Somethin' Dirty: Country Fever, Book 4 (18 page)

BOOK: Somethin' Dirty: Country Fever, Book 4
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She fell still. “What will you do with Lyric?”

He met her real question head-on. “Yes, I need you here. Will you stay?”

Part of him knew how selfish he was being, keeping her from the pursuit of her music career, but he couldn’t exactly keep Lyric happy in a hospital waiting room for hours. Then what would he do while he visited his ma in recovery? He needed help, and Nola could save his ass.

And keep him from going crazy with worry too.

She searched his gaze. Then slowly nodded. “I’ll stay.”

Joy flitted through his system. He ran his hands over her arms and threaded their fingers. “I have another important question for you.”

Her throat worked around a swallow. “What’s that?”

He tightened his ab muscles and leaned up to bite her tender earlobe. “Will you shower with me?”

She ground her pussy against his erection, which had slipped from her body. “Only if you promise to wear a condom.”

“Hell,” he breathed, “yes.”

He led her to the bathroom and started the shower. Beyond the narrow window, the ranch slumbered. Inside the house, his daughter slept. And he’d go to the barn tomorrow bleary-eyed with lack of sleep. But damn if he would stop loving her all night long.

He crowded her into the shower and pinned her to the wall. Her wet length ignited him, and he used his chin to brush aside damp tendrils of her hair so he could get at her throat.

“No marks, Griffin. They just went away.”

“That’s why I want to put them back,” he groaned, opening his mouth over her flesh.

She twisted in his hold, bringing her wet breasts against his chest. “I mean it. No marks. I feel like a sixteen-year-old hiding them from my parents.”

“Don’t hide ’em.” He went after her again.

Sagging at the knees, she slipped from his clutches. “I’ll give you something else, Griffin.”

He let his gaze lazily over her. Full breasts, toned belly, a faint patch of gold-red curls on her mound, and round, delicious thighs. “Damn right you are.”

“What about…” She turned and braced her hands against the wall, thrusting her ass into the air. “This?”

He stopped breathing.


Nola’s inner thigh muscles quivered at the thought of what she was about to do. Before Griffin had entered her life, she’d never contemplated anal sex. But he awakened things in her.

He soaped his hands and ran them down her sides. Bubbles formed on her skin, which he lathered into a white foam. When he ran his big palms around to cup her breasts, she sagged against the wall.

He nuzzled her throat, and her skin pebbled at the touch of his beard. “You’re sure, baby doll? I don’t want to push you.”

In response she shoved her ass against his erection. He groaned.

“Give me two minutes.”

“Make it one.”

He climbed out of the shower, and a minute later appeared with a white tube and his cock stretched inside a tight condom. He scanned her face. “Keep licking your lips and this won’t last even one.”

She reached for him, but he spun her to face the wall again. Then he took his time lathering her clit. Tendrils of heat climbed her core. The knot inside her tightened, and she almost begged for him to give her release.

Clamping down on her urges, she let him take the reins. He was the cowboy, after all.

He glided his finger over her straining nubbin down through her slick folds. He eased a fingertip into her pussy, and she bucked. At the same moment, his other hand found a different opening.

He circled her anus with a rough finger. Once…twice. Then plunged right into her. She cried out at the invasion. The well-lubed finger gave nothing but pleasure. She rocked, and he withdrew only to plunge again.

“I’m gonna stretch you for me. When you can take two fingers, maybe three, I’ll put this in you.” He nudged her hip with his thick erection.

She reached behind her and gripped his nape. She twisted her head for a kiss, and he explored her mouth until her knees threatened to buckle. He thrust his tongue in and out in time with the finger in her ass.

When her body started clenching around him on the exit, he growled. The next blissful stab was two fingers.

She muffled a cry against her forearm. The pleasure pain of his addition whipped through her. She lost herself for several breath-holding minutes as he worked over her ass.

Nashville had never seemed so far away. She was locked into this moment. Here with Griffin.

The rasp of his breath against her neck spoke of how turned on he was. Power welled within her, very close to what she felt onstage. She had the ability to command an audience—had known it since a very young age. And now she was learning she could do that with a man too.

Not just anyone though. Griffin was different.

As he withdrew his fingers, her heart dropped into her belly.

I’m so screwed. I love him.

The situation was less than fairy tale, yet here she stood, wanting him to do everything to her and in every possible way, just so she could carry away the memory when she left.

Dark need tore through her.

“Three fingers,” she gasped.

He hesitated, flicking her clit until juices oozed from her pussy.

“I’m so close,” she whispered.

“I know, doll.” He pressed on her nether hole again, and she shoved back for more.

Three fingers entered her, swift and easy.

“Holy. Fuck. You’re like a glove. Once I slide into that tight hole, I’m not gonna last. I shoulda jacked off before getting in the shower.” His voice was a mix of mirth and regret.

Her laughter filled the shower, and her arousal spiked. Reaching behind her, she located his swollen shaft. She pumped it slowly. With a groan, he jerked his hips back.

“What do you want?” His voice at her ear raised a shiver.

“You. Right where your fingers were.”

“Here?” He covered her pulsing button with a forefinger. Fresh cream squeezed from her.

She shook her head, and water from her hair sprayed the wall. “You know where.”

“You’re right. But I want to hear you say it.”


He tugged her earlobe with his teeth and ground her clit into her body again. “Say, ‘Griffin, fill my ass with your cock’.” He teased her back opening with one lubed finger.

“One isn’t enough anymore.” Nola’s voice sounded whiney, and he laughed.

“Then say it.”

She smeared water from her eyes with her forearm. She’d never known abandon in the bedroom like she did with him. Maybe it was his experience or his confidence. Now he was luring her confidence to the surface too.

