Something More (14 page)

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Authors: Kat Watson

BOOK: Something More
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“So good,” I said. “Gonna come.”

As if they’d somehow coordinated, Noah and Jay both pushed their fingers all the way inside of me at the same time. Jay’s thumb rolled over my clit, and I practically shouted as I came. It was so much sensation. I had no idea how to even process it all as I began to drift back to reality.

Carefully, they each disengaged, and went to the bathroom together. All I could do was lie there, stupid smile all over my face. When they got back into bed, I stayed where I was, staring at the ceiling.

“Did you break her?” Jay asked.

“Death by orgasm?” Noah said, kissing the slope of my shoulder.

“I’m not broken,” I said. “That was just…intense. New.”

“Enjoyable?” Noah prodded.

“Very much, surprisingly,” I confessed.

Jay looked at me with a funny expression. “Surprisingly? What did you expect?”

“I guess I expected it to hurt a lot more and not really to find it pleasurable.”

“You’re in bed with two well-practiced men,” Noah said. “We know what we’re doing, and we’d never hurt you.”

“Well, not intentionally,” I said. “I just didn’t expect it to be so easy, I guess?”

“The secret is lots of lube,” Jay mumbled against my lips.

“I want to see,” I said, surprising myself. “Will you show me?”

Jonathan pulled back and gave me a quizzical look. “Are you asking me to fuck Noah?”

“I suppose I am…”

He smirked and climbed over me. “As you wish, m’lady. Get over here, you,” he said to Noah. “It’s demonstration time.”

I watched as they kissed and touched each other, clearly working themselves up again.

“Pass me the lube,” Jonathan requested, pointing to the bottle. “Oh, and a condom.”

I grabbed both then scooted down to where he was on the bed for a better view.

“Noah loves to be fingered,” he whispered conspiratorially. “So I always make sure to warm him up more than enough.” As he spoke, he uncapped the bottle in a well-practiced maneuver, using one hand. I watched the clear liquid stream down onto Noah’s ass, giggling when he flinched from its coldness.

Jay brought his fingers to rub carefully between Noah’s cheeks, much like Noah had done to me. Jay didn’t seem to go as slowly, though, and I watched with rapt fascination as he worked one, then two fingers, carefully into Noah. There was no shame at all when Noah moaned and pushed back. He was completely into it, opening himself up—literally and figuratively—for Jay to seek and provide pleasure.

I decided to be helpful, so I unwrapped the condom then rolled it down Jay’s cock. I loved watching them both as they did this familiar dance. My fingers wrapped around Jay, and he pushed his hips against my hand when I began to stroke him. I loved that I’d grown confident with this part of what we did together, and that I felt okay jumping in and participating.

When he pulled his fingers away, I helped guide the tip of him to where I imagined Noah’s body was waiting and ready to accept, and then I backed away. Jay’s hands moved to Noah’s hips, pulling their bodies together. Noah turned his head so he was facing me, and I watched as Jay began to push and pull in a steady rhythm. Watching them was beautiful in so many ways, but sexy in infinitely more.

I looked at Jay for silent permission to touch Noah as I moved closer to him on the bed. When he smiled at me, I moved my hand between Noah and the bed, finding and stroking him. I tried to pay attention to the rhythm Jay set, mimicking the thrusts. With my other hand, I touched myself, already in need of more.

As best I could, I tried to focus on them and what Jay was doing, still fascinated, but I quickly lost focus on watching and put my full attention into Noah. My hand was practically trapped, and I shivered when Jay began to thrust harder. Knowing their boundaries and just how hard they could push each other was deliciously provocative; I couldn’t wait until we all three knew each other that well. As the thought rolled through my brain, my body tensed and I closed my eyes. I imagined being in Noah’s position, one of them on either side of me, both of them inside, and let out a squeak as my orgasm crashed against me.

My other hand was still working Noah’s body, and I felt him pulse against my skin, hot liquid exploding from his body. I opened my eyes, watching as he and Jay came almost simultaneously.

The three of us took a quick shower to clean up then dried off and got back into bed.

“Lazy if I fall back asleep?” I asked, yawning.

