Sons and Lovers (Barnes & Noble Classics Series) (38 page)

BOOK: Sons and Lovers (Barnes & Noble Classics Series)
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“Isn’t it beautiful?” she pleaded.
But he only scowled. He would rather have had it ugly just then.
At that moment a big bull-terrier came rushing up, open-mouthed, pranced his two paws on the youth’s shoulders, licking his face. Paul drew back, laughing. Bill was a great relief to him. He pushed the dog aside, but it came leaping back.
“Get out,” said the lad, “or I’ll dot
thee one.”
But the dog was not to be pushed away. So Paul had a little battle with the creature, pitching poor Bill away from him, who, however, only floundered tumultuously back again, wild with joy. The two fought together, the man laughing grudgingly, the dog grinning all over. Miriam watched them. There was something pathetic about the man. He wanted so badly to love, to be tender. The rough way he bowled the dog over was really loving. Bill got up, panting with happiness, his brown eyes rolling in his white face, and lumbered back again. He adored Paul. The lad frowned.
“Bill, I’ve had enough o’ thee,” he said.
But the dog only stood with two heavy paws, that quivered with love, upon his thigh, and flickered a red tongue at him. He drew back.
“No,” he said—“no—I’ve had enough.”
And in a minute the dog trotted off happily, to vary the fun.
He remained staring miserably across at the hills, whose still beauty he begrudged. He wanted to go and cycle with Edgar. Yet he had not the courage to leave Miriam.
“Why are you sad?” she asked humbly.
“I’m not sad; why should I be,” he answered. “I’m only normal.”
She wondered why he always claimed to be normal when he was disagreeable.
“But what is the matter?” she pleaded, coaxing him soothingly.
“Nay!” she murmured.
He picked up a stick and began to stab the earth with it.
“You’d far better not talk,” he said.
“But I wish to know—” she replied.
He laughed resentfully.
“You always do,” he said.
“It’s not fair to me,” she murmured.
He thrust, thrust, thrust at the ground with the pointed stick, digging up little clods of earth as if he were in a fever of irritation. She gently and firmly laid her hand on his wrist.
“Don’t!” she said. “Put it away.”
He flung the stick into the currant-bushes, and leaned back. Now he was bottled up.
“What is it?” she pleaded softly.
He lay perfectly still, only his eyes alive, and they full of torment.
“You know,” he said at length, rather wearily—“you know—we’d better break off.”
It was what she dreaded. Swiftly everything seemed to darken before her eyes.
“Why!” she murmured. “What has happened?”
“Nothing has happened. We only realise where we are. It’s no good—”
She waited in silence, sadly, patiently. It was no good being impatient with him. At any rate, he would tell her now what ailed him.
“We agreed on friendship,” he went on in a dull, monotonous voice. “How often
we agreed for friendship! And yet—it neither stops there, nor gets anywhere else.”
He was silent again. She brooded. What did he mean? He was so wearying. There was something he would not yield. Yet she must be patient with him.
“I can only give friendship—its all I’m capable of—its a flaw in my make-up. The thing overbalances to one side—I hate a toppling balance. Let us have done.”
There was warmth of fury in his last phrases. He meant she loved him more than he her. Perhaps he could not love her. Perhaps she had not in herself that which he wanted. It was the deepest motive of her soul, this self-mistrust. It was so deep she dared neither realise nor acknowledge. Perhaps she was deficient. Like an infinitely-subtle shame, it kept her always back. If it were so, she would do without him. She would never let herself want him. She would merely see.
“But what has happened?” she said.
“Nothing—it’s all in myself—it only comes out just now. We’re always like this towards Easter-time.”
He grovelled so helplessly, she pitied him. At least she never floundered in such a pitiable way. After all, it was he who was chiefly humiliated.
“What do you want?” she asked him.
