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Authors: Kat Watson

Something More (13 page)

BOOK: Something More
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When the food was gone and the plates were cleared, we curled on the couch instead of the usual spot on the floor. It wasn’t easy to spoon with two adults on a couch, but we made it work. As we watched TV, he peppered kisses around on my skin. I tried to convey without words just how much I cared for him and wanted to really take care of him, like I’d said. I ran my fingers through his hair and scratched at his scalp. I kissed little paths on his neck during commercial breaks so I wouldn’t distract him while the show was on. I held him close, and it felt like exactly what he needed—to lean on someone else for just a few minutes to recharge. It was a vulnerable aspect to him I hadn’t experienced. It made me fall even harder, seeing this side of him.

Jay got home just before I’d planned to leave, so I decided to stay a few extra minutes. We curled up together on their bed in the quiet of the room and talked about Thanksgiving, the menu, what we needed to do. I was excited. I had people to spend a holiday with, and I was really looking forward to it. I ate so many frozen dinners, not because I couldn’t cook, but I thought it was such a waste to go to great lengths when I only had to prepare food for myself.

Jonathan was in charge of the list of groceries we needed, and we planned to do most of the prep work Wednesday night, in a week. Noah would have to work late, but Jay and I would get things started, and he’d join us as soon as he could.

We would have four uninterrupted days together. The idea thrilled me beyond belief.

On my drive home, I turned the music up loud to combat my droopy eyes, thankful I didn’t live too terribly far from them. After I fell into bed, I slept hard and dreamed of babies—of having them and raising them with Noah and Jonathan. I couldn’t remember a time when I’d ever had that particular dream before, so it stuck in my mind the whole day on Thursday. It wasn’t entirely good or bad, just distracting—something I didn’t really need.

On Friday, I somehow overslept, so I frantically threw my weekend stuff into my bag while I got ready for work. At least I didn’t have to worry about razors or shampoo. After I rushed to the office, I met frustration after frustration with the case I was working on.

I could hardly believe I was having such a shitty Friday, when my assistant brought me a coffee. I lowered my hands to the top of my desk, bowing my head, and chanted, “I’m not worthy,” a few times, in thanks. She laughed, which made it so much easier to tell her we were probably going to work a little late. I knew she had a family to get home to, and I desperately wanted to get to the boys, so I prioritized and figured out what could wait then tackled only the urgent things that needed to be reviewed by someone else over the weekend. With the short week coming up, a lot of people had taken Monday and Tuesday off, so I knew things would be superslow, but I had to have a part of the case wrapped up by Monday. I packed up my laptop, anticipating working a little on Sunday, but figuring I could do it from home once I’d left the boys.

I parked in my usual spot, grabbed my bag, and made my way to the door, then knocked. Jay answered, still in his suit and tie, and I smirked. God, he was so fucking sexy in his work clothes. How many times had I seen him in the exact same outfit and wanted to be able to ravage him? Now I could.


“Hey, sweets,” he said, reaching out to grab my hand. “Come in. I don’t know why you bother to knock…”

I always laughed at how weird it was to knock, but it would have been even weirder to just barge in.

“How’re you?” Jay asked, sitting on the couch and pulling me into his lap.

“So much better now.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and enjoyed the closeness of our bodies.

“Long week?”

“Mhm,” I mumbled against his neck. “Where’s Noah?”

“He went to grab some dinner. Neither of us was feeling up to cooking.”

“What’s he getting?” I asked. “I could have cooked.”


My stomach growled loudly. “That sounds perfect.”

We stayed together like that until we heard the garage door opening.

“Think we should get up and help?” I asked.

“Don’t want to move,” he said, his voice soft and light. “So comfortable.”

I smiled against his neck, burrowing farther into his arms, and hummed.

The door from the garage into the house opened, and Noah walked in with the pizzas, laughing at us.

“You guys look like two cats wrapped around each other. Come on, let’s eat. I have a feeling I’m going to need sustained energy this weekend,” he said as he walked away from us and toward the kitchen.

