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Authors: M. Clarke

Something Wonderful (14 page)

BOOK: Something Wonderful
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myself was nice; I was slowly getting used to it. I was the one that was usually traveling to book conventions or not coming home for whatever reasons. Regardless, though I missed Jenna, the peace and quiet was appealing.

It was the first time I had spent Christmas alone, but I didn’t mind. We had celebrated the day before so it wasn’t a big deal that I was alone on Christmas day. Unable to sleep last night, I decided to watch “
It’s a Wonderful Life
.” They play this every single year and somehow, I ended up watching it every single year.

Leaning over to my nightstand, I looked at my phone; I had gotten texts from my friends, all wishing me a Merry Christmas. They must have sent them late last night. Though Christmas was over, I wished them all the same back.

I was just about to kick back in bed, when there was a knock at the door. Putting my robe on, I looked in the mirror and quickly fingered through my hair to look presentable. Oh well, it must be a delivery.

“Coming,” I yelled when I heard another knock, louder this time, so impatient! Looking through the peephole, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Knowing I would be looking, Matthew showed me all of his white teeth.

Opening the door half way and hiding behind it as much as I could, I tried to greet him without coming off rude. “Yes?”

“You’re still in bed,” he exclaimed, scouring his eyes over me. “I should’ve come earlier.”

“Max isn’t here. Earlier?”

“Open the door, Becca or I’ll let myself in. We have things to do. I know where Max is.” As Matthew took a step toward me, I had no choice but to back away.

“We?” I crossed my arms and stood next to my bedroom door while Matthew leaned against the dining table. “I don’t recall ‘we’ made any plans; and don’t you have to work?”

“When you work for yourself, you can set your own time. Kind of like you. Besides, we’re a little slow since it’s the day after Christmas, so we gave everyone the day off.”

“That’s nice,” I said sincerely, nodding my head, wondering why he’d come.

Matthew cleared his throat and did a once over on me with his eyes. “Are you going to stand there and undress for me or are you going to get some clothes on?” He curled his lips into a cocky smirk, and then sat on the chair.

What did he just say? “What?” I stammered. Since he kept making me flush with embarrassment from his comments and actions, I decided to return the favor. Not knowing how this would play out, I built up the courage and swayed my hips as I sashayed my way toward him. I pretended to be one of the characters I just read about. It was easier to be bold when role playing. “Maybe, I’ll undress for you,” I said in my most seductive tone.

Matthew looked completely surprised; his eyes growing wider with every step I took. My sexy stride toward him appeared to fill him with a look of passion. Still keeping my eyes locked onto his as my tongue sensually glided across my bottom lip, I pulled the tie allowing my robe to fall open slightly, but not all the way, as I stood in front of him.

Looking like I was ready to give him a lap dance, I lifted my legs one at a time to straddle him. Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, I let my hair fall on his face. When I heard an intake of breath from him, I imagined his dick inside me.

My mouth found the side of his neck, and brushed against it with a delicate stroke of my lips. He stiffened and his breath hitched when I moved my body, writhing as if he was inside me and I made the most pleasurable moaning sound. Holy shit! I was turning myself on.

“Becca, you don’t want to do that,” he snarled through his teeth with that low, gruff sound. He may have been right, but I was having too much fun. I didn’t want to stop just yet.

Taking a fistful of his hair with both of my hands, I turned his face to expose the side of his neck. I wanted him to think I was going to run my tongue there, but instead I nipped the tip of his ear and growled slowly, “Is this what you wanted? Do you want more or shall I stop?”

Recalling the incident in the kitchen when he pulled out the waterspout and talked dirty to me, I wanted to reciprocate. Before he could answer, I continued. “I’m going to ride you so hard and fast, your dick will melt in my pussy. I’ll be so wet for you, it will drive you crazy. You’ll be begging me for more or you’ll be begging me to stop. Your choice.”

