Someone Elses Daughter (7 page)

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Authors: Jack Norman

BOOK: Someone Elses Daughter
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As it happened, she didn’t have long to wait. After twenty minutes or so, a white van, not unlike those used by the traffickers, drove briskly down the ramp into the car park, halting with a screech of brakes and a swirl of smelly diesel fumes. Nina remained hidden, fearing that the gang had returned, perhaps to find her. The vehicle’s engine remained running, spewing grey-blue exhaust fumes into the air. After a few minutes, when nobody had emerged from the van, Nina mustered the courage to steal forward, running low between the parked cars until she was near enough to get a better view. She was then able to see that the driver was a young woman, chewing gum and looking bored. The sight reassured Nina somewhat, even if her recent experience had demonstrated that the female of the species is at least as deadly. She waited for a minute or more, until the engine of the van suddenly revved, making her think that it was about to roar away. Immediately, almost before she had time to think, Nina leapt up and waved her arms, shouting, “Hey!” She ran over and opened the passenger-side door. “Did Vadim Kasharin send you?”

The woman got out quickly, grabbing a leather jacket from the seat next to her. She said: “Better put that on. Vadim never said you’d be bare-arsed naked. You’ll freeze your tits off.”

The woman opened the rear doors and Nina climbed hurriedly into the back of the van. “Do you work for Vadim?”

“You could say that,” the woman said, smiling thinly. “I’m Eva. I’ll take you to his apartment.”

Nina gratefully donned the jacket and then sat on a wheel arch in the rear of the van, the bare metal cold on her bare bottom. The woman shut the doors, climbed back into the cab, and the vehicle moved off with a roar and a lurch that almost sent her sprawling. Nevertheless, Nina sighed with relief. She had no view of where she was going, but she knew she had escaped from the car park.

When they arrived at Kasharin’s apartment, Nina hadn’t the faintest idea where it was located. Eva showed her up to the third floor of the anonymous-looking building, into a smart but fairly ordinary flat. “I have to go back to the bar,” Eva said. “Make yourself at home and wait here for Vadim.”

Eva had then left, deadlocking the door and making it impossible for Nina to get out. Nina briefly explored the apartment, but found no telephone there. She went to the small bathroom and took a thorough shower and washed her hair. Then she searched the cupboards and drawers of the bedroom for something suitable to cover her nakedness. There were quite a few female clothes, which presumably belonged to Eva. She found a short denim skirt and a cotton top. Thinking it impolite to borrow underwear, Nina opted to go without, even though the skirt was only just long enough to cover her bottom. Then, after making herself a coffee, she washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen, just for want of something to do and keep occupied as the events of the evening that kept playing over and over again in her mind.

Nina had no idea of the time, but she knew it was well into the small hours of the morning. She wondered what had happened to Anna and Renata.




It was approaching 4 a.m. and the large livestock market on the rural outskirts of Moscow should have been deserted. However, in one of the cavernous sheds, a small group of people were gathered under the light of a few overhead lamps at the centre of the complex of cattle pens. Six naked young women cowered together at the centre of the illuminated area. They stood dejectedly, as if bemused, and shivering in the cool night air, huddled together in the centre of a pen made of galvanised barred panels. Men, half a dozen of them, unshaven with the mean look of outlaws and thieves, leaned on the bars of the gate, looking at the women. And, in the pen with the girls, there was another woman - trim and handsome, in her forties, fashionably clad in a warm fur coat, and smoking a long black cheroot.

Anna Borzov hugged her arms over her breasts, both for concealment and warmth. The cobbles covered sparse straw struck cold beneath her bare feet, and she had a dull head-ache as a result of the drugs they had given her. A smell of cow dung and strong coal tar disinfectant hung in the air, and small moths fluttered round the lamps, casting eerie flickering shadows. In a nearby pen, half a dozen black and white cows moved uneasily, occasionally snorting, their rest disturbed. For the thousandth time, she wished that she hadn't been persuaded to attend the party after her night out in the clubs of Moscow.

The woman grasped the arm of one of the girls, pulling her from the huddle and setting her apart in the centre of the pen. She turned the pretty blonde girl firstly to one side and then the other, displaying the naked flesh to the onlookers. It was hard to say whether the tremors that shook the girl's pert breasts were caused by fear or by the early morning chill in the cavernous livestock shed.

“Your name?” the woman asked.