“Perfect if you fall back asleep,” Noah said, burrowing closer against me.

Jay hummed in agreement, and before I could stop myself, I drifted into a peaceful slumber.

When I woke up, it was past noon and I was alone. I grabbed a robe and made my way into the kitchen, where there were several pages of recipes scattered around and what looked like a grocery list.

“You guys planning?” I asked, reaching for a coffee mug.

“Yeah. What do you think, turkey or ham?” Noah asked.

“Didn’t you guys order something before?” I asked. I remembered my mom making a big deal of ordering the Thanksgiving turkey when I was little.

“Naw, we wing it every year. It works out,” Jay said, wrapping his arms around me. “Good afternoon, sleepyhead.” He kissed the side of my neck and then let one of his arms rest at my waist as we worked out the rest of the menu.

We each had a task list for the upcoming week. Jay needed to pick up the turkey, and I was in charge of getting most of the side dish items. When we were back together on Wednesday, we’d make the brine and leave the turkey in it overnight. Noah kept thinking of things to worry about, and Jay would remind him we still had four days. It was funny to see the role-reversal for once, for Noah to be worrying and Jonathan to be the source of calm.

Noah left midday, off to work extra hours and help at the bakery. He had employees who usually covered weekends, but he needed to be there extra with the holiday coming up, he said. We gave him our best pouty faces, but at the same time, it was nice to spend a day with Jay. We’d agreed to go to our movie on Sunday so Noah could go, so we spent most of Saturday lounging around the house. I took that time to get my work finished since it was a perfect pocket of silence. Jay had his laptop out, too, and I laughed more than once at the level of nerddom going on. He sweetly took a break from whatever he was doing after an hour to rub my feet as I worked, and I thought I might have an orgasm right then and there, it felt so amazing.

When Noah finally got back home, it was just past sunset. I was grateful he brought dinner with him, and we greedily ate together on the couch. We stayed up way too late watching late-night TV, and after lots of slow, lazy kisses, I closed my eyes.

On Sunday, we stayed naked until it was almost time to leave for the movie. It was luxurious and indulgent and utterly sexy to watch their bodies for the entire afternoon. We almost didn’t make it to the movie. After, I was glad and grateful I’d finished the work I’d brought home on Saturday because it allowed me to stay and soak up as much of them as I could. Before we parted ways for the three days of work in the upcoming week, we each took a grocery list from the ones we’d written on Saturday.

I made sure they each knew how much I’d miss them, and then I was on my way. Although I relished my alone time on Sunday nights, I was starting to feel more sadness at separation than relaxation in solitude that it once afforded. It had morphed from something I looked forward to and needed, to something I dreaded. I soaked in the tub far longer than normal, thinking about what that meant.

Going home was awkward, but was I ready to move in with them?

I had no clue, but the idea had been tossed around, and it no longer terrified me. In fact, it made my stomach flutter—not in the “I’m going to be sick” way, but in the “that makes me very happy” way. I slept easily that night, realizing that I was normal and capable of a real relationship. I thought about the years I’d spent with Sean, and how I was convinced after my years of failed boyfriends that something must clearly be wrong with me. Sean seemed like the best I’d get—a friend with lots of benefits.

By the time it was five on Wednesday, I was almost literally bouncing in my seat, ready to leave. I told my assistant she could leave early, so I knew no one would know if I did too, given that we were the only ones left at the office, but I would know.

I’d packed a huge bag the night before—I’d be with the boys for four nights and five days—by far, my longest stay. Even my luggage seemed to smile at me from the trunk when I packed my briefcase away with it that night. I still had to stop at the grocery store for my list items, but I didn’t even care how packed it was. I braved the crowd, almost got into a fistfight over Brussels sprouts, and managed to make it to their place by seven. I could only grab one bag of groceries with my suitcase, and as I approached, I could hear jovial noise from inside, so I decided to finally get over myself and just walk in. I’d been given permission countless times.

The house was warm and vibrant as I opened the door, and it made me smile and breathe easier. I closed the door behind me, left my suitcase in the entry, and made my way to the kitchen.

“I hope you guys didn’t get started without me,” I called ahead, laughing at the dirty tone in my voice.