Matthew let out a deep breath, but didn’t say a word. For the first time, he was speechless. His hands lifted, then dropped several times, seemingly fighting what he wanted to do. Before the teasing got out of hand, I pulled back and stood up, but I wasn’t finished just yet. Seductively, I let the robe slowly slide off, only to reveal a tank top and cotton shorts. I even had the words Victoria’s Secret written across my ass.

I could see the amusing, yet disappointed look in his eyes, but he let out a hearty laugh when I walked away from him. Looking over my shoulder, I watched as Matthew swept his hair back, released a heavy, sharp sigh, and glanced at me. His legs sprawled out in front, his arms dangled lazily, and he looked totally drained. I was pretty sure I just left him with a case of blue balls. Who was blushing now? Too bad, he didn’t know how much he turned me on and how much I wanted to continue what I was doing.

Even after my little performance, Matthew wanted to take me out, so I agreed. Seeing he was wearing a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, I knew it was a warm day so I dressed accordingly. After I changed, I went to the bathroom and quickly smeared sunscreen on my face, then brushed mascara on my eyelashes. Thank goodness, I didn’t need a lot of makeup to look decent. Now I just needed to brush my teeth. While I did, I heard footsteps inside my room.

“Hey,” I said, trying to convey my message with a mouth full of toothpaste.

“You’re taking too long,” he said with a mischievous grin.

“So wait in the living room,” I mumbled, taking my toothbrush out of mouth and pointed in that direction.

“I’ve waited in here before. I even laid on your bed,” he gestured, then threw himself on the mattress.

Shaking my head, I went back in to spit. Before he could snoop some more, I rushed out, only to find him holding up a pair of my panties. Oh my God! Intense heat rushed to my face. I had done laundry last night and somehow must have missed those.

“Give me that,” I ran over and tried to snatch it out of his hand, but Matthew was faster. He swung around to the other side.

“I found these next to your bed. How did you know G-string panties were my favorite?” Matthew swung them around with his index finger, biting on his lower lips.

“Give them back,” I said aloud, swinging my arm. Matthew raised his hand before I could get to the panties.

“Say pleeeeease.”

I stopped jumping and gave him an evil eye as I came up with a devious plan. I pushed him, and we ended up toppled on my bed. It would have been just him, but he pulled me down with him. “Matthew!” I screamed, and tried to release myself from his hold, but there was no escaping. He started to tickle me and my body wiggled and jerked as his fingers dug.

“Stop!” I laughed as we rolled around on the bed, but Matthew didn’t stop. “Please, stop.” I was laughing so hard that it hurt.

Suddenly he stopped and I found myself on top of him again. Not a word was spoken as we stared into each other’s eyes; our chests colliding with the rhythm of our heavy, fast breathing. There was something in his gaze that was difficult to define; an unspoken message of both surprise and confusion. When his eyes shifted to my lips, he dragged in a breath and released it ever so slowly, and a long, soft puff of air brushed against mine. That was all it took to have me spiraling out of control. I was on fire…burning…yearning
…needing him.

As the urge of wanting to open my mouth for him intensified, I closed my eyes and pulled away before I did something I would regret and the possibility of rejection crossed my mind.

“Are you going to take me out or what? I’m hungry,” I said pushing him off me. Standing up, I walked away, trying to cool off.

“Hold on,” he mumbled, still flat on the bed. His hand covered his face. “I need a minute.”

If he felt the same way as I did, then I knew why, and I couldn’t help feeling satisfied that I was the cause.

I asked.

Matthew glanced at me before shifting his eyes on the road ahead. His hands were on the steering wheel, but I could see his lips curled into a smirk. “I told you I would show you what fun meant.”

What was he talking about? I remembered him mentioning that during our encounter at Starbucks, but it had come out all flirty at the time. What was he up to?

“Why do you look so concerned?” Matthew gave a quick sideways glance again. “Don’t worry; I’m taking you to the Santa Monica pier.” He paused, grinning with a purpose, that smile that said ‘I’m going to tease you.’ “Oh wait a minute. You thought my idea of having fun was something kinky, didn’t you? Get your mind out of the gutter, Becca.”