The woman reached into her pocket and took out a wad of passports. She sorted through them. “Ah, Kirsten is Swedish. We have a passport for Kirsten. 22 years old. Good.”

The woman pushed the girl to the watching men, and she stumbled against the rails. One of the men reached to steady her and he idly cupped a hand beneath one of her breasts as he asked, “You are selling them individually or as a job lot?”

“I don’t care which. I don’t have valid travel documents for many of them.” The woman pulled Anna from the huddle of nude girls and manoeuvred her to the centre of the pen. She smacked Anna’s arms aside and reached to cruelly pinch Anna’s erect right nipple. “This one needs to be moved quickly.”

“Why is that?”

“My father will pay for my return.”

There was a chuckle from the watching men.

“She is very pretty, and has a powerful father too. Tattooed on the shoulder - a nice blue rose.” The woman reached to grasp Anna's left buttock and her fingers painfully gripped the flesh, turning her as the cheeks were prized apart. “Walk nicely for the gentlemen, Anna.”


“Are you stupid, girl? Show yourself to the buyers.” She gave Anna's bare arse a sharp slap, spurring her to movement. She told the men: “You will need to move her out of the country, but you can make a good profit.”

Anna moved numbly, awkwardly, hands hanging limply by her sides as she walked round the straw-strewn cobbles of the cattle pen. The woman dragged another girl forward and demanded her name. Within minutes, the six terrified young women were all parading self-consciously nude around the pen, walking under the appraising eyes of the men who leaned on the bars of the pen.




Meanwhile Nina waited fretfully in Vadim Kasharin’s apartment somewhere in old Moscow. Dawn had broken by the time he eventually arrived. He nodded towards her as he entered. “So you made it back here.”

“What’s happened to Anna and Renata? Are they alright?”

Kasharin smiled wearily and nodded. “They’re as well as they’ll ever be, I suppose. They’re already on their way to Odessa with some Albanians. You had a lucky escape, Nina.”

“My God! I have to raise the alarm. Maybe it’s not too late.”

Nina was caught completely unawares by the backhanded blow that caught her across her ears. She staggered back, her eyes wide and uncomprehending as she placed the palm of her hand against her cheek. “Now look what you made me do,” Kasharin said, half-apologetically. “I told you, Nina. You must tell nobody what happened. If you breathe a word, both of your friends, you, me, Eva... we’ll all be dead.”

“I have to go home,” Nina said, feeling the tender spot on her cheek.

“You can’t go home, you stupid bitch,” he said. “Where do you think I’ve been until this time? We’ve been cleaning out the places where the girls lived. I told you, these people don’t leave tracks.”

Nina stared at him in disbelief. It just wasn’t possible. “How could they know their addresses?”

“Raisa does her homework. It’s why we like to take university girls. They usually live in rooms or student apartments. It’s easier to make them disappear without early suspicion.”

“It was all planned in advance?”

“Of course,” Kasharin said. “There was a small problem with the girl who was staying with her grandmother.”

“That’s Anna. Do you know who her father is?”

“Who gives a fuck - she’s just a whore now. Anyway, the old bird screamed blue murder when she discovered us in her house, so there was little we could do about that. For the rest of you, though, your rooms are empty now, and your things have been dumped. I had to include you, so they wouldn’t suspect anything. Nobody realised you’d disappeared until later.”

Nina’s head was in a whirl. It all seemed so efficient and cold-blooded. She struggled to take in the enormity of what had been done.

“Where will I live? I have no clothes...nothing.”

“Don’t worry, I have a place for you, and you’ll be given you all the clothes you need. You will work for me. You can’t go back to the university, or they’ll grab you for sure. You have to keep out of their sight, because they don’t like loose ends. Come, I’ll take you to your new home.”




Kasharin took Nina to an apartment in a large building not far from his bar. It was on the fifth floor of a terraced house without an elevator. As they were climbing the stairs, a man was descending, and he glanced briefly at Nina as he passed. They didn’t see anyone else there, and at the top of the last flight of stairs, in front of a stout door, Kasharin paused and rang the door bell. They waited, and after a couple of minutes there was a metallic click announced as the lock disengaged. The door opened an inch of so and a man peered out through the gap.

“Igor, it’s Vadim.”

The man cursed and the door opened fully. He was unshaven and his hair was unkempt, and he wore just a pair of shorts that were prominently tented by his erect penis. A hand gun was grasped in his right hand. “Fuck you, Kasharin. What fucking time do you think it is? I was working all night.”