“Why—I mustn’t come often—that’s all. Why should I monopolise you when I’m not—You see, I’m deficient in something with regard to you—”
He was telling her he did not love her, and so ought to leave her a chance with another man. How foolish and blind and shamefully clumsy he was! What were other men to her! What were men to her at all! But he, ah! she loved his soul. Was he deficient in something? Perhaps he was.
“But I don’t understand,” she said huskily. “Yesterday—”
The night was turning jangled and hateful to him as the twilight faded. And she bowed under her suffering.
“I know,” he cried, “you never will! You’ll never believe that I can’t-can’t physically, any more than I can fly up like a skylark—”
“What?” she murmured. Now she dreaded.
“Love you.”
He hated her bitterly at that moment because he made her suffer. Love her! She knew he loved her. He really belonged to her. This about not loving her, physically, bodily, was a mere perversity on his part, because he knew she loved him. He was stupid like a child. He belonged to her. His soul wanted her. She guessed somebody had been influencing him. She felt upon him the hardness, the foreign-ness of another influence.
“What have they been saying at home?” she asked.
“It’s not that,” he answered.
And then she knew it was. She despised them for their commonness, his people. They did not know what things were really worth.
He and she talked very little more that night. After all he left her to cycle with Edgar.
He had come back to his mother. Hers was the strongest tie in his life. When he thought round, Miriam shrank away. There was a vague, unreal feel about her. And nobody else mattered. There was one place in the world that stood solid and did not melt into unreality : the place where his mother was. Everybody else could grow shadowy, almost non-existent to him, but she could not. It was as if the pivot and pole of his life, from which he could not escape, was his mother.
And in the same way she waited for him. In him was established her life now. After all, the life beyond offered very little to Mrs. Morel. She saw that our chance for
is here, and
counted with her. Paul was going to prove that she had been right; he was going to make a man whom nothing should shift off his feet; he was going to alter the face of the earth in some way which mattered. Wherever he went she felt her soul went with him. Whatever he did she felt her soul stood by him, ready, as it were, to hand him his tools. She could not bear it when he was with Miriam. William was dead. She would fight to keep Paul.
And he came back to her. And in his soul was a feeling of the satisfaction of self-sacrifice because he was faithful to her. She loved him first; he loved her first. And yet it was not enough. His new young life, so strong and imperious, was urged towards something else. It made him mad with restlessness. She saw this, and wished bitterly that Miriam had been a woman who could take this new life of his, and leave her the roots. He fought against his mother almost as he fought against Miriam.
It was a week before he went again to Willey Farm. Miriam had suffered a great deal, and was afraid to see him again. Was she now to endure the ignominy of his abandoning her? That would only be superficial and temporary. He would come back. She held the keys to his soul. But meanwhile, how he would torture her with his battle against her. She shrank from it.
However, the Sunday after Easter he came to tea. Mrs. Leivers was glad to see him. She gathered something was fretting him, that he found things hard. He seemed to drift to her for comfort. And she was good to him. She did him that great kindness of treating him almost with reverence.
He met her with the young children in the front garden.
“I’m glad you’ve come,” said the mother, looking at him with her great appealing brown eyes. “It is such a sunny day. I was just going down the fields for the first time this year.”
He felt she would like him to come. That soothed him. They went, talking simply, he gentle and humble. He could have wept with gratitude that she was deferential to him. He was feeling humiliated.
At the bottom of the Mow Close they found a thrush’s nest.
“Shall I show you the eggs?” he said.
“Do!” replied Mrs. Leivers. “They seem
a sign of spring, and so hopeful.”
He put aside the thorns, and took out the eggs, holding them in the palm of his hand.
“They are quite hot—I think we frightened her off them,” he said.
“Ay, poor thing!” said Mrs. Leivers.
Miriam could not help touching the eggs, and his hand which, it seemed to her, cradled them so well.
“Isn’t it a strange warmth!” she murmured, to get near him.
“Blood heat,” he answered.
She watched him putting them back, his body pressed against the hedge, his arm reaching slowly through the thorns, his hand folded carefully over the eggs. He was concentrated on the act. Seeing him so, she loved him; he seemed so simple and sufficient to himself. And she could not get to him.