“What?!” I stammered. “I…I wasn’t…I didn’t mean…stop putting words into my mouth,” I laughed out loud, but my mind was in the gutter with him. “Oh my god!” I started to smack his shoulder lightly.

“You’re so lucky I’m driving right now.” Matthew was laughing while he raised his hand to block me, then he grabbed a hold of my hand. He held it so tightly, I couldn’t let go. It actually felt nice to have my hand held that way, sending warmth and comfort to my core.

“You won,” I said, expecting he would let go if I surrendered.

“Okay,” he repeated, but kept my hand in his.

Stunned that he hadn’t let go, I looked at him. His expression was stoic and he remained silent. My decision? I let it be.

Feeling nervous that he was holding my hand that long, I looked out the window to distract myself. One of the best parts of living in Los Angeles was the weather. The sun always let you know it was there even during the winter. Today, it shone brightly, breaking through the puffy, thick, dreamy clouds. I hadn’t realized we were at our destination until Matthew finally let go of my hand.

After he parked the car, we got out, and walked side by side down the boardwalk. Since it was a Monday, it wasn’t as crowded as it would have been during the weekend. Though the weather was perfect, not too cold and not too hot. The cool breeze gave me the shivers.

“Are you hungry?” Matthew asked.

Skipping breakfast so I could sleep in, I was starving. “I could eat.”

“Good, me too. Feel like anything in particular?”

“I’m good with anything.”

Following Matthew, we walked into a restaurant I’d never tried before. We agreed to share a bucket full of steamed seafood and he ordered us each a beer. Casually looking around, I noted that people were eating with their fingers; there were no utensils. I’m glad I was observant or I would have felt like a dork asking for some. I also noticed everyone wearing plastic bibs.

After the waitress brought our food, we put the bibs on and dug in. Both of us reached in at the same time and our hands collided. “I was going to be a gentleman and put some on your plate,” he said. Reaching into the bucket, he did just as he’d said.

“Thank you,” I smiled, taking a bite of the delicious shrimp dipped in warm garlic-butter sauce.

“I’m going to assume that you’ve never been here before,” Matthew said in between chewing a small potato.

“How did you know?” My face turned red, though I had nothing to be embarrassed about.

“I didn’t. I guessed and you just answered,” he grinned. “So when do I get to meet your boyfriend? The one who gave you those puny flowers.”

The beer I was just about to swallow squirted out of my mouth like rain. Choking, I coughed and couldn’t stop. Shit! This was the second time I did this with him. How embarrassing!

Matthew swung around and started to pat my back. “Water, please,” he hollered. “Here, drink.”

After taking a few sips between coughing, I finally settled and Matthew sat back down. I had forgotten he thought I had a boyfriend. This really was just two friends having lunch together and there was nothing wrong with that. So why did I feel a twinge of disappointment?

“How long have you dated this guy?” Matthew started with his questions. I hoped he had forgotten, but he was persistent.

I was usually pretty good at making things up if I needed to, but with Matthew, I had a difficult time lying to his face. Not knowing what to do, I stalled as long as I could by taking my time peeling the shell of my crab. “Not that long,” I finally said, unable to make eye contact.

“I’m going to assume he’s okay with our friendship since you’re here.”

That made me look up. “Oh…yeah…sure.” That was a dumb thing to say, but I didn’t know how to answer.

“Here, let me. Looks like you’re having a hard time with that.”

I looked up again and saw Matthew’s fingers in front of my mouth. He had peeled the shell off his crab and offered to feed me. Without thinking, I opened my mouth and bit down on nothing but air. I glared at him as I heard him snicker.

“Sorry. I couldn’t help myself. Here.”

Slowly, I opened my mouth again and allowed Matthew to place the whole piece of crabmeat in. “Thanks,” I said, still chewing. It was not ladylike, but what did I care at this point? It was sweet of him to peel the rest of my crab for me.

BOOK: Something Wonderful
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