Read Something Wonderful Online

Authors: M. Clarke

Something Wonderful (18 page)

BOOK: Something Wonderful
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“Maybe you still got it, Becky, but we shall see. You look a little out of it there,” Aaron teased. “I can’t wait to get my kiss and—”

Aaron suddenly stopped talking, looking over me. Feeling the warm sensation on my arm, I turned to see the person who had put it there. Matthew’s smile gave me fluttering tingles in my stomach, which pissed me off.

“Do you mind? I’m having fun.” I nudged his hand off me.

Matthew glanced at the shot glasses, then back to me. At first, he narrowed his eyes at me disapprovingly, but then they became playful. “You like to do shots? You like to swallow?”

I twitched my brows. “Only ones that squirt in my mouth.” I could not believe I’d said that, and from the expression on his face, neither could Matthew. His eyes sparkled with amusement, trying not to give me a grin, letting me know how much he liked my answer. I just couldn’t help myself. A perverted question deserved a perverted answer.

Matthew swung my stool around. Putting his hands on my shoulders, he leaned into me, catching me by surprise. I thought he was going to kiss me, but he sniffed me instead. Looking squarely into my eyes he said, “I think you’ve had enough.”

I knew he was right, but he had no business telling me what to do. That pissed me off even more. “I’m fine. I can handle my liquor. And besides, I didn’t drive here, so I can get as drunk as I want,” I smirked. If he could hang out with a group of girls, then I could hang out with the guys.

“You came with Jenna. And if you didn’t drive, how were you planning to get home?” Matthew looked concerned.

“That’s none of your business. Why don’t you go back to your group of friends?” I sounded angry, like a jealous girlfriend, but I couldn’t help it and the fact that I was feeling buzzed gave me the courage to do so. I could always use that as an excuse.

Matthew gave me a sideways glance, looked over my head, and curled his lips into a satisfying grin. What was he thinking? “You had a clear view of me. You were jealous?!”

“I was not,” I stammered. “What are you talking about?” Before he could get me to admit it, I got off the stool and grabbed Aaron by his shirt. “Come on, Aaron, I owe you a dance.”

Aaron was more than pleased to follow me to the dance floor. When we got there, I didn’t even bother to look where Matthew went. Feeling the bass pumping through my chest, I shook my hips. Aaron’s arms were all over my back and he gave me no room to breathe. Body against body, I raised my hand as he bumped and grinded against me. I even let him put his hands on my ass. We were practically having sex on the dance floor but with our clothes on. Next thing I knew, Aaron was off me and someone was dragging me away.

“What the hell, Matthew!” I yelled.

“What would your boyfriend say?” He clenched his jaw and his eyes pierced into mine with anger. “And where the hell is he?”

I laughed out loud. I had forgotten about my fake boyfriend. Was that the reason why he was ignoring me? He thought my boyfriend would eventually show up.

“What’s so funny?” he demanded to know. He was mad. I had never seen him like this before.

“Nothing,” I shook my head.

“Your friends are looking for you. Max texted me several times. I’m taking you back to the table now.”

Leaving Aaron behind, I saw that he had already given up on me and moved on to the next girl. Aaron and I dated in college. After a few dates, I knew he was not only a chick magnet, but he would eventually break my heart. I told him I thought we should just be friends. That was one wise decision.

Matthew was behind me as we climbed the stairs. Sure enough, the gang had gathered off to the side.

“Where have you been?” Jenna pulled me next to her. “It’s almost midnight.”

Shit! I’d almost forgotten why we were here in the first place. Not letting me answer, Jenna asked another.

“Are you buzzed?”

“Sort of,” I smiled, placing my head on her shoulder.

“Are you having fun?”

Before I could answer, Nicole placed one of the dunce hats on my head and gave me a small blow horn. “Cute,” I said.

“You’re welcome. New Year’s Eve would not be the same without them.” One by one, Nicole handed two things to everyone. When she got to Matthew, I was surprised he’d put the hat on his head. He looked so adorable that it took every ounce of strength to stop me from smiling.