After tea she stood hesitating at the bookshelf He took “Tartarin de Tarascon.”
Again they sat on the bank of hay at the foot of the stack. He read a couple of pages, but without any heart for it. Again the dog came racing up to repeat the fun of the other day. He shoved his muzzle in the man’s chest. Paul fingered his ear for a moment. Then he pushed him away.
“Go away, Bill,” he said. “I don’t want you.”
Bill slunk off, and Miriam wondered and dreaded what was coming. There was a silence about the youth that made her still with apprehension. It was not his furies, but his quiet resolutions that she feared.
Turning his face a little to one side, so that she could not see him, he began, speaking slowly and painfully:
“Do you think—if I didn’t come up so much—you might get to like somebody else—another man?”
So this was what he was still harping on.
“But I don’t know any other men. Why do you ask?” she replied, in a low tone that should have been a reproach to him.
“Why,” he blurted, “because they say I’ve no right to come up like this—without we mean to marry—”
Miriam was indignant at anybody’s forcing the issues between them. She had been furious with her own father for suggesting to Paul, laughingly, that he knew why he came so much.
“Who says?” she asked, wondering if her people had anything to do with it. They had not.
“Mother—and the others. They say at this rate everybody will consider me engaged, and I ought to consider myself so, because it’s not fair to you. And I’ve tried to find out—and I don’t think I love you as a man ought to love his wife. What do
think about it?”
Miriam bowed her head moodily. She was angry at having this struggle. People should leave him and her alone.
“I don’t know,” she murmured.
“Do you think we love each other enough to marry?” he asked definitely. It made her tremble.
“No,” she answered truthfully. “I don’t think so—were too young.”
“I thought perhaps,” he went on miserably, “that you, with your intensity in things, might have given me more—than I could ever make up to you. And even now—if you think it better—we’ll be engaged.”
Now Miriam wanted to cry. And she was angry, too. He was always such a child for people to do as they liked with.
“No, I don’t think so,” she said firmly.
He pondered a minute.
“You see,” he said, “with me—I don’t think one person would ever monopolize me—be everything to me—I think never.”
This she did not consider.
“No,” she murmured. Then, after a pause, she looked at him, and her dark eyes flashed.
“This is your mother,” she said. “I know she never liked me.”
“No, no, it isn’t,” he said hastily. “It was for your sake she spoke this time. She only said, if I was going on, I ought to consider myself engaged.” There was a silence. “And if I ask you to come down any time, you won’t stop away, will you?”
She did not answer. By this time she was very angry.
“Well, what shall we do?” she said shortly. “I suppose I’d better drop French. I was just beginning to get on with it. But I suppose I can go on alone.”
“I don’t see that we need,” he said. “I can give you a French lesson, surely.”
“Well—and there are Sunday nights. I shan’t stop coming to chapel, because I enjoy it, and it’s all the social life I get. But you’ve no need to come home with me. I can go alone.”
“All right,” he answered, rather taken aback. “But if I ask Edgar, he’ll always come with us, and then they can say nothing.”
There was silence. After all, then, she would not lose much. For all their talk down at his home there would not be much difference. She wished they would mind their own business.
“And you won’t think about it, and let it trouble you, will you?” he asked.
“Oh no,” replied Miriam, without looking at him.
He was silent. She thought him unstable. He had no fixity of purpose, no anchor of righteousness that held him.
“Because,” he continued, “a man gets across his bicycle—and goes to work—and does all sorts of things. But a woman broods.”
“No, I shan’t bother,” said Miriam. And she meant it.
It had gone rather chilly. They went indoors.
“How white Paul looks!” Mrs. Leivers exclaimed. “Miriam, you shouldn’t have let him sit out of doors. Do you think you’ve taken cold, Paul?”
“Oh, no!” he laughed.
But he felt done up. It wore him out, the conflict in himself. Miriam pitied him now. But quite early, before nine o’clock, he rose to go.

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