When I rounded the corner into the kitchen, I saw the two of them with aprons on…and a woman between them. Standing at the stove, they all three turned and stared at me, obviously having heard my greeting.

“Oh,” I said. “Hi?”

The boys looked at me in surprise, almost as if they hadn’t anticipated my being there, and I was confused. Who in the hell was this woman, and why did they forget all about me coming over?

“Well, hello there,” she said. “I’m Jay’s mother, Gladys. And you are?”

I suddenly felt sick, as if someone had punched me right in the stomach. I wasn’t sure what I expected, but Jay’s mom had no idea who I even was, much less my place in their life.

“I’m Olivia, a…” Well, what
I? Sure, I’d referred to them as my boyfriends with Magda and a few other friends, but we’d never exactly had that conversation, had we? “I’m a friend of Jay and Noah’s.”

“Lovely to meet you, Olivia. You brought groceries?”

She looked down at my bag, and her voice held a soft judgment. To her, I’m sure it seemed like a strange woman had just burst into her son’s house, bringing random food items.

“Yes, well…” I stumbled over my words, trying to think fast. I could be creative enough in court, surely I could handle this woman. “The boys so graciously invited me for Thanksgiving when they found out I was going to be home alone.”

Shit, how would I explain my huge suitcase? I had to go put it away before she walked into the living room area. But, did I need to put it away in the bedroom or back in my car? Would I even be staying the night anymore? Shit, shit, shit.

“I’m just going to grab the rest of the groceries,” I said, excusing myself after I set the bag on the counter.

“I’ll help,” Noah offered, pleading with his eyes.

He took his apron off, hung it back where it belonged, and walked behind me. When we got to the foyer, I paused and looked down at my suitcase. After a few seconds of debate, I began to roll it out the door and to my car.

“Stop,” Noah said, his voice frantic. “You can’t go.”

“But she thinks I’m a friend. Why would a friend be staying the night?”

“I don’t know, but she doesn’t get to ruin this whole weekend for us,” Noah said, suddenly sounding angry and a little bitter. “Let’s get the groceries, and we can explain in a few, hopefully.”


My mind and stomach were still churning, my previous uncertainty and hesitation back in full force.

I only had two bags left, so we each grabbed one, and Noah grabbed my suitcase as we made our way back inside. The whole time, he was mumbling and shaking his head. My heart sank that we hadn’t even had time to say hello properly.

When we set the bags on the counter and Noah started unloading them, Gladys looked at me with an arched eyebrow. “You needed help with that?”

“Mom, Noah offered to help her,” Jay said. “She never asked. Stop being so difficult.”

She huffed at him, turning back to the stove.

“My mom showed up about thirty minutes ago,” Jay said, looking at me. He mouthed a
and frowned, and I wanted to hug him so hard. “She’s going to the hotel down the road to check in now that I’ve made her a reservation. I told her how we’d already invited you to stay the weekend with us, so she has no other choice.” Rolling his eyes, he mouthed a quick
thank God
, then winked at me.

I just sort of stood on the other side of the breakfast bar, waiting. Noah stood to my side, occasionally tickling me or poking my ribs. He was making me smile and laugh, something I was hesitant to do at that moment. I was too twisted up inside to be light and playful, but he kept at it, and by the time Jay’s mom declared herself ready to go, I felt better.

“I’ll get my suitcase from the guest room,” she said, sighing.

“Why don’t you let me get that for you, Gladys?” Noah said, walking ahead of her.

“Thanks,” she said, pausing to look me up and down one last time. “I’ll see you tomorrow, young lady.”

“See you tomorrow,” I replied. “Nice to meet you.”

Without any acknowledgment of my statement, she turned on her fancy heels and walked out of the room. I’d forgotten Jay was even in the room with me until he was at my side, nudging me to turn around and wrapping me in his arms.

“Sorry, sweetness. She literally just showed up, no call, no warning. I’ll tell you more about it when I get back, or Noah can fill you in while I drive her to the hotel. God, I’m so glad you’re here.” He smiled at me, stopping his words only to steal a quick kiss. “I’ll be right back, promise.”

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