In fact, he looked damn hot tonight. With black trousers and a dark gray dress shirt that fit perfectly across his muscular chest, he looked dashing and edible. I couldn’t stop thinking about how aroused I felt when I pretended to give him a lap dance.

Matthew was glaring at me. He was still upset about something, but I didn’t care. Kate and Keith passed out wine glasses filled with champagne. Then everyone in the building started counting down…10…9…8…7…6…we started counting too as we surrounded each other.

“3…2…1 Happy New Year!” we all shouted. My friends each had someone to kiss, except for me. Looking at my glass, I swallowed it with one gulp. When I felt a hard body brushing up against mine, I automatically knew it was Matthew. That simple touch produced all sorts of tingles I didn’t want to feel, and I was drowning into him, unable to come up for air.

“Happy New Year, Becca,” he whispered in my ear, holding me longer than I had expected. Pulling back slightly, he pressed his warm lips to my cheek. I got a taste of what was going to keep me up tonight, thinking about that one tender kiss; it didn’t feel like a friend-to-friend kiss. Breathing him in, I didn’t want him to let go, but I had no choice. Jenna grabbed the two of us just before I could gather my willpower and push him off me.

After we all made our rounds of hugs, Kate and Keith headed home. Shortly after, Nicole and Craig took off, too. I knew the look when Jenna pouted as she gazed my way.

“Sorry, but Max wants to leave. He offered to take you home, but Matthew volunteered. At least we know you’ll be in good hands.”

“He did what?” I sneered, but then quickly calmed down when Jenna looked bewildered. “I can ask my friend Aaron.” Glancing toward Matthew, it looked like he was having an intense conversation with Max.

“Aaron from college? Aaron West?”

I shrugged my shoulders, looking guilty. I could recall how much Jenna loathed him.

“He’s just a friend.”

“I think it’s better if Matthew takes you home, but I trust you to make the right decision. I can’t tell how buzzed you are. You can discuss this with Matthew. He was pretty adamant about taking you home. By the way, when did you start getting along so well?”

“Long story. You should get going. Looks like Max is either upset or tired.”

“Okay, but please text me when you get home.” Jenna and I exchanged hugs. Without wasting any time, Matthew came up to me, letting me know he was going to take me home, but I had other plans.

get my coat from the coat check and I would meet him out front after I took care of business in the restroom. Knowing my alcohol tolerance, I only drank a little, but it was enough for me to want to go. Thankfully, the line was short.

I had made a mental note to go on the pill after the unprotected sex in the shower. It was something we couldn’t do again. Getting pregnant was the last thing I wanted, especially since I knew I wasn’t ready to be a mom. Knowing my period was going to start soon, I wore a thin liner. When I saw I started spotting, I was beyond relieved. At least I didn’t have to hold my breath in anticipation any longer. I wasn’t worried about it…too much. I was almost positive I hadn’t been ovulating, but I was a couple of days late. I was scared.

After a quick glance at myself in the mirror to make sure I looked presentable, I headed out the door when someone tapped me from behind.

“Excuse me, are you Jenna?”

She looked very familiar: tall, blonde and beautiful. Her dress was very revealing and the color of it reminded me of…yes…she was the rude woman that had bumped into me earlier, but there was something else. One of the models I had seen at the New York Fashion Show, perhaps?

Peering up, I smiled and nodded. “Yes, I’m Jenna. Can I help you?”

Her expression changed to something I had not expected. Her stoic face became aggressive and she leaned into me like a bully. “If I were you, I would leave Max right now before things get ugly. He’ll eventually run back to me. He always did. Just fair warning, we don’t want your precious heart to get broken again.”

My pulse shot up as I stood frozen, not believing what I was hearing. Not believing that I had run into Crystal again. I only had a quick glance of her that time I saw her at Max’s penthouse, but how could I have forgotten that face? Knowing the right thing to do was to walk out, I started heading toward the exit when she spoke again.

“Max didn’t tell you, did he?”