I unwrapped myself from Jay and we both stood, holding hands as we walked to the kitchen.

“Smells good,” I said, lifting a box lid.

“This is the best pizza in town,” Noah said. “Have you ever had it?”

I looked at the logo on the box lid as I grabbed two pieces. “Nope.”

We sat at the breakfast bar with our pizza and beer that Noah had grabbed from the fridge. It was casual and comfortable and perfect for the relaxing night I needed.

“Ready for a few days off from the bakery?” I asked Noah between bites.

“Naw. I love it, especially when it gets chaotic and busy.”

He smiled, and I was glad that he had a job that brought him so much joy.

“I am glad, however, to be spending several days with you, and you,” he said, looking at me, then Jay.

“Me too,” I said, smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. “We need to finalize the menu and cooking stuff tomorrow. Tonight is no shop talk, no work, no Thanksgiving…just relaxing.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Jay said, mock saluting me.

I looked at Noah.

“Agreed. No argument here. Well, except maybe that you’re still dressed.”

I shook my head and turned back to Jay. “I don’t know about you, but I’m stuffed. There’s no way anything like that is happening anytime soon.”

“That’s what you think,” Noah said, exchanging a look with Jay.

Before we had a chance to clean up from dinner, they were both picking me up from my spot and leading me back to the bedroom. On our way, articles of clothing fell to the floor. By the time we reached the bedroom, I was down to my panties and bra, and the boys were left in only their underwear.

We were all tired, so I knew it was going to be slow and careful, and I was glad. I needed that connection more than I needed the orgasm. We had the rest of the weekend for exploration and acrobatics. Noah was in front of me, nudging me to lie back on the bed as he climbed above me. My head hit the pillow, and he was right there over me, kissing and teasing me with his tongue.

I felt lost, unable to even compose my thoughts as he touched me. My panties were gone first as Noah settled between my thighs, looking up and me and smiling. I saw Jay behind him and smirked when I realized they’d both lost the last of their clothing, too. My bra was still on, but as I sat up on my elbows to get a better view, I unclasped and removed it, throwing it to the side with a giggle.

Jay moved around to the side of the bed, and I saw him rummaging in the bedside table, eventually grabbing two condoms and a black bottle of lube. As he moved behind Noah, he handed off one condom then disappeared mostly. I saw Jay’s hands on Noah’s hips periodically, and I loved seeing Noah’s face relax and contort with pleasure as he got hard. I watched as Noah unwrapped, then rolled the condom down onto his cock. I squirmed on the bed, impatient and more than ready for whatever was about to happen.

After he was done, Noah bent to lick a long, slow swipe up the center of my pussy, and then pulled me closer to the end of the bed and kissed each thigh. His hands slid from my stomach up to my breasts, cupping and sliding his fingertips over to tease each nipple.

“Even where you’re hard, you’re so soft and so beautiful,” he said quietly.

I leaned back, basking in his attention as he settled between my legs. One of my hands guided him inside me as our hips aligned, and the men worked together to find a steady pace. Noah slowed, and I saw Jay stand almost upright behind him.

When they seemed to be moving in tandem, I realized what they were doing, and I groaned.

“You like watching him fuck me, baby?” Noah asked, smirking down at me.


“I like watching him fuck you, too,” he said.

I tilted my hips, reaching up harder and faster each time he thrust into me, seeking friction and just the right angle. I moved my hand down to touch myself, and Noah’s teeth scraped against the skin covering my neck.

“Do you want that, sweet girl? Do you want us both deep inside you?”

“Oh God. Yeah,” I breathed. I was so, so close already.

“Me too,” he said. “Fuck.”

The sounds of them together and the sounds from where Noah and I were joined drove me mad, and my fingers moved faster. I needed to come, as much as I needed to breathe. Pressing harder, I arched my hips and every muscle tensed as I held my breath. My eyes were closed, my whole body on fire while I came.

