Someday My Prince Will Come (epic love story) (2 page)

BOOK: Someday My Prince Will Come (epic love story)
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Someday My Prince Will Come : Chapter 2



Walking up the stairs in the co-ed Harvard dorm excited me, but at the same time, I felt longings of home dripping into my heart, mind; soul. I quickly wiped them away, and made my way to room number 154. This place looked decent enough. I had, of course, heard many great things about it and was anxious to get settled in. I'd had a long couple of days.


As I approached the room, I became quite anxious and suddenly stopped in my tracks. Jameson, my body guard, almost ran into me and quickly, but quietly asked me what was wrong.


"Nothing," I said hurriedly. "Well, no I can't say that honestly. I just
feel I feel strange." With that, I turned to Jameson, who was a good five inches taller than my height of 6'1. "Have you ever felt excited for something and nervous about it at the same time? You want to just walk up to that door, knock and announce your presence, but you're scared to say it? I've never felt like this before, Jameson. In all my years of watching my parents rule, going to grand balls, and giving little speeches in front of my entire country, I can't seem to muster up the courage to enter a new life." I shook my head and put my hand to my forehead. "Something must be wrong with me."


Jameson put his large hand on my shoulder. "You're going to be fine, Prince Frederick,"


My head snapped up to look at him.


"Er, excuse me, Freddie it's not easy adjusting. It's not your fault; living in royalty can sometimes burden you. And plus, I'll be right here watching you 24/7, so there's nothing that's going to happen. I make that promise to you."


My gaze on his face softened and I smiled nervously. Even though I would be staying in this room alone; we arranged it before I came here to ensure absolute safety, Jameson was here to plant some bugs and cameras in the living space.


The thought did reassure me so I turned abruptly and made my way to a few doors down, number 154. I looked to both my right and my left, and then knocked on the door, desperately trying to make it seem like I was a new student and would be waiting for my room mate to answer.


I turned to my bodyguard, after checking the halls twice. I knocked again, just to be sure that I looked confused. I hoped it was working. Something inside of me twitched as I realized that I probably looked like a fool right about now.


Jameson seemed amused by my actions and I heard him chuckle from behind me, but I ignored it. I was just about to knock again, when the door opened. It startled me a little and I felt myself jump. At first, the shame of a grown man jumping at a door overtook me tremendously, and then confusion followed when it clicked in my brain that there wasn't supposed to be anyone here. But then, when I saw that woman the angelic figure whose deep hazel eyes came looking up at me, her long slender legs clad in black running shorts, and her soft brown hair, pulled back into a messy bun, I felt all the more shamed. It was like I wasn't good enough in her presence.


I had seen countless beautiful women in my day, all dolled up with loads of makeup and jewelry, in fancy dresses and beautiful accents, but none of them, and I mean not
of those women seemed beautiful in


comparison to this creature standing before me. Sub-consciously, I heard myself rambling off something about my name, and hoped I didn't introduce myself as a prince. I somewhat gained composure and told her I was supposed to be living there when she suddenly shook her head slightly and asked, "What?"


For some reason, her confused manner seemed to calm me down, and I took this opportunity to start out right.


"I said," slowing my words down, "I'm Freddie. And I was told that I was going to be staying here; room 154?"


"I think you're a little bit confused. This is room number one-hundred and fifty-three. See?" The beautiful woman lifted her slender, muscular arm up and pointed at the door number. When the number connected to my brain, I felt like the stupidest person alive. How could I have made such a ridiculous mistake? I stared at the number as if it would attack me for a second more, and then looked back to the girl. She was smiling, and I saw her eyes twinkle.


For some reason, she made me feel nervous and confident at the same time. I decided to say, before looking like a c
idiot, "Well what do you know; it sure is, isn't it?"I stumbled daftly.


I saw the girl look at Jameson with her big hazel eyes and I figured that he was no doubt staring at her vividly through his dark glasses. I felt relieved that her attention wasn't on me, for the moment. It gave me time to regain my composure.


"Well, my fault, I apologize," I said, somewhat suavely.


"It's all good," she replied, almost hurriedly.


"I…guess I'll be seeing you around then, huh?" I asked lamely, but the truth was, I really hoped that I would see her around. Something about her intrigued me, and this was strange since I had just now lain eyes on her.


"Guess so," she laughed. She bit her lip, as if trying not to laugh at my stupidity and awkward behavior. "Hey, where's all your stuff?" she suddenly piped up. As soon as she voiced this, however, she seemed to retreat back to being shy.


I looked at the ground quickly. What to say, what to say? I couldn't very well tell her that I had been forced out of my country by escape and therefore, didn't have any time to pack, so instead I babbled, "Actually, I think I must have left it all in the lim-uh- truck. All in the truck, yeah. It's…there." How stupid. I almost told her I came here in a limo.