That caught my attention. “Tell me what?” My tone was hostile now, as anger and curiosity boiled inside me. I told myself I should walk away, that I shouldn’t listen to her nonsense, but I couldn’t help myself.

“We’re getting back together. He’s just trying to find the right time to let you go. I suggest you break up with him first. That way it will be easier for him. I see what he saw in you…sweet and innocent, but you were just a shiny new toy he wanted to play with. But now, he’s bored with you.”

All of a sudden, I was back at the penthouse when I first saw her and the hurtful words she had said. Even the break room conversation popped up, ‘what do you think will happen,’ and all sorts of thoughts fluttered my mind. I had to speak to Max.

“Excuse me. I have to go,” I said and turned. Why was I being polite?

Before I could leave, she grabbed my arm. “He’s not satisfied. No one can satisfy Max the way I do. You’ll see. Run while you can.”

I’m not the violent type but I wanted to slap her face to get her off me. Yanking my arm free, I swiftly walked out of there. With every step toward Max, my heart pounded harder and faster against my chest. With every step, my anger grew. I had my suspicions ever since the lunchroom encounter, but I dismissed it, thinking it was just rumors, but now I knew for sure he was hiding something from me.

“Jenna.” Someone grabbed my arm, pulling me to the side of the bar. I thought it was Max. “How have you been? You look great?”

“Ethan? I’m great. How about you? You haven’t changed a bit.” Ethan was a college friend. He was one of the first friends I had met. Our friendship took a turn when he wanted more from me. It had been a while since I last saw him. Though he looked like he hadn’t aged much, he plumped up a bit, and looked like he was losing some hair.

“What are you up to?” he asked, wrapping his arms around another woman.

That was a relief. He wasn’t going to hit on me. “I’m working for
Knight Fashion Magazine

His eyes grew wide. “Really. I used to work for their competitor, Rave. This is my wife, Kim.”

“Hello, Kim. It’s nice to meet you.” We shook hands. She had a pretty smile. “Ethan is a lucky man.”

Kim smiled. “We’re both lucky to have each other. It wasn’t all smooth at the beginning, but we pulled through.”

Okay, I sure didn’t need to know THAT much information, but whatever the problem was, I was happy for them. “Ethan. I need to go find someone.”

“Wait. Don’t tell me you’re the Jenna dating Maxwell Knight?”

“How did you know?”

He stood silent with a blank stare for a moment. I began to worry. Then Ethan flashed me a short grin. “He was my nemesis,” he chuckled lightly. “Let’s have lunch when you get a chance. Here’s my business card.”

“Thanks.” I retrieved the card from his hand. “That would be great. It was nice meeting you Kim. Hope to see you at lunch too someday.” With that, I took off again, heading straight for the front exit.

“Thank you,” I said to the bouncer who politely opened the door for me. I didn’t even look at him as I rushed out. Hugging my shawl from this dreadful cold, I shivered as I looked for Max.

Strangely, there were tons of people out here. What were they doing? My answer came when a bunch of lights started flashing before my eyes, blinding me. The clicking sound was a sure sign they were taking pictures. This had to be a case of mistaken identity. They must have thought that I was someone else, but when I heard my name, and all the questions thrown at me at once, I became immobilized.

“Miss Mefferd, what do you think about the lawsuit?” one shouted.

“How do you feel about Max’s past?”

“Were you the reason Max broke up with Crystal?”

Backing up with my eyes covered, trying to get back into the club, I shouted for Max. When I heard the blasting sound of the music, I knew the door had swung open.

“Jenna!” Max called.

More flashes and questions drowned out whatever he had said. “Get the fuck away from her!” Max yelled. He said it several more times before he was able to get to me. Covering me with his body, we went back into the club. He told the bouncer not to let any of them in. Then he tipped the other bouncers nearby, asking them to escort us out to the car.

Max continued to hold me as we followed behind them. As we weaved through the crowds, I looked for Becky, but I couldn’t find her. Perhaps Matthew had taken her home, but it was hard to find anyone when we were moving fast and away from the massive crowd.

BOOK: Something Wonderful
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