“Ach, some of us have also been working all night, Igor,” Vadim said as he pushed Nina forward. “This is Nina, your new girl.”

When they went inside the apartment, Nina was pleasantly surprised by its decor, given the grim outer exterior of the building and the shabby stairways. The flat had high corniced ceilings, and polished sanded wood floors, and the furniture was modern and attractive.

“It couldn’t wait until later? Alright let me look at her.”

“Take your clothes off,” Vadim ordered Nina.


“Fuck!” Vadim said, reaching out and grasping the collar of her shirt and yanking it so hard that it tore the cotton material and the buttons flew off and it gaped open revealing her bare breasts. “Do I always have to tear your fucking clothes off? I’m tired, Nina. Do as you’re fucking told. Strip for the man.”

Igor held the gun at Nina’s temple. “I’m tired too, bitch,” he said. “If need be, I’ll shoot you now and a slut will clean the mess later.”

Quaking, Nina removed the torn shirt, and then unbuttoned the waistband of the small denim skirt and pushed it down over her hips. She cowered back, naked, as the man stared at her.

“Her cunt hair is like a forest,” Igor complained, as if offended.

“So shave her. She’s fresh meat and has hardly been fucked. You want her? You can pay me later.”

Igor glanced again at Nina. “Alright, come on in here, bitch,” he said grumpily, and he grasped Nina’s arm and pulled her into one of the rooms. Another nude girl was already in the crumpled bed, but she got up and scampered out of the room when Igor gestured with his gun. As Igor closed the bedroom door, he called: “Now fuck off, Kasharin, and let me get some rest.”

Nina blinked. She realised that Vadim Kasharin had just sold her to this frightening brute! Igor’s fingers were locked around her upper arm and she ineffectually tried to pull away. “Please, I need to rest.”

Igor again pressed the muzzle of his gun to her temple. Nina gave a small moan of terror. For a second, she thought he was going to shoot her. Instead though, he swung her around and hurled her to sprawl on the bed. “First I try you out,” he snarled. “Then you rest.”

With that he tossed the gun onto the table beside the bedroom door and strolled to the bed, pushing his shorts down and stepping out of them. He glanced down as she cringed back fearfully and tried to scramble up the bed away from him. Igor growled and reached to grasp her ankle, dragging her back.

“No, please...”

He used his grip on her ankle to adroitly twist Nina over onto her belly, and yanked her back so that her legs draped over the edge of the bed. She remained thus, terrified, and saw him go to the small bedside cabinet and take a condom and a tube of lubricant gel. Then he went behind her, snapping the condom onto his cock as he walked. Nina squealed as he roughly spread the cheeks of her arse and smeared the cold lubricant on her anus.
Not again!
That was how Vadim Kasharin had fucked her.
s wrong with these people?
She screeched in protest, but Igor ignored that. She squirmed and struggled as he pushed his cock against the tight muscle, but the cock glans easily breached her and then he was pressing forward, working brutally inside her. It hurt dreadfully. He was grunting and pushing, and she felt as though the tender flesh of her anal tunnel was splitting and tearing. She buried her face in the duvet, biting on the bedding, her fingers grasping the fabric until her knuckles were white. Nina screeched and the top of her feet beat a frantic tattoo on the carpet. Then Igor gave a cruel thrust and she threw her head back in pain as the cock sank fully into her arse. The flab of his hips nestled against the cheeks of her arse, and she was impaled to the hilt of his member. She gritted her teeth and the next lunge wrought another anguished moan from her throat. He eased back and then thrust forward once more, bludgeoning in the cock deep into her tortured passage. She knew that he was intent on hurting her. He was demonstrating his power and her own abject weakness, deliberately imposing pain and humiliation, conclusively impressing upon her that she was his whore and she could do nothing to prevent him doing with her as he liked. He then began to work back and forth, fucking her arse, without pause or pity for her moans and pleas. Presently, after only a short time, although it seemed like an eternity, he began to piston his hips, slapping against her, and she rolled in a tide of pain and torment until he went rigid against her and jerked spasmodically.

“In future, whenever you don’t do as you’re told, I’ll always fuck you hard up the arse,” Igor said.

Nina gave another yelp as he withdrew his softening cock from her sore anus. She lay sprawled on the bed as he pulled off the condom and dropped it onto her back. Then Igor climbed up onto the bed, and went to sleep. Nina lay awake, her body convulsed with sobs.
She knew now that she had fared no better than her friends Renata and Anna.

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