt myself relax. I saw her do the same, and that cheered me.


"So, why did you ask me to meet you here?"


I didn't know what to say for a moment. The truth was I didn't have a reason. I just wanted to spend some time with her. So I just said, "I thought it would be nice to get to know you a little better you are the only person I know here, so far."


She blushed. "What about your roommate and that guy that was with you; where is he?"


I thought it was cute that she turned her head to look around and smiled. "I haven't met my roommate yet. He hasn't been there since last night and Jameson, the guy with me, he, uh has something else to do right now." I hated lying to her about having a roommate, but it technically wasn't a lie about Jameson he WAS doing





other things right now.


'Yeah, spying on you.' My conscience nabbed, but I shook it off.


Arianne seemed to notice that I wasn't being completely honest with her, because she gave me a funny look, and then wrinkled her nose. OH MY LORD that was cute!


"Alrighty, well uh, I'm going to get my lunch now."


"Ok." Did she want me to come with her? "Do you want me to go with you?" Arianne smiled. "If you want."




















Someday My Prince Will Come : Chapter 5


'Always' he said to me, then we both started walking to the cafeteria. I was excited for so many reasons right now! First, today was Thursday, and this meant the best tacos in the history of cafeteria food! Second, there was this uber hot, fine, nice, polite, tall, gorgeous, fine guy walking with me, WITH ME, to get lunch could this be considered a date!!?!?


My excitement must have shone, because during the walk Freddie kept looking at me and smiling. Whenever we made eye contact, I saw the twinkling of a question there; he was wondering something about me. "What?" I finally asked, convinced that my cheeks were the color of apples.


"What, what?" He teased.


I laughed. "Why do you keep looking at me? Oh, Gosh is there something on my face?" I inwardly slapped myself for being so stupid, and lifted my hand to clear anything off


"No!" Freddie said quickly, catching my hand in mid-air. I stopped walking, and so did he.


Like a fire, his skin was burning my hand. The heat seemed to intensify as he clung to it, letting the feeling travel up my neck and into my face. I must have been the color of scarlet, right now. Curse my blushing problems! I looked at his hand, still attached to mine and then to his face. He was looking at his hand too, as if something was happening to him. He then shot his eyes to mine, and smiled.


"No, you're face is fine. It's perfect."


Oh my Lord. I ripped my hand away from his, and made myself look like I hated it. Crap. My eyes shifted nervously to the ground, and I started to walk again. He followed, and for a moment there was silence. I decided the best I could do was to pick up where we left off, so I did.


"So, if my face is fine," I stumbled over that word, "Then, why do you keep?"


I couldn't finish my sentence! I felt like such a retard! Why couldn't I just collect my thoughts around him like I did with every other guy?


Surprisingly Freddie laughed, and I found myself breathing again. I still couldn't believe he was still around. "Because. You look so confused and excited at the same time. I guess I'm just wondering why. How did you know I was wondering anything?" He asked, subtly.


How did he know I was confused and excited? Well, okay, maybe it was obvious but still! He seemed to know everything about me, by just looking into my eyes!


Note to self: Avoid eye contact with wonder man. "Well, I admit I am confused"


"Yes!" He interrupted, bringing his elbow in toward his stomach. "Score!"


I laughed, then added "But I really can't understand at ALL what you mean by my being excited" Freddie laughed aloud, obviously not believing my attempt.


"What?" I asked his laughing becoming contagious. "Why would I be excited?" "I don't know. You tell me."


"There's nothing to tell." We reached the cafeteria and he stepped forward to open the door for me. He paused before he opened it and got a mischievous look in his eyes. "I highly doubt that."


I grinned and pushed past him. How he knew those kinds of things about me, I didn't know. But there was one thing that I did know, I liked it.


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