A determination to match him in all ways—kiss for kiss, thrust for thrust—rose inside her.

And she would damn well best him with dirty words.

“Baby, drive your thick cock into my ass and let me milk it dry.”

He went still, his fingers fumbling to a halt on her clit.

Her mind flew over what she’d just said. Why wasn’t he reacting? Why—

“That was better than I could have dreamed of, baby doll.” He tapped her clit and pushed his cock against her opening. She spread around him with surprising ease.

The feeling of his well-lubed shaft sliding into her stole all thought. The pressure consumed her, and she wanted more.

“Relax,” he crooned in her ear, though his words sounded tight. “Open for me.”

She sagged, and he wrapped an arm around her middle for support. Then he drooped at the knees and slid in another inch. She sucked in a harsh breath.

“Fucking hell. Shit. Goddamn.” His torrent of curses could only mean one thing—his need matched hers.

She arched her lower back and took another inch.

“Oh my… Damn, baby doll. You’re strangling my cock with your tight ass.” She opened her mouth to apologize, but he said, “I can’t get enough. I need it all.”

With one solid shove, he rooted himself deep in her body. She cried out as heat rolled through her and her inner walls clamped down on him.

“Sonofabitch,” he growled and began to move.

Every pass of his thick erection through her body rocketed her toward the peak. Her clit throbbed in time to her heart. Just a few strokes of a finger would get her off, but something so much bigger built inside her.

He gripped her hips and pulled her down on his shaft. “You can’t fucking believe how gorgeous this looks, my cock disappearing into your round ass. Motherfuck.”

She smiled at his cussing though her body began to tense with a brand new pressure. Deep in her core, a pulsation began.

Griffin groaned, and she issued a small squeak. “Tell me you’re going to come. Tell me.”

“I’m…going to die if you don’t move faster.”

“Fucking sweet hell!” He pumped in a frenzied rhythm and reached between her legs again. The first swipe of her clit tipped her over the ledge.

She freefell, mind floating, body thrumming with ecstasy. Her ass clenched and released around him, and her pussy flooded.

He angled lower and gained another fraction of an inch at the same moment she felt his liquid heat fill her. He managed to bite off a roar of satisfaction, but she felt it rumble from his chest into her back, vibrating to every corner of her body.

And soul.

Oh God.

“Tell me,” he rasped.

Confusion swept her until she realized he wasn’t finished speaking.

“Tell me you’ll marry me, baby doll.”

If he’d asked her to talk dirtier, to go down on her knees and pull off his condom and suck his cock, she would have.

But she couldn’t do what he asked.

When he pulled free of her body, she felt an aching loss. Tears sprang to her eyes. He spun her to face him. She wouldn’t meet his gaze, and he used his knuckles under her chin to meet her eyes.

“Hear that?” His eyes took on a faraway expression. Through her haze of passion and emotion, she fought to follow his question.

“No,” she murmured.

“It’s raining. Hear it on the roof?”

She let her gaze wander over his beautiful face. Rugged features, dark hair, blazing eyes. She could have him if she wanted. As a child she’d dreamed of riding a horse to her wedding rather than walking down the aisle. She’d told Molly once, and her sister had latched on with fervor.

Images flipped through Nola’s mind, snapshots of what could be. Something old? Her family’s heirloom veil. New—a sexy lace thong. Molly would let her borrow her trademark red lipstick, and for something blue…maybe they’d dress Lyric in a pretty blue tutu.

Oh fuck, I’m never getting to Nashville.

Griffin’s dark gaze threatened to break her. She sucked back a sob, but he smiled. Turning off the water, he said, “Come on.”

He tugged her out of the shower. She reached for a plush towel on the shelf, but he stopped her. “Don’t dry off. We’re about to get wetter.” He rolled off the condom and disposed of it. Then gave his hands a cursory wash before grabbing her hand and towing her out of the bathroom.

When they reached his bedroom door, she balked. “We can’t go out there naked.”

“Why not? It’s my house.”

“Someone might see us,” she hissed.

His eyes crinkled. “No one is within a country mile. C’mon, baby doll.”

Her heart pattered a staccato like the rain on the roof. It was really coming down. She hoped it was warm, because she didn’t relish standing nude in a cold downpour.

Her gaze fell over Griffin’s sculpted backside and heat spread through her. He’d keep her warm.

They traipsed through the dark rooms to the mudroom. She expected him to grab the old black umbrella in the corner, but he ignored it and dragged her right out into the yard.

The muggy night surrounded her like a lover’s embrace. Fat droplets bounced off her face, her breasts. The warm sting exhilarated her, and she tipped her face to the sky.

When she dropped her chin, she found Griffin’s stare on her. She fell into his arms. He caught her waist and her hand to whirl her. Her bare feet sank into the soggy grass, and his hard body stuck to hers.

He spun her all over the yard. They tripped over a chair leg, and he narrowly righted them before they sprawled to the ground. That spurred her giggles, and he followed. They shook with laughter, and tears of joy and sadness ran free with the rain washing over her face.

The wind kicked up, throwing more water at them, but he just scooped her up and danced on. They’d danced the first time they’d met at The Hellion. And she’d been smitten then.

Now she was positively lost.

Their gazes clashed like lightning, and Griffin swooped in to claim her mouth. His strong arms circling her and the drum of his heart against her breasts only added to the moment. He slipped his tongue against hers in a long, slow kiss that packed more emotional punch than a romantic comedy.

She quivered. If he raised his head and asked her to marry him again, she didn’t have the strength to go on fighting it. She’d get that whole list of somethings that came with a wedding, including the “somethin’ dirty” he’d promised her before.

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