When my hips lowered, I gasped for breath, moving my hands out to cling to Noah while he kept thrusting. Everything was overly sensitive, and I was stuck in that place where I wanted to come again and again, but I knew I couldn’t—it just felt insanely good. His body began to jerk, his rhythm faltering, and I knew from the way his breathing changed that he was about to come. I’d been so focused on him that I hadn’t looked up at Jay for several minutes. But when I did, his eyes were closed, and from the expression on his face, he was clinging precariously to the edge of his own orgasm.

“Mmm, Jay’s going to come soon,” I whispered to him. “I can feel him fucking you harder, and it’s driving me insane. Are you gonna come, too, baby?”

One long, drawn out
Oh fuck
was all I got, but I knew. I watched them both, felt them both, heard them both. It was exquisite.

I wanted them to collapse on top of me, to be as close as we could all three be, but it just wasn’t practical. As I caught my breath, I watched Jay pull out from Noah and felt as Noah moved away from me, quickly disposing of his condom.


I took Noah’s offered hand, and while we were in the bathroom, we brushed our teeth, laughing and smiling at each other in the mirror. Instead of standing a decent distance apart, we were squished in close, some parts of our bodies almost always touching.

I placed my new toothbrush next to theirs in the holder and grinned at the way they looked. It wasn’t odd or out of place. It was green, pink, and orange; a vibrant mix, which described us perfectly.

Back in bed, I insisted on being in the middle, and we huddled under the warm comforter, touching and kissing in the dark. It was slow, practiced, intimate touching. We didn’t talk, we didn’t worry, we simply loved each other as we drifted to sleep.


In the morning, the boys were still asleep on either side of me. I couldn’t bring myself to move or leave them, not even for the lure of coffee, so I stayed where I was, one of my hands gently touching and gliding over their skin. Jay woke up first, turning over to face me and resting his head on my breasts. His tongue reached out and lapped at my nipple then his lips closed around it, sucking. I let out a low hiss when his teeth scraped gently and I stretched my legs out, my lower half aching with need. His hand splayed on my stomach, fingertips skimming the surface of my skin, his body curling into mine and partially covering me.

Noah roused, and his hands slid along my hips and body as if my skin was made of silk and it was the finest thing he’d ever touched. He was behind me, Jay in front of me, and his fingers explored between my legs, both of their bodies pressing against me.

“Relax, Liv,” Noah whispered against my earlobe. “I’m just touching you.”

I took a deep breath as he moved his hand to my outer thigh, pulling my legs apart and opening me up like a treasure chest. His hand guided my leg up and over his hips, and I breathed faster against Jay’s neck.

One of Jay’s hands joined Noah’s. My body moved and swayed with them, reaching higher as they played. I hadn’t heard the sound of a bottle, or considered the possibility of the act, when I felt Noah’s hand disappear, then return, coated with cool, slick liquid. Coating
with cool, slick liquid between my cheeks.

I did my best to not tense, to not worry, but failed miserably.

“Trust me, baby,” he said. His voice was hot and soothing against my ear and so full of love. “I promise I’m not going to hurt you. Just my fingers. I’m just going to use my fingers.”

Again, I took more deep breaths and did my best to relax as Jay distracted me. Noah kissed at the side of my neck, his hum vibrating against my skin. I repeated what he’d said in my head several times…just his fingers…and squirmed in anticipation of the idea. The tips of his fingers pressed, and I jolted out of instinct.

“Sorry,” I whispered. “I trust you, I was just surprised.”

Jay pressed his fingers flat against my clit as his lips met mine again. I leaned into him when he pulled back a little; he was working with Noah to help me relax, and to maybe change my angle to get better access. It was…kind of awkward.

As I worked to calm my mind, Noah circled his fingertips light as a feather then pressed again. I was too distracted by what they were doing to think about anything except the way they were teasing and pleasuring me. The more Noah’s fingers explored and opened me, the harder and faster Jay pressed.

“Oh God,” I breathed, clutching at Jay.

“Just feel,” he whispered. “Let us take care of you.”

BOOK: Something More
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