"Well, welcome to Harvard, Freddie," she spoke sweetly, as if the angels had blessed her with their voice. "Mark's a nice guy you should really like him." She smiled again and I decided right then and there that it would be more than impossible to forget about this female.


"Thanks. I'll remember that. See ya." I started to make my way to my actual room and heard her say something before she shut the door.


"Okay," she said, nonchalantly. "Bye."


The door closed and I quickly made my way directly across the hall to room 154. It seemed like my whole body was resisting that pull that seemed to gravitate toward her. Man, that girl Suddenly I balked. That girl? That girl?! I didn't even know her name! At first I shook the feeling off I would find out, somehow. I was a prince wasn't I? But I knew deep down that I needed to know. Now. Pushing past Jameson, I turned





around and knocked on her door again. I didn't care. I didn't care if I looked like an idiot; like a mental psychopath. I needed to know her name.


The door opened faster than last time and I grinned at her confusion.


"Hey again."


"Hi. Did you forget something?" Her voice squeaked slightly at the end of her sentence.


"Actually, yes I did."


A little frown pursed between her eyebrows. "Oh?"


"I forgot to ask your name," I said in a jumbled mess of letters. It occurred to me that she seemed flattered by this because her cheeks flushed a deep red.


"I'm Arianne."


I grinned at this, as if excited by the mere mention of her name. "Well I'm"


"Freddie," she cut me off, still grinning. "I know. You told me remember?"


"Yes. I do. Now I mean I remembered before but, um" I didn't know what else to say. So I waved my hand a little bit, and then turned to my room. I heard the door shut behind me and I looked up at Jameson, dumbfounded. He seemed to share my amazement because his mouth was slightly ajar as well as mine.


"She" I started, lamely. "She was amazing."


Suddenly Jameson laughed. "That's what I gathered"


I frowned up at his mocking, and then turned towards my room. Here we go. 154. The start of a new life. And I had a gut feeling that it would include Arianne.

Someday My Prince Will Come : Chapter


Chapter Two-Arianne


The next day, I woke up with a start. I had just dreamed about my mom. She was walking down the stairs in our house when suddenly, someone burst through the door with a black mask. She ran down as fast as she could and tried to grab me, but the man got to her before she could. Another man came in and rushed toward me. Then I blacked out and the next thing I know is I'm in a police station and my mother is dead. The man in the mask shot her. Luckily, the police found him nearby and arrested him. The police told me that it was my dad. I hadn't seen him in months, and my mom told me that he was on a business trip. I found that strange at my tender age because he never wore a suit I was recovering at the police station when suddenly, to my astonishment, I saw Freddie walking toward me, arms wide open. That's when I woke up. I wiped the sweat off of my face and got out of bed. That dream shook me up more than I wanted to. I hopped into the shower and let the hot water pour over my body; down every curve, every pore, every muscle, until I felt completely relaxed. The part about my mom dying wasn't the part that scared me. I had nightmares about that all the time. It had only been ten years, okay? Yes. The dream was actually not a dream. It was a nightmare. And that's all I can remember from that time. Before it, yes. After it, yes. But for some reason I couldn't remember anything else. Maybe that was a good thing.


I was getting dressed when I remembered who was there at the police station; Freddie. I shook my head slightly; getting those thoughts out of my head and conscience.


The scary part; I had always wished that instead of my uncle coming through the door, that it was someone that I actually cared about. Someone that I loved with all my heart. And then, there came Freddie. I couldn't love him! How could I? I met him last night! I needed to stop thinking about it. Things like that really took a lot of my thought process away and I needed to have my entire mind here if I was going to be seeing Freddie any time soon.


That next day was definitely a busy one. I didn't get any more knocks on my door from Freddie, and I was starting to believe that it was a very good thing. The effect he had on me was absolutely astounding. I didn't usually dream about people unless they made an extreme effect upon my life in some way. My mom, my dad my aunt and uncle why Freddie?


Thoughts like these filled my mind as I made my way down to my first class, Home Ec. It was for general ed., and I thought it was probably a good class to take, seeing as I how I would be cooking for myself the rest of my life. Besides, I liked cooking.


The class was pretty full, seeing as how I got in late. I searched the room for an open seat. No. No. Way. This probably sounds so very cliché, but I swear the only spot open was right next to the ominous Freddie. I seriously almost walked out of the classroom right then and there.


Freddie looked up and we made eye contact. I wanted to give him the most evil look I could possibly muster. Curse him for making my life complicated! Why did he


"Miss Weathers?" My professor, Mrs. McCabe said calmly, breaking into my thoughts. "Please take a seat. The class is about to begin."


I nodded solemnly and walked over to my doom. Freddie wasn't looking at me, thank God, and I put my stuff down under the seat. All I could feel was this incredible heat coming directly from his body. It was definitely impossible to forget about him right now


I snapped myself out of thinking about him and chastised myself for doing it. 'Shape up, Arie.' I thought to myself bitterly. 'He's just a random guy that you met last night. It's not like he feels the same way.' Then came the pain. It was subtle. Very small and innocent at first, but it grew larger as I realized the truth. He wouldn't feel the same way, ever. And that sickened me more than I would have liked it to. I was staring at my professor and rubbing my head, trying to pay attention, when suddenly I felt someone bump my elbow. I looked down and saw Freddie's arm next to mine.


The exhilaration of my body was too immense to describe, and I literally had to grab my arm to keep it from exploding! Freddie bumped me again, and I inwardly cursed him for being so drop dead gorgeous.


"Hey!" I heard him whisper. "Arianne."


Could it be!? Casually, I looked at his face and saw him smiling at me. The light seemed to bring out his eyes all the more than it had in the dimly lit hallway. I found myself smiling at him. It seemed to be a reaction to his face. I couldn't help but smile.


"Yes?" I whispered back, still smiling.


"Hey." He casually said, then grinned and leaned back in his chair, still making eye contact with me.


I felt my cheeks bloom and I looked down at my notebook. All that was there was, well, nothing was there. I then remembered that I needed to focus. I looked back at Freddie once more, who was still smiling broadly at me, flushed all the more, and then turned my attention back toward Mrs. McCabe; as best I could, under these circumstances. However, about five seconds later:




This time, I turned my head to him a little bit more sharply and whispered, "What?" Again, I couldn't help but smile. He was smiling too, and I watched his luscious lips as they parted to speak.


"What's your next class?"


I found myself rolling my eyes and answered, "Economics. Pay attention, Freddie." For a student who just entered mid-semester, he had a lot to catch up on. I looked back to my professor, but this time, fully knew what to expect.




I smiled to myself, but didn't look at him. I really DID need to pay attention. I then felt Freddie's arm bump my elbow again, but this time he slid his notebook over to me. It said (in beautiful cursive, I must add) 'What's after that?'


I accidentally giggled and brought Mrs. McCabe's attention, on me. Crap.


"Silence please." She said to no-one in particular. Oh whatever, she was staring right at me. I mouthed 'sorry' to her, then scooted Freddie's notebook away from me. This was getting to be a little bit risky. I promised my uncle when he brought me here, that I would get good grades in every class. If I didn't, he would stop paying for my bills; phone and car. If I didn't pay attention soon, then I knew there would be less social life then I already had. Focus, Arie. Focus.


Throughout the rest of the class, Freddie tried writing notes to me three more times, kicking me under the table, whispering my name repeatedly, and throwing a piece of paper at my head. Each time I smiled, I couldn't help but like the attention, then told him to pay attention. He didn't heed my commands; obviously. Finally, class was out and I was about to rush out of the class when Freddie stood up and stopped me. He was grinning down at me, and I couldn't help but smile. His green eyes twinkled as he asked, "Can I take you to your next class?"


This time, I laughed out loud. "No! If I let you distract me anymore than I already have, I'm not going to make it to any of my classes. Thanks, though." I gave him one last smile and then tried to move past him, but his hand grabbed my arm, and wouldn't let me through. I looked down at his hand on my arm, and desperately tried to ignore the raging currents that electrified my arm. I started to find it hard to breath. I needed to get away from this monster!


"Wait, wait, wait Speedy Gonzalez. Why are you trying to get away from me so fast?" A different look came to his evil eyes. "You're overwhelmed by my presence aren't you?"


I gasped; half at how he was so very accurate when it came to my feelings, and half because he actually had the nerve to say something like this to a girl who he met the night before. It suddenly seemed strange to me that I had only known him for less than twenty four hours it already seemed like months


"How dare you! Of course not, you moron! My next class starts in five minutes and it's almost all the way on the other side of the courtyard, up the stairs, down two halls, then four doors to the left. I really need to go." I urged, glancing at the clock. Crap.


"Hold on, just a minute." He said as he stopped my futile attempt once more. "What time is your lunch?" "1:30."




"Usually the courtyard." "Can I meet you there?"




"What?" As you could probably tell, I was in shock. First, a guy was actually holding my arm; a hot guy. Second, this hot guy wouldn't leave me alone. Third, he actually wanted to meet up with me? I realized I was gaping, and then shook my head slightly.


"Um, Sure? Bye." This time, he let me go, and I nearly jogged out of the now empty classroom. From across the courtyard, up the stairs, down two halls, and four doors to the left, I couldn't stop thinking about everything he said. It was like they were definitions, memorized in my head. I kept hearing him talking to me, asking me, talking, and asking! It was driving me crazy! I walked into my class, just on time, and breathed hard as I sat down. It was bittersweet for me that he wasn't here with me; I needed